The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 119: Fork in the road


The heavy snow hit, and An Yang and his party were just a few inconspicuous little black spots at the halfway point of the Freel Mountain Range, and they were instantly submerged in the snow wave.

The snow tide surged and fell to the foot of the mountain in the blink of an eye, smearing the snow trees planted aside into a white.

The whole world suddenly became quiet. The land covered by heavy snow was white, and you could hardly see any color.

Even if I look around, even the sky and the earth are all white, and there is no more color.

Snow can absorb sound, which is why the morning after a heavy snowfall is generally extra quiet.

After the avalanche was over, the road originally opened by An Yang and the others at the foot of the mountain was covered again, and it seemed to be thicker than before, covering up the Frel stele.

After a short while, a head suddenly appeared on the snow layer on the mountainside.

"I encountered an avalanche as soon as I came. It is really not a good sign." After the barbarian popped a head, he furiously pulled the big knife in his hand out of the snow layer. After cutting dozens of knives, he finally took his body All the snow in the snow storage has cut a hole, so that you can easily drill out.

After coming out of the snow, Manzi shook Can Xue on his armor, looked around, frowning.

This place is full of whiteness. If Anyang and the others are really going to be buried in the snowy ground, it would be really difficult to rescue them. After all, this place is too big, and it is unrealistic to turn the bottom up to find someone. .

But Barbarian also knew that now he needed An Yang's power to hope to avenge his people, and he didn't waste time at the moment, so he yelled out of his throat.

"An Yang! Can you hear it? Please answer me when you hear—An Yang—"

Just when the barbarian stood above the snow layer and shouted.

At a place three meters deep under the snow layer somewhere halfway up the mountain, An Yang finally slowly opened his eyes.

Although the feeling of snow for people is weak and delicate, silent, quietly falling, but when the snowflakes accumulate into snowballs, the power should not be underestimated.

When something accumulates, it will change qualitatively.

"Well—" After An Yang was swept in by the snow tide, he passed out after a few tumbling sessions. Now Lion Wake is awake, but he found a little panic.

An Yang felt as if his whole body was surrounded, An Yang knew that he was trapped in a layer of snow.

Obviously this is the worst news for An Yang.

Because he is not sure how deep he is buried under the snow layer, if it is only a shallow layer, then he can explore the snow layer with a little movement, but if he is pressed one meter under the snow layer, then It's in trouble.

Although the density of snow is not high, you can barely breathe between this snow layer, but after a long time, the heat exhaled between breathing will cause the snow to melt into water, and the density of water is much higher than that of snow, and just think about it in the nose The uncomfortable feeling of flooding.

Now An Yang can feel the cold liquid flowing down his mouth, that is the water that has melted into snow.

Fortunately, he opened his mouth slightly and breathed slowly. In addition, he was lying flat and still, trapped in the snow. He didn't use much strength and would not suffer from hypoxia.

But how long has it been? And if you move, the snow on the top will loosen, and you will bury yourself even more. When the snow becomes dense, it will be more difficult to breathe.

So the biggest problem An Yang faces now is to escape.

But how to escape? Now there is no place to summon heroes except Snow Snow Anyang, even if they are summoned, they have no place to come out. The surrounding area is full of snowflakes.

If you can't move, a movement will speed up your heartbeat, which will cause your breathing to become rapid, making the tiny gaps between the snow layers lack of oxygen.

If you don't move, your body will emit heat, which will melt the snow around you. After the snow is melted, you will sink more and more, making it even more impossible to see the sky.

Besides, after the snow melts, it will become even colder, and it will freeze to death when it moves.

Now what An Yang was facing seemed to have become an unsolvable problem. It was neither moving nor not moving, being pressed between the layers of snow.

However, after An Yang felt his body for a while, he suddenly felt that he was still squeezing in his hand—pinching a soft little hand, but that little hand was a bit cold now.

It's Susu! An Yang reacted instantly, and it seemed that the impact caused by the avalanche did not disperse himself from Su Su, and he held Su Su tightly even in a coma.

An Yang was slightly happy at first when she learned that Su Su was right beside her, after all, she was not washed away.

But then the problem came again.

She was trapped in this unknowingly deep snowy ground, and Su Su was with herself. Obviously she was trapped here too. That is to say, if she died, two would die.

Thinking of this, An Yang held Su Su's hand without restraint, and then An Yang felt that the cold little hand seemed to be responding to him with a slight force, but it was too weak, and it seemed to be frozen.

After all, the girl's body is weaker.

In this snowy underground, An Yang could not speak, but he was also relieved after feeling that Su Su was not in a serious condition for the time being.

It seems that when he can’t think of a way, he can only wait for the barbarian to save himself. The space is so small that he can’t even take out the crystal ball. Otherwise, he can take out the crystal ball and use his mind to inform Debon’s side. If people come to rescue themselves, if they speed up, it is estimated that they will be able to rush over in one day, and one day An Yang feels that it should be able to support it.

An Yang wanted to get closer to Su Su and twisted her body slightly.

It was this slight twist that An Yang suddenly felt something was wrong.

Ass-the snow under the ass seems to be passing fast!

An Yang was suddenly energetic!

If nothing happened before he was motionless, now he moved slightly, and the snow under his buttocks was passing fast, which proves that there is definitely a space underneath! Where else would the snow go

Besides that, An Yang couldn't find a more reasonable explanation. He was so excited, he began to twist his body left and right, and even stretched out his hand to pull Su Su to his side.

Although Su Su was a little panicked at the beginning and pulled him with a small hand to indicate that he would not move, but under An Yang's strong pull, Su Su's body also moved a little here, because Su Su believed in An Yang.

I believe Anyang will not do something that wastes energy for no reason.

In this way, An Yang twisted his body hard.

This time, An Yang could even hear a faint voice.


This is the sound of snow leaking from somewhere.

There must be a hole! While An Yang was sure in his heart, his body twisted even harder.

Although this consumption would be very large, An Yang has already determined that there is a hole below, otherwise the snow will not decrease for no reason, he can feel it.

With a sigh of relief, An Yang slammed down his waist.


The snow rushed downwards like a flood that had been released by the gate.

An Yang and Su Su, who were buried in the snow layer, were also relieved, sliding down the hole.

Out of the encirclement of the snow layer, An Yang immediately felt ample oxygen, which made his whole body shake. He took in two breaths of oxygen, turned to look at Su Su, and found that she was also breathing greedily.

But after a while, An Yang discovered a problem.

How deep is this hole? He and Su Su did not fall to the bottom for a long time. Generally speaking, according to a 30-story building, the time to jump from the upper floor would not exceed five seconds at most, while An Yang and Su Su fell from here at least. It took more than 20 seconds.

"Don't be afraid, I am here." An Yang put Su Su in his arms in the air, comforting her softly.


Just when this sentence was just spoken, the two of them finally landed. Since they slid down with the snow, they only fell on the snow after landing, and were not injured.

After landing, An Yang quickly got up, and the first sentence was to ask Su Su, "Are you okay?"

Fortunately, Su Su had no other discomfort except for the pale face, An Yang took out the crystal ball and looked around with the shining light emitted by the crystal ball.

This is a hole that does not exceed 10 square meters at most. The walls of the cave are full of pits and pits. The thick layer of snow underneath I think it fell from that layer of snow with An Yang and the others.

"Huh? What are these?" Soon, An Yang found some ancient runes painted on some fairly flat walls.

To be precise, it should be a totem, these strange patterns caught An Yang's attention.

For example, on the first painting, there is a strange animal, which looks like a bird, but the wings are extremely large, as if they can be covered by the sun after being stretched out. A short paragraph of text is attached to the side. However, in terms of the obscurity of the text, An Yang guessed that it was some early civilization in Valoran Continent in the early days.

The second mural is also the bird painted, but there are a few more human-shaped patterns beside it. It should be a human. However, because the style of the painting is too rough, An Yang did not understand whether it was a bird attacking a person or a human attacking a bird.

Holding the crystal ball around, I found that besides these incomprehensible murals, there were four fork roads leading to other places.

"It looks like we should have fallen into a cave, and judging from the time of our fall, it is obviously impossible to go back from the original position. Of course, even if we go back from the original position, it is estimated that it will be impossible. Go, after all the snow is too thick, then we need to find an exit from these four fork roads." An Yang looked at the four fork roads in front of him, and smiled at Su Su.

[Thanks to Brother B for your reward and Funny Bifei for refreshing the screen. 】