The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 37: It's on the verge


"You, what are you doing!" Su Su pushed An Yang away with all his strength, took the crystal ball from his pocket and threw it to An Yang, and gave An Yang a fierce look.

"This-uh, I just want to try, in this way, can it be combined?" An Yang explained.

"What combination?" Su Su asked with a blushing face.

"It's the method of combining the main battle summoner and the auxiliary summoner. That person has summoned so many heroes at once, and if we don't summon the heroes who are still outside, we are afraid we will all kneel here today. , So I want to try to see if we can resonate in this intimate way so that our crystal balls can be combined. Once the combination is successful, I can also use Summon + Teleport to summon all other heroes. This way To be able to defend."

"Is that successful?" Su Su asked.

"Didn't you just interrupted it?" An Yang said embarrassingly.

"Huh?" Su Su pouted a little helplessly.

"How about we try again?" An Yang suggested.

"You!" Su Su heard An Yang's words, his cheeks blushed instantly.

try again

"There is only this method right now, otherwise we will all die here, I didn't mean to take advantage of you on purpose." An Yang explained again.

"That—" Su Su bit his lip, made up his mind, and nodded, "Okay."

Then An Yang saw Su Su approaching herself a few steps, her flawless face lifted slightly, her mouth pursed slightly, her eyes slowly closed, but her trembling eyelashes betrayed her nervousness.

An Yang also took a deep breath and kissed her delicate lips.

The eagerness of the kiss just now didn't feel anything, and now An Yang felt the softness between his lips and teeth after returning to his senses.

As if it can be melted away.

Su Su's cheeks were hot. This was the first time she agreed with a man to do this. In short, this was her first kiss.

Unfortunately, I don't know if that guy will take it seriously, Su Su thought a little wronged in his heart.

At the same time, An Yang threw Susu's crystal ball and his own crystal ball empty at the same time. The two crystal balls floated slowly, but nothing else happened.

"Isn't it intimate enough? If you can't resonate, you won't be able to merge." An Yang thought in his heart, and he took a step forward in action. He boldly stretched out his tongue against Su Su's shell teeth. Su Su was taken aback by An Yang's sudden behavior, desperately trying to grit his teeth, but felt that he couldn't make it up with any strength, and was soon caught by An Yang. Breaking through, a tongue slid into her mouth aggressively, making a mess.

Su Su felt that her heart was about to melt, and the unspeakable but very comfortable feeling continued to spread in her heart.

Susu's lilac uvula is very soft and smooth, and An Yang's tongue is a little in love with this feeling after stirring it for a while.

It would be great if it could be like this forever, An Yang thought shamelessly.

At this moment, the two floating crystal balls changed.

First, there was a flash of light, and then the two crystal balls slowly merged together. It became a crystal ball, but it was a little bigger than the two crystal balls before.

"Okay." While kissing Su Su, An Yang glanced at the crystal ball from time to time. Seeing that the crystal ball finally merged, he was relieved and separated from Su Su's lips.

Su Su opened his eyes blankly, but there was a feeling of emptiness in his heart. He shook his head vigorously, throwing away those shameful thoughts, Su Su's cheeks were still red and hot.

After An Yang took the crystal ball and took a look, he placed it on his chest, his eyes slowly closed, and he kept searching for other heroes in his mind.

"Found it!" An Yang was surprised, but at the same time he said silently, "All the summoners who signed a contract with me listen to orders and send them!"




There were also purple lights around An Yang. After a while, all the German heroes appeared in this woods, each with a blank look.

Just as An Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt a gust of wind hitting him, and when he turned his head, he saw Xin Zhao stabbing himself with a spear.

Those blood-red eyes had no emotion at all except for the endless desire to kill.

"Is it controlled?" Upon seeing this, An Yang quickly used purification.

A ball of bright light wrapped Xin Zhao, and then the blood red in Zhao Xin's eyes slowly faded, revealing a pair of black pupils.

"Me, what's wrong with me? I was out of control just now. Thain! It's Thain! I actually killed my own soldiers with my own hands, I—" Xin Zhao squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, shaking constantly.

An Yang put a hand on his shoulder and said comfortingly, "Well, don’t blame yourself too much. It’s already happened, and you didn’t do it deliberately. What you have to do now is to help those brothers who died. Revenge." Then, An Yang told the heroes who had sent him the general situation again.

"Another summoner?" After listening to An Yang's explanation, all the heroes became solemn.

I originally thought that Germany had the existence of a summoner like An Yang, and it was only a matter of time before it took Noxus, but I did not expect that Noxus had also hired a summoner, and I can tell from An Yang. , The summoner's strength unexpectedly surpassed the hero.

"Yes, he claims to be a divine body summoner. I don't know much about this thing. Who among you knows?" An Yang asked.

"Hiss—" Suddenly, Quinn took a breath.

"What's the matter?" An Yang wondered.

"Divine Body Summoner? That is a very noble category in the group of summoners. I have seen that paragraph in my father's book. Thirty years ago, the Summoner War had the two most powerful forces. They The leaders of are all divine body summoners, and they can destroy a mountain just by flipping their hands. It is said that their strength is unpredictable and even no less than 30 level heroes. 30 level heroes are legendary existences, and that divine body The summoner's own strength is even more than a level 30 hero."

Hearing what Quinn said, everyone was a little worried.

Noxus has a divine body summoner to help, so wouldn't it be that this battle is going to be lost

Perhaps after guessing everyone's thoughts, An Yang smiled slightly and stood in front of everyone.

"Don't give up lightly at any time, because we haven't lost yet. The idea of admitting defeat will wait until we lose. What we need to do now is to defeat the divine body summoner and the heroes he summoned. I believe this There is no absolute genius in the world, only people who surpass genius."

An Yang's words also rekindled the hope of the heroes.

At this time, a horseshoe came from behind the forest.

"Your Excellency An Yang, Your Excellency An Yang!" The voice seemed to belong to the prince.

"Prince? Why are you here." An Yang saw the prince galloping forward.

"The 20,000 troops actually marched in when I was taking a nap. I suspect that it was in the trajectory of the enemy." The prince turned and dismounted in front of An Yang and said eagerly.

"Hahaha, the veil hidden in the dark, you will never discover, the pretender and the disguised, which is true or false." On the other side of Noxus, a sweet laugh sounded and everyone twisted. In the past, I found a woman wearing a gorgeous and expensive robe.

"The Demon Fairy of Deception!" An Yang's pupils condensed slightly, and he immediately understood something.

"Do you see what I pretended to look like?" Demon Ji turned into a prince again in front of everyone, almost the same in appearance. Unless someone who is particularly close can judge from every move, it is basically difficult to tell the rest of the people.

"It's you! Where did you transfer my army!" Seeing Demon Ji became himself, the prince was anxious and raised the halberd in his hand to point at Demon Ji.

"They? Maybe they're dead." Yao Ji said disdainfully.

"Damn—" The prince trembles all over, and the halberd slams the ground forcefully, and the mud suddenly rises. Even the ground has been poked a small hole.

"Calm down, the battle is imminent. All we can do is to defeat them. The heroic leader is dead. Then the soldiers under our hands are not afraid. You must be calm to avenge the dead brothers." An Yang calmed down the prince's emotions. .

Finally, after the prince took a few deep breaths, he calmed down.

"Although, I know this is very difficult, the heroes on the opposite side are all a bit higher than us, but we can't give up. Even if we fight our backs, are we afraid?" An Yang shouted.

No one answered him, but everyone squeezed their weapons tightly and focused on the opposite hero.

"Carter, come here quickly." On Noxus's side, the crow saw Carter standing motionless between the two armies and beckoned to Carter.

Carter bit his red lips, hesitated in his eyes, and looked at An Yang and the others.

"I won't force you. After all, Noxus is the country where you were born and raised." An Yang shrugged.

"Good." Kaji nodded, just when everyone thought she was going to turn and walk towards Noxus, she put away the dagger, and tore a small piece of cloth from her body to bandage the bleeding left eye. , And walked deep into the woods without looking back.

A trace of laziness came with a tired voice.

"I won't take part in this battle. As for Noxus, just treat me as dead."

"Humph, traitor." The crow snorted coldly.

The man in the robe waved his hand, "Let her go with the waste. Next time I meet you, I will kill her personally. Let's solve these ants first. After all, time is running out." The voice fell, and the man in the robe again Looking up at the sky, a deep jealous color flashed through the deepest part of his eyes.

"Prince Xin Zhao, you are at the forefront, Guanghui uses skills to consume, Master Yi looks for opportunities to cut in and protect Quinn's output with all his strength." An Yang quickly arranged.

"it is good."

"Well, let's go!" An Yang waved, and all the heroes on both sides flashed with different colors in the hands.

The war is about to start!

[In other words, reading a book and not voting is equivalent to not wearing a condom, and the nature is the same. Do you want to be such a shameless villain! ! ! I look down on you, I will pronounce you death penalty on behalf of the Party Central Committee, if you don’t vote again! I will, I will kneel down for everyone, and I beg you to vote for some recommendations. 】