The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 22: Juggernaut and Timothy


"This person's brain is broken." Master Yi looked at An Yang's limping back, shook his head helplessly, and then turned on the mad dog mode (R) again, his footwork was floating.

Haven't taken two steps yet, bang!

Suddenly, a cloud of poisonous mist burst out on the ground where he passed, and at this moment, a small thing suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The little dot came up without even saying hello, raised the small wooden bamboo in his hand and bulged his cheeks toward the Juggernaut without any explanation.

"Shoo!" Three consecutive shots, all three blind flying needles hit the Juggernaut.

"Haha, ridiculous, do you think your blinding fly is effective for me? I wear multi-eyepieces, and I have more eyes, so I can see clearly. How many can you blind?" Master Yi laughed at the long one in front of me. The little bit that is not lethal at all.

A joke, mocking Timo

Taunting Timothy

"Hehe." Timo suddenly smiled slyly at the Sword Saint, and then began to dance in front of him.

"One, two, three, four again, two, two, three, four change positions, hey, three circles from the left, three circles from the right." Timok was busy, singing and dancing in front of Master Yi.

"Are you challenging me? Little? I never beat short ones." Master Yi glanced at Timo contemptuously.

"Timo is challenging you! Who told you to say bad things about Boss Timo! Boss Timo is very powerful! So powerful! Whoops—" Timo made a big circle with both hands to show that Anyang is very powerful. It was too big, or because his hands were too short, he sat down on the ground, his hat slipped, blocking his face.

"Huh, Timo never beats the blind." Timo put his hat upright, got up from the ground and patted ashes, without even looking straight at Master Yi.

"Your sister, you are blind, and your whole family is blind!" Master Yi was anxious.

"Cut, it's called small eyes, you are blind, otherwise, why do you bring a multi-eyepiece? If you have the ability, you have to take it off."

"This is what you forced me. I took off the multi-eyepiece, and even myself would be scared." Master Yi was successfully angered by Timo, and took off the multi-eyepiece two times, revealing a pair of extremely ordinary eyes.

"Come on, I will challenge you with one hand." Timo beckoned to Master Yi.

"Looking for a dead end." Master Yi let out a soft snort, wind was blowing under his feet, and the mad dog mode continued to be turned on.

Then, Timo stood there and didn't move, watching Master Yi crash into a big tree.

"Sure enough, you are the only one who is afraid when you take off the multi-eyepiece—" Timo covered his eyes and couldn't bear to witness this scene.

"Small, can you dare to fight me upright?" Master Yi shook his dizzy head and put on the multi-eyepiece again.

"Come on, who's afraid of whom, do warm-up exercises with you while the boss is still here, and after the boss comes, teach you how to behave." Timo put his hands in his waist and moved towards Yi with disdain. The master hooked his little finger.

"Don't be crazy, I don't even need to open the plateau blood (the official scientific name of the mad dog mode), and I can easily clean up you." After wearing the multi-eyepiece, the Juggernaut found the confidence of the past.

"Hey, a lot of nonsense, I really don't know how you became a Juggernaut." Timo changed his posture and lay on his side, with one hand supporting his head and the other holding the grass. It seems very boring.

"Look at it!" Master Yi gave a sigh of relief, and rushed towards Timo quickly.

As long as he is hit by his Alpha Raid (Q), and then another flat cut, the little bit is estimated to be half dead. Master Yi has made a plan in his heart, but he hasn't taken two steps yet.

"Boom!" A cloud of poisonous mist burst out under his feet.

"I'm not big, my mind is very flexible, and I can do traps, haha, these are all in vain." Master Yi just finished talking—

"Boom!" A cloud of poisonous mist burst out under his feet.

"It's a pity that the poison gas of your poisonous mist is too weak. I'm about to reach level five. According to this toxicity, you are just a second-level hero, right? I'm sorry. Generally, the heroes ranked after me are all Don’t pay much attention."

"Wait until you can come over." Timo yawned, as if to sleep in place.

"Damn it!" Master Yi blushed, thinking that he was approaching the fifth level of strength, and he was actually humiliated by a second-level hero. How could he not be popular

However, the result of his anger was that he stepped on a mushroom on the ground and his face turned green.

The power brought by a mushroom is not great, but the power brought by a bunch of mushrooms is huge. Master Yi's hands are imprinted, and the steel-green sword actually floats by itself, and Master Yi's body It was also slightly suspended, and there were words in his mouth, but they were all relatively obscure words, and Timo did not understand a word.

"If you can't beat it, you can swear in your native dialect?" Timo glanced at Master Yi contemptuously.

Master Yi almost spewed out a mouthful of blood, "Your sister, I'm chanting a spell, not the native dialect."

"Why do you use this spell?" Timo asked curiously.

"Nonsense, after stepping on so many mushrooms, of course I have to recover myself."

"Can you teach Timo?" Timo raised his face, obviously interested in it.

Master Yi widened his eyes and looked at Timo incredulously, "Do you know what you are talking about? A joke, this is something passed down from the teacher, how can it be taught to you."

"If you don't teach it, you are so stingy. I don't know how you became a sword master." Timo curled his lips.

"Your sister! I emphasize again, this is not stingy, this is the top secret, and you are not from my teacher. How could it be taught to you." Master Yi was a little confused, otherwise he would not leave it here for a long time. talk.

"Speaking of speaking, it's not stingy, you are really boring, I originally wanted to teach you how to pick up girls."

"You don't need to teach it! My dignified sword sage will not be confused with sex."

"Cut, picking up girls is called sex? Could it be—oh, do you like men?"

Master Yi's face turned green, "You only like men!"

"Don't struggle, every man always thinks he likes a woman before he meets his beloved man."

"—" Master Yi burst into tears. "You won, I won't waste time with you."

"No, Boss Timo hasn't come yet. You have to talk to Timo for a while, or you can give Timo the restored spell, and Timo will let you go. By the way, you still have the spirit of the Ghost King. Must stay."

"Oh?" Master Yi heard the words and looked at Timo, "So you hunted down the ghost king? Tsk tsk, I underestimated you just now."

"You don't recognize Timothy with so many eyes? You just grabbed something from Timothy, you are really forgetful."

"I am not an eye, it is a multi-eyepiece! And, do you dare to use me? What are Timothy?" Master Yi found that every time he talked with Timothy, he would become like a menopausal woman, talking Come and talk.

"Timothy are Timothy, by the way, do you usually like to eat mushrooms? Timothy has a lot of mushrooms here, how about giving you some?"

"Don't—" Master Yi was on the verge of collapse. He could not touch Timo, and God knows how many mushroom mines were buried nearby. It couldn't be anything to do with Timo, Master Yi felt that he had lost the courage to live.

"How can you not, Timo kindly sent you mushrooms, but you dare not want them. Nothing, you don't want to come out today." Timo threatened.

"Well, you give it to me, I want it."

"Do you want it?"


"5 gold coins each."

"—" Master Yi looked at the steel sword in his hand, almost stabbing himself to death. "Didn't you say you want to give it to me — 5 gold coins, why don't you grab it."

"Yeah, give it to you, don't you ask for 5 gold coins?" Timo said angrily.

"I buy—I buy—" Master Yi took out a cloth bag and threw it to Timo, thinking that the mushrooms might be used for self-defense, and now he hastily let this little bit get rid of the surrounding mushroom array.

Timothy took the cloth bag and opened it and took a look, and put it away contentedly, and threw his backpack to Master Yi. There is a backpack full of mushrooms. He picked it along the road just now.

"Now you can untie the mushroom array, right? I surrendered, you are great, I can't beat you, okay?"

"No, no." Timo shook his head. "You have to hand over the ghost spirits of Timothy."


"Why? Not happy? Come on, let's go one-on-one." Master Timo Chaoyi hooked his finger.

"—" Master Yi cried bitterly and threw the ghost spirit to Timo reluctantly. He swore a poisonous oath in his heart, and when he sees such a short person in the future, he must run away from the plateau blood for the first time.

"Timo, how is it? Did you hold him?" At this moment, a shout came from not far away, which was An Yang's voice.

When An Yang jumped from the tree, Timo was always invisible, and a lot of mushrooms were ambushed on the ground. Originally, An Yang planned to blackmail Master Yi with Timo. After all, he knew very well that Timo was in the game. You can hang heroes like Juggernaut or Barbarian King, and it must be the same here.

It's a pity that he fell from a tree when he was handsome and got his feet crooked, but fortunately Su Su didn't care how far he was. After returning to the original road for a certain distance, Guanghui and Su Su could walk slowly behind him.

For girls, as long as it is not something very important, they prefer to stroll, such as shopping, such as shopping, such as—


When Su Su treated An Yang's sprained ankle with a therapeutic technique and rushed back, he saw a scene full of black lines.

The Promise Sword Master held his steel sword and made a rightward slashing movement, while Timo stood at his feet, also raising the small wooden bamboo in his hand, making a rightward slashing movement.

"No, you have to be harder, the sword out of the sheath like the wind! Let the enemy have not seen how you drew the sword, but the sword has reached the enemy, this is Promise Sword." Master Nayi seems to be a tireless lecturer. , Carefully teaching the little Timo on the side.

An Yang Susu and the others who saw this scene were stunned.

"Boss, you are back! Come and visit Timo's new disciples." After seeing An Yang, Timo waved his hand at them triumphantly.

A hero who is nearly level 5 has become a disciple of a level 2 hero

An Yang's chin almost didn't fall to the ground.

[This chapter has some spoof atmosphere, because anyone who has played League of Legends a little bit knows that the heroes like Timo playing Juggernaut are not too easy, so the end did not choose to let them fight head-on, if they lose it. , It’s not appropriate, I can’t be robbed in vain, but I won’t be justified if I win the fight. How can I say that I am also a level 5 hero, so the end is a little comedicated. , Can be regarded as one's own. In addition, please ask for a recommendation ticket for collection. 】