The Law of The Dead

Chapter 149: Jinlunbao business war


The old friend saw through the little abacus in his heart, and the captain rolled his eyes: "Well... it's a big, big fuck!"

The doctor and the prince looked at each other, and then stared at the captain and said, "What kind of sex? Your kid always likes to exaggerate. Isn't it going to fight us again?"

The captain shook his head and smiled: "I want to be here during this period. I should have been busy healing Ashin's eyes, so I don't have time to take care of some news from other places, right?"

The prince pulled the chain of the magic silver coffin on his shoulders: "I haven't left the alliance this time." He looked at the doctor: "He has been out for a while."

The captain squinted his eyes as if enlightened: "Oh...that's why I thought it was the lone snake from the Tyrant Club killing each other with his accomplices! After a long time...It turns out that those hidden tyrants are all you doctor You killed it?"

Ashin couldn't figure it out: "Ah? Doctor, did you kill someone?!"

The doctor shook his head nonchalantly: "Cut! It's all pawns in the Tyrant Club. I was in a bad mood, so I went to my door to practice with them!"

The captain patted this head: "Oh! It turns out that you have a share of this big explosion!"

The doctor glared: "What? Suddenly I have a copy of what stuff? I said, your tricks that you can't help but don't work for me!"

The captain waved his hand: "I didn't intend to touch you on the next day. You really have a share in this matter. But most of it is because of the cause and effect that Ashin planted on the Phaeus in the first place!"

A Xin pointed to himself in a daze: "Ah? What kind of *** is it? When did I plant the cause and effect on the same name as Faeu?"

The captain showed a somewhat regretful expression: "You boarded the Phaertong to fight against all evils. Of course, the bone fog will set a trap to frame you. Therefore, the Tyrant Club killed all the hundreds of passengers on the ship at that time..." he Some angrily said: "Oh...Because of this incident, Xia also suffered a double huge loss of reputation and profit!"

The doctor said impatiently: "Okay, okay! You don't need to always emphasize your tragic experience. Obviously, I have already cried enthusiastically and fiercely in the heart of conviction before~"

The captain coughed a few times: "The two really didn't know that the passengers underneath were killed, and the doctors took action to destroy many celebrities who were hidden tyrants... Are the consequences of these two things?"

The doctor and the prince pondered for a moment, with serious expressions on their faces at the same time, while Ashin stood there like a idiot and asked unclearly, "You mean...a lot of dead...a lot of rich people?"

The captain suddenly changed his expression. He looked at Asin with a sharp look like an eagle, and then quickly concealed that expression before sighing: "Oh! You are still immature!"

Ashin lowered his head embarrassedly: "Uh... I know I am stupid, otherwise I wouldn't make so many 57 mistakes..."

"What?!" The captain's expression showed a slight stiffness: "Fifty-seven mistakes...?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at the doctor and the prince: "Is that the one who analyzed it?"

The doctor curled his lips: "Apart from our first venomous tongue, who else is so picky?"

The captain's gaze flashed with excitement: "Xia Xia has only discovered more than 30 mistakes made by Ashin... you really deserve to be the number one wise man, and you have the talent of the world and the earth! Be willing to go down the wind... willing to go down the wind..."

Ashin smiled wryly: "Uh...hahaha...Don't worry about what is wrong, let's continue the topic, okay?" I sift as many mistakes as my eyes, and are used by others as a tool to gauge my eyesight and wisdom. , Whoever feels uncomfortable after changing

What a shrewd person the captain is. Of course he understands how Ashin feels, so he continued on the topic discussed just now and said, "Well, yes, let me explain the whole thing to a few people next time!" He moved his chair forward. Huonuo: "It's not bragging about it, but the passengers who can board the same ship as Phae are basically not the rich or powerful people. These people were killed by the tyrant club and killed by the doctor. Those few people immediately caused a tsunami in the entire spiritual world!"

The doctor twisted his body uncomfortably: "Tsunami? Only a few rich and powerful people died. Their heirs will take over right away. Even if they are a little bit violent, they won't be as passionate and hot as you said. Right?"

The captain reluctantly pointed to the doctor: "! Why did you say this? How terrible things can be done with desire and power? You should be the person with the most say. Whether it was killed by you or killed by the Tyrant’s Club, many of those killed were leaders in important business fields who had absolute control over them!" He hugged frantically. Started: "You are also called the infinite conspiracy anyway. Couldn't you even predict such a simple development? I've been overwhelmed by this incident during the next period of time!" He picked up the wine glass on the table. Drinking it out: "Because these big-time figures suddenly collectively received a lunch box, it triggered a very rare tsunami in the entire supernatural world: In just a few days, the leading thrones of many important industries and fields appeared vacant. Phenomenon! You should understand what this means, right?"

The doctor chuckled uninhibitedly: "What else can it be? The big dog is dead, and the next group of small mad dogs are rushing to eat. Isn't it the little mess that often appears in dog-blood dramas?"

"This bug-playing bastard..." the captain yelled to the doctor with his tense fingers: "The end of the world, okay?! In order to compete for the position of these leading thrones, the business circle of the supernatural world is now full of smoke! Some family juniors took the opportunity to take the opportunity. Orthodox heirs were killed instead. Other families, in order to fight for the right of inheritance, did not hesitate to kill each other by blood. As a result, the whole family was seriously injured, even the family was ruined! There were even some retainers who had originally hidden evil intentions, who took advantage of the situation to commit chaos and not only kill the owner. In order to seize power, in order to be able to dominate the family business of his master, he did not hesitate to rape the orthodox heir! Trying to give birth to a child with the right to inherit for himself! The root of this riot was caused by your two masters and apprentices in the final analysis! Righteous underworld punishments... shouldn’t you take the starting responsibility for this great gang?"

"Ah! It's all because I was stupid at the time!" A Xin was sweating. Although he knows how to move his whole body, he never expected the wave effect caused by the passenger's killing to be so. terrible!

The doctor rubbed his chin and said unconvincedly: "The Tyrant Club kills more than me? Why don't you go to them and talk..." He suddenly saw the captain staring at you with piercing eyes, and immediately laughed awkwardly. Say: "Ha, ha, ha... Today's weather is really... enthusiastic and hot!"

Ashin clenched his fists, ashamed and sad: "This is indeed my responsibility! Captain, what on earth do you want to do? Let's talk about it!"

The captain raised his eyebrows with joy: "Since you have said so, then the next thing is..."

"Slow!" The prince suddenly asked: "If it is so serious as you said, how could the Conviction Alliance not get the slightest news?"

The captain stood up, his face looked bold on the desktop in the flickering light: "Good question, the next step is the core of the question! Because before the situation worsened, the host of the ghost black market suddenly decided Stand up and preside over the overall situation. The ghosts and ghosts are widely posting invitations to bring these business groups together..."

The doctor smiled sarcastically: "Huh? How could the black market be conscientious about this kind of thing? When did that black market host become so cute?"

The captain shook his head: "Everything is prosperous, and everything is lost! These big groups have more or less business dealings with the black market of ghosts and ghosts. So if this ●31 novel app download address ● some big groups are ordered for conflict. As business activities are stagnant, the black market will naturally be severely affected and damaged."

The prince frowned: "However, the powerful and powerful groups basically rule the king in their own territory, and no one except the four royal families will obey! Where does the qualification for the ghost black market to preside over the overall situation come from? Those consortiums And the forces, why would they obediently listen to the arrangements of the ghosts and the black market?"

The captain nodded: "As you said, the usual situation is indeed like this. But this time, the ghost black market held the oldest and most authoritative-'Golden Wheel Treasure Business War'! So, big and small business The consortium is eager to try, and all forces are starting to compete with each other for qualifications under the table... It can be said that the entire business circle of the supernatural world is boiling because of this'Golden Wheel Treasure Business War'!"

The doctor patted his forehead: "Ha, dear! It turned out to be a Jinlunbao business war! No wonder these crazy dogs are obedient all at once!"

A confidently surprised: "Golden Wheel Treasure Business War! Although I have read the records from the book, I didn't expect that after so long, there would be such a big influence?"

Jinlunbao business war, the history of the ghost world has only held two grand business battle conferences created by the gods and ghosts black market, and only the gods and ghosts black market has the right to initiate.

This ancient and authoritative activity starts from a long time ago. Once in a long time ago, there was a world war that almost destroyed the entire world in a spiritual world.

And that war almost destroyed all the wealth and rules established in the spiritual world before, and the whole spiritual world was plunged into a desperate barren.

As the saying goes: Poor and inferior beget the heart.

Merchants in the supernatural world once struggled to grab various sources of wealth in order to be able to regain wealth more quickly and conveniently after the war.

Among them, the most tempting is naturally the position of the leading throne that can monopolize all the profit chains of the industry (to put it bluntly, it is the leader of this industry).

Countless business groups, in order to compete for the leading position in their respective industries, are killing each other day and night!

No matter what kind of despicable and cruel means, intimidation, kidnapping, assassination, fraud... Do everything you can to eliminate business opponents.

Those rich men and heroes who have accumulated huge wealth are all murderers with blood on their hands!

This tragic situation of washing blood with blood has been going on for a long time, and the resentment generated by the fight is endlessly entangled, and finally fell into an endless loop of revenge and being revenge, making the devastated post-war world even more chaotic and desolate.

At this time, the host of the sacred black market appeared in front of the businessmen. He put forward a very simple but very clever suggestion: "Since you use the most primitive way of fighting, killing and killing to solve the problem, everyone Why not just gather together and, under the witness of all the business people in the world of spirits, come to a showdown in an upright manner?!"

When the businessmen heard the words of the host of the sacred black market, they turned to think about their current situation. They suddenly felt that instead of fighting like this chaotically, they didn't know when they would usher in their demise. Wouldn't it be better to establish a business war activity with absolute authority, as the host of the ghost black market said

As a result, the Jinlunbao business battle that can determine the business pattern of the supernatural world... was born!

Any disputes in the business of the Spiritual World can be resolved through the Jinlunbao Business War if they disagree with each other.

From financial disputes to share transfers, and even the ownership of consortiums, all can be taken as trophies by the winners in the Jinlunbao business battle.

In other words: The Jinlunbao business war blocked almost all the lives of the major consortia! Therefore, in the entire spiritual world, the influence and importance of the Jinlunbao business war are also one-of-a-kind!

For those consortia and forces participating in the war, the Jinlunbao Business War is tantamount to a holy war that determines their life and death prospects!

The result of the Jinlunbao business war is absolutely authoritative. After the Jinlunbao business war, any merchant will never allow other fights due to greed, otherwise they will be attacked by other businesses.

Although this event is grand, the rules are actually surprisingly simple.

That is: under the witness of all participating merchants, the commercial groups that are eligible to participate in the Jinlunbao business war will send out outstanding fighters that they think have the strength to fight each other in the arena!

Many consortiums will hire top masters and fighters from other consortiums to die for the various interests that are eager to obtain.

Although it's a game in name, but people die for money and birds die for food. The Jinlunbao business war is actually tragic and dangerous, I am less than any crusade experienced by Ashin! (End of this chapter)