The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 114: monster


Starting from the border of Germany, we walked north, and after crossing a large plain, we came to the border of Freljord.

Although it is the border here, it is not really Freljord, but the climate has begun to gradually cool down.

"It's so cold." An Yang took out a pair of leather gloves from his backpack and put it on his hands. The gloves are black. The whole shape looks very chic, and the leather is thin, but the warmth is special. it is good.

"Timo, Timo is so cold too—ahhhhhhhhh!" After Timo walked a few steps on the ground, he sneezed, and An Yang took out a scarf from his backpack and wrapped it tightly. , But in this way, Timo's whole body appears even more bloated, like a meat ball.

"If you go further, you will have to climb the mountain. The snow on the mountain is very thick, and the higher the place is, the less oxygen is. I suggest that you should find a hotel at the foot of the mountain to rest for a night. After you have enough energy, you will climb tomorrow. Go to the top of the mountain." After all, Barbarian is a person who grew up in an ice field, and he knows this piece very well, and he said carefully for Anyang's sake.

"Well, that's okay, I'll stay in the hotel today, and buy some supplies for the snowy area by the way." An Yang nodded and led a group of people into a small inn.

The business of the inn doesn't seem to be particularly good, which can be seen from the fact that the lights are not turned on during the day.

In the area of Freljord, almost you can’t see the sun. The sky is covered by a thick haze all day, and it’s hard to release sunny weather, so one The four seasons of the year are gloomy even outside. If you are in the house, you need to turn on the lights even during the day to make it more convenient.

However, the hotel can be seen clearly, and it is not possible to wrestle on foot, and a few of them walked all the way and arrived at the border of Freil (Freljord will be written in Freil in the future) and it took about two weeks to touch the border. , I spent two weeks camping out in the open, the conditions are still relatively difficult, now there is a hotel, everyone naturally wouldn't say anything.

"Boss, open three rooms." An Yang took out three gold coins from his pocket and patted it in front of the boss who was looking at the small book intently.

"Okay, okay, a few wait a minute." The boss suddenly felt energetic when he saw the gold coin. He threw the book aside, lifted the pen and wrote a few words on a piece of paper, to the effect that several guests came to stay in the hotel. No matter how much and how much you received, but An Yang glanced at the list and found that there were two lines of fine print on the white paper besides the words just added by the boss.

It seems that the business of this hotel is also quite sluggish, and there are not a few people here at ordinary times.

Rich and easy to do things, the hotel owner soon divided the rooms for Anyang and the others. As a girl, Susu naturally inherited the habit of loving cleanliness, and hurriedly rushed to the bathhouse to take a bath, and Anyang barbarian mentioned Mo San had nothing to do, so he sat down on a few tables in front of the boss.

An Yang glanced around. This is an old store. Judging from its house decoration, it may have been open for more than ten years, and it has not been renovated. The whole house is full of an ancient and decadent atmosphere, but it is still It's clean.

"Boss, is your business here bad? I don't think many people come to stay in the shop." After looking around for four weeks, An Yang asked the boss curiously.

Unexpectedly, when An Yang mentioned this, the boss's face suddenly became a little unnatural. After a long pause, he sighed bitterly and said slowly.

"In fact, this place of ours had a very good business in the old days. The streets on these two sides were full of shops. After all, this was the only way through the Upper Freljord Mountains. At that time, many tourists often would Come to travel, so you also understand-naturally it is very profitable."

An Yang didn't speak, and quietly waited for the boss's message.

"But just a year ago, a monster suddenly appeared."

"Monster?" An Yang frowned slightly, and Timo's small eyes were also staring at the boss, attracted by his words.

"Well, a monster with snow-white hair, it is said to be a bear, but not like a bear, it is said to be an ape, but I have never seen a snow-white ape, and the hair is still very long and hideous. Yes. One day this monster came to this street, looting and smashing shops everywhere, and it was surprisingly powerful. Although our street is small, but because we often do business and wait for it to develop, more and more people like this. Places, there will naturally be strong people, but that day the monster rushed to the street and looted and smashed everywhere, but no one could stop him, even the samurai who reached level 10! They were all screaming and slapped by it. Shoot and fly out." The boss paused and looked at An Yang's impatient eyes, so he continued.

"You know that a tenth-level warrior is no less inferior to a hero, but he was slapped one by one by that monster, and he didn't feel any effort at all, but—"

"But what?" An Yang couldn't help asking.

"But I don't know where an expert popped up and subdued the monster."

"Does subduing the monster have anything to do with your economic depression?" Timo said, standing on the table, twisting his waist.

"This little brother, listen to me slowly. I have subdued this monster, but it only prevents him from hurting people. Unfortunately, every time now, monsters will come to this street and destroy them. Of course, It’s not destructive, it’s just that people who pass by are not allowed to go up the mountain. In this way, tourists will be driven back once and twice, and no one will come over time, so the people doing business in this place are also Running away and scattered, this caused the whole street to be so deserted and so depressed." The boss sighed silently.

"Then the expert you are talking about is the one who subdued the monster. Why didn't he take the monster away directly, but let him out to make trouble again and again?" An Yang grabbed the key and asked.

Mentioning this boss is also helpless, "Who knows, the expert may have his ideas, but it is precisely this way, I will continue to stay here, this shop is my only property, my home I also live in this shop. If the monster still smashes the shop and hurts people like before, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave, but now it’s just preventing tourists from going up to the snowy mountains. To earn some living expenses, even though they can't go up the mountain, they still want to stay with me for one night while they are on the way. For example, you guys—" The boss smiled very easy-going.

"Oh? That monster is not allowed to go up the mountain? Why?" The Manzi said with a frown when he heard this.

"Where is this—this is what we can know. The monster won't let you go, but you won't let you go, you can't hit him, what can be done with him." The boss said.

"Huh! I don't believe it anymore. I grew up on this mountain. I have never heard of monsters or monsters. Now there are monsters blocking the way?" The barbarian slapped a big knife on his shoulder to go out.

"Wait a minute, why are you so excited, can you find the monster after you go out? Or you shouted at the door and the monster came out to fight, and it ran out of piapia?" An Yang squinted and said, the barbarian put down the knife again Sit back again.

The boss glanced at An Yang with a slightly surprised look.

It seems that this handsome man is the leader? Otherwise, such a sturdy man would have to listen to him

"By the way, to ask about one thing, I wonder if you have a way to attract the monster?" An Yang thought for a while and asked the boss.

Hearing what An Yang said, the boss's face changed drastically, "No no, absolutely no, that monster is too late for us to hide from it, and it will be attracted to it nowhere."

An Yang didn't say much, smiled slightly, stretched out his arms and grabbed ten gold coins, which is considered to be the expenses of an ordinary family for ten days.

Ten gold coins were shot on the table, the boss's expression softened, but he still didn't say anything.

An Yang said again, "Don't worry, we have to attract that monster to naturally have our use. If we are not sure, we will naturally not let you get the flames to the upper body. Do you think it is you? As for this little care, it's you. The reward."

The boss glanced at the gold coin, and then asked uncertainly, "You guys really, have a way to solve it?"

"It's impossible to solve it. After all, we are not even sure what the monster in your mouth looks like, but I can be sure that we can guarantee that it will not harm your hotel."

Seeing what An Yang said so swearingly, the boss couldn’t say anything, so he accepted the ten gold coins and drank a sip of water to moisturize his throat and said, “For a year, that monster has a habit of meeting every half month. Come here once to drive away those tourists and forbid them to go up the mountain. Some domineering tourists want to go up the mountain forcibly. The monster also throws the tourists back more directly. After that, fewer and fewer people go up the mountain."

"Are there any other places leading to Freljord?" An Yang asked, holding his chin.

"Yes, there are, but from the border of Germany to this side, there is only one necessary way to go up the mountain. The rest of the roads are all blocked by heavy snow."

"Is it here every half a month? Isn't that there will be many people who speculate and sneak up the mountain within half a month?" An Yang said solemnly.

"This is also there, but it seems to have heard that among the people who sneaked up the mountain at the beginning, some people died. I don't know if this news is true or false. But after all, the death is a big deal. Everyone would rather believe a lie than the truth. Naturally There are fewer and fewer people coming to play."

"Dead? If that monster did it, then he doesn't need to do it. It can kill one or two directly in front of you to demonstrate." After An Yang pondered for a while, he finally slapped the table. This month and a half is coming, the boss will try to bring it to this store when the time comes, and I will be responsible for the other things."

After thinking about it, An Yang added another sentence.

"If the things in your store are damaged by the fight, I will compensate you."

The boss's face suddenly became very exciting.


[This monster is a hero, guess who it is~]