The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 8: condition


"It's Doctor Time!"

"Dr. Time, are you here? This guy has been preaching about what can challenge the power of science. I have guessed that he is bewitching people's minds, and I ask you to expose his magic."

"That's it, Dr. Time, we've been stuck here all the time, to see what tricks he can play."

The appearance of the old man of time made the audience who were a little convinced of Anyang turn to Dr. Time unanimously. There is no way, the old man of time has high morals, and he has invented many things that are beneficial to the residents of Germany. Naturally, the status in people's hearts is not comparable to that of a stranger who has just arrived in Anyang. Now one is promoting the spirit of science, and the other is against science. Spiritually, even though Anyang didn't want to overthrow their scientific system, those people think so.

When the two were compared, Anyang was ruthlessly thrown aside.

But Anyang, as the person involved, didn't feel much anger. The harsher this scolding, the more surprised they would be.

A phenomenon that even Doctor Time can’t explain. Isn’t that what is beyond science? Things must be reversed.

"It turned out to be Dr. Time, admiring your name for a long time. If I interrupt the doctor's rest, then I will leave immediately." Anyang put on a low posture, quietly packing up things.

"Wait, since you are here, explain clearly before leaving. I heard that you want to challenge science?" Dr. Time went through the crowd and stood at the forefront.

"Where and where, there must be some misunderstanding in this, haha, misunderstanding, I'm not talented, I just found something that can't be explained by science, so I want to prove whether my logic is correct." Anyang said this is more clever. NS.

It's just a misunderstanding. People don't mean to overthrow your science~ It's just a guess, you can't take me to what it is, right? Don’t you let people guess

"Humph." The old man snorted heavily. "I have studied science for a lifetime. If you really say it like you, I won't care about it, but if you want to slander science or even overthrow it, then pass me first. One pass!"

Where does Anyang want to overthrow science? He just wanted to draw the old man out of time. Now that his goal has been achieved, he naturally won't show up again.

"Bring your box over and let me have a look." The old man in time beckoned to Anyang.

An Yang handed the box over. Old Man Shizhao looked left and right for a long time, but found no flaws. He could only return the box to An Yang unwillingly, "You mean this box can really turn people away?"

"It's not a box, but a technology." An Yang smiled restrainedly.

"Don't say extra words, seeing is believing, I want to see what tricks you can play under my nose, and start to change." The old man urged.

"Ah? Really want to change? That's not good." An Yang looked guilty and looked left and right, as if it were extremely difficult.

"It's a good time to play," Su Su whispered.

"That is, our country's thousand-year-old culture is extensive and profound, how can they be able to penetrate it casually? I have another trick if it really doesn't work."


"Beauty tricks!" An Yang was pinched on his arm as soon as he finished speaking, and he was very purple and red.

Seeing that An Yang didn't want to change, everyone was not happy anymore.

Didn't you pretend to be forceful just now? The cows are all flying up into the sky, and the planes have fallen off a few. Are you saying that you are the same now? I'm afraid it was because I was afraid of being exposed when the doctor came, so I didn't dare to change it

So everyone agreed that this criminal who wanted to overthrow science should not be let go, even if they were very enthusiastic about An Yang the previous second.

"Why not change? Didn't you just say that you want to show us a big change?"

"Yes, did you see the doctor coming? Do you know how many catties you have?"

"Cut, you said he was a liar a long time ago, don't you believe it?" The most excited person just called now has a righteous face.

An Yang saw that everyone’s emotions had been adjusted, and he became even more "anxious." "The main reason is that this kind of trick pays attention to the right time and place, and it is indispensable. The time period just changed is the best, but unfortunately it was delayed by the doctor. A little time, so it's—"

When An Yang remarked, everyone became even more indignant. "If you don't, you won't. Make fewer excuses. Can you insult the Doctor?"

"You tell me another word on the doctor, believe it or not, I cut you?" This look is from the northeastern part of Valoran mainland—

Dr. Time also looked at An Yang with a smile, "What? You don't want to share your so-called power beyond science with me?"

"Okay, okay." An Yang looked extremely aggrieved, with a reluctant expression on his face, "I will change. If the wait fails, you must not laugh at me—"

Everyone said, rest assured, I will never laugh at you, but at the same time, I am planning how to laugh at him when I wait.

"Okay." An Yang lifted Timo and put it in the box, then immediately opened the box, "It's over."

The audience was silent.

Because Timo is really missing.

Even people like Su Su who share the same world as An Yang were shocked by such a quick hand.

After a while, the audience recovered their sanity and gradually began to talk.

"This, this is too unscientific, my little friend and I were shocked."

"Even if you are not surprised, your little friend is still stunned."


However, Dr. Time frowned, staring at the box without blinking, and said, "How is it possible, how is it, there is no problem with that box, how did he do it? How did he make a living? People have disappeared?"

"Okay, this is the end of the performance. What should everyone do?" An Yang bowed slightly, and then began to tidy up the things on the table.

"Timo, are you really gone?" Su Su asked with some worry.

"Don't worry, it's still in the box." An Yang said in a low voice.

"Then let's go back now? The doctor has been drawn out by us."

An Yang stopped his hand movement and looked at Su Su with a smile on his face, "Do you think that the benefits you get from looking for others are the greater, or are the benefits that others take the initiative to seek for you?"

In the home of Dr. Time, there are five cups of steaming fragrant tea on the table.

"Tristana has become a lot more beautiful during this time. We haven't seen each other for a while?" Dr. Time sat opposite An Yang and his party, holding up a teacup and looking at the cannon with a smile.

"Well, the doctor is busy, I'm also busy, I don't have much chance to meet, I have been around for half a year." Xiao Pao nodded, she and the old man of time have known each other a long time ago.

"Will you introduce these three?" Dr. Time raised his eyes and looked at An Yang.

Although he personally invited An Yang to come to the house, he still needs to understand it first, right? In fact, the doctor is still thinking about Anyang Magic. If he doesn't figure it out, he probably doesn't have any thoughts for scientific research.

"They—" Xiao Pao was suspicious. After all, she didn't know An Yang and his party very well, but only after the kidnapping happened just now did she gather a few people together.

"Uh, the doctor is like this. I am here specifically to understand some things." An Yang interrupted.

Dr. Time put the cup down and asked, "What's the matter? Say it first. If you want to take the opportunity to find me about some of the more confidential things in the country, then I can only say sorry, I know I won't tell you, and I don't knowledge."

"Hehe, this is of course. I have heard of the doctor’s reputation for patriotism and people. Naturally, he will not do things that violate the principle. However, there are a few things that the doctor must answer. Of course, as a reward, I also I will tell the doctor the method of the two-handed trick just now." An Yang's words were more pertinent. He didn't lower his head to beg for help, and he didn't have the idea of taking advantage of the fire, which made the doctor's vigilance relax a lot.

"Then talk about it."

"Doctor, are you safe here?" An Yang asked suddenly.

The old man time paused, and then understood what An Yang meant, "Relax, as long as you have no bad thoughts, only a few of us know what you will say next, and you will never say anything."

"I'm relieved with the words of a doctor." An Yang nodded. After all, he and Su and Su had traveled to this continent. They were not familiar with each other. When they didn't figure out the environment, they should be careful in everything.

An Yang took a sip of tea from his teacup and continued, "That's it, I wonder if the doctor has heard of it, Summoner?"

"Summoner?" The doctor's brows sank, and An Yang's heart became tense. "Are you a summoner?"

"Yes, we are—" Su Su was interrupted by An Yang before he finished speaking, "How is it possible, how can we be a summoner, haha, it's just that some problems are related to the summoner, so I want to figure it out."

"Then wait a minute, I'll go to the study to look through the information." The old man stood up and left, Su Su gave An Yang a dissatisfied look. "Why don't we say that we are summoners?"

"Don't worry, I feel that the old man's expression is a bit abnormal. When he heard the summoner, his brows were clearly frowned and he was thinking. If he had never heard of the summoner, he would not show that look like that. Expression, although he promised not to say what we said before, sometimes things are different when things are important. We are not in our own turf, and we have to be cautious every step of the way."

Old Man Shiguang did not go to the study, but after entering the inner room, he moved to another room and pressed the doorway. The floor on the third step of entering the door was suddenly opened, revealing a tunnel. Old man Shiguang walked down the tunnel, and the floor was again Close up.

"Old man, what news did you bring to me this time? You haven't been here some days, right?" A gloomy voice came from the darkness.

"Summoner." Old Man Time said faintly, but the voice just became unsteady.

"What? Are you serious? Are you really a summoner?"

"It must be a summoner. Their costumes are exactly the same as those of the previous summoners. I didn't pay attention. When he asked me about my summoner, I looked carefully and found out that he is a summoner."

No one spoke any more in the dark, but a burst of wild laughter came out.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, it's been many years, finally I found the summoner again, the sky does not kill me, this is really the sky does not kill me!"

"What are you going to do?" The old man stood with his hand in his hand, without taking a step forward into the darkness.

"Hold him for as little as one year, or as long as two years, and I can recover, hold him for two years, and when I recover, I will see him. This summoner belongs to me!!"

"Still wanting revenge?" The old man's voice was somewhat regretful.

"No revenge? What does it mean for me to live in this world?" The voice in the darkness sneered.

"Oh, when is the redress of the injustice." Dr. Time sighed, then opened the floor and walked out of the tunnel, leaving the last sentence behind.

"I try my best."