The Law of The Dead

Chapter 148: Sad and cruel transaction


After the captain calmed the doctor like a bear kid, his expression became a little serious: "The reason why Li Mengyu called the highest level of combat power the Heavenly Convict is because that... The target of the crusade... is a god!"

The three people from the Conviction Alliance were shocked again by the captain's words!

Actually would go to crusade against a superior god? !

This is simply unheard of!

The captain glanced at the expressions of the three prisoners, and said with a chuckle: "It's no wonder that the three are so surprised, but the truth is as I said below! Even gods can sin! This...from ancient Greece. It’s the clearest below! Therefore, after that terrible crusade, the rank name of Heavenly Sentencer appeared. In the heavens and the world, as long as the sinners are committed, even the gods must swear to kill them. Break!"

Ashin couldn't help asking, "Then... what happened later? What does this have to do with the ghostly black market?"

The captain let out a long sigh of regret: "Oh... that terrible crusade came to the end. Except for Li Mengyu, he succeeded at the cost of all the convicted alliance members. But... the opponent is so powerful that our frogs at the bottom of the well cannot imagine. The god. Before being killed by Li Mengyu, that god exhausted his last remaining energy to impose a vicious and terrifying curse on the Crime Alliance!"

The prince and the doctor looked at each other, and they all clearly saw the darkness and anxiety in each other's eyes.

The story the captain is telling now can definitely be called the "secret history" of the Conviction Alliance.

Curse, the magic of this system was originally a very vicious thing. From the body to the soul, even fate can be the target of the curse.

If the curse is applied and it is not destroyed in time, then no matter if it is a single person, a large family, even people who have been reincarnated several times after being cursed, they will definitely not be able to escape the curse. doom.

The strength of the curse depends on the obsession, hatred, and strength of the caster himself.

If the curse was imposed, even a god...

I can hardly imagine what a terrible fate awaits Li Mengyu!

The captain telling this ancient story, his gentle voice sounded a little vicissitudes now: "The god's intention to impose a curse is terrible. He did not directly impose a simple curse such as'death' or'eternal suffering' on Li Mengyu. Instead, he did not directly impose a simple curse on Li Mengyu. He cursed the entire Conviction Alliance very viciously. He cursed the Conviction Alliance that “can never grow and be passed on.” And that terrible curse immediately began to exert its strength. From that time on, all the members of the Conviction Alliance were very much after joining. In a short period of time, he will die for various reasons. What a hero Li Mengyu is, but he doesn't want to end up in the bleak end of his companions in order to maintain justice! Alas...this is really embarrassing!"

Ashin couldn't believe his ears. It turned out that the Conviction League still had such an unknowable secret history.

He swallowed his saliva and asked: "However, our conviction alliance is also a pivotal and powerful organization in the entire spiritual world! Did the founder find any way to break even the curse of the gods?"

The captain smiled meaningfully: "What did you say before going down? The ghost black market...played a very important role in the establishment of the Conviction Alliance!"

Ashin felt the capillaries all over his body throbbing: "Could it be that... the transaction between the founder and the ghost black market is that the god ghost black market broke the curse imposed by the gods on the conviction alliance?"

The captain shook his index finger: "Not only that... Through the crusade that caused the Conviction Alliance to destroy once at the beginning of its establishment, Li Mengyu clearly saw the destiny that the Conviction Alliance was about to face. This has never been supernatural. The types of organizations that have appeared in the history of the world, whether it is the selection of members, the huge financial resources that support the operation of the alliance, and the risk of offending many forces at any time. So Li Mengyu knew very well that it was almost annihilated just after it was established. What will happen in the future? Will the Conviction Alliance, which is the enemy of all kinds of evil forces, encounter the same terrifying enemies and predicaments as today? He understands that the Conviction Alliance will never be a smooth road in the future. Therefore, Li Mengyu had no choice but to make a deal with the ghost black market that he hated most and wanted to get rid of at the time in order to convict the Alliance's heritage!

The prince and the doctor shook their eyebrows: "What deal?!"

The captain changed his posture: "The gods and ghosts black market was auctioning a very special product. The forces in the spiritual world once fought for this item. The masters of the gods and ghosts black market saw through Li Mengyu's back then. State of mind, so he seized the opportunity to introduce this product to Li Mengyu. And this product was exactly what Li Mengyu desired at the time."

Ashin opened his mouth wide: "Something that can trigger a battle? And it's the thing that the founder desires most? What is that? Is the Seraph's holy sword?"

The captain smiled and said, "How could Li Mengyu desire that kind of thing?" He took a deep breath: "At that time, the black market of gods and ghosts would be able to bless a country and sell to Li Mengyu the "fortune" that would be able to bless a country forever! "

Both the doctor and the prince’s temples jumped fiercely at the same time: "The fortune of eternal prosperity?! That's how it is!"

Axin screamed and jumped up: "What?! Even things like fortune can be bought and sold?!" He slammed his head against the chandelier, stopped on it, inserted his head into the wings, and the ghost who had just fallen asleep. The parrot was so scared that it "quacked" and barked.

The captain snorted: "Otherwise, how could it be called a ghostly black market~~?"

"Then..." Ashin tried to digest the astounding secret history that the captain had told, and then asked with some anguish: " much did the founder spend at that time?"

The captain made a "nothing" gesture with both hands and said, "I haven't taken any money!"

"Huh?! You don't have to pay a penny?!" Ashin cried again and jumped up, but this time, the prince reached out and pulled him back before Ashin's head was smashed.

The captain's smile became a little cold: "But he has paid more... how do you say? It should be that Li Mengyu hated him who had decided to accept the deal for the rest of his life... felt the extreme price, right?"

What kind of price would make Li Mengyu hate him so much

The prince and the doctor seemed to have thought of something at the same time after listening to the captain's words.

The doctor asked with a very entangled expression: "What is the price of that enthusiasm? Don't think of the same thing as me!"

The captain shrugged: "I'm afraid it's the same thing as you think..."

Ashin also faintly felt uneasy: "What is the price the founder paid?"

The captain’s smile seemed to be immersed in darkness: "The owner of the black market of ghosts and ghosts was very self-aware, and he naturally understood that Li Mengyu wanted to get rid of himself and the black market of ghosts and ghosts and then quickly. He was very afraid of Li Mengyu’s power that even the gods could conquer. He knows how strong the Conviction Alliance will be once it grows! Of course he knows very well: If he and the ghosts and ghosts become the targets of the powerful Conviction Alliance at some point in the future, they will meet him at that time. What is destiny! Therefore, he did not collect any money from Li Mengyu at the time, but offered a very clever condition! That is: from the day the transaction was established, until the fallen stars destroy the earth, convict the Alliance World Generations of underworld executioners are not allowed to interfere in the black market of ghosts and ghosts, and any business transactions in the black market of ghosts and ghosts!"

"Ah!" A Xin exclaimed, and murmured as if he was struck by lightning, sitting down on the ground, "No's no wonder that the Alliance never takes action against the gods and ghosts on the black market! I just thought that was some idiotic rule set by the founder , It turns out that there was such a deal a long time ago! No... it shouldn't... What if there are victims? Is it really doing nothing and just watching them being violated..."

That's it!

In order to convict the alliance's prosperity, Li Mengyu made the most helpless and saddest choice!

The price he paid that he hates himself extremely is: The Conviction Alliance will never be able to make a move against the gods and ghosts in the black market!

So... is it possible to think so

For thousands of years...those who have been illegally violated in the black market of ghosts and spirits...Most of them are that the Conviction Alliance failed to reach out in time...The Conviction Alliance ignored the victims in order to keep the promise made by the founder , Abandoned

It was Li Mengyu, the founder of the Conviction Alliance, who contributed to the ignorance of these crimes, and Li Mengyu accepted this deal only in order to promote the Conviction Alliance that upholds justice!

In order to maintain justice and have to tolerate evil...

How sad and ironic is it that destiny would make such a cruel joke to Li Mengyu? !

After learning about the bad relationship between the Conviction League and the black market of ghosts and ghosts, the prince and the doctor bowed their heads painfully like a humiliated lion. They felt heartache for the sad fate of Li Meng ● Yu Yu. Can't be angry with the ghosts and black market.

"So..." The captain looked up at the ceiling: "Axin, I think through this story, you already know something about where you are going to be next, right?"

Ashin nodded: "I understand... where you can buy and sell fortune... It's just... worthy of the name God Ghost Black Market..."

The doctor seemed to find it hard to accept that cruel story. He covered his forehead and said several "fuck", then squinted and asked the captain: "The Guiling Needle is now waiting for auction in that place, right?"

The captain nodded happily: "Yeah~! Right there~~!"

The doctor's eyes narrowed more narrowly: "Haha? That's weird! You are a black-belly person who has never seen the benefit, how could you suddenly find it out to help us? Honestly, are you fighting this time? What the hell is Ashin's idea?" (End of this chapter)