The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 45: League of Legends


On a bustling street in the center of Debon.

A shop that bought snacks suddenly closed overnight. When it opened the next day, not only the decoration but also the name of the shop was changed.

Four large gilded letters are hung in front of the store.

League of Legends.

"Put this here, put the table in the middle, yes, here is another information desk." An Yang wearing a gray hat, holding a pen in his hand, while writing and drawing on paper, while arranging Workers help him move things.

Obviously, he opened this shop, and the original owner of the snack bar wanted to transfer the shop very early due to his old age, but he couldn’t find the right price until An Yang came over and spent it all at once. 2000 gold coins bought this position.

"Okay, you can arrange the rest as I drew. I have something to do." An Yang handed the previously drawn drawings to a contractor, patted him on the shoulder and walked into the room upstairs. .

This shop is a three-story pavilion, as for what it does. A group of heroes upstairs are also waiting for An Yang to give an answer.

In the morning, a group of heroes were called. If An Yang didn't have a reasonable explanation, he would be trampled on by the heroes.

"Let you wait a long time, now I will explain to you why such a shop suddenly opened, and why I called you here early in the morning."

"Come on, there are still a lot of documents on my desk that I haven't reviewed." The prince poked the floor indifferently with the halberd, An Yang looked heartbroken, but it was the high-quality log floor that he had paid a lot of money for. Ah, the prince poke a small hole at once.

"That's right, An Yang, why did you get up so early today? I even stewed you a pot of soup. The soup is still simmering on the fire. It won't be good when the water dries up." Guanghui rolled a hint of blond hair into his ears. With a slight smile, I have to say that Guanghui is now more and more like a housewife. All day long before and after Anyang, she rarely studies even her favorite magic.

Everyone looked at Guanghui with a smile, but she didn't say anything until she blushed and lowered her head. Guanghui liked An Yang, and everyone knew in their hearts.

"Kid An has something to say quickly, every morning I have to drink a glass of red water to moisturize the intestines, and I will go back to drink it after you finish talking." When the vampire spoke, everyone turned their heads and glared at him.

The vampire smiled wryly, "Uh, it was a slip of the tongue just now, boiled water, boiled water, I haven't sucked blood for many years."

"Cough cough, be quiet." An Yang patted his hands and the noisy room quieted down.

Obviously, no matter who it is, no matter how joking, everyone still gives Anyang a lot of face.

"I rented this store because I am planning to leave soon." An Yang's first sentence was like throwing a big rock in the water, splashing water everywhere.

"What? Your Excellency Anyang, you are leaving? Why, is it because the people of Germany are not enthusiastic about you?" The prince was unhappy, so the halberd in his hand became more rhythmic. When the meeting was over, Anyang would have to redecorate. Take a look at this room.

"An Yang, are you leaving? Is it because the chicken soup I stewed is ugly? I will cook other soups for you in the future, don't you go." Guanghui said weakly.

An Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and coughed vigorously, "Ah, after listening to me, I left this time to allow General Galen to recover as soon as possible. It has nothing to do with everyone. Everyone treats me well, but General Galen's matter I can't keep it like that. I asked Dr. Time a few days ago about some ways to restore General Galen, so I will leave for a while, but I will definitely come back."

That said, everyone's emotions have calmed down a lot, and it seems that An Yang's status in everyone's hearts is still relatively high.

"I intend to make this store into a guild."

"Guild?" everyone said in unison.

"Yeah." An Yang nodded, "The heroes' guild, think about it, when the days are calm, the heroes will be useless if they don't fight. Let the vampires move bricks, do you go?"

"Of course not." The vampire objected immediately.

"Let Xin Zhao move you to the warehouse?"

"The spear is here!" Xin Zhao shook the gun in his hand.

"That's not enough. You are naturally unwilling to do ordinary jobs, but now it is too peaceful, and there is no unusual work for you to do. Therefore, I opened such a guild, on the one hand, to protect Your survivability, the prince, as the leader of a country, can’t spend money in the treasury casually, and you can’t go to the streets to snatch it when you run out of money. As the saying goes, a penny is hard for heroes, so this The establishment of the guild is very meaningful." An Yang explained.

"Then what does this guild do?" someone asked.

"That's a good question!" An Yang waved his hand. "The guild can accept some commissioned tasks from the residents, and with your heroic skills, it is naturally very easy to do these tasks. The residents entrust the tasks to you, naturally. You have to pay a commission. In this way, when you complete the task, you can earn a commission fee. In this way, your living ability is guaranteed, and you can go out and take a look, and you can kill two birds with one stone."

"Commission? Then it is no different from the mercenary group." The prince said solemnly.

"No, no, you got it wrong." An Yang retorted, "The mercenary group is a mercenary group. The missions they take are often more dangerous. They kill people and overtake goods, and the commissions extracted are also very high. Our guild only accepts some. For ordinary tasks, commissions will also be collected within the range that the residents can bear, so that you can earn your status in everyone’s hearts, let everyone know that the original hero can also become an approachable role, let others from the bottom of their hearts Recognize that you are a hero, you are a hero, a city hero."

An Yang's words had some profound meaning, and some people didn't realize it immediately.

But this is not the key, An Yang only did this, and there is another intention.

The Valoran Continent is so big, if you want him to go across the mountains to find heroes, a hundred heroes don’t know when to find them, so it’s better to open an iconic guild. When the time comes, the reputation will become bigger, and it will naturally attract some independent players. The addition of heroes, interpreted in a simple word, is the brand effect.

"The tasks can be graded according to the difficulty. You can decide the level at will. This guild will be our own home in the future. Please take care of your home together." After An Yang finished speaking, he took out some badges from his pocket. This is his first few. The badge that people drove out in the night, the badge is a giant sword, and there are two pure white wings on the left and right sides. The center of the sword hilt is written with four characters, League of Legends!

This pattern is full of domineering, but-yes, An Yang is plagiarizing the League of Legends icon of Riot. Anyway, the designer of Riot has not crossed over, so he can safely piracy.

The badges continued to be issued, unanimously received praise from the heroes, saying that the appearance is full of domineering, and it brings the face to Beier. Regarding this, An Yang smiled.

It’s just that when the League of Legends guild opened, a lot of people came to watch, but there seemed to be few supporters. Most of them came to watch because they looked very powerful, but they saw that they didn’t give out any prizes. As well as the undisclosed girls as etiquette, the crowd suddenly lost the interest of the onlookers. One after another left without shooting.

The heroes squatted at the gate of the guild boredly knocking on melon seeds, but it became a stern landscape.

About the evening, finally there was a rickety old lady who staggered to the door of the guild, and stayed there for a while. This situation made the heroes happy. No matter what, the first time she always looked like that. Precious, the first love, the first kiss, the first shame, the first pot of gold, and the first business right now.

"Auntie! What can I do for you?" The prince stood serious, looking at the aunt unsmilingly, with a serious face.

"Auntie, our League of Legends has a very good service!" Guanghui stood aside, hands on his chest, with a slight smile on his face.

"Auntie, waiter No. 9527, Timo, is willing to serve you." Timo's head popped from the shining shoulder.

"An'an, what did you tell Timo again—" Su Su's face was covered with black lines and looked very speechless.

"I told him a sad story." An Yang looked up at the sky, her eyes full of sadness.

The aunt stuck her cane, looked at the group of smiling heroes in front of her, and spoke for a while.

"What are you doing?" At first glance, the aunt had immigrated from the Valoran Continental Basin.

"We are the service center here."

"What is the service center doing?"

"It's the clubhouse to help you solve problems."

"Sister Paiyou? Mandi? Isn't it a sister? Why did you become a mandi?"

"Resolve problems—" An Yang slapped his forehead.

"What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm so simple to tell you, if you have any difficulties, we can help solve them."

"So that's the case, can you find a man?" the aunt asked, pondering for a while.

"Your wife is lost?"

"No, he is dead."

"Nima—how to find if you die—" An Yang twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Didn't you say something is difficult, so you can help?"

"We can't do this."

"The bunch of Edi grandsons." The aunt pondered for a while.

"Your grandson—no—" An Yang asked tentatively.

"No, Grandson Erdi is dead."

"Huh—" An Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it was born."

"Nima—" If it wasn't for An Yang to respect the old and love the young, he would definitely go up and give this aunt two feet.

"Sorry, we can't do this either." Su Su said apologetically from the side.

"You can't do anything? Then what kind of shop do you open?" The aunt walked away with her cane, leaving a group of people tearful to watch the aunt leave.

[Three changes today, close the first volume, and open the second volume tomorrow. 】