The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 29: A short victory


"Is it dead?" Urgot heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Galen fell to his knees.

I have to say that with his fourth-level hero, it was a bit difficult to face this brave Galen. Now that Galen is dead, he has lost a lot of pressure. The remaining residents of the remnants, let the soldiers go in and bloodbath. After a while, this border should be able to be taken down.

In addition, the reinforcements of Noxus will continue to arrive. Urgot seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly smiled sullenly, "--Sure enough, it is still very powerful."

But at this moment, he suddenly turned his head, and a look of jealousy appeared on that ugly face.

"How is it possible, this breath fluctuates—I should feel wrong." When Urgot whispered to himself, a voice came out.

"No, you didn't feel wrong." An Yang ran toward this side from a short distance. These days, he signed a contract with the prince Zhao Xinlong and others, and his strength has also advanced by leaps and bounds to the third level. And in the Jianfeng Tiger Spirit that he bought last time, An Yang actually left two good spirits to Temo for him to refine, and Teemo also properly reached the third level.

The third-level summoner, even without a hero, is no longer inferior to any ordinary person. An Yang came to Urgot in a few breaths and glanced at Galen who was lying on the side.

Guanghui and Su Su had already ran over, Guanghui almost knotted a shield of light at the fastest speed, while tears kept spinning in his eyes. Susu is also constantly using one treatment after another against Galen.

"You did it?" An Yang stood in front of the ugly Urgot and said calmly.

But if you listen carefully, it is not difficult to hear the evil spirit hidden in his words, which is a critical point of anger.

"An ordinary human dared to stand in front of me and question me? What's wrong with this world." Seeing that there was no trace of heroic fluctuations in An Yang, Urgot immediately relaxed his vigilance, "I did it, and waited. You will also see the brilliance over there, as well as the tragic deaths of these surviving soldiers and the weak and weak residents huddled in the city. Are you interested in visiting them together?"

"Do you know she cried?" An Yang pointed to Guanghui.

"She cried and what happened to me? I still laughed." Urgot said disapprovingly.

"I once swore that I would never let my friend be hurt by half and shed another tear, but why, why is she crying again!" An Yang suddenly raised his head, her blood-red eyes filled with irritable aura.

"But why made her cry again!" An Yang clenched his teeth, bruising his forehead, and slammed a fist with one hand.

"Bang!" A fist hit Urgot's metal skin. Urgot didn't feel any discomfort. However, An Yang damaged the skin of his fist because of his vigor, and blood splattered all over his fist.

"Jie Jie, really a tiny human being, you think you want to shake me with your strength—" Urgot hadn't finished saying, suddenly his pupils dilated rapidly, "You—"

An Yang smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, "I really can't shake you, but what if I add another hero?"

It turned out that An Yang had already held the poison needle given to him by Timo. The toxin had been infused by Timo from the time he came. When it was transferred to An Yang, the toxin accumulated in the poison needle reached one. It makes the scalp numb.

But Urgot’s skin was made of metal, and An Yang had to use his strength to force the poison needle into Urgot’s body.

"Has anyone ever told you that since you have already died once, don't come out and wander around again? You died the first time, but are you afraid that you won't die a second time?" An Yang grinned and used that stick. The blood-filled fist hit Urgot's body again with a punch, piercing Timo's poisonous needle deeply into his body.

"No matter how hard your appearance is, I believe that the flow of your body is only blood after all, not oil. This toxin will enter your blood. If I guess right, there should be only 5 seconds to survive. With a punch just now, there should be only-you can die."

"Pop!" An Yang stepped back two steps, Urgot fell to the ground with a face full of unwillingness, the body mixed with metal also slammed heavily on the ground, unexpectedly smashed a small hole .

"Timo!" An Yang yelled, and Timo jumped off his shoulder. A wooden bamboo spun in his hand quickly, shooting out countless poisonous needles, and scattered them in all directions.

All of a sudden, the soldiers who were shot by Timo's poisonous needle screamed.

Su Su used a few healing techniques to save Galen's life. After seeing An Yang's methods, he called out weakly, "An An, don't need to be like this, they are just acting according to orders, they are not wrong. ."

"Nothing wrong?" An Yang smiled, "If we hadn't arrived in time, whose fault was Galen's death? Whose fault was the soldier who died in battle? Who will be the fault of the people who will be slaughtered next? They invaded and made a big mistake! Even if they were ordered, they would die here. This is a war, not two children playing together."

Seeing An Yang said this, Su Su couldn't say anything anymore, wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, and suddenly felt black in front of him, clenching his teeth, and barely fainted.

The auxiliary summoner increased in strength along with the level of the main station summoner, but the third-level Su Su used three or four treatments in one breath and was somewhat relieved, and almost fainted at the moment.

"Retreat quickly and gather with the large army. We don't have a hero leader now, we can't match them." I don't know who among the Noxus troops shouted, the soldiers retreated in embarrassment as if they had just awakened in a dream. Because the remaining 1,000 people retreated in a hurry, trampling was inevitable.

The three thousand men and horses that swept through the mighty force, invaded the border of Germany, which was only defended by one thousand men and horses, and ended in failure with the loss of one hero and more than two thousand men and horses.

But An Yang knew that this was only the first confrontation between Debon and Noxus, and the following battle would be even more fierce than this, and he should not be taken lightly just because he won one.

"All the fearless vanguard soldiers obeyed the orders, waited for reinforcements to rush, and then attacked Noxus together. For the future peace of Germany, I am obliged to wait!" Although Noxus was defeated in this battle, Germany did this. The loss of Bian is not unremarkable. If An Yang Susu hadn't arrived in time, I am afraid that Galen would have been damaged here, so in order to stabilize the military's spirit, An Yang shouted.

The remaining dozens of soldiers also sat on the spot, very skillfully took out the trace medicines they carried with them and treated them first, waiting for the medical team in the reinforcements to come and talk.

"What's going on with General Galen?" An Yang walked to Guanghui and asked after seeing the army's spirit stabilized.

Guanghui turned his head to see An Yang coming, and hurriedly wiped away his tears, and said with a serious face, "An Yang, thank you for saving my brother."

"This is a matter of course. If you want to thank you, it would be too much for you. General Galen is fine, right?"

"Yeah." Guanghui nodded slightly choked, "Thanks to Susu's several healing techniques and my shield of light, my brother's breathing gradually stabilized, but he was temporarily in a coma. If he feels relieved for a while, he has been injured. , With his recovery ability, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"That's good, that's good." An Yang sighed, touched Timo's little head casually, and remembered what seemed to be something, and asked, "Is there any better terrain nearby? I'll take it first. People have gone to occupy. Just listened to the words of the evacuated Noxian soldiers, they should also have a full-scale invasion. If you find a place with a relatively hidden terrain and ambush a few heroes, you can kill them all at once. Many of them have relieved the pressure on our side."

Guanghui tilted his chin to think for a while, clapped his hands and said, "In a place less than one kilometer south of here, there is a forest with bushes growing in between, but it is also easy to be anti-ambushed, less than 500 meters to the north. There is a steep cliff at the distance of the distance, and judging from the position of their Noxus march, if they want to pass the cliff, they must detour from below, and we can sneak attack from above."

An Yang said decisively, "Go to the woods!"

"Why? The risk is higher in the woods. After all, we were forced to start the battle in a hurry. There were no scouts to find the way, and they were not sure where they were. It was extremely easy to be anti-ambushed. We were closer to the cliff, and the time to prepare was also It will be sufficient."

An Yang smiled upon hearing the words, "If you were from Noxus, would you let your soldiers take the cliff? You know that the terrain is dangerous, and if you force it through, it may cause some losses, and it is very likely. Be ambushed."

The shining eyes lit up, "So that's it, but we don't know where their army is now. If we just rush to ambush like this, we will probably be squatted back."

An Yang glanced at Timo, and Timo held his chest up, "Timo is going to explore the way ahead!"

"Well, remember to put more mushrooms. I will keep the crystal ball on for combat. You can talk to me directly in your heart. If you find the enemy's location, report it immediately." After An Yang nodded, Timo slid forward. Ran across the woods to the south.

"Who are the heroes of Noxus? Carter? Raven? Or Dreyus? It's really exciting. Next, it's time for us to fight back, right?" An Yang listened to the horses rolling behind him. The voice that came, said with a smile.

The reinforcements have arrived, and the next battle will be the most critical. In such an era when the winner is king, whoever wins is enough to trample the loser under his feet and never stand up.