The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love

Chapter 263: The Heart of the Last King 36


"What are you looking at? Hurry up and get out after washing!"

Such an arrogant tone should be attributed to Mr. Gu.

Luo Liyan guessed with certainty.

"It's really nothing to see, it's almost the same!"

A cool voice sounded immediately, and it seemed a little unwilling.

What the hell is Jiang Haochen looking at

The strong curiosity made Luo Liyan scratch her heart with claws.

It is said that no matter how old or how mature men get together, they will compare themselves to birds.

According to Jiang Haochen's words, they should also be comparing this, right

It's just... It's about the same size. How big is it

And no matter what, there is always a big one and a small one, right

I really want to take a look!

Luo Liyan pursed her lips tightly, and carefully pressed her head to the frosted glass on the door, trying to see a little bit of it.

It's just a pity that before she could even see the figure clearly, the door was pulled open from the inside.

She threw herself directly into a warm embrace.

"Little guy, what do you want to see?" Jiang Haochen's joking voice sounded above her head, with a hint of anger in it.

"me… "

The embarrassment of being caught doing something bad made Luo Liyan talk incoherently and wanted to defend herself, but she couldn't speak, so she had to raise her head and try to get away with being cute.

Jiang Haochen's big palm lightly covered her eyes again.

"Don't look!"

"It's me that my little zombie wants to see, not you, so hurry up and let her go." Gu Mingxuan's provocative voice came out along with the sound of running water.

"You deserve it?" Jiang Haochen's voice was as cold as frost.

Accompanied by the sound of shattering glass, there was the sound of a body falling heavily on the floor.

Luo Liyan couldn't help but gritted her teeth.

Good guy, you're really a master of tricks!

"Why, your heart hurts?" Jiang Haochen hugged Luo Liyan with one hand, and asked in her ear with a dark voice.

"!" Luo Liyan obediently pressed her head against his chest, "I just think his head is a little hard to use, and he said all the things that could make people angry all night. "

"Well, I think so too!" Jiang Haochen's mood brightened instantly like a spring blossom, and his tone was so gentle that water dripped out.

From space to a new set of clothes, before Luo Liyan had time to react, he took off the bathrobe on her body.

"You... you pervert!" Luo Liyan screamed, and without thinking, she reached out to cover Jiang Haochen's eyes.

But his distressed eye sockets were slightly red, but Luo Liyan was stunned.

Jiang Haochen's big hands grasped that small shoulder, gently rubbing against that blue-gray skin, without the slightest sensuality.

After a long time, his tone was firm, and he said with certainty, "Little guy, trust me, I will definitely make you a normal person again."

"I know you can!"

Otherwise, Little Six wouldn't force me to keep you, would he

A quiet smile rose on Luo Liyan's face, and she kept the second half of the sentence in her heart.

Jiang Haochen carefully changed her into comfortable and clean new clothes like holding a fragile glass doll, and then hugged her and lay down under the blanket together.

"Hey, go to sleep!" He kissed Luo Liyan's smooth forehead.