The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 88: You promised me once


"Bang!" As An Yang slammed a fist on the wall next to him, cracks appeared in the wall, but An Yang didn't know how thick the wall in front of him was. He wanted to punch through the wall with his bare hands. It's a little difficult.

But as he said, even if he rushed through it when it was difficult, would he still be afraid of such a small difficulty

An Yang twisted his neck, his joints crackled, and he was naked, putting Timo and the crystal ball aside, and stepping back several tens of meters.

"Ah!!!" Then, he shouted, tapped his toes on the ground, swooped toward the wall, and jumped up, and after flipping a somersault in the air, he held the ground with both hands and flipped again, just a few consecutive somersaults. After that, he came to the wall, the huge energy contained in his fist, accompanied by his brisk speed, hit the wall again.

"Boom!" The entire space began to sway. The space that was about to collapse was bombarded by An Yang's punches, speeding up the collapse.

Snapped! A huge boulder fell from An Yang's side, An Yang dodged sideways, twisted his body forcibly, and kicked it back on the wall again.




Just like that, An Yang hit the wall with one punch after another, one foot after another, and the cracks in the wall became bigger and bigger.

"Crazy! Absolutely crazy! Does he want to use his bare hands to punch through the wall to escape!" Some students talked about An Yang's actions.

"No, he is not crazy, don't you see the silver light on his body? I feel that the silver light is not unusual." Some students also analyzed in a low voice.

However, whether it is analysis or anxious, it is not their control whether An Yang can come out.

Everything depends on An Yang's own efforts.

An Yang tried very hard to break the wall open. At this time, he was not as good as he was just now. After all, the source of rage is only a temporary increase in great strength, An Yang is an individual, and he will be tired and exhausted.

Just when he blasted hundreds of punches on the wall, his hands were already bloody and bloody, and even gloomy bones could be seen on the knuckles.

An Yang didn't seem to feel the pain, and then hit the wall with a punch, which also hit the hearts of the students.

From just now to the present, this student trapped in the self-contained space has given them too much shock and too much touch.

No one wants him to die like this! He has worked very hard! Why can't you let him come out alive!

This is the thought in the hearts of all students.

The ground in the space has been cracked as if it were dried-up ground, and there are even some deeper gaps. If there is one carelessness, people may never find it when they fall. The falling rock above the head is getting faster and faster, and the volume of the falling rock is getting bigger and bigger.

An Yang would not pay attention to this. He seemed to be mad, punching one after another against the wall. He knew that his physical strength was almost gone. If he was exhausted this time, he would still not be able to break through the wall. If you do, then you really have to lie in this space forever.

"Look, what is that!" Under the cultivation tower, a sharp-eyed student saw the wall under the frantic hammering by An Yang, revealing a trace of light.

This light was the sky outside, accompanied by the orange red of the setting sun.

"It's worn! It's really broken!" Everyone was ecstatic in the next moment, because An Yang's efforts were finally in vain.

"Heh." Seeing a ray of light shining from the other side of the wall, An Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, he clenched his fists and held his breath. You can find the faint silver light surrounding him. At this moment, all gathered on his fists. The light became extremely dazzling. Between jumps

"This is the last fight." Someone frowned.

Although there was a small opening in the wall now, it was just that opening that couldn't let people get through, even if it was Teemo.

Therefore, An Yang intends to fight the source of all the violent in his body and make this last fight.

When the source of the rage on An Yang's double fists condensed to a terrifying point, An Yang also stretched his brows lightly, and his fists suddenly blasted out, even the air was wiped out lightly.

"Broken!" An Yang yelled, his fists blasted against the cracked wall like thunder and lightning.

With this blow, the sky broke and the ground broke, and the gravitational space seemed to have been unable to withstand it. After An Yang's blow, a large area collapsed. In just a breath, An Yang's feet were full of stones.

"Timo, take this crystal ball." Maybe in the next second, the entire space will collapse completely.

An Yang didn't have time to hesitate. He stuffed the crystal ball into Timo's arms and threw him out of the wall that was blasted out of a large area of exit.

"Hehe, it's fateful, so it's all out." An Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he planned to jump out too.

But at this moment, the source of rage in his body disappeared.

That's it! An Yang was shocked, and she fell to the ground all at once.

Without the support of the source of rage, An Yang's body is weak, not to mention that this is a hundred times the gravity.

Under the cultivation tower, some students had already caught Timo who had fallen from the sky, but when they planned to continue to catch An Yang, an accident happened.

An Yang is out of strength!

An Yang lay on the edge of the exit, but couldn't lift a bit of strength all over, he was really exhausted this time.

"Boom!" The surrounding rocks are still falling continuously.

"An An, An An—" Su Su seemed to be mad, chanting An Yang's name side by side in his mouth, and ran forward.

"You can't save him, and you will die in it too." The Leopard Girl pulled Su Su tightly.

"No, I want to save him, I have to save him! I couldn't sense him in the space before, now the exit is opened, I can send it, I must save him." Su Su has a beautiful face Without any expression on it, he numbly pulled out the crystal ball.

"Pass-" Su Su's voice stopped abruptly, staring blankly at the projection in the sky.

"Boom!" A big rock with a radius of more than two meters fell straight and hit An Yang's body.

While picking up a burst of dust, An Yang could no longer see a trace of her figure.


Deathly quiet.

No one thought that when he worked so hard, so hard, and when he was about to come out alive, he was caught by this stone—

"An An—" Su Su was stupid in place, "An An—you said that no matter what happens, you will always stand in front of me—why what you say doesn’t count, are you still a man? —" Su Su seemed to be neurotic. He smiled and whispered, smiling and laughing, tears flowed down.

I don't know when it started, and there was a patter of light rain. The rain was not heavy, but it was so cold.

Su Su stood in the rain, her whole body trembling, she couldn't accept this scene, she couldn't help it.

Many students also left while sighing. The matter has gone from now on, and they are unable to recover, so they can only sigh silently in their hearts.

"Let's go back too." The Leopard Girl said with a heavy heart to Susu who was on the side, "You are not feeling well today. You can't get in the rain."

"Don't go back, don't go back, I haven't waited until Anan comes out, I won't go back." Su Su was wet all over, and his hair was wet against his face, tears streaming out continuously, blending with the rain. , Can't tell whether it is tears or rain.

"he already-"

"Stop talking! Impossible! There will be nothing wrong with An'an! Impossible! I won't believe it, I'm still waiting for him to take me back to our world, he promised me, he can't die, no Probably—" Su Su first sobbed softly, then gradually became louder and louder, and finally wailed loudly, without any image at all.

That day, it rained all night.

A week has passed, and everyone has not forgotten the scene that happened a week ago.

In retrospect, they were all embarrassed, because at that time, he really only almost could run out.

From sad to sad, everyone's life still has to go on, so gradually everyone forgot the name An Yang, and life returned to peace.

An exquisite porcelain bowl was placed in front of Su Su. There was a bowl of meat porridge in the porcelain bowl. Perhaps because of the long time, a layer of wrinkles appeared on the surface of the porridge.

"Susu, you can eat something. You haven't eaten much for the past week. An Yang has left, but life will continue. If you go on like this, what if you fall ill." Leopard girl stood by. She persuades her to see Su Su’s performance this week. Except for sleeping and washing, Su Su sits at the window like a puppet for the rest of the time, staring out the window blankly. Never said a word. The whole person has been thinner, and the body is even thinner, and when he walks, he seems to be shaky and will fall down at any time.

Su Su still shook his head.

Timo was carrying a small backpack, walked in from the door, lowered his head, walked to Su Su’s feet, and pulled Su Su’s trousers, "Sister Su Su, this time it’s not good for Timo. , It’s not Timo’s boss and he won’t die in it. Timo is very sad, and Timo wants to go back to Bandar City and set up a tombstone for the boss—"

Su Su turned his head and glanced at Timo numbly. The unwavering eyes looked at Timo a little scared. He didn't know why Sister Susu had always been so soft as water.

"It's not your fault, it's his fault. He once promised me that he will take me back." Su Su said lightly, his voice still without any emotion.

"Sister Susu, don't be like this—you are afraid of Timo like this—" Timo stepped back two steps and whispered with his head lowered.

But at this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door of the yard.

[Second more! 】