The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love

Chapter 154: Lord traitor, cooperate with point 41


The big palm pressing down on Yu Chiche stuck to his own softness.

Feeling the slender fingers covering it and pinching it, Luo Liyan's small face instantly turned red with anger.

"You..." Her rosy lips parted slightly, just about to start scolding, but Yuchiche's cold eyes were stained with a playful light.

"You are destined to be my wife in this life, shouldn't you get used to being a husband earlier?"

"Heh..." Luo Liyan chuckled mockingly, "Marriage is a matter of parents' orders and matchmaker's words. If you want to marry me, you have to see if you can't pass my father's test. Don't forget you two days ago did something."

This is the second time for Yu Chiche to hear such words from Luo Liyan, the last time was twelve years, but at that time it was okay for them to decide their lives privately.

But now that she has a family, how could she be willing to wrong her.

Isn't it just to let Yong'anhou's mansion decide on this marriage, so it doesn't matter if you hate yourself, as long as Yong'anhou doesn't want to be executed by the whole family, I will let him obediently write the marriage letter.

The corner of Yu Chiche's mouth twitched upwards, unable to tell whether it was joy or ridicule.

"What are you still doing here, get out soon, I have to change!" Luo Liyan pushed the embrace that was tightly hugging her.

"Yeah." Yu Chiche's eyes darkened, he stood up, and pointed to a skirt beside the beauty's bed, "That's what I prepared for you."

Although he really wanted to undress her personally, but he didn't want to make her feel too disgusted, Yu Chiche followed Luo Liyan's pushing and pushing to the door.

Seeing the closed door with a "bang" cut off his sight, his calm eyes suddenly became dark and deep.

His sister is finally back!

But even if it's just separated by such a door, it seems that I can't stand it anymore.

I really want to possess her!

I really want to rub her into my own flesh and blood!

Yu Chiche pressed his beating heart lightly against the door, exuding a crazy and dark aura from his whole body.

What happened that year

Why hasn't my eyeliner all over the world found out how she left the brothel in the past twelve years

Could it be that she disappeared suddenly, as those people said at the beginning

Will she be the same now as she was back then

Yu Chiche's expression froze suddenly, his hands on the door frame suddenly tightened, and he crushed the edge of the sandalwood door.

"Why are you crazy?" Luo Liyan opened the door, and saw that the delicate pattern was missing two pieces, and her eyebrows were gathered into two hills, she reprimanded displeasedly.

No... Didn't disappear? !

Yu Chiche stared at Luo Liyan's delicate and angry little face with shining eyes, a flash of ecstasy flashed in his heart, he directly hugged her into his arms, panting heavily.

"Still, you're still here!"

Although he was in severe pain from being strangled, the helplessness and hesitation in Yu Chiche's tone made Luo Lili's heart ache.

His appearance and departure back then seemed to not only make him deeply attached to him, but also left an indelible shadow in his heart.

With a long and faint sigh, Luo Liyan patted Yu Chiche's back comfortingly.

"Get away from me quickly, the clothes I just changed don't get wet by you again."

"I don't want to let go." Yu Chiche said reluctantly.

But he still loosened the grip on the little guy in his arms.

His eyes were gentle and delicate looking at her delicate face.