The Law of The Dead

Chapter 81: Die in flames


The doctor once asked Ashin to make a case analysis based on Gu Xiaohua's blog, so Ashin carefully studied the words Gu Xiaohua left on the blog. From this, I learned that the monster in the blog, that is, the Soul Eater that Gu Xiaohua saw with his own eyes, has two changes: one is the attractive beauty form that fascinates Gu Xiaohua, and the plane that can chase Gu Xiaohua. Has been chasing the human head and bird shape in Strasbourg.

Adding to the half-human, half-bird form that Ashin saw in Gu's Manor before, that means there are three variations of Soul Eater.

Therefore, Ah has a good faith and has always been on guard.

When Soul Eater turned into a human head and bird body shape, the big bald head was indeed shocked by its changes, but Ashin jumped up to the Soul Eater with an electric shock.

Ashin's arms stretched out, trying to lock Soul Eater's neck with a move of King Kong, Soul Eater noticed his intentions, suddenly opened his wings and jumped upwards, wanting to throw Ashin off, and stretched out his claws to crush him. Asin.

A Xin's legs clasped an old tree root, tightly clamped Soul Eater's body, and its claws were also pressed so that it could not be lifted up half an inch.

"Huh! Human martial arts... just playing clever!" Soul Eater's mouth suddenly grinned to the base of his ears, and gnawed over with a mouth full of fangs!

If this happens, most of the head, including Ashin's entire face, will be eaten away by Soul Eater, causing the big bald head to make a big strange cry from below: "Fuck!"

"Even if it's a little clever, it's enough to restrain you!"

Soul Eater wanted to open his mouth to eat people, and then took the initiative to stretch his neck. This was in the middle of Ashin's arms, and he immediately seized this opportunity to wring Soul Eater's neck tightly.

Soul Eater's neck was locked tightly by Asin, and his unbalanced body was smashed to the ground in a perfect golden bell style by Asin.

This pure-blooded true ghost with a noble status in the ghost road has been rampant since its birth. Has it ever suffered such a scandalous loss

It tried its best to straighten its neck and screamed: "If it weren't for the big brother's horns, I'm a pure-blooded life-stealer, how could I be so humiliated by an unknown boy like you today?"

Soul Eater’s words are indeed true. Although it is not as powerful as the witch cow’s magical power, it is extremely sensitive to flashing and moving. Coupled with the magic-patterned claws that even doctors dare not despise, its ability is by no means solely relying on the end of the strong crossbow, Ashin. It can be suppressed.

The exhausted Ashin, now able to gain the upper hand through hand-to-hand combat, was due to the fact that the big bald head hit and accidentally hit Soul Eater with witch horns.

Ashin grasped Soul Eater's paw tightly: "This is also luck! You cruel the innocent, hurt the heavens and the truth! Even the heavens will not favor you good luck!!"

Soul Eater rolled his eyes with anger, and roared furiously: "Your fortune is stronger than me... I don't accept it! You don't accept it!!!" It fluttered its wings with all its strength, and even Axin flew with it.

Ashin was taken off the ground, he clung to Soul Eater's paws and refused to let go: "Don't want to run! Big bald head, help me!"

"You are not a human or a bird, watch Lao Tzu drag you down!" The big bald head jumped up and hugged A Xin's waist, but he was actually taken off the ground with his feet off the ground.

The size of Soul Eater is not as huge as that of Wu Niu, at best it is the level of a plump female. Therefore, Ashin never expected that such a fierce power could be hidden in this petite body!

The weight of the two people, Asin and the big bald head, is at least about 300 kilograms together, but Soul Eater has not been affected by any gravity at all. It is as easy as the two paper people hanging on it to experience the soul. The tree flew over.

As it got closer and closer to the Li Soul Tree, the bad smell of blood exuded from it became stronger and stronger, and both A Xin and the big bald head sniffed straight.

The Soul Eater made a strange cry like a night owl, and it slammed its black wings, sometimes flying high, sometimes diving, in mid-air like a hummingbird, constantly changing the direction and position of its flight at an incredible speed.

Ashin and the big bald head were shaken like sausages tied to a propeller.

A Xin looked at the ground further and further, and said in his heart: (If you continue like this, sooner or later you will be thrown to death...) He lowered his head and shouted at the big bald head: "Bald head, follow me up!"

"Oh!" The big bald head understood what Ashin meant, and started to pull his sturdy body upwards after responding.

"Don't think about it!" Soul Eater is naturally not stupid. It opened its paws to grab the big bald head, but a pair of magic-patterned claws were tightly clamped by Ashin, unable to display it at all.

Daguang, like a gecko, used Ashin’s body as a ladder. He stomped on Ashin’s shoulder and climbed onto Soul Eater’s back and cursed: "Thieves are the birds! See you how the fucking flopped this time. !" He took out the witch horns and pierced them at the shoulder blades that were connected to Soul Eater's wings.


Soul Eater's shoulder blades broke at the sound, and it furiously screamed and wrestled with the two people into a ball, waved its other intact wing and struggled a few times, and then fell straight toward the root of the Li Soul Tree.

The big bald head pulled Ashin to his side with a grinning smile: "Boss, we fucking crush it!" He clasped Ashin with one hand, and hugged Soul Eater's neck with the other, obviously intending to hold Soul Eater. As a cushion for the landing.


Sure enough, Soul Eater's slender body, under the weight of the bodies of the two big men, was slapped into the ground like a mosquito hit by a fly swatter. The magma overflowing all over its chest and abdomen, with the scream of Soul Eater, bursts of scorched smoke burst into the skin!

The irritability of the big bald head has reached its limit. His eyes are filled with murderous aura, and he grabs Soul Eater's claws like a shot ball, lifts it up and smashes it to the ground: "Where is Shirley?! Say! Come on him! Mother said!"

The wild roar of the big bald head immediately attracted the attention of the roots on the Lihun tree; these strange monsters quickly gathered to Asin and the others!

But out of fear of the witch horns, the roots just surrounded Ashin and the others one after another, and did not take any further dangerous actions.

Soul Eater raised a malicious face and showed a very spiteful smile: "Do you really want to see that girl? Don't blame me for not warning you. Sometimes, some people, it's better to see each other than to miss it!" In its eyes The deceitful colors flashed again and again, I don't know what insidious idea this pure-blooded true ghost is making in his heart.

The big bald head screwed Soul Eater's head and pressed its face to the lava on the ground: "Say! Not to mention it's the damn thing to grill your beautiful little face into a flounder!"

Soul Eater’s wings turned back to the woman’s delicate pink arms, pointed at a depression at the root of the Soul Tree, and said in a pleasant and sinister voice: "Do you want to see her? Okay! Right there! Go on! Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… "

The big bald head punched it with a fist: "I'll turn around and take care of you!" He held the witch horn in his hand and said to Abe: "Boss, this thing should be used by the brothers first, and the brothers first Take a step!"

Ashin didn't intend to waste time either, he waved his hand and said, "Hmm! Be careful, I will ask this guy a few questions, and then I will go to you immediately!"

The big bald head turned around in a whirlwind and waved the witch's horns, pushing away the roots surrounding the place, and rushing in the direction pointed by Soul Eater.

A Xin watched the big bald head leave. He looked at the roots that were still not moving around, and drew out the hacksaw to come to Soul Eater and asked: "Tell me, who is your mother? What is the purpose of Lihunshu What are you doing? Are you messing around with the Tyrant Club? If you don't say anything..."

Soul Eater was full of anger: "Huh! What if you don't say it?"

"I think I... I'm really angry this time!" Ashin looked straight at Soul Eater, as if a storm was blowing up his body, that breath was full of pure killing intent and rage. He coldly raised the hacksaw, "Huh!" He cut off one of Soul Eater's leg bones in half!

The strange aura from Ashin made Soul Eater stagnate. Before he could react, he was chopped off in half of his leg bones, and his whole body was convulsed in pain. Although he was seriously injured, he was fierce. Undiminished: "You people who have been tortured by a thousand swords! Kill if you want to kill! I won't tell you anything!"

Ashin has completely changed himself. He slowly tilted his head and gave a flat "Oh", then violently raised his hand and cut off half of the soul eater's leg bones, and its whole paw was just like that. It was chopped off!

Soul Eater was in a cold sweat with pain, and it screamed: "Die! Human! Die! You scum drowning in Yuwang! Go and die!"

Ashin’s voice was like a cold winter wind: "Say, who is your mother? What is the Lihun tree? What is the relationship between the Tyrant Club and you?" He will use a hacksaw mercilessly every time he asks. Give Soul Eater a hard cut!

Soul Eater stared at Asin's eyes, it seemed to understand something suddenly, and laughed up to the sky: "Hahahaha! So you are a..." Its belly was suddenly cut open by Asin in cold blood.

A Xin's eyes became more and more tyrannical. He used a powerful voice that seemed to be not his own. "I am a torturer! In the name of a torturer, I will crusade you!"

"Vision!" The Soul Eater yelled tragically, "How can I die in the hands of an unknown person like you?!" It suddenly turned over and fluttered its wings and threw itself into the cracked ground nearby. , Fell onto the hot lava.

"Ah!" A Xin was touched by Soul Eater's tragic self-destructive behavior. His weird breath quickly disappeared, and his hostile eyes returned to clearness: "You..."

Soul Eater sat on the lava, and turned back into a graceful beauty, glowing with a thrilling beauty under the blazing flames! The pure-blooded ghost smiled charmingly, letting the magma's unbridled tongue swallow his seductive sex, and sang a sweet voice: "Ah the door is a stern tree in front of you~ Sprout~ Wu Niu is carrying that heavy pot... Climbing up step by step! A tree, two dementors...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to be steamed! What are you doing? Don't laugh! Wait... I climb... it's steamed... cooked..."

As the singing faded away, this beautiful pure-blooded true ghost gradually sank into the magma.

The demise of the Soul Eater is so beautiful that it is so beautiful, just like its quiet and graceful singing before death... (End of this chapter)