The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 69: Leopard girl was injured


"Something happened?" An Yang hurried out of the classroom upon hearing this, "What's the matter? Did she provoke someone again?"

If the Lingli girl is there, she will definitely cry to death. It's obviously that someone is making trouble for me, okay!

"Lingli she was last night—" Su Su quickly talked to An Yang about the process. At the end of hearing, An Yang's brows became heavier and heavier.

After all, Lingli is only a child. At the age of 16, she shouldn’t be treated like this. She is too young to bear this. When she was with An Yang and the group of people, An Yang could always protect her well. But now it's different. An Yang and her class are not the same class, and they don't live together. If it is to protect her, it is naturally not as convenient as before.

But when he hadn't been protecting them for a day, someone was bullying them. When Lingli was squatting on the ground drenched and trembling with his knees, An Yang felt his heart twitch.

"The bastard—" An Yang's eyes were blood red, "Didn't the Leopard Girl solve the problem yesterday? Why is something wrong now?"

"The girl who bullied Lingli yesterday, she found her boyfriend. Her boyfriend heard that she was still a small head of the weapon faction. She was a good messenger, and the gang brought a large group of people over and said that she wanted to give His girlfriend is looking for justice, but Lingli was not the fault of this matter, and now he almost started fighting with the leopard girl. I'm afraid they will be too crowded and the leopard girl will not be able to beat them, so hurry up and have a look."

"Let's go!" An Yang waved his hand decisively, and quickly ran to Ding 2nd class with Timo.

Those who dare to bully his friends, even if they use a single vellus hair, can't do it!

The three quickly rushed to the door of Ding 2 Class and found that many people had been surrounded.

Generally speaking, the instructors will not take care of the fighting incidents in the academy. The war academy is a place to practice fighting. The establishment of a martial arts academy is for you to kick and kick, as long as you don’t kill anyone. It's all easy to say.

So once a large-scale fight happens somewhere, not only will no one be afraid, but a group of people will still crowd onlookers.

"If you are acquainted, get out. If you want to be more nosy, even beat you up." Chen Yun led a group of people and pointed at the leopard girl who was in front of Lingli, "Hand her over, I I won't hold you accountable. I naturally found my girlfriend's place. I can't let my girlfriend be bullied, right?"

"You bullshit! She was obviously the one who bullied me first!" Lingli said unconvinced, seeing the gloomy look of Chen Yun's stare, and then murmured and shrank behind the Leopard Girl.

"Chen Yun, look at her, you look at her, you are still fierce to me." Yesterday's aggressive and domineering second sister, today seems to be transformed into a tender girl, as if a gust of wind can break a few bones. Tugging at the corner of Chen Yun's clothes whispered.

In private, how about the two of them? That's another matter, but now in the crowd, so many people have heard his girlfriend's words. If he doesn't find the place back, there is really no place to put his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, either hand it over! Or just do it!" Although Chen Yun himself is not a hero, the reason why he is so confident today is that he has found a helper.

A person who is not a hero but whose strength is no less than a level 7 hero is a helper, so he can be so rampant.

"Do it, do it, who would be afraid of you!" Leopard girl grew up in the jungle, and her body exudes a wild aura, making it impossible for her to be soft.

"Sister Leopard, they are too many people, or you hand me over—" Lingli bit her lip, as if she had made much determination.

It is not easy to think of her as a little princess who can grow up to the point where she is now considering others. Lingli's words made Leopard Girl quite surprised, but Leopard Girl still shook her head, "You did something wrong. Of course, we will not protect you, but if you are not wrong and others want to bully you, then it won’t work!"

"There's a lot of nonsense, Xiao Niang, my brothers will teach me these two women who don't know the heights of the earth." In the War Academy, there is no such thing as a man who cannot beat a woman. As long as he fights, he will be caught In the scope of fighting, in the martial arts school, you can often see some men challenging women, and even some women fight more fiercely than men.

Chen Yun didn't leave his hand at all, and five or six men rushed towards the leopard girl in a wave of his hand.

The leopard girl quickly turned into a leopard, and her front paws pressed on the ground with a long whistle, which actually slowed the momentum of the men.

For the beast, many people are still a little afraid.

"Oh? Can you change your form? He seems to be a hero—" Standing on Chen Yun's right, a man who looked very capable with a short hair cut said, he was the helper invited by Chen Yun, except that there was no chance to be able to. Outside of heroes, his strength is not inferior to that of a seventh-level hero.

Taking advantage of the gap between the men in a daze, the leopard girl rushed forward without any slowness. She swiped her sharp claws, and instantly scratched the two of them. The two men held their arms and retreated sharply. There was a trace of fear.

It seems that this leopard is not so easy to deal with.

"Are you so capable?" The leopard girl changed from the leopard form to the adult form again, and the long mark in her hand swung hard, the long mark seemed to be able to tear the air, with an orange light toward it. A man pierced through.

If you are struck by this standard, you will definitely be crippled. The competition in the academy may seem calm, but in fact it is extremely cruel.

"Drink!" Finally, the inch-haired man on the side couldn't hold it back anymore, screamed, hurried forward, twisted his body and aimed at the mark of the long mark, and kicked the long mark out with one kick.

"Li Hu." The inch-haired man held his fist slightly at the leopard girl, and then made a tiger flutter.

"Interesting." The leopard girl also flashed a cold light from the corner of her eyes, turned into a leopard form again, and rushed towards that Li Hu.

"Roar!" With a loud roar accompanied by sharp claws, the leopard girl raised her hand and didn't intend to stay behind, she made a tricky move.

"Don't come here without problems." Li Hu also flashed a dignified eye. Although he claims to be able to compete with the seventh-level hero, he is also very aware of the gap between ordinary people and heroes. Although the hero in front of him does not have the seventh-level hero The kind of breath that broke out, but the physique of the beast was always stronger than that of the human, so he had to face it.

Arming his hands and saying goodbye, the Leopard Girl's claws were removed, and Li Hu quickly slapped it at the Leopard Girl's head. It seemed that he didn't intend to keep his hands.

Both of them were blushing.

"Roar!" The Leopard Girl yelled again, swooped, and dodged Li Hu's palm, then turned around abruptly, her tail erected instantly, as hard as iron, and swept towards Li Hu with a whirr .

Li Hu couldn't accept it, so she could only take two steps back temporarily. Leopard girl stepped on her own rhythm, rushed forward again, and suddenly pressed her paws downward.

"Bang!" The rocks on the ground were shattered by the leopard girl's swift blow. If Li Hu hadn't rolled on the spot just now, he might have been seriously injured by now.

"Although the beast is fierce, its biggest disadvantage is—" Li Hu took advantage of the short gap after the Leopard Girl had just shot down, and suddenly raised his leg and kicked it over.

"Oh!" This foot was just kicking on the leopard girl's flanks impartially, kicking the leopard girl tens of meters away with a single kick, marking a faint trace on the ground.

Li Hu stood still, his eyes slightly contemptuous, "I can attack with my hands, and I can also attack with my feet, but after you transform into a beast, your legs only play a role in movement. I have one more pair of legs than you. you lose."

Indeed, even if the average beast fights with people, it is nothing more than waving its front paws and then biting the enemy with sharp teeth. But which beast has you ever seen kicking someone with its feet like a man

Li Hu didn't show any mercy on that foot. With just one kick, the Leopard Girl temporarily lost her combat power. The Leopard Girl also changed back to a human form, and fell on the ground with painful face while clutching her belly.

"Asshole, asshole—you actually took Sister Leopard—" Lingli saw the leopard girl being injured, and hurried over, watching the leopard girl who was rubbing her back on the ground with countless bloodstains, tears flowed unconvincingly. Come down.

"Leopard Girl Sister, are you okay? Don't scare me-it's all my bad-woo-it's all my bad, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be hurt." Lingli choked and said. Tears fell drop by drop, across her cheeks, across her chin, and landed on the leopard girl.

Leopard girl raised her hand with difficulty, brushed Lingli's face, and tried her best to wipe away her tears, "You are still too weak, no one can protect you."

"I don't want anyone to protect—I just want you to be fine—Leopard Girl Sister, you won't die—" Lingli is still heartbroken. After all, Leopard Girl looks like blood all over her body and looks extremely miserable. She looks like a wild leopard girl.

"Don't worry, I just got hurt and temporarily lost the ability to move. They didn't dare to do anything to me. The academy has regulations not to kill people, but you, run quickly. There is no one to protect you anymore. Run quickly. Go to a safe place and it’s fine.” The leopard girl lost a lot of blood and her speech was a bit intermittent. She knew that she had no strength anymore, but she saw the crying and tearful little girl in front of her. She wanted to stand up again and continue to protect her.

It's a pity that she gave up after trying it a bit.

She is so tired.

"Sister Leopard-you wait, I will help you revenge, even if I am weak, I will fight my strength, I won't be afraid anymore!" Lingli wiped away her tears and said vowedly, despite her voice Still a little trembling.

At this time, a pair of big hands pressed on the top of her head.

"Just let the man do the fight, and the woman should stand behind the man." A crystal ball emerged and An Yang stood in front of Lingli.