The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 106: Hunted





"Da!" An Yang gently stepped on the ground with his feet, wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and rushed towards the wandering again.

The wandering strength is too strong, even with the help of vn's strength and the energy of the source of rage, it can be worthy of a tie with him, and An Yang knows that he can't hold it back, since vn transferred the energy to himself. Now, more than half of the time has passed.

All that is left for An Yang is more than ten minutes, and he needs to defeat the wanderings within these ten minutes.

"Huh-it's really tricky, worthy of the Wandering Mage." After An Yang's attack was bounced off by the Wandering, An Yang turned back with the help of her strength, stepped on the ground with her toes, and leaped back toward the Wandering.

"Ah!!!" Blue veins burst into An Yang's fist, but the wandering side avoided An Yang's charged punch.


A punch hit the wall next to him, and even the wall was directly pierced by An Yang through a big hole.

"Look at this trick!" An Yang snorted again and flew towards the stray.

The stray raised his hand and grabbed An Yang's ankle. An Yang's other foot was also raised. As the whole body fell down, he slapped his palm on the ground, and the whole person ejected again, stepping on the stray shoulder. Go up, jump up sharply.

"No one can stop me." An Yang stopped in midair for a while, then rushed down towards the stray and leaned back and rushed back.

In his right hand, full of energy was accumulated, and that thunderous electric spark kept jumping on his right hand, like countless elves.

"The last blow." Wandering looked up at An Yang, who was rushing down at him, with a very obscure mark on his hands. The half-human-tall quaint big book turned out, but this time, the pages of the book were not turned. , The entire ancient book floats slowly in mid-air. Exudes a vague and powerful energy.

"Super-power magnetic wave." The wandering murmured, his hands swayed to his chest. In the ancient books, waves of blue light slowly appeared, and between the waves, I could faintly see the source of the violent jump with the silver light on An Yang's charged fist. Somewhat similar.

"You will die." The super-magnetic wave in the wandering hand became bigger and bigger, turning from red to white, yellow, and finally to black, like a black hole, with a big mouth and no bottom. It seems to be able to swallow people in one bite.

The black hole was facing the top of the wandering. It was too late for An Yang to close his fists. At the next moment, his fist plunged into the black hole with a violent silver light.


The world, which was still restless for a while, suddenly quieted down. There was no dull sound of two fists intersecting, and no cries of fighting, as if no one had ever appeared here.

All the students who fell on the ground wailing also stopped their wailing at this time, and slightly raised their heads to look at the huge black hole on the top of the wandering, and there was a faint silver light around the black hole.

"Is it swallowed?" A student said nerdly.

The wandering sighed slightly, and when he was about to retrieve the ancient book, a huge noise suddenly came from the black hole.

"I said, none of you can stop me-ah!!!" An Yang's voice sounded again, accompanied by a loud thunder.


"Bang!" There was an explosion, and the black hole that wandered was actually blasted by An Yang's bare hands.

"Puff—" The wandering killer was broken by An Yang, his energy was greatly damaged, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out, and his strength instantly wilted.

An Yang's hand was blood flowing, and no one knew how much effort and effort he had just used to break the stray black hole—super-energy magnetic wave.

At this time, his whole body seemed to fall apart, and the last silver light in his hand faded away, and he ran out of strength.

Snapped! An Yang fell to the ground.

Opposite him, the stray leaned on his chest and fell to the ground. Both were very weak.

It seems that both of them used all their strength to work hard just now, but in the end it was a situation where both sides suffered.

At this time, in this place where the war had just occurred, people were lying all over the place.

"How could this happen, a person who defeated the entire war academy with his bare hands. How could this happen!" The man in the robe roared impatiently after learning the news.

Eve glanced at him calmly, "Not everyone, there are some resentments that can't be drawn to him."

"You shut up! You slut! A widow is a widow! No wonder you can't get married! It's not that I believe you so much this time, I didn't even bring a personal hero! You actually messed up things to me That's it! You kept saying that 100% of the war academy can be taken down! Bitch!" The more the man in the robe spoke, the more atmosphere he got, but he didn't see Eve's growing gloomy face.

She didn't like other people calling her a widow, and those who called her widow died in the end.

She also wanted to kill the man in front of her, Eve's eyes gradually became sharp, but in the end, she still lowered her head.

She is too weak now. After using the blood sacrifice, even a fifth-level hero can kill her casually.

Eve could only swallow this breath secretly.

"Trash, just stay here and wait for death. Waiting for all the students to be your enemy, I won't accompany you!" Seeing the failure, the man in the robe didn't carry the hero around him. When the time comes, eve's blood sacrifice effect Disappeared, that was a dead end, so he didn't leave it anymore. With a wave of his cuff, he disappeared in the academy in a few jumps.

"I swear, I will kill you myself one day!" Eve's hateful voice came out, staring at the long-lost figure.

Now that the matter had failed, the man in the robe ran away, and it didn't make much sense for her to stay.

Eve staggered to support the wall to stand up, picked up the useless big stick at his feet, and the purple circle at his feet quickly disappeared.

"Huh?" Vn's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a gleam of light broke out, "I feel the breath of Eve! She intends to escape, and the blood sacrifice technique is also solved by her. It seems that their purpose has failed. But she must not be allowed to run away! People who live in the dark deserve to die, they must die!" The vn, who had always been calm, suddenly urged An Yang in such anxiousness.

Her childhood, perhaps living in darkness all the year round, tired of it. An Yang said to himself.

An Yang himself didn't have much strength, but Vn couldn't take care of that much in order to hunt down Eve, who had been sneaking in the dark, and once again gave An Yang the power he had recovered a little bit earlier.

An Yang swiftly approached in the direction where Eve had escaped. Vn said that because she had launched the blood sacrifice, it must be the weakest time now, and she couldn't run fast.

However, at this moment, the card was also awake, shaking his head in a daze, only to see Eve who was stumbling away.

"Eve! What's wrong with you! How did you make it like this!" The card saw that Eve was covered in blood, weakened to the extreme, and his heart ached. A lunge rushed up, trying to hold Eve.

But who knows that Xiaoniaoyiren’s eve has always been before, but he shook off the card's hand forcefully, turned his head, and faced the card with his blood-filled face, "I see this now. Am I ugly? Beauty is just my fake appearance. I have always used you and always used you! Do you understand? You get out of me, get out of me!"

After saying these words, Eve felt a little heartache inexplicably.

It feels empty in my heart, as if something is missing.

"Eve—" The card stared at Eve blankly, at the woman who had danced with him before, at the woman who would whisper to him at any time.

Has it been just an illusion? Has she always just used me

"Haha." Except for a smirk, the card really didn't know what to do.

He watched Eve, who was gradually walking away, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Having played with a woman for a lifetime, and finally fell into the hands of a woman, this is retribution, this is also a disaster.

At this time, a breaking wind sounded behind him, and the card turned around, and he saw An Yang tapping the ground with his toes lightly, rushing towards this side quickly.

"Where's Eve? Eve?" An Yang looked around.

"Why are you looking for her?" The card suddenly remembered that he seemed to have overlooked a detail just now. Eve made it like that, he didn't even ask what was going on.

"Something!" An Yang said impatiently. In fact, all this emotion was passed on to him by vn. After all, the power of others has always existed in An Yang's body. Gradually, An Yang became disgusted with these people living in darkness.

"I didn't see her." The card took a silent step, covering Eve who was about to escape right behind him.

After another corner, she is the gate of the academy. She should be safe after leaving the academy, right? The card thought in my heart.

"An Yang, right behind him!" Vn can sense Eve's breath, the weaker and further away breath, Vn can never let her go!

If it weren't for the power of vn this time, I'm afraid the entire student body would be washed out.

"You get out of the way." An Yang raised his eyelids and looked at the card in front of him.

Seeing that the card can’t hide things, it actually saves face, "I don’t know what happened to you, but for my face, can I put Eve? I believe her, she did everything for good The reason."

An Yang was stunned. He didn't expect that the card would beg him on the initiative. The card was his friend, and An Yang himself was a little embarrassed when he asked for it.

It's a pity that An Yang's softness doesn't mean that Vn is soft, and she doesn't know what she has experienced when she was a child, so she hates darkness so and so.

"Let me hunt down those who are in the dark!" A muffled hum came from An Yang's heart, that was the voice of vn.

An Yang shuddered, and then saw the crystal ball emit a burst of shining light, and then a powerful air current burst out of the crystal ball.

The dazzling silver arrow feathers shot at the back of Eve not far away with a lethal force.

"No!" The pupil of the card suddenly shrank in the next moment.