The Law of The Dead

Chapter 57: Weak humans


What is the strongest creature in this world

The 100% answer would be: humans! (Maybe it’s just self-righteous?)

In terms of vitality, human beings are not as good as cockroaches,

In terms of fertility, humans are not as good as mice,

On the degree of unity, humans are inferior to ants;

Human beings have no sharp claws, no sharp fangs, no wings to soar in the sky, no fins to swim in the ocean...

How weak was such a human being in the face of disasters and beasts in ancient times

But it is such a human being, in order to continue the race under the cold natural laws, from the evolution and experience of thousands of years, he has obtained the ability to surpass all other animals: the ability to use tools!

From the first clubs and stones, weapons that can destroy a country have been developed. Humans seem to have stood at the highest point of all living things.

But today, everyone deeply understands that the pride of being a human being is being cruelly crushed by the fact that the monster is attacking by that one bit by bit!

Punching and kicking is tantamount to death, and four people have been split and killed with a light touch by it!

Axe and blade? I'm kidding, I can't even do itching!

What about blasting*

Look! It has swallowed several like peanuts! I really don't know what its internal organs are made of, it's just a few hiccups!


Not to mention, the bullets hitting the body were as weak as drizzle, and some bullets penetrated into the cracks of its flame-filled skin, and they were melted into soup by the high-temperature flames, dripping tickly and falling to the floor. on…

Alas... The weapon that was invented purely for killing only caused a few puffs of black smoke to rise from the floor of Gu's family.

Where's the big bald head

The big bald head was the first to get in close contact with the monster, he jumped up with indescribable rage and bombarded the monster's face wildly. But the other party didn't seem to have much feeling for the enthusiasm of the big bald head, just glanced at him casually.

At that glance, the big bald head suddenly felt chills as if surrounded by countless corpses!

The intuition of the big bald head warned him that this monster is not like Ashin. It has no humanity. It is not even a human being. It is here to kill lives!

And he is not a number of stages at all, and he does not even have the qualifications to enter the game!

Between the sparks and flints that flashed by this thought, a huge shadow covered the top of the head with a gust of wind, the big bald head was startled, and when he looked up, the giant claws of the monster had already descended!

This seemingly clumsy extension of the claws of the monster made a faint voice of wind and thunder!

The big bald head knows that if this is touched, let alone this little life, leaving a complete skull is considered a big luck! He was anxious to become wise, bent forward and jumped forward, hooking his forearm like a monster's trunk, and slid up onto the monster's neck.

The big bald head was overjoyed. He wanted to avoid the giant claws, but he didn't expect to catch a great chance to kill!

The big bald head grinned and pulled out the dagger: "Damn! I stabbed you to death! Hmm! Hmm! Stabbed you to death!!" Like a bear kid riding on top of a horror sculpture, he clamped the back of the monster's neck with his thighs. Pointing at the top of the monster's head was a fierce jab.

The bodyguards saw the big bald head brazenly desperate, and each felt convinced by his bravery.

But among all the people present, only Gu Renqing knew: that is not the so-called fearlessness of the brave, it is the near-death struggle made to protect the relatives, it is the helplessness that would rather be crushed than retreat!

The big bald himself knows best that anyone can escape here, after all, the other bodyguards don't have the obligation to pay for Shirley's life. When he first saw the monster, he was prepared that everyone would run away, and he could only rely on his own psychological preparations to fight alone, so for his sister who had been separated for many years and had just been reunited for less than half an hour, he must not Back.

At least, he will die first!

Thinking of this, the big bald knife stabbed even more fiercely!

"You fucking, it's a cow, just go farming for Lao Tzu! Run here and chuckle!!"

Dust, fishy wind, blood, gunshots, curses, and roars mixed together, dragging the world into the deepest chaos!

It didn't hurt at all for the monster to stab the top of its head with a sharp knife, it wasn't even an itching for it. It just felt that this insignificant little thing was a little uncomfortable riding on top of its head noisily, so it stretched out its two giant claws and hugged it toward the back of the neck.

At this time, the big bald head had already cut his eyes red, and he didn't realize that the disaster had come!

At this moment, just when the big bald head was about to be pinched by the two giant claws, the bodyguards looked upside down and shouted: "Hurry up and set the fire! Let's try it in the eyes!"

All the muzzles shot wildly at the monster's eyes at the same time.

This action really worked. No matter how powerful the monster was, its eyes would hurt even if it was attacked. It gave up its big bald head and wielded its claws awkwardly, trying to block all the bullets it shot. But because its speed was too slow, after waving to no avail, it simply seemed to cover its head and roared anxiously: "Uh... moo! Nourishment! Mother is terrible to be angry!"

The bodyguards smiled. It seems that shooting glasses are very effective. Even if you don't know how to repel it for the time being, at least there is a way to suppress it now.

A bodyguard prayed in a low voice: "God bless! I hope we have enough bullets..."

The monster was holding its head, it seemed to be getting more and more anxious and irritable, and its roar gradually became fierce: "Moo!! Don't hit me! I'm going to be angry!!"

I don’t know who scolded: "Fart! If you don’t beat you, would you please drink and eat meat?!"

This sentence caused a burst of laughter with palpitations-in a desperate moment, bickering with a monster, this is really standard fun in hardship...

But the big bald head couldn't laugh. He, riding on the back of the monster's neck, suddenly felt that the monster was exuding a fierce and vicious atmosphere. Its body temperature suddenly rose, and its thick muscles slowly moved, seeming to be gathering extreme strength, and its body was hot like a frying pan in the blink of an eye.

The big bald head was mixed with confusion, and sighed in his heart: "What's wrong with this thing? I feel like something is going to happen!" Just between his surprise, the flames under the cracks in the monster's skin suddenly rose!

"Wow!" Unexpectedly, the big bald head was scorched by the flames. With a strange cry, he turned over and rolled off the monster, jumped out a long way, and then stabilized his figure and stared at it.

The whole body of the monster was instantly enveloped in a pale green strange flame. The most dazzling thing is the pair of horns, which are full of strange runes, that are shining and extinguishing. With some elusive fluctuations, there are tiny little horns around the pair of horns. The light continues to condense.

The monster grinned open, revealing a sharp fangs, that gloomy and fierce posture, like a legendary demon!

"It's laughing..." After the big bald head saw the expression on the monster's face, the fear in his heart became stronger. He suddenly rushed to the confused Gu Renqing and shouted: "Be careful! This guy is not right!"

But it was too late, the horns of the monster flashed brightly, and with the pulse of a magical shock, the entire space here trembled!

That power was so brutal that even the air was torn apart by this power!

The bodyguards farther away were blown to the walls, ceilings, and trees in the flowerbed like a broken kite.

For a while, the sound of vomiting blood, the sound of teeth falling, the sound of broken legs, the sound of head crashing!

But those who were closer...they bear the brunt and became the first victims. They didn't even have time to give birth to the thought of fear. They were swallowed by the force without a shout. The blood burst from the bursting body and turned into masses of misery. Flesh and blood!

After taking Gu Renqing out of the range of the monster's attack, the big bald head leaned against the wall panting and was frightened by the scene. Fortunately, he had seen a lot of bloody battles, but he had never seen such a tragic battle. Kill? !

What's more important is the method that has never been seen before. It is not a loaded cannon and a gun ready to be fired, but a force emitted from a living gun. Is this what is called "magic"

"Snow... Shirley..." A faint voice awakened the big bald head from the sluggishness. He slapped himself sharply and looked at Gu Renqing in his arms.

Gu Renqing's face was ashes ashes, and she clutched her abdomen tightly. It seemed that this strong old man, although he was not killed, was also traumatized by the aftermath of the impact. He raised his weak hand to the corner of the wall and motioned for the big bald head to put him there: "Put me there, don't care about my life or death! Save Shirley, anyway, no matter what the cost is..."

The big bald head grabbed Gu Renqing's hand: "Father, don't say anything, you have a good rest here, I will drag the beast. When the boss rushes over, there will be a chance!"

Gu Renqing nodded weakly, and he leaned against the wall with angrily, with eyes full of fatigue and anxiety, looking straight at the door of the secret room, where he had the greatest concern in this world.

The big bald head stood up and stared at the monster, rushing towards it again as he imagined it before, but his body was stiff like a rock-his survival instinct was preventing him.

(Shirley...Shirley...I can't talk about it here!)

In this life, the big bald head has never been so useless as it is now, and he has lost the courage to move towards the enemy!

The monster on the other side, after exploding with tyrannical power, began to roar anxiously: "Nourishment! Where is the nourishment?!" It scratched its head in confusion: "Almost forgot, where are the demon gods? No? I’m going to eat them if I don’t listen to my mother!"

The monster raised its head and took a violent breath in the air, and then smiled with joy: "Moo... the smell of nourishment!"

It closed its eyes like a ghost lamp, sniffed around like a big dog in the air, then opened its eyes suddenly and stared at the door of the secret room: "Found it! Moo!!! Come out! Come out!"

The monster slammed into the secret room door like a shark that tasted blood!


A bodyguard lying at the feet of the monster suddenly raised his spear and squeezed the trigger at the monster's eyes.

The big bald head looked intently, and the bodyguard had a broken stomach. Seeing his injury, he was already exhausted. But there was a fearless smile on his face, because even at the last moment of his life, he was a warrior full of dignity!

"Weak humans..." The monster's squinted eyes were full of contempt. It roared and stomped down heavily. The bodyguard's smiley face under the heavy pressure made a toothy and slippery sound, and then it turned into a pool of blood!

Seeing this scene of the big bald head, I can't tell the uncomfortable heart.

"You fucking! I stewed you today!!"

His face twisted, his raging muscles creaked his clothes, and his figure became even bigger. He turned back to the fierce and domineering big bald head!

However, the monster ignored the aura emitted by the big bald head. It just glanced at the big bald head and walked straight to the door of the secret room. The nonchalant eyes seemed to say: "Oh, it's not an egg..."

The big bald head clearly felt the contempt. He ran towards the monster with a roar, and at the same time took out a pistol and aimed it at its eyes...

"Moo! So annoying! Kill you!"

The monster's anger finally exploded towards this human being who had been provoking himself irresponsibly.

In the next second, there was a flower in front of the big bald head, and the huge body on the opposite side disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a cloud of dust aroused by the strength on the ground.

No, it's not disappearing, but moving at a speed beyond the visual limit of the big bald head!

Immediately afterwards, the big bald-headed eyes didn't have time to blink. He felt the strong wind squeeze his body and his throat was sweet, and his body suddenly seemed to be hit by a train head-on, shooting upwards in the opposite direction!

The scene in front of him spun rapidly, and the violent shock and pain continued to impact the nerves of the whole body.

The beaten Daguang almost fainted with a headache. He didn't know what happened at that moment. Before he fully recovered, he suddenly felt severe pain in his Adam's apple. He was pinched by the monster in his neck and "sucked" to the ground. With a sound, he slammed into the floor viciously.

The bones of the whole body of the big bald head were emitting pain, and he was pressed down by a few tons of monsters, and he felt his body collapse rapidly. From between the monster's fingers, he saw that the opponent was staring straight at him, and the other sharp claw had been aimed at his chest and abdomen.

"Weak humans..."


Another blood flower is in full bloom... (End of this chapter)