The Law of The Dead

Chapter 37: Doctor's foreign aid


After a headless flutter, he fumbled and sat in the swivel chair, and his boned hands began to tap nervously on the keyboard again.

Ashin walked over, his eyes followed the hands of the bones, and followed the trajectory of his fingers on the keyboard, saying: "J...IU...MIN...G...Help...Help." He sighed: "Oh! Still desperately calling for help."'s miserable! Doctor, can you do anything about it?"

The doctor shrugged: "Dwarf oil~ You can't afford me too much. No matter how great I am, there is no way for him to grow his head."

Ashin frowned in annoyance: "What should I do then?"

The doctor shrugged again: "What should I do? You must tie the bell bird to untie the bell~ To find the strange bird, this must be caused by that thing. Someone in the tavern has seen it enter and exit this manor. Maybe you find it. Can find some useful clues." He pointed to the headless body: "Did you not find it? In other similar cases, the victim's head was also taken away."

A Xin squinted his headless body and said, "But the body is still alive, and it's still torn to pieces."

The doctor nodded: "From this, it can be inferred: First, the strange bird takes away the head, indicating that the victim's head has some value to it. Second, the strange bird wants a living human head, so it uses a very powerful spell. , So that the victim can survive with his head separated. Third...I’m not sure, his flesh has been torn off a lot, and he will resist fiercely when he is touched, plus the information heard in the tavern. . It means that his meat has been gnawed! Since the head has been taken away, why do he come back often to gnaw human flesh? Does his meat have any value to the strange bird? In that case, why not just take the whole Are people kidnapped?"

Ashin was a little confused: "Also, why did the maid simply be killed and then let her lie in the hall? Why was her head not taken away? Her body was not chewed?"

The doctor said: "From the information of the Ministry of Information, the victims are all male. Although it is not known for the time being: why these victims were targeted by the strange bird. But the maid... I am afraid that it was not killed at will, that strange bird. Kind of clever."

Ashin was inexplicable: "Huh? Little clever?"

The doctor said: "If it is discovered, I am afraid that all the attention will be drawn to the maid in the hall? And the secret door of the secret room is closed and covered by a carpet, indicating that the strange bird who killed the maid wants Hide here."

Ashin showed a contemptuous expression: "Then its techniques are really stupid! It's easy to find this place. Before the maid died, she wanted to hide in the secret room and leave scratches on the stall. People who are a little more careful will I noticed. I want to cover up the secret room and leave the clues exposed. It’s really smart. After killing the maid, wouldn’t it be better to leave the body elsewhere in the hall?"

The doctor said: "That's why I said he was clever. Okay, let's not talk about it. Let's confirm his identity first."

A Xin pointed at the headless body: "Ah? Isn't he Gu Xiaohua?"

"I know, but it's better to be more precise." The doctor took a little skin tissue from the headless arm and put it in his mouth. Then with a very ugly look, he took out the phone reluctantly and dialed a serial number: "Hello? Um... Can you... can you come here? I... I want to ask you for a favor..." His voice became smaller and smaller. , In the end, it is inaudible. At first glance, he knew that he hated the other person very much, but he had to ask the person on the phone for help.

This was something Ashin had never seen before. In his memory, it was only a doctor who made others embarrassed. It was really rare to make doctors reluctant to this point...

But something more rare happened!

There was a beep in the computer case under the square table, and a shining pink spark was shot out from the network cable interface.

Ashin thought that the spark came out of the case because of a short circuit.

But the volume of the spark expanded rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, and finally formed a human-shaped silhouette. When the flash disappeared, a pretty young girl appeared in front of her eyes!

She was wearing orange sportswear, a pair of thick retro-style glasses, and a thick notebook in her hand. She had a greedy and neurotic look on her face, staring at the doctor salivatingly: "Huhuhuhuhu Phew... You have come to beg me one day? You should know what the reward is, right?"

Ashin was taken aback and took a big step back: "Who are you?!"

The girl turned her head and looked at Ashin with a crazier smile: "Wow! You are Ashin, right?! It's so happy to meet here~~~Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!...Let me see your tongue!" She flashed to Ashin suddenly.

At that moment, A Xin felt an unusually strong sense of instinctive crisis in his heart. He felt that it was not a person who rushed over, but countless scalpels!

A keen intuition told Ashin: If she is caught, she will definitely be dragged to anatomy!

"Wow! Abnormal!!" Axin screamed, leaning back and quickly retreating.

The particle girl stopped her body and let out a terrifying laugh: "Huhuhu...Hey~ come here~ don't be afraid~ I don't look at your tongue coating anymore. Head, hair...give me a piece of your hair!!!" she Shouted suddenly and threw at Asin excitedly.

Ashin was frightened to death: "I rely on! Doctor, who is this pervert?!" He somersaults over the particle girl and jumps behind the doctor.

The doctor had an unbearable expression on his face: "Let me introduce: she, the head of the intelligence department. The most dangerous bloodthirsty, perverted, flat-chested, lunatic particle girl in the Crimes League."

Ashin's face was incredulous: "Ah?! She is the particle girl from the Minister of Intelligence?!"

Hearing the doctor's words, the girl's cheeks flushed with shame: "I don't have a flat chest!"

The doctor spread out his hands thiefly: "There is no picture and no truth, please take off your clothes to prove it~!"

"You..." Girl Particle's spectacles shone fiercely. With a wave of her hand, the seven scalpels turned into cold light and shot at the doctor.

A group of unknown bugs flew out of the doctor's sleeves. They actually gnawed away the scalpel like a cake.

Knowing that she could not hurt the doctor, the girl said angrily: "Huh! One day you will be dissected!" She looked over the doctor, stopped on Ashin's face, and showed a greedy face again: "Huh! Huhu...Hello Axin, my name is Miss Particle, please take care of me in the future~~If you want to die, you must come to me~~I will dissect you carefully~~"

Ashin shrank his neck and felt chills all over his body. He muttered in his heart: "I rely on... how did this dangerous figure get into the league? No matter how you look at it, he should be a character in the Tyrant Club..."

The doctor raised his hands helplessly: "Okay! Let's pause for a while!" He looked at the girl particle reproachfully: "You are also an old senior at any rate. Isn't it okay to be a little caring for juniors?"

The particle girl licked her lips, and said " assured...I, I will take good care of him..."

A Xin trembled when he heard the words, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps. His upper body leaned back unconsciously: "I, I, I think I can still take care of myself, thank you!"

"Oh!" The doctor felt helpless. He pointed to the headless body: "I am looking for you to help you see..."

Before the doctor finished speaking, the particle girl flashed to the side of the headless body, staring at her eyes, pinching and sniffing, and then said blankly, "Alive!"

The doctor asked: "Why is he still alive after his head is separated?"

The particle girl looked blankly: "Why can't you live if your head is separated? A cockroach can live for seven days without a head! Don't be trapped by inertial thinking, or you will become a fool, even though you are a big fool!"

"Uh..." The doctor held his forehead wearily: "Well, let's change the topic. There is an only son of a tourism tycoon, Gu Xiaohua. Can you help me get something that belongs to this person?"

The particle girl blinked her watery almond eyes. She pointed to the headless body and said, " want to compare with this?"

The doctor nodded: "Only you can do it..."

The particle girl smiled happily: "Huhuhuhu... okay~ but I want his hair as a reward." She began to scan A Xin back and forth with greedy eyes.

"Can't you just collect hobbies a little bit normally..." The doctor was a little annoyed, and he gave Axin a wink. The latter is like a child of fear, teasing a lion with straw. Cautiously, she handed her hair into the hands of the particle girl, and then ran away quickly.

The particle girl put her hair in her pocket like a treasure: "Huhuhuhu... I got my hair for the first time. It's a good start. You will definitely gain more in the future?"

Axin's scalp exploded, and his heart screamed: "The first time?! The beginning?! The future harvest?! Damn, does she want to cut me into slices? When I am Jinhua ham!?"

"So~" The particle girl smiled: "This girl will come and go!" She suddenly glowed, and turned back into a small spark that got into the network cable of the case... (End of this chapter)