The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 118: avalanche


Susu's summoner level is also seventh, and a seventh-level summoner can use the summoner skills up to seven times at a time.

It must be unrealistic to fight the snowman now, An Yang and the barbarian are not here, and Timo alone seems to be unable to even fight.

The only way to run is to run. Except for teleportation, the flash is the fastest. After all, Susu has never been to the area where Anyang and the others opened the road, and they haven’t made a mark, so you can’t use teleportation. .

In this case, it means that Su Su still has seven chances to flash.

I took Timo to use it just now, and with her current strength, she could release up to six flashes.

But the snowman was huge, and he was running very fast. It only took three or four steps to catch up with Susu and Timo.

"Sister Su Su, run away, the monster is catching up!" Timo lay down in Su Su's arms, looking back.

Su Su ran forward with Timo in his arms. Since An Yang and the barbarians had passed by this place just now, they were still running unimpeded.

"Flash!" After running for a short distance, seeing that the snowman was about to catch up, Su Su handed in a second flash as a last resort.

But the shadows of An Yang and Barbarian were still not seen, where did they both open the way

During the period, Su Su also tried to use sprint, but after sprinting, the speed was still not as fast as the snowman, so Su Su decided to keep the flash in his hand.

"Sister Susu, look quickly, the boss is in front!" Timo yelled, pointing to the two shadows in front of them that were opening the way.

Su Su also discovered this, and hurriedly opened his throat and shouted, "An'an! Help!"

"Boss! Help!"

Although the two people let go of their voices and shouted, it was in the snow, and the snowflakes were empty. When the sound waves touched the snowflakes, phenomena such as refraction and diffraction would occur, and the energy of the sound waves was lost in the process. It was dropped, so the two of them shouted louder, but An Yang and the barbarians in front did not hear them.

"There are two more flashes." Su Su glanced back as he ran, and was shocked when he turned around. The snowman was reaching out to grab him.

"Flash!" Only the last flash remained.

But fortunately, An Yang was tired after driving off the road and just bent over to rest for a while, wiped off his sweat, and turned his head to find Susu and Timo escaping towards his side.

"What's the matter?" An Yang shook his heart, dropped the awl in his hand and ran towards Su Su, and the barbarian followed him when he saw it.

"Quick! Come to my side!" An Yang looked across Su Su and saw the snowman chasing behind her, and suddenly understood something.

It just seemed that there was still some distance. Su Su gritted his silver teeth, looked back, and hugged Timo in his arms. After running for two steps, he rushed towards An Yang.

"Idiot, this distance is too far, I can't make it!" Although An Yang said so, he still stretched out his hands, ready to catch Susu and Timo.

When Su Su's body was in the air, it suddenly disappeared.


It turned out that Su Su saw that the snowman was about to catch up with him. If he used another flash, there would still be some distance to An Yang, and he would be overtaken by the snowman. It would be better to use the running speed to flash in the air, and then With the help of sliding for a certain distance, the resistance of a person in mid-air is naturally much smaller than that on the snow.

It's a pity that Su Su still miscalculated a little bit of distance, so that there was still a few meters away in front of An Yang, and he fell on the snow, raising a flurry of snowflakes.

"Su Su, get up quickly." An Yang shouted and ran to Su Su's side. The snowman behind him was chasing him fiercely, and his fist as big as a small sandbag had already been swung over.

"You are making trouble for yourself, so that you are not allowed to go up the mountain. If you don't listen, you can go to death!" Nunu raised his hand and stood on the snowman, "Smash them for me!"

"Roar!" The snowman's fist smashed towards Su Su without any emotion.

Su Su couldn't even afford to get up, and just turned over and saw a huge fist swung down at him, Su Su's small face was already pale in fright.

"Su Su!" An Yang saw his eyes cracked, but unfortunately he hadn't crossed the road in this place. The snow was very thick. If he wanted to rush over, he would step on the snow with a deep foot and a shallow foot. If he waited for An Yang to arrive at Su Su By his side, then Su Su might have been slapped to death.

"You dare to move her, I will never end with you!" An Yang had red eyes and no weapon at hand, so she could only grab a snowball and slam it towards the snowman angrily.

The snowman directly ignored An Yang's attack and hit Su Su with a punch.

"Huh!" With a punch down, the ground shook.

"It's over—" An Yang sat on the ground, his whole body collapsed almost instantly.

Even a tenth-level warrior can slap Su Su's body with one slap, and he will definitely die.

"Huh!" But after the snowman slapped the wheel, the earth was still trembling.

It seemed that the whole mountain was shaking along with it.

"This is—" An Yang was startled and looked back in surprise.

It turned out that on the mountain behind him, a large amount of snow was rushing down at a very rapid speed.

"Avalanche!" Barbarian was also on his way to this side. Looking back at this time, he suddenly realized that it was an avalanche.

"Avalanche?" An Yang thought of the shaking of the earth just now, could it be caused by the avalanche

He cast his gaze to Su Su again and found that Su Su was lying on the ground intact, and the snowman swayed because of the shock on the ground just now, and hit the nearby snow with a punch.

"Su Su!" An Yang regained hope in his heart. He scrambled to get up and rushed towards Su Su, despite the fact that he was covered in snow.

"Huh!" The large amount of snow on the top of the mountain is approaching quickly, and the momentum is magnificent, and everything it goes to is submerged in it.

Even Nunu was panicked and directed the snowman to turn around and retreat.

"Su Su." An Yang ran to Su Su, pulled the snow away from her, and helped Su Su up, "How about? Is it okay?"

"No-no-" Su Su gasped, and she thought that she was going to die with the punch of the snowman just now. The seven consecutive flashes made her exhausted and unable to give her any strength. That one almost scared her. His heart stopped beating.

After all, it’s a girl. When faced with these emergencies, it’s normal to not react calmly.

"I, am I saved?" Su Su asked weakly, leaning against An Yang's arms with his eyes open.

"I'm afraid not yet—" An Yang smiled bitterly, "We have encountered an avalanche."

"Avalanche?" Is it a natural phenomenon that only appears in American blockbusters or science education films? Su Su looked up at the top of the mountain blankly.

The white snow covered there became thicker and thicker, turning into a dark gray, making a huge noise, rushing towards the bottom with a rushing momentum.

"Why is there an avalanche?" Timo got out of Susu's arms and asked An Yang.

"Snow does not melt all the year round, and it moves down under the influence of gravity, causing large areas of snow to collapse and form avalanches."

"Can the Natimos run away?"

An Yang looked at the snow that was getting closer and shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm afraid I can't run away. There is a distance from the bottom of the mountain. The speed of the avalanche will definitely be faster than our speed down the mountain, and even if we run to the foot of the mountain, The avalanche will still use its strength to push forward a certain distance, so we have to move to a distance of at least one kilometer away from the foot of the mountain before the avalanche falls, to be considered safe. Unfortunately, we can't do it now."

Indeed, in order to take Timo to escape, Su Su handed over all his skills at once, and now even if he wants to use teleportation to leave, he can't do it.

"What should I do now?" The barbarian finally rushed over and put the big sword on his shoulder, but he didn't have much fear. He has lived here since he was a child, and grew up here. He has a natural affinity for Xue, just like those children who grew up by the river will not be drowned by the water. The barbarians who grew up in this snowy mountain, For this avalanche, I wasn't really scared, but An Yang and his party were not good enough.

If buried in deep snow, it will freeze to death.

"Let's take a step and take a step. Barbarian, if you are not afraid of this avalanche, wait for the avalanche to come down and disperse everyone. You are responsible for finding all of us." An Yang took a deep breath and faced Su Sushen. Shot.

"Huh?" Su Su looked up at An Yang.

"Take me, if you are washed away, such a large avalanche, if you are buried in the depths, how can I save you."

Su Su remembered the content when Timo was chatting with herself just now. Indeed, she had noticed that many times, in fact, An Yang's concern for her had never been neglected.

He took off his gloves and put his hand on An Yang's hand, because if he wears the gloves, the friction will be very small and the avalanche will directly disperse the two people.

An Yang squeezed tightly, and frowned, "Why is it so cold?"

Su Su didn't speak, but there was a hint of sweetness in his heart.

At this moment, she even gave birth to a good idea if she could die with him.

"Bah baah baah!" Su Su stuck out his tongue just thinking of this thought.

How could you die! Won't die!

Nunu took the snowman and ran down the mountain desperately, but it seemed that there was still some distance down the mountain.

An Yang looked at their backs and smiled, "Oh, they will also be buried together. Okay, Susu, hold on to me, Timo, you get into the crystal ball." Without waiting for Timo's approval or opposition, An Yang was moved. , Forcibly throwing Timo into the crystal ball.

Seeing the heavy and black snow tide, An Yang also took a deep breath and held Su Su's hand very tightly.

"So much trouble has come, am I still afraid of this time, An Yang!"