The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love

Chapter 218: There is always a bully who wants to tease me 35


The gradually stiff body made the man unable to speak easily, and a monstrous fear rose in his heart.

Who would have thought that after thousands of calculations, a cat would break his plan in the end.

is it not OK

What's wrong? !

Jun Yexuan stood up, carefully looking at the little meat dumpling in his hand.

"Hey, little guy, don't go to sleep, okay?" He murmured softly, his voice was like a feather, afraid to scare the motionless little fur ball.

But he couldn't lie to himself after all.

That virus is his most proud work so far. Once it is fused with blood, there is no possibility of survival.

Didn't she faint just now

Why are you so stupid to jump up and save yourself

After all the germs were researched, he went to study the antibodies and used them on himself, so how could something happen.

How could she be so stupid!

Is it really so important to love someone

Is it so important that you can even take your own life

Jun Yexuan didn't understand such feelings, he just felt that his heart was being sliced by someone with a knife, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

He buried his face in Luo Liyan's petite body, tears of regret rolled out of his eyes silently, and wet all the soft down.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he staggered into the laboratory.

What about antibodies

What about his antibodies

The little guy's body structure must be different if he can transform from a human into a cat, and the antibody he researched may be able to save her.

Putting the little fur ball that had long been breathless on the test bench, Jun Yexuan rummaged wildly on the test stand with trembling hands, and finally found a bottle of potion.

Withdrawing it into the needle, he carefully injected it into Luo Liyan's body.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time seems to be stretched infinitely.

Jun Yexuan held his breath, didn't even dare to blink his eyes, and stared at the little white ball.

But the miracle did not come as expected.

Her long tail is disappearing little by little.

"No! Please don't!" Jun Yexuan knelt heavily on the ground, hugged Luo Liyan back into his arms, and begged heartbreakingly.

But this couldn't stop the palm-sized hairball from dissipating into the air little by little.

In the end, not even a trace was left.

Jun Yexuan's frenzied and crazy eyes gradually lost their luster, and he stared blankly at his empty palm, like a sculpture.

Only the teardrops rolled out of the eye sockets, the whole air was frozen by despair.

Jun Yexuan couldn't figure it out, it was so hard to feel a little bit of light in a boring life, why did God take it back so soon

What did he do wrong

So is God going to punish him like this? !

Jun Yexuan stood up suddenly, grabbed one of the stools and slammed it heavily on the experimental platform.

Broken pieces of glass flew up, drawing deep wounds on his face, and scarlet blood poured out, intertwined with tear stains, looking gloomy and terrifying.

Blame these useless viruses!

Without these things, that lunatic man wouldn't be entangled with himself.

Without these things, his little one would not have died.


In the end, it is oneself who is wrong. If there is no self, there will be no such things.

Jun Yexuan picked up the gun on the ground, and slowly pressed it against his temple.

end it!

Without her, there is no need for my own life to exist!