The Law of The Dead

Chapter 17: Seventeen was born as a devil


Seventeen lives as a devil

The broken body drags the dusty internal organs, the hollow eye sockets will fly out groups of mosquitoes with every ups and downs of the limbs, and the pus on the gray skin flows down from the wound, a fierce acid rot Wei cruelly abused everyone's olfactory nerves.

Now the doctor couldn't laugh, his expression became serious: "Do you like to play with humans so much? Don't even let go of the dead bodies? They are your offspring!"

Looking at these miserable corpses, the doctor couldn't help but imagine what terrible disaster they had suffered before they died!

Even Beefrons looked like he couldn't stand it: "Why are they all tattered? How can I play like this?"

The Lone Snake shrugged: "According to Zhou Xuan's plan, the Zhou clan will die. But...their cooperative attitude is very bad." He let out a scream, and the dozen red feather fierce Gus that had been lurking around hovered quickly. By his side: "So, I have to take a little bit of drastic measures."

"Oh... You did it?" Bifuron looked at Akabane Fierce Gu unexpectedly: "Huh?! It's a tyrant club! He is really ruthless when he does things. But... I like it! Hahahaha!"

The doctor was furious: "Scum!" His fingertips suddenly exploded, and a dazzling blood arrow shot towards the lone snake like a comet!

The blood arrow came fiercely, and it was the doctor who suddenly attacked. The only snake never expected that the doctor in such a miserable situation would still have such a powerful counterattack. He didn't have time to dodge, the Scarlet Feather Fierce Gu around the master roared in unison, and together they slammed the blood arrows to protect the master.

But the blood arrow is like a hot red sharp knife slashing through the cream, silently turning a dozen red feather fierce gu into ashes, and taking the head of a single snake without any reduction, it is obvious that you can feel it. Contains the doctor's hatred of the single snake and the will to kill!

The Lone Snake was shocked, and he immediately fell on his back. The blood arrow grazed his forehead at a moment of inadmissibility. The blood suddenly burst out. An unimaginable pain spread all over the body along the forehead. All the strength of the Lone snake seemed to have been absorbed The blood arrow was taken away from him, and he fell to the ground feebly, leaving only a big breath: "Vengeful blood arrow, the greater the resentment, the stronger... I know you hate me, but I didn't expect it to be so strong... "

The doctor missed a blow and became even more annoyed. He gritted his teeth: "Huh! Fart!!"

The arrogant and arrogant face of the single snake was stained with blood even more miserably, and the nine pupils of that weird left eye shrank rapidly: "Want to kill me? Impossible! No one can take my life!!"

The doctor grinned: "Hey! Things are impermanent! Don't be full of words, slap your face carefully!!"

Neither of them had the strength to fight anymore, so they had to lie on the ground like a three-year-old child. But their expressions and tone, and the huge murderous aura that hung between the two were more thrilling than the real fight. Even Beefrons, an existence higher than human beings, couldn't help being shocked.

Befrons was very surprised and annoyed to stare at the doctor for a long while. At this time, the blood arrow still shot to a higher place, until it was submerged in the dark cloud, and it made a crisp sound, presumably it hit the big group of ice. The eye crow blocks the enchantment outside.

Befrons snorted. He set up a barrier through Zhou Xuan to surround the periphery of Prime Minister's Village, in order to prevent strong will and power from entering here and hindering his plan, but he did not expect that the doctor did not know what was used. The method is easily concealed, and intrudes in.

"This person suddenly broke out into trouble, I can't control it? The carefully set barrier was also cracked by that bloody arrow!"

Befrons felt even more shocked: this seemingly frivolous trivial fellow is very dangerous! You should get rid of him immediately!

"I admit that you are very special, so... it's better to turn you into my plaything!" Beverrons urged the greatest power to attack the doctor, but his face changed suddenly!

Befrons stared at the doctor angrily: "What the hell are you..." He tried to control the doctor again, but failed again. This time he was sure that his abilities would not have any effect on the doctor.

Befrons looked at Zhou Xinyi who was in a coma and muttered to himself: "Is it because there is still one person who hasn't absorbed it? No, this feeling is wrong!"

The doctor showed an unusual coldness. He stared at Befrons with a sneer, the light in his eyes flickering and he looked very shaken. The wound that was pierced by the lone snake was still bleeding out of blood. It seemed the same as before: the ability to instantly restore half of the neck by the kidney chef was suppressed by what means the lone snake used.

These were seen by the lone snake, and couldn't help but feel suspicious: Does Dr. Jiangtou have any secrets that even his fellow mate who has been with him for many years does not know

"No human being can completely resist my control!" Beefrons muttered to himself coldly: "I have met some strong personalities, but no one can resist me! One of the most powerful... What's your name? Kay...oh! Caesar! He is a very impressive human being. When I tried to control him, he was able to resist fiercely. But all his attention was focused on resisting me. Above, I didn't even notice that the people around him were going to attack him, so the original overlord who was superior in martial arts was easily hacked to death by a group of trash. Tsk tsk! This is my fault, it's a pity that such a good toy! "He suddenly approached the doctor: "But you feel different, it's like...Immune to me! Come on! Let me peel you off! See what you do?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the corpses of Prime Minister Village rushed toward the helpless doctor together aggressively!

"You are not allowed to touch him!!"

At this moment, fierce power suddenly blasted! A large group of dazzling light carried a huge force and smashed the corpse approaching the doctor and then firmly stood in front of the doctor-that is the prince's magic silver coffin! Immediately afterwards, the prince was suspended in the air and suddenly broke free from the shackles and rushed towards Befrons from behind!

"Isn't this... not the old coffin?" Befrons squinted his eyes and smiled. Without looking back, he dismissed the prince's offensive lightly, knocked the prince to the ground, and then stepped on the prince's chest: " I have already said that no human being can resist my control! Even if it is you... Solomon's blood! Do you think I would not know your identity if I close those green eyes like birthmarks? My seventy-two pillars The devil, the most familiar thing is Solomon's blood!" He turned to look at the doctor and sneered: "You really can't stand the provocation. You immediately rushed over. The guy who doesn't know what it is must be your best friend. Right?"

The prince raised his head proudly: "Huh! You are so noisy! A silly trash! A loser who is despised by his clan!!"

Beverly's face changed drastically, and he jumped into a thunder, and suddenly smashed the prince's shoulder: "What?! You say it again?!"

The prince still did not lose his nobility despite the severe pain, and there was no timidity in the green eyes, but a blazing fire: "Beflons, although the ability to control the mind and body is the greatest threat to mankind. But in all the demon gods. Zhong is the weakest one, and is despised by other demon gods because he likes to play with human beings. In my eyes, you are just a bully who will not hesitate to mutilate flesh and blood to satisfy his perverted desires!"

"Huh! Your mouth is hard when you die! You should understand that as Solomon's bloodline, what would happen if it fell into the hands of our 72-pillar Demon God?" The haze on Beveron's body was violent.** At this moment, the huge force blasted the skin open, Zhou Xuan's "face" had been broken in half, replaced by the muscles and muscles under the skin, which made him look even more terrifying!

The prince frowned, and quickly glanced at the magic silver coffin that Befrons called the "old coffin" from the corner of his eyes: "You...can't kill me! At least not now!"

Befrons laughed furiously: "Huh? I can't? I can tear you apart one by one like a Maya eating a pheasant, and then throw it into the fire!"

The prince stared at Befrons’ eyes and said word by word: "I... have been suppressing it with 80% of my strength. If you kill me now, it will lose its restraint and be liberated. All the people here Will die!"

"You..." Befrons seemed to have thought of something, and for a while, he was faintly afraid, and he was stunned!

The second general, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to finally regain his strength. He suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! Have you been fighting with this general with 20% strength?" He was furious: "You think this is the case. Who can be fooled by falsehood?!"

On the contrary, the Lone Snake showed a very jealous look, because from the beginning he felt that the magic silver coffin exuded an aura that made him uneasy.

The doctor lying on the side laughed strangely: "I advise you to believe him. The suppressed guy is so passionate that you can pee your pants!" He tilted his head and said to the prince: "Otherwise you just Is it let out to breathe?"

"Are you serious?" The prince solemnly said: "It is a genocidal calamity fighting capacity. Once liberated, everyone will... No, except me, everyone will die! Even you!"

It seems that the prince is really shaken, because he always thinks that others talk too much, and he actually became too talkative.

The doctor looked like the world was messing up and doing my ass: "Ha~ Rather than getting killed like this, we might as well just make a big fuss! We are also the highest combat power of the underworld executioners-the demon crusaders, to die like this. , How shameless it is to spread it out? Since you are dead, you should die more passionately!"

Befrons looked at the magic silver coffin thoughtfully: "Not old coffin...I remember this thing was used to..." His expression gradually changed unexpectedly!

Bifuron's face twitched fiercely, and he pointed to the magic silver coffin in horror and howled: "It's it! It's it! It must be it! Why is it there?! How did you put it in?! Are you crazy?! How can you bring that kind of thing with you?!" He suddenly backed away: "Let that thing stay away from me!! Who will take that thing away? Don't let it come near me!"

Befrons' reaction made the only snake and the second general unexpected, and at the same time gave birth to great doubts and a sense of crisis!

Could it be that there is a terrible existence in the world that can make the Demon God so gaffe

The "thing" in the magic silver coffin... what is it

The doctor shook his head in disgust and sighed, "Tsk tut...Look at this virtue! He is also a demon god, pay attention to the social influence..."

Suddenly, Beefrons stopped screaming and suddenly laughed loudly: "Acridine hahahahaha! I said I'm afraid you really believe it? Stupid humans!!" It flashed over at an extremely fast speed. He lifted the prince with one hand, stared at the prince's eyes with a cone of ice, and slowly said: "You! Don't liberate it!" The eyes of the prince flashed with dizzying light!

The doctor seemed to be whipped on his chest, and he got up: "Oops! It's controlled!"

The prince nodded in despair, as if his soul had been stripped of his body, he said without expression: "Yes...Don't liberate it..."

Befrons smiled with satisfaction, and he made a "Thank you for watching" to the snake: "I am really afraid of that guy! see, as long as you control the'key', no matter how terrible it is The guy is just a trapped beast in a cage!" He turned his head to look at the doctor and sneered: "So...I like to play with humans the most! Especially the blood of our enemy-King Solomon! But... let me take that first. Let's talk about the fish that slipped through the net!" After that, he slowly walked towards Zhou Xinyi who was still in a coma not far away: "As long as I absorb this last person from my blood, my strength will be completely restored!"

The doctor's face instantly stiffened. The various behaviors he and the prince had done before were all to divert Befrons' attention from Zhou Xinyi, the "very important last person in the prime minister's village". If the doctor is right, the killing of the Zhou clan by Befrons was not a perverted game that came along, but was using the method of devouring the soul to "recycle" himself and spread it to his descendants through blood inheritance. the power of! If this is the case, the kind of control that even the prince can't resist is actually not the pinnacle of power... Once Befrons returns to his original form, it is hard to imagine that power will destroy the world into a miserable appearance!

The doctor finally felt an unprecedented sense of frustration. Since he joined the Conviction Alliance, he has never failed in a thousand crusades of all sizes. What's more, this mission has the strongest prince of Persia as a close friend to help out? This kind of dream lineup of dispatching two monsters at the same time is very rare in the Conviction League! Although unacceptable, they did fail!

Looking helplessly at Zhou Xinyi, who was gradually approaching, the doctor sighed in self-examination: "After all, the opponent is at the Demon God level! We are too arrogant and relying on our own strength to fall to this move!"

"Yeah! It's really too self-reliant! Do you really think that your meager power can cause damage to me?" Beverly's whole body suddenly burst into violent magical fluctuations. The entire Prime Minister's Village was torn to pieces like paper under this majestic and raging force. Dark clouds hovered in the sky, and Beverly's incredible laughter echoed in the heavens and the earth: "When I absorb the last person, let you see what the power of the demon god is!"

The doctor looked at the vision of the heaven and the earth caused by Befrons and finally understood the difference between them. He understood that even if he and the prince were unharmed, they might not be able to compete with the current Befrons.

The strength shown by Befrons is the "essence" bestowed by heaven, just like an albatross is born with the longest wings of a bird, and the speed of a sailfish can exceed 110 kilometers. That is a realm that other races simply cannot approach through acquired efforts!

Maybe he is playful, he is conceited, he is cruel, he is inhumane, he even likes to pretend to be unreliable and pretend to be a pig and a tiger, and teases doctors, princes and others as playthings between talking and laughing.

Even if he is the weakest among the seventy-two pillar demon gods!


He will be a demon god after all!

Natural strength is watching all beings!

The doctor murmured annoyedly: "I knew I wouldn't have caused Ashin to mix up with this muddy water! Alas! The old lady, you can make me miserable!!" (End of this chapter)