The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 82: Journal


Su Su waited for a long time outside the door, she wanted to hear what happened inside, but she held back.

Just when she was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened, Lingli stood in front of Su Su almost numbly, and those eyes that didn't have any agility turned to Su Su, "Sister Su Su, in fact, the matter was Don't mind the joke I made with Brother An Yang."

Su Su looked at her red and swollen eyes and guessed something, "What's wrong with you? Did An Yang bully you?"

"No, he's fine." After Lingli said this, she lowered her head and hurried out of the yard.

"Where is she going?" Su Su asked Anyang Road, who walked out of the room with his hind feet.

"I don't know, but give her some space. The little girl doesn't seem to feel very well in her heart." An Yang is actually even more uncomfortable in her heart. He always feels owed to Lingli. "But now you should believe that I have nothing to do with her, right?"

Su Subai glanced at An Yang, "I'm just worried about what you said to her. She looks like she's wilted a lot."

An Yang shrugged, "The little girl's feelings about emotions are always different from mine. It's impossible for her to like me, so I have to like her. Everyone has freedom, for love matters. , There really is no one who is right or wrong."

"Hmph, you are a lot of nonsense." Su Su Mei glanced at An Yang and went back to the room.

At dinner in the evening, Lingli came back. An Yang asked her to eat together. Lingli said she was not hungry and went into the room. An Yang later brought a bowl of rice to Lingli for fear that she would be hungry, but stood at the door. Lingli didn't open the door for a long time. Anyway, it was just a sentence, I'm not hungry, thank you.

The life and politeness in the tone made An Yang feel a little uncomfortable, and then An Yang slapped himself.

Bitch, you don't accept when people like you when they are good to you. Now that they are away from you, you are suffering from gains and losses. Sure enough, men are not good things.

After saying a few more good things and didn't get an answer, An Yang had to give up, thinking that this was just a little girl's way of playing tricks, and it would be fine in two days.

However, the situation this time really deviated somewhat from An Yang's expectation. The next morning, Su Su eagerly slapped the door.

Bang bang!

"An Yang, it's okay, Lingli—Lingli is gone." Su Su was very anxious. She woke up early this morning to make breakfast. Knowing that An Yang and Timo like to sleep late, she didn't call them first. After I called the Leopard Girl, I was about to ask Lingli to wake up for breakfast, but found that Lingli's room was empty, without a half-person figure. The yard is so big, where can people go

In other words, Lingli would definitely not be in the yard.

"Don't make a noise, let me sleep more—what! It's gone!" An Yang was awakened by Su Su's words in a daze, and jumped up directly from the bed, shaking Timo from the bed. Go to the ground.

But Timo rolled over and went on to fall asleep, not hearing anything else.

After getting dressed at the fastest speed, An Yang rushed out of the room and saw Su Su with an anxious look.

"Why didn't you see it? It was there last night, and I gave her food, but she didn't eat it."

"I don't know. I wanted to wake her up, but I didn't see anyone."

"Are you too hungry, ran out to buy breakfast by yourself?" An Yang asked.

"Impossible, she usually doesn't get up very early, and she doesn't have money either." Su Su said.

An Yang twitched in his heart and remembered what Lingli had said to him yesterday, that she almost never gave her pocket money. At this point, An Yang herself knew that she had really done a little bit too far, because she had ignored her. Thinking about eating and drinking every day, going outside to play is what you want to buy, and I forgot to give her some money for spare details. I think that she is used to living a delicate life. What follows you all day

It was only now that An Yang realized how much he neglected the existence of Lingli.

All that was left was a heavy gasp, An Yang's breathing increased a lot, he gently pushed Su Su away, ran towards Lingli's room, and slammed the door.


The things in the room are neat and tidy, and the bed is neatly folded. On a small desk, there is a notebook.

An Yang took the notebook two steps before and opened the first page.

It says: Han Lingli's Diary

"This girl used to be surnamed Han." An Yang felt suffocated again. It turned out that she didn't know her so much that she didn't know her full name after getting along for so long.

Reaching out and turning back a page, the graceful handwriting leaped on the paper, as clear as I was.

The weather is pretty good on x-xx-xx, 20xx.

"Today is my most memorable day, because I actually crossed! Isn't this something that only happens in the novel? How could it fall on my head, it’s shameful that I was actually hung on a tree, Hmph, thanks to the combination of intelligence and wisdom of this girl, she lied to the two hillbillies to save me, but after this lady’s personal assessment, these two hillbillies don’t seem to be very bad, well, let’s follow them for a while Okay, I will run away when I find a chance!"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of An Yang's mouth. He seemed to see that when she first met Lingli, she was hung on a tree with her hands and feet shaking in the air. She was really a lovely girl.

Then he turned another page and kept reading.

20xx year x month xx day, there is a gust of wind, wear more clothes

"Today I always feel a little strange, that group of disgusting people actually eat such bad food, my dogs don’t eat that! They are still like they have never eaten it, huh, don’t let this lady Said, especially the rabbit-like mouse, it was so annoying that I had to pay him a fish! But then the hillbilly named An Yang saved my life. It seems that you saved this lady. Come on, this lady won’t do better with you, and besides, this is the first time I wear boys’ shoes. It feels—it feels so warm. Good night, An Yangxiang—for the sake of saving me. , I can hardly call you Brother An Yang."

20xx year x month xx day, sunny day~

"Huhu, I finally arrived at the War Academy. I am the server of the War Academy, but I was brought here before playing for a few days. The War Academy is actually nothing, I feel that it is not as good as the school where I was studying. It's just that Brother An Yang kissed me today! — Well, although I took the initiative to pounce on it, but how do I know that he is not fake? Is this the feeling of liking? My heart always tickles, see He will feel that his heartbeat is speeding up, and he is very nervous when talking to him. Seeing him helplessly coax me, I feel that he looks so stupid. Well, it’s nice to have someone you like. Good night, An Yang elder brother."

20xx year x month xx day, cloudy, because I am not happy!

"Huh, I'm so angry today. What a broken school? Even a bathing place must be arranged together. So many girls are so awkward that they can't get a single bathroom out? And that nasty girl? What's the cruelty! I didn't mean it, and even yelled at me. My parents never yelled at me! Fortunately, there was a sister Leopard who relieved me. Alas, it's not Brother Anyang, otherwise I will feel better in my heart. Good night, Brother An Yang."

20xx year x month xx day, still cloudy

"The group of people from yesterday actually came to the door. They made it clear that they wanted to bully me. Are you really bullying me, Miss Han? It's just that my sister Leopard was injured, and I feel sorry for it. The cold Leopard girl sister also has such an enthusiastic side. Well, I have to learn to cook soup, and I will send her something to raise her body tomorrow. Besides, Brother An Yang hates it again. It is obviously not my fault, but he wants to blame me. People are not that way. How bad is it? People have been working hard and trying to get rid of these problems, okay! Good night, Brother An Yang."

An Yang's mood was constantly changing with this brief conversation.

Sometimes she was amused by her cuteness and playfulness, and sometimes she was contemplative because of the real world in her heart. Looking back, An Yang realized that she really didn't understand Lingli at all.

A girl who dangles in front of her every day, a girl who keeps making changes in order to make An Yang fall in love with her.

Unconsciously, An Yang turned to the last page.

Seeing the blurry and mottled writing on that page, An Yang's heart trembled fiercely.

What is the point of crying, the paper will be as if washed with water, and then air-dried.

"Brother Anyang, this may be the last time I call you that. When you read this diary, I have already gone to a place you don’t know, and I won’t know what that place is called. Maybe we won’t There will be a chance to see you again.

Counting it down, I have been with you for more than a month without knowing it. During this month, everyone has brought me a lot of different feelings. In the past, I always thought that people should let me. I learned how to bear with others. But do you know? Brother Anyang, in fact, the one I tolerate the most is you. Every time I see you unhappy, I want to go up and sit next to you to comfort you, but I dare not, and every time I see you happy When I was eating honey, my heart was as sweet as eating honey, but your happy eyes always stayed on Sister Su Su, but you never looked at me again. I endured all these things silently. After all, you don’t like them. Me, I don't have to force it.

Actually, I know very well that I have not contributed much to you, and I am more like a small trouble following behind you. It always brings you a lot of trouble, so I decided and I will never give it to you again. It's causing trouble, I think I should be able to grow alone, but only if I can't die in this Valoran continent, giggle.

Brother Anyang, I heard you say that I depend on your feelings, but when I can’t fall asleep, I have thought about this issue carefully. Actually, my feelings for you are not dependent on you, but I like it, because I am to me. My parents are also very dependent, but they don’t feel that way. You are not me. You don’t know what I’m thinking about. Like it is like it. You can’t hide the liking. When you say that you don’t have any good feelings for me, you I don't know how much my heart hurts, ha ha.

I am not a girl who likes to stalker, since you have a sister Susu that you like, then I can only wish you happiness in the distance silently, and I hope I will never see you again, and leave me a flawless Anyang. . —Han Lingli writes down. "