The Law of The Dead

Chapter 146: The price of terror


Things in the world are always so unexpected like cold jokes full of cunning wisdom.

After the captain and Ashin whispered a few words, Ashin really, as the captain said, immediately begged the captain to take it away with great anxiety.

After receiving Ashin’s plea, the captain beckoned everyone with a black-bellied smile: "Then, let’s say goodbye! I hope that all the dear people who executed the law, forgive me for trespassing today. Rude behavior! If anyone wants to be on the same title as Faeu, he will definitely get a 50% discount!"

After that, as if afraid of being blocked, Fae's same ship shimmered, and the captain and Ashin disappeared from everyone's eyes.

This black belly! Can't say it, can't fight, no one can catch after sailing...

The participants were helpless even though they gritted their teeth with the unhindered heart of conviction.

A senator asked: "Host, is it really okay to let him take Ashin like this?"

Granny Tangni said: "Looking at the captain’s intentions, he seems to have no malice towards Ashin, so let him go for the time being! Moreover, even now, the Alliance has many colleagues who are fighting for life and death, Ashin’s. The suspicion of betrayal has long since been cleared, so you don't have to invest too much energy on him alone."

One participant was puzzled: "Weird! What did the black belly say to Ashin? It makes Ashin who treats him like a snake and scorpion like a sudden change of person, but asks him to take him away? "

Granny Tangni smiled and said: "Because this captain definitely has certain information that Ashin cannot refuse, with this person's temperament that he will never take action when he sees no benefits, it seems that he must have set something on Ashin this time. Some... Zhou's conspiracy that can make him get huge benefits. So come here to take Ashin away, which is his real goal! Besides, only the captain knows where the spirit needle is, and he refuses to tell anyone else. Reveal the location. So, no matter how reluctant we are, Ashin will definitely be taken away by him in the end!"

"Damn it!" A senator smashed the desk: "This guy can come and leave as long as he wants! Even the Drooping Head Doctor and the Prince of Persia... come out... face... protect..." His expression slowly changed from anger. Become sluggish: "Ah?! Why are they missing?"

At this time, everyone discovered that when everyone was attracted by the same name as Faeu, the doctor and the prince did not know when they disappeared from the heart of conviction!

The hoarse voice suddenly said: "They, have boarded the same ship as Faeu! Since they are both here, you don't have to worry about Ashin's safety!"

Granny Tang Ni's eyes turned slightly upwards, looking at the shadow swaying with the firelight in the heart of the conviction: "Our first wise man...presumably has already guessed the other party's true intentions?"

The hoarse voice replied, "Host, have you already seen the clue?"

Granny Tangni pondered: "It's just a clue, so I want to hear the most authoritative analysis of you, the first wise man in the league."

The hoarse voice said: "First of all, the host has speculated that the captain has mastered something that Ashin cannot refuse. If one cannot refuse something, then that thing is naturally the person's most concerned heart. Matter. So, what the host thinks, Ashin, what will be most concerned about in this world?"

"Axin is most concerned about..." Granny Tang Ni closed her eyes: "My mentor is right beside him...he has no lover...for it a friend? Ah!" She suddenly opened her eyes in panic: " If it is such a terrible thing, our conviction alliance must respond!"

The hoarse voice said: "The other party, the position is special! The alliance, it is not suitable for large-scale operations for the time being! The doctor and the prince, presumably have also noticed that the situation is serious, so they will be on the same name as Faeu together! Don't worry, wait for the news they send back!"

Granny Tangni rubbed her temples: "Oh... thinking is four times slower, it seems that my old body and bones... it's time to retire!" She knocked on the hammer: "My colleagues, the burn trial is over. Please take Lin Hongyi into custody for interrogation immediately, and immediately follow the doctor's vision to arrange all matters concerning the expansion of the conviction sacred inflammation!"

The participants said in unison, "The host does not have to worry about it! We will work together to complete the establishment of the business!"

When the hoarse voice spoke for the first time, the vision that had appeared in the heart of conviction appeared again. The shadow in the heart of the condemned, surging like a life, left the scene of the burnt trial.

After that, everyone felt that their vision was suddenly brightened, because the shadows that had been shrouded here before have quietly left here with their owner...

Now, turn his attention to the interior of the same ship as Faeu.

In the gold-cut Babylon brazier, the rare salamanders were biting and playing with each other. The ghost parrot with its plumage upside-down was hiding on the large chandelier, and stared at the doctor who was looking at him maliciously with fearful eyes.

The prince walked to the two Senhan long swords originally belonging to the second general. The mirror-like smooth and hazy blade reflected his vague face, and the green eyes were filled with marvelous light, which seemed to be Carefully evaluate a certain standard that he has judged wrong.

The captain, on the other hand, was sitting behind his Florentine mahogany square table. The constantly changing cursor on the map made his black smile even more unfathomable. The muscles under the purple and gold embroidered robe were slightly The movements show different forms of masculine beauty.

Who would have thought that such a perfect man would be the highest peak of the black belly world that caused countless people to grit their teeth

The captain seemed to be evaluating the rare handicrafts he had just started, squinting his sly eyes, and looking at Asin who was standing in front of him with a worried expression on his face.

Ashin was rubbing his hands in a hurry. Even in such a comfortable and warm environment, he had no intention of supplementing quality sleep.

"The owner of these two knives... is the second general?" The prince turned around and put forward his guess to the captain.

"Exactly!" The captain said proudly, holding his chin, "The cost of the second general's boarding on the same ship was the two super destructive'Slashing Fate', and his half-strength 'Gong body'. Oh, speaking of this business, it is really a bargain! At that time, I was so excited that I didn't sleep for two days and one night. Even if I mention it now, I feel refreshed! Hahahaha!" He was very satisfied with the benefits of this business with the second general.

The doctor withdrew his bloodthirsty cock-like gaze from the ghost parrot, raised his eyebrows and squinted and asked: "How is it? You and him have passed. If he also had this half of the power at that time, then Plus these two passionate pig knives?"

The prince carefully assessed and said, "It's hard to say!"

The captain showed a standard businessman smile. He clasped his hands tightly together, and then smiled and asked, "Should those few... come to talk about the cost of this boat ride? The demon crusaders can come to the law. Ertong, this is a business that hasn't been encountered in a long time!" It seems that he is planning to make a fortune from the doctor and the prince.

The doctor’s forehead was suddenly exposed, and he squeezed his fist and grinned and said, "Huh? Are you awake? Have you managed to do business on our heads? After all these years of friendship, I didn’t expect you to be embarrassed to talk to us. Two old brothers are talking about money? You are such a passionate marketer!"

The captain did not feel any embarrassment in the face of the doctor's accusation. He still maintained a perfect smile: "Enthusiastic merchant? What a new name! Thank you for your praise, and please understand. After all, Faith The account also needs operating costs, so in the future, it is the brothers who will settle the accounts."

The prince suddenly asked: "Do you really want the price?"

A greedy light flashed in the captain's eyes, and he nodded quickly: "Of course! The prince is still so quick! Since everyone has been in friendship for so many years, it is better to give a few people a 20% discount..."

The prince suddenly interrupted the captain and asked: "A piece of magic silver! Is it enough?"

The captain seemed to be frozen, and it took a long time before he blinked his eyes: "A piece of magic silver...that's great! Such precious magic really want to..."


Before the captain finished speaking, the prince suddenly shook his arm and rolled the magic silver coffin onto the square table.

When the magic silver coffin fell on the square table, the lid of the coffin suddenly flopped, revealing hair-like gaps...

"Crack quack!"

Perhaps the instincts of magical creatures are more sensitive. The salamander, which can emit high temperatures, shivered and screamed like it was about to freeze to death. The ghost parrot suddenly uttered a piercing horror cry, and started flying around in the captain's room without thinking as if it were about to commit suicide!

And the mysterious magic silver coffin that the prince always carried with him, the light that radiated from it was a color that Ashin had never seen in this world...

There was a low roar of rage from the magic silver coffin, as if something extremely dangerous was awakening from the ancient sleep, the magical energy of that self-different world was so frightening that it would immediately lose its sanity!

Axin involuntarily jumped back, the breath made him feel as if he was being crushed by a huge mountain, and the bones of his whole body were suffering tremendously. The instinct that made Ah's head jumped wildly told him: No matter what is sealed there, it must not be released into this world!

The captain overturned his chair and retreated to the corner, with an expression of horror that he wanted to cry: "King, prince! Hurry up and seal it! Otherwise everyone will die here!"

The prince said coldly: "The magic silver coffin is the price! You accept it!"

The captain begged the prince with dumbfounded laughter and crying: "Oh, prince! I am just joking! Everyone is such a good brother, how can I charge you for it? Don't be angry, quickly, seal it up! Otherwise! We really want—wow!" He suddenly screamed and ran away from the magic silver coffin! (End of this chapter)