The Law of The Dead

Chapter 32: Case analysis


The faint morning light spilled into the ward in the early morning, and the melodious singing of a hundred birds floated outside the window, and the cold water vapor was filled with the fragrance that can only be found in places with lush aquatic plants, sweeping away the strong fishy smell that filled the place before.

But in this morning when everything seemed to be alive, Ashin was not so full of energy. It can also be said that in his life so far, there are really few times when he can "get up".

As a torturer who is good at martial arts, Ashin's physical fitness is undoubtedly far superior to ordinary martial artists. But I don't know why, even Befrons couldn't hurt him, but he would feel extremely painful for Zhou Xinyi's wound in the back of his head.

Whenever a burning pain came from the wound on the back of his head, Ashin's mood would fall into deep guilt. He would involuntarily think of the one that he had promised to protect, but now he does not know where he is. Unexplained desperate girl.

Witnessing the heart-piercing tragedy, and losing her relatives and hometown Zhou Xinyi, how is she now...

And whenever Ashin thinks of Zhou Xinyi, the tall and burly shadow of another person will come up in his mind. That is to personally raise Ashin to Chéng Rén, hang him from the ancient well of Fengmo, and also personally ruin many innocent lives. Liu Xuan.

Probably because of years of getting along day and night, Liu Xuan has already become the most important role in Ashin's life. So no matter how Ashin tried to avoid and forget, the figure of this adoptive father wandered in front of him as if he had his own will.

"Since I want to take away my inexplicable body..." Ashin lay down and whispered, "Why do I have to devote my efforts to nurturing me so that I can resist you? Turn me into a worthless person." People, wouldn’t it be easier to start? must be hesitating too? Are you struggling?"

"My enthusiastic student~ Good and evil are interdependent, and the world is not simply black and white!"

The most wretched voice floated in from the window, breaking the tranquil and sad atmosphere in the ward.

Dr. Lowering Head jumped into the ward from the window with a smile on his face, his greasy face was unshaven, and behind the black and generous frame, his wretched eyes were still so awkward. The still wrinkled white lab coat was stained with indigo moss that I don't know what species it was.

The thief's look and the sneaky movements are just like a big horny rat who successfully steals women's underwear.

After seeing the doctor, Ashin showed an expression that he couldn't bear, and turned his head to the other side: "I need good quality sleep..."

"Large," the doctor smirked: "How is the analysis of the case?"

Ashin shook his head drowsily, "I need enough sleep time more than that..."

"Then there is no way," the doctor sighed unpredictably: "This is an A-class case~~"

Ashin felt a little bit more energetic, and he was a little skeptical: "Oh? A-level? Will the league assign me this level of cases? Are you playing with me?"

The doctor gave a teasing smile: "Well... Originally, your performance in the Battle of Befrons was very enthusiastic and hot, so the Alliance decided to assign this case to you as a review for the promotion of Spirit Walker..." The three words "walker" are very heavy, and then pretending to be helpless: "Since you are in such a bad state, I think it's better to let it go. The chance of promotion is to those who are more motivated. Up."

Ashin jumped up like a spring suddenly waking up: "Don't! Doctor! I can set off to handle the case right now!"

The doctor looked at Asin with a very mean expression: "Oh? Are you kidding me? Didn't you just say that you don't get enough sleep?"

Axin shook his head like a rattle: "No! I just woke up a little dizzy, and now I feel refreshed!" To prove his words, he turned a dozen somersaults like a irritated monkey.

The doctor showed an expression of'this is almost the same'. He knocked on the computer beside the bed: "Then tell me, what do you think of this case?"

Ashin shrugged: "To be honest, it's just a blog. The source of information is too single, and the credibility is not high. If it wasn't for the Alliance to assign the case, I thought it was a manuscript written by a bad writer, or it was Who is deliberately making a prank to scare people. Uh..." He narrowed his eyes and stared at the doctor: "Could it be that you made a fool of me?"

"I'm not boring to the point of being so enthusiastic." The doctor smiled and shot a thud on Ashin's forehead: "It is precisely because of the spiritual nature of our conviction alliance, so the source of information for various cases. That’s all weird. The law of punishment is to punish evil and eliminate rape, not to eat a French meal. It is impossible for someone to prepare everything for you. If you want to be alone earlier, then give me work harder. You are a sleeping pill for martial arts!" He thrilled again.

Ashin clutched his forehead and complained: "I rely on! You lightly! My head! His..."

The doctor's eyes widened: "Oh? What's wrong with your head? Hasn't it recovered? Oh, that's fine, I'll go and contact other people..."

"Doctor!" Ashin Fei rushed over and hugged the doctor's thigh, begging: "Let me handle the case! You know, I have been waiting for the promotion of Spirit Walker for a long time! Isn't it enough to do the case analysis right away!"

The doctor secretly made a grimace, and quickly laughed in a low voice: "Hey hey! The apprentice playing tricks really defeated the fire~~"

Ashin was taken aback: "What?"

"Ahem!" The doctor suddenly became very serious: "I mean... I will analyze the results immediately!"

Ashin closed his eyes and thought for a while: "From the content of the blog, this is a second generation ancestor who messes around everywhere. It belongs to the type I despise the most. As for the things written in the blog, it makes people feel a little bit thinking. It doesn't work anymore."

The doctor walked to the sofa and sat down, and raised his legs: "Oh? Where can't you figure it out?"

Ashin looked puzzled: "Looking at the blog's records, this second generation ancestor should have accidentally gotten into some monster who specially seduce men. My first reaction was Meng** monster, but Meng** monster. Most of them are just sucking blood, and there has never been anything that hurts people and eats meat."

The doctor nodded: "It's true. Dreamy monsters will never eat human flesh. For them, it is men who are excited by female sex who can provide delicious food. Although these things are harmful, they are not temperamental. Not violent. But the perfect lover in this blog is different."

Ashin scratched his head: "Yes, so I ruled out the possibility of dreaming the demon. From the blog, it can be concluded that this unidentified thing can fly, and it is still a bird with a human face." He shook his fingers and calculated Get up: "Seduce men, fly, transform into bird forms, and eat human flesh. There are three kinds of things that meet these two characteristics: the first is the ghost owl that haunts China's Daxingan Mountains; the second is in the East Pacific A generation of active birds; the third is the nine-headed demon bird that was a disaster in ancient times."

The doctor laughed and waved his hand: "Haha! What else is necessary for good sleep? Didn’t this also do a lot of homework?"

Ashin avoided the doctor's jokes: "I want you to manage..."

The doctor couldn't help but smile when he saw Ashin's appearance. "Although the monsters are willful and reckless guys, there are not a few people who harm people for various reasons. But what you said...none of them!"

Ashin sat down very disappointed: "Ah?! Why are they not?"

"Although these three kinds of monsters can easily take human lives, the victims have different heads, and they can still survive to call for help with blind taps. This is something unheard of. It must be that monster has some strange magic. As for you to mention. The three little birds that have arrived are not so capable. And... your homework is still not good enough!" The doctor sighed and stretched out three fingers: "The first kind, the ghost face owl grows. It’s a baby face, and it’s still a rot-eating habit, and never eats living things. This does not match the message conveyed on the blog.

He retracted a finger: "The second kind, the Gushu bird is born with a bird's head and human body. Although it is a terrible monster, it has no ability to change its appearance. It is impossible to be as enthusiastic as it is written in the blog. The hot beauty turned into a scary monster in a blink of an eye." At this point, he retracted another finger: "As for the nine-headed bird, it is even more impossible!"

Ashin frowned somewhat discouragedly: "Why is it impossible for the nine-headed bird?"

The doctor let out a playful laugh: "Because nine-headed birds only like to eat children! More than a hundred years ago, the guy who raised the table met this kind of demon bird that likes to eat children for the first time and almost wiped them out. ~~ You also know that when cats meet birds, they are basically a virtue. Although our conviction alliance has done its best to eliminate evil, but it will not blindly kill it, so we have entered into a truce contract with the remaining good-natured nine-headed birds. Now the nine-headed birds have all joined the Conviction League. These big birds have nine heads. Both their computing power and memory ability are much higher than those of other races, so they have become the commissioners of the intelligence department, and the Conviction League is responsible. Satisfy all their needs. You have to know: Although most of the monsters and the like are fierce and cruel, they are different from humans. They will absolutely keep the promises and oaths they have made until death. So the nine-headed bird in this case The suspicion can be ruled out."

"It's Nine Tails. It's amazing..." After hearing the doctor's words, Axin was a little distracted. He suddenly shook his head, frowning tighter: "All the needs? Don't they just like to eat children?"

The doctor spread his hands: "Since joining the Conviction League, they have become obsessed with German black sausage, Japanese oden, and French desserts. How about? The team and treatment of our Conviction League are very enthusiastic and hot, right?"

"French, French desserts..." Ashin rubbed his temples and took a lot of effort to accept the doctor's words.

A weird picture automatically emerged in his mind: German black sausages and French desserts piled up as high as a hill, and a hot pot larger than a swimming pool was simmering in oden, and the aroma of delicious food came to his face. The nine-headed birds were sitting together and eating special food. A nine-headed bird has nine heads, two eighteen, three...four...a group...

In the end, the whole world was full of bird heads with sausages in their mouths, and Ashin was a little dizzy: "Damn, it's too damn cruel..." He suddenly thought of those ice-eyed crows, and the thrilling bloody smell will never last his life Will forget, and the one that was swallowed alive before his eyes...

The doctor knew exactly what Ashin was thinking. He patted Ashin's shoulder comfortingly: "Don't think about unnecessary things, come back to this case!"

A Xin took a deep breath: "Since these three kinds of monster birds have been ruled out of suspicion, it must be some other unknown monster. But..."

The doctor asked: "But what?"

Axin thought: "But if the monster just wants to eat people, there can be a lot of prey as the target. Why is it only so persistent to this second generation ancestor? And let the victim write a blog to reveal clues..."

The doctor chuckled: "At the beginning of this blog, the sense of superiority exploded on paper! It's almost like writing an autobiographical novel. And...this pair of women's comments and taste...Tsk tusk! I have to! Said this is a unique beauty expert. But later, he began to run away, the blog record is not so emotional. Look at this person's other blog information, even if you have a high-end restaurant, you have to show it off. , It can be seen that he is such a show-off guy. It is this kind of show-off character that makes this guy scared to pee his pants and keep blogging. It's really a good habit to develop. Also. Thanks to this habit, we will leave clues for us! This is what makes Skynet recover, without failing!"

Ashin nodded, and said with some contempt: "Yes, yeah, showing off my wealth unexpectedly helped a lot, I always feel a little unhappy!"

The doctor walked to the window, the face that had been concealed by the wretched expression, the face full of mature charm appeared to see the vicissitudes of the world: "As long as you commit crimes, you will never escape from the karma of the law. Even the devil is the same. There is no accident in this world. No matter how seamless the crimes are covered by the monsters, there will be flaws. To seize these flaws, approach them step by step, and finally defeat them is what we want to execute. Do it!" He turned his head and smiled at Asin: "Okay! Talking on paper thousands of times, it's better to fight for a round. Do you want to know why the victim is this second generation ancestor? Go directly to the crime scene to find clues. ." (End of this chapter)