The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 16: Dragon Girl Shivana


An Yang was stunned. He probably guessed the prince's intention to invite him over, but he didn't expect the prince to speak so directly.

"How? If you become our chief summoner, all resources will definitely be given priority to you. Our heroes need to be upgraded to expand their strength, and your summoners are even more so. In my opinion, you should It's just a low-level summoner, right?" The prince was telling the truth, he didn't mean to look down on An Yang at all, otherwise he wouldn't look down and ask An Yang.

You must know that although An Yang is only a low-level (1-10 low-level, 11-20 intermediate, 21-30 high-level) summoner, as long as he is a summoner, there is a market and priceless. Although An Yang is not clear about the situation thirty years ago What happened in the war, but at least for now, the summoner is a very rare profession, and the level of rarity has surpassed that of heroes.

"Yes, I am a two-level summoner." The level of the summoner depends on the average level of the contracted heroes. Of course, there are some great summoners who can surpass the level of the hero, which requires a lot of foreign resources. support.

"Your excellency meant—" The prince looked at An Yang with some confusion.

Which of the people he usually invites here is not trembling? An Yang didn't change his face and his heart beats. The prince seemed to see him frown just now.

I think it should be because the tone of his speech is not quite to his appetite, he is also a proud person.

"If you want me to help you, it's not impossible, but I have a request." An Yang said in a deep voice after two minutes of consideration.

He is very clear that he is currently helpless in Germany. If he can rely on such a giant Buddha as the royal family, he will surely stand firm in Germany. This is extremely good for his development in this world.

"Your Excellency, please say." The prince couldn't wait to say, the power a summoner brings, no one can underestimate, even the low-level, once proficient, you can even summon heroes to leapfrog their opponents.

"That's it. For some things, I need some heroic powers, and if these powers are to be used by me, I must sign an agreement with me and become my hero. If you want me to help you Debon, Then you will have to promise me a condition after that, that is, let all the known heroes of Germany sign an agreement with me." As soon as An Yang finished speaking, the prince objected.

"Impossible! The summoner battle thirty years ago was because there were so many heroes that a summoner could summon, so that some unowned heroes could not collide head-on with them even if they were powerful, which led to the entire Valoran The mainland can only be left to the control of the summoners, so that earth-shattering battle will erupt, and this kind of thing, whether it is Germany or other countries, I don’t want to happen again, so your request is really It's too high." The prince shook his head and refused.

"Is it too demanding?" An Yang squinted his eyes. If even the heroes in Germany can't subdue him, then going home is a waste of time

"If you have other conditions, you can just mention it, but this condition is too big, I can't be the master alone, after all, I don't know you, if you are a very ambitious person, then once there are more heroes, I There is no doubt that you will directly launch the second summoner battle."

"Then whatever you want, I have my purpose, you also have your purpose, the two sides cooperate, you have achieved your purpose, but did not achieve my purpose, I think we have no need to cooperate. Timo, Susu, we Go." An Yang walked toward the outside of the palace without looking back with his hands in his pockets.

Guanghui's complexion changed. He glanced at An Yang with a somewhat complicated look, then at the prince, and after hesitating again and again, Yinya clung to it and chased it out.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Xin Zhao, who hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, asked after An Yang left.

The prince didn't answer, but instead asked Galen, "What's the matter with him?"

"My sister should like him. I can't stop this. If you must separate them, I will try my best."

"No." The prince rolled his eyes, and suddenly laughed, "If this is the case, then we will give him a test. If he is really reliable, why not sign an agreement with him, as long as we can be peaceful in Germany. Coming down, there will be no more wars in two days. We can take this risk."

"Test? What test?" Galen asked Xin Zhao in unison.

"Find a way to lead them to Dema Mountain (there is no such mountain, the end is yelling, the thimble is in the upper right corner)." The prince said in a deep voice.

"Hi, Dema Mountain? If that's the case, would it be a little too dangerous? After all, even our third-level heroes will find it difficult to survive in the past." Galen was a little worried, after all, Guanghui followed An Yang and the others. If something goes wrong, with that girl's innocent temperament, she might die together.

"Don't worry, I will let the Dragon Girl follow them. After all, the Dragon Girl keeps the blood of the dragon in her body, and she grows up faster than us. I heard that she has recently broken through to level 4." The prince said steadily.

"Level four?" Galen was surprised again.

Heroes and heroes are not strong and weak before, only the level and the magic weapon are good or bad. A fourth-level hero is enough to beat more than a dozen second-level heroes. This shows the huge changes brought about by each level increase.

"An Yang, are you angry?" Guanghui finally caught up with An Yang and his party after a trot.

"Angry? No, it's just that the two sides negotiated terms. If they couldn't negotiate, they left. What's so angry about this." An Yang shrugged indifferently, and Timo agreed, "That is, I originally wanted to give them some mushrooms. Yes, but since the talks are not successful, I won't give it away."

"No one wants your poisonous mushrooms—" An Yang twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Then where are you going now?" Guanghui asked again.

"Go-I haven't thought about it yet. Let's stay in Germany for the time being. I should leave after two days." Since the prince did not agree with the hero to sign an agreement with him, there is no use staying in Germany. An Yang still thinks about it. Some have collected the power of a hundred heroes, but after counting, it seems that there is only one now, but if you can collect the glorious chick, you can count the number of people.

It's just that if she wants to sign an agreement with Little Girl Guanghui, she should be a hundred happy people, but she will treat herself more and more, and then she will not be able to push it off.

"A hundred heroes, when will it be completed?" An Yang shouted to the sky weakly, and Guanghui glanced at An Yang inexplicably, but An Yang didn't say much, and she didn't ask much.

"Wait! Wait a while!" The three people just walked out of the palace and shouted behind them. It was Galen's voice.

"Brother? Why are you following here."

"Summoner Anyang, although our contract has not been negotiated, the prince said that as a noble summoner, it is also an honor to be able to come to Germany. He can grant you access to Mount Dema."

"Dema Mountain?" An Yang was taken aback, he had never heard of this name.

But Guanghui turned her pretty face white, and Galen stared back at him as soon as he was about to say something.

"Yes, there are many wild beasts on Mount Dema. After killing them, you can take out the spirits. The crystal ball carried by the summoner can be automatically refined, and then be absorbed by the hero or the summoner. It is a good way to grow. If it is sold on the market, it can also be sold at a good price. Generally, the summoner spirit can cost one hundred to two hundred gold coins. If you can get it and-there is a ghost spirit in the depths of Mount Dema, it is one This kind of very valuable spirit, whether it is sold for money or used for refining, will be very valuable." Galen explained.

At first, An Yang, who was hesitant to hear that the beast essence could be sold for money, and could also be used to upgrade the hero's level, immediately shined.

Now that he only has a second-level junior Timo in his hand, he naturally wants to increase his level and strength as soon as possible, so that he will be harder to speak wherever he goes. Even if he doesn't increase his level, the spirit of spirit can be used for money. Yes, one or two hundred gold coins are enough for the three of them to spend a month leisurely.

"Where is Dema Mountain?" After the decision, An Yang asked.

Galen looked down at the brilliance who didn't know what he was thinking, "Lax knows it. Let her take you there."

"Then trouble Miss Lux." Susu finally found an opportunity to deliberately alienate Lux from his group, although this seemed a bit of a girlish mood.

Galen was worried about Lax's filling, and whispered a few words to her before leaving.

"This is a test the prince put on him. If it passes, then the prince will agree to his request. You only need to take him to Mount Dema."

"But, it's dangerous there. There is only one Timo by his side." Guanghui said anxiously.

Galendo glanced at Guanghui and sighed slightly, saying that the girls were outward. He understood today. If he wants to go to Nadema Mountain to perform the mission, Guanghui will only say a word of caution at most.

"Okay, don't worry, the prince platoon dragon girl is secretly protecting you. The dragon girl has now broken through to level 4. As long as she doesn't enter the range of the mountain top, she can protect you." Galen comforted.

"Sister Long? That was a deliberate choice." Guanghui thought for a while, but agreed, waved at the three people not far away, and then trot forward.

The group of four set out toward Dema Mountain mightily.

"Dragon Girl, the next thing is up to you." Just after An Yang and the others left, a figure appeared next to Galen.

Dragon Girl Shivana stood next to Galen, looking at the shadow that was no longer visible, and said, "Is that the summoner?"