The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 109: Resurrection


In the home of the old man in time.

An Yang Guanghui, Timo and Carter sit side by side, staring at the old man sitting opposite.

"What? What's the matter with you kid, there was only one Galen before leaving, but now there are two more?" The old man said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Hehe, a little problem happened during the period—hehe, what? You are!" An Yang smiled humbly.

Nonsense, all three lives are in the hands of others, can you be arrogant

"Hmph, your kid really doesn't let me worry." The old man snorted coldly.

"Well, I heard from the Wandering Dean before that this useless big stick is not a problem for your old strength, is it not a problem to resurrect more than a dozen of them, right? You see you help me resurrect these three friends of mine, How about your remaining useless mana?" An Yang said clearly.

Huh! How can you wait for the old thief to monopolize your achievements like this, and resurrect with me quickly.

Seeing An Yang said this, Old Man Time couldn't say anything. Although distressed is a little bit distressed, but at the moment when life is dead, even if he is going to consume all the energy of the big stick to resurrect in one breath, he will not hesitate.

But if that were the case, he would definitely curse An Yang half to death afterwards.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of your generation of young people, who are so indifferent to life and death! When I am old, I have no strength to help you resurrect, I see what you are used to when you die!" The old man sighed In a sigh of relief.

An Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, what do you mean by that time, you will be old? Are you not young now

And what is Nima's habit of death

Of course, An Yang naturally didn't dare to say these words, so he could only criticize it in his heart.

"You kid come in with me. When I am resurrected, I need someone to help me and do some preparatory work." The old man took a look at An Yang, raised his leg and walked towards the back room.

An Yang cast a relieved look at the people in the living room and followed the old man into the back room.

It's still the study room from last time. I still remember the vn I met at that time. It's been half a year in a blink of an eye. The time passed really fast.

But this time the old man didn't bring An Yang into the basement, but there was a door behind the study.

"How's your time going?" The old man of time asked without looking back.

"Uh-it's okay." An Yang replied cautiously, for fear that no matter what was wrong, the old man would be disgusted and would not help him resurrect Su Su, then he would probably cry to death.

"I didn't ask you!" The old man time angered An Yang.

Well, when others are dissatisfied with you, no matter how careful you are, you will lie down with the gun. The old man is very dissatisfied with the workload that An Yang has given him. If he uses the useless magic power of the big stick, he will have a new invention immediately. It can be done, but now the amount of resurrection has changed from one to three, so it seems that it will take some time to accumulate mana.

"No matter what your business is, don't care about so many old men." Vn's cold voice came from An Yang's crystal ball.

The old man time seemed to be used to vn's rude answer, but he smiled lightly, and then stretched out his hand to An Yang, "Bring it."

An Yang hurriedly took out the useless stick with pink light from his cloth bag, and handed it to Old Man Shi.

The moment Old Man Time stretched out his hand to take the big stick, his eyes brightened a lot, and sure enough, for them, law-system heroes, he still couldn't resist the temptation of a useless big stick.

After observing for a long time, the old man reluctantly pushed open the compartment in the study.

Hmm—how do I say it, when An Yang saw that room, he even thought that he was in the wrong place.

The advanced equipment in that room is simply outrageous. There are several mechanical assistants. Compared with the robots in Anyang's world, they are much more advanced. They are doing some tedious things, various instruments, some not, Anyanglian Never seen it before.

To give the simplest example, when An Yang and Old Man Shi stood at the door, something similar to a shoe rack rolled over by themselves. Yes, it rolled over. Two wheels were installed under his feet, which meant that An Yang had put it on. The shoes are taken off.

At this time, a swivel chair that seemed to be fully automatic rolled over and hit An Yang's back knee. An Yang sat on the swivel chair unsteadily. Before he had time to speak, the shoe shelf sprang out automatically. He came with two steel arms, and An Yang took off his shoes.

The whole process took less than three seconds, everything happened so fast that An Yang hadn't reacted yet.

Seeing An Yang's expression, the old man Shi Xiao smiled slightly, "Isn't he surprised?"

More than surprised, An Yang couldn't fucking close her mouth from ear to ear.

This technology, let alone Valoran Continent, can't even reach this level even in its own world! How did they do that!

But soon An Yang was relieved. The old man of time could even study the machine that travels through time and space. This little thing may not be a big deal to him.

Although in Anyang’s world, a man named Einstein once said that when the speed surpasses the speed of light, time will stand still or even flow backwards, but this remark has been proved feasible in theory, but unfortunately no one has experimented until now. Succeeded.

In such a comparison, An Yang felt that the technology and civilization of his world were simply weak.

"Don't be too surprised. Although this kind of thing is advanced, it is too expensive after all. The entire Valoran continent, similar to this kind of studio equipment, has only two places. One is with me and the other is with On the Hemerdinger side in Bandar City, of course, I studied with him in two fields of science. I focused on natural science, exploring life and the laws of nature, and he preferred to deal with colder metal instruments." After all, after being a doctor for such a long time, people will inevitably be a little arrogant. When mentioning the great inventor, the old man time has a clear face, he is not as good as mine.

An Yang wanted to be an old man in time, so he could only fly his head nodded and said, "Well, you are the most fucking you are the most fucking."

"What do you mean by dick?" Old Man Time asked in confusion.

"Uh-the dialect of our hometown, that is, you Beier Niu B!"

"Oh, that's the case." The old man nodded, but muttered in his heart.

What does this cow B mean

It was so easy to get Old Man Time into work, and I have to say that An Yang was once again stunned by the advanced level of his laboratory.

He didn't even need to walk by himself. Old Man Time took out a small remote control from his pocket and pressed it lightly. The floor suddenly separated, revealing a moving flat road.

"Huh? Elevator?" An Yang looked at the parallel elevator, slightly surprised.

The old man time was even more surprised, "How did you know? This invention is not something anyone can see."

"Uh-hehe, blindly, blindly." An Yang smirked and stuffed the matter vaguely.

An Yang didn’t say anything about the next thing. If he knew too much and gave the old man a sense of nowhere to hide secrets, it would be a big trouble. Most people still hope that he has A unique thing.

Arriving on the experimental platform, all kinds of instruments glowed with cold silver light.

"Okay, take out all your three friends." Old Man Shi put on a pair of white gloves and said lightly.

An Yang nodded when he heard the words, took out the crystal ball, and muttered a few words in silence. After the crystal ball burst into light, three people lay on the ground.

Susu, Galen, cards.

"Move them up here." The old man Shiguang pointed to the three beds next to him, An Yang picked up Su Su's light body, slowly placed it on one of the beds, and then picked up the card and threw it on the other. A bed.

Sure enough, men and women are treated differently.

As for Galen, An Yang rolled his eyes helplessly, using all his energy for breastfeeding!

I didn’t move—

"How heavy is this guy." An Yang got up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, the armor on his body is only more than two hundred catties." The old man time glanced at Galen and said lightly.

"More than 200 catties—" An Yang swallowed.

"Oh, you young people now know that you can eat, drink and have fun, and you can't do a little physical work. You still have to rely on me." The old man took out the small remote control and clicked on a certain button. Seeing a robot similar to a nanny rushing over, don't ask how An Yang knows it is a nanny robot. The word nanny on Nimana's forehead is so conspicuous.

The nanny robot is so powerful that he grabbed Galen with one hand and threw it on the bed, looking at An Yang dumbfounded.

"Look, I can move Galen when I'm so old, but you can't move Galen at a young age." The old man Shi Guang glanced at An Yang triumphantly.

An Yang couldn't wait to pluck him all his beard.

Nima, did you move that? Would you give me another try

Of course, An Yang told himself over and over again to be patient.

"Well, wait for you to stand aside and watch for me. No one is allowed to disturb me. When I use the resurrection technique, even the slightest interference will cause my use of the resurrection technique to fail. And it will also cause the original resurrected person to be directly backlashed and exploded. You don't want to see this situation, right?"

An Yang shook his head desperately.

"Then stay aside for me obediently." After the old man coughed slightly, he picked up the useless big stick in his hand, bit his finger with one hand and pressed it on the big stick, An Yang could see the pink In the next moment, the rays of light surged towards the old man's body like crazy.

An Yang knew that it was Old Man Time absorbing the useless magic power.

"Resurrection technique." Then, the old man time's voice sounded, and his hands were pressed on Su Su's shoulders.

[I have read your comments, but sometimes too many comments will end, it is naturally impossible to reply one by one. 】