The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 85: The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking


"It is said that the last time an energy imbalance occurred was ten years ago? At that time, there was a student with excellent cultivation talent, and he also entered the fourth floor of this cultivation tower. The challenge he accepted was to break through himself." Some student Talking in a low voice, from time to time he looked up at the square cultivation tower in front of him.

"Break through yourself? What is that?"

"It means that when you enter, you will become a clone of yourself, no matter in terms of power speed response or even thinking, it is no different from me. This can be regarded as the most difficult challenge in the cultivation tower. The student is too good. It will trigger such a sleepy hidden challenge."

"and then?"

The student curled his mouth, "Then there was an energy imbalance. After the energy poured out, his space lost contact with the outside world. Later, I heard from Principal Ryze that the student faced up to ten split fakes at once. , And these are not the most important ones. Those clones are just fictitious. No one else can see except him. This is a kind of spiritual test. Only if you break through yourself, you will have greater progress. Later, that The student has gone crazy and gone crazy." Speaking of the past in the academy, the student who was talking about it was also embarrassed.

"Huh? It's the crazy incident ten years ago?"

Ten years ago, there was a madness incident in the War Academy. There was a man who was frantic and killed when he saw people. He was so powerful that he washed hundreds of people in the academy in anger. This shows how terrifying the energy imbalance is.

But after all, the suddenness of this kind of thing is low, and the benefits brought by the cultivation tower are self-evident. There are two sides to everything, which is undisputed.

"This time I was locked in a self-contained space in the training tower. I don't know who it will be. I hope that it is better not to break through yourself. If that happens, it will be a little troublesome." A student palpitated.


A loud noise suddenly came out from the ground. An Yang was lying on the ground to rest, but before he could react, the gravity on the surface suddenly increased several times again, and it was still slowly rising.

"Ah!!!" An Yang was stuck to the ground by gravity, and even gravity set An Yang's body on the ground. The ground was shaped like An Yang with his limbs spread out.

In general, even if someone jumps from the stairs, there will be no traces of unevenness on the ground after falling to the ground. Although Anyang is land here, it can be guessed how many times the gravity is blessed.

An Yang felt like his bones were about to be broken at this time, and the gravity was still sucking An Yang down, as if he wanted to suck An Yang underground.

"Well, what's going on, shouldn't today's training be over?" An Yang took out his badge. The old man told him when he went in before that if there is something special, the combat effectiveness badge can be used to contact him as soon as possible. outside world.

"Hey, can you hear me? Get Lao Tzu out quickly!" An Yang roared into the badge, but there was no response.

"Boss-Timo, Timo feels so uncomfortable -" Little Timo was also half sinking into the ground, squeezed by gravity, his face was squeezed and deformed, and he weakly said to An Yang.

"Damn, what the hell is going on!" Seeing that Timo didn't seem to be able to support it for long, An Yang cursed, his hands propped on the ground, and his legs violently tried to support him to stand up.

The current gravity is at least ten times higher than the previous one. Just now An Yang was able to lift his foot barely. Now he has used up all the strength in his body, and the gravity has increased ten times. No matter how hard An Yang tried, he never stood up again. .

"Huh, Huh—Don't be afraid of Timo, there's the boss." An Yang lay not far away, comforting Timo in a low voice. Although he was exhausted, he was a pillar in Timo's heart and he couldn't fall down.

Sometimes, no matter how difficult things are, if you have hope in your heart, you will not despair. What Anyang can do now is not to let Timo despair.

The earth began to sway continuously, An Yang shook with the earth, and some of the gravel on the top began to fall.

"Is this going to collapse?" An Yang murmured, looking upward when a piece of rubble the size of a thumb fell on his arm.


Due to gravity, the broken stones the size of a thumb were forcibly submerged in An Yang's arm, blood splattered.

"Hiss—" An Yang let out a painful cry, feeling like his entire arm was going to be scrapped.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, without the skills of a hero, without the speed of a hero, without the strength of a hero, and even fighting alone, An Yang still can't beat the ordinary people of the sixth or seventh rank among the students.

"Is there really no way out—vn? vn can you hear it?" An Yang whispered to vn in his heart.

Hearing An Yang's words, the vn who was closing his eyes and meditation, opened his eyes slightly, glanced outside, and shook his head, "No way, there is a self-contained space inside, and rescue can only be done from the outside, otherwise you can only wait for it to collapse. NS."

"Damn!" An Yang tried to hit the ground with his hand, but he couldn't lift his hand.

As heavy as lead.

"Boom boom."

At this time, the ground shook more violently, and the gravel on the top was like raindrops, falling one after another. An Yang lay on the ground unable to move, letting the gravel fall on her body, making blood holes one after another. .

He gritted his teeth, did not say a word, but asked Timo with a slight smile, "Timo, how are you?"

"Timo, Timo feels like it's going to be sucked down to the ground." Timo is relatively small, and the broken stone falls randomly, and it hasn't really landed on Timo.

Listening to Timo's words, An Yang was also a little relieved. Continue to speak comfortingly.

"It's okay, if you have the boss, you can definitely get out."

"Boss-Timo believes in you." Timo was moved.

When I first met, An Yang did not dislike Timo as a first-class hero, but kept him with him. Every increase in strength can be said to be a contribution to An Yang. Such a boss, mentions Can't say to believe him from the bottom of my heart.

Even now, An Yang's injuries were much more serious than Timo's, and he was only comforting Timo softly.

But sometimes, there are things that don’t mean what you want, it will be like.

An Yang wants to go out now, thinking it's best not to collapse in a larger area.

Unfortunately, he thinks too much.

"Boom! Boom!" The earth trembled more and more fiercely. Even An Yang could clearly see that there were cracks in the ground next to him, and the stones on the top were no longer falling down in small pieces. , But fell in large chunks.

"Finally, is it still going to collapse?" An Yang lay motionless on the ground, a little desperate.

This time, it seems that no one can help him.

"Hum!" There was another loud noise. A big rock with a radius of about one meter fell from the sky and landed beside An Yang, smashing a big hole in the ground, and An Yang's hair was blown by the rising air current. The wild swing.

"Huhhhhhhhh." An Yang was almost frightened of a heart attack by the big rock. If the stone hits his body, he might die in an instant.

An Yang, who was in a cold sweat, couldn't stop the trend of falling stones in the self-created space, so he could only pray secretly.

After a while, the ground that was originally flat, the pits and pits that were hit by the big rocks were uneven, and the cracks on the ground became bigger and bigger. If this continues, it will take no more than three minutes for An Yang and Teemo to be confused The stone was buried.

At this time, An Yang suddenly saw a very small light not far away.

That's right, it's the light, that's the sky outside.

Suddenly, An Yang cheered up.

"Timo, Timo." An Yang whispered to Timo.

"Boss—" Timo replied weakly.

"Look to your left, do you see the glare?" An Yang instructed.

"Light?" Timo twisted his neck blankly, looked to the left, and his eyes lit up, "Boss! It's the hole! It's the hole!"

As a result, An Yang was even more certain. He didn't see it very clearly at his position. He just saw a glimmer of light, but there must be a hole when there is light. So An Yang asked Timo to look carefully, but he didn't expect it to be a hole. .

"Haha, haha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect it, there is no way for people." Once people rekindle hope, the motivation is endless. The greatest desire in this world is not money, power, or beauty. , But to survive!

The desire to survive is greater than anything else!

An Yang moved his already numb finger, trembling all over, he was trying hard, he was about to stand up!

"Since I was a child, I have learned how to stand and walk, how could I—how forget—ah!!!" An Yang exerted all his strength, his throat was hoarse, and the veins all over his body were violent.

"Get me up!!" An Yang slammed his hands on the ground, and finally staggered and stood up.

"Hu Chi - Hu Chi - Oh, this is difficult and how will stumped me -" An ocean with a smile, almost hunched over his hands down on the ground, but he stood up.

"Timo, wait, the boss will take you out, take you out." An Yang gritted his teeth, his eyes were blood red, he raised his leg with difficulty, and walked towards Timo with every step. Can leave a deep footprint on the ground.




An Yang didn’t know that he had taken a few steps. He had lost consciousness all over his body. He couldn’t feel his hands, feet, or even breathing. He was numb, but he was still insisting. His consciousness told him. , He can't fall down yet, he is the only hope now, he still wants to take Timo out!

Take Timo out alive!