The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 89: Rebirth


Su Su still had a numb face, without any emotions, and did not hear anything outside the window.

Leopard Girl sighed, walked out of the door, and went to the compound to open the door. But I saw Master Yi standing outside the door.

"Well, where's Miss Su Su?" Master Yi said straightforwardly.

"You come to Susu? You'd better not disturb her now. An Yang's affairs have kept her in a depressed mood, and it's hard to say whether she can survive." The Leopard Girl glanced at Su Su's room faintly and replied. Said to Master Yi too far.

"No, no, I learned in a book about the introduction of summoners that as an auxiliary summoner, there seems to be a skill called rebirth. After hearing An Yang’s sad news these days, I was also in a state of confusion, even practicing. I neglected a lot, and I forgot about it in a panic. I suddenly remembered it today, so I rushed over to ask." Master Yi put the sword into the hilt slowly.

"Really?" Leopard girl was slightly surprised. If An Yang can be resurrected, that would undoubtedly be the best news. After all, as her summoner, An Yang can continue to increase her strength when An Yang is there, and after signing a contract with An Yang Even the practice is about to go a lot.

And on the other hand, people are affectionate. The Leopard Girl and An Yang also got along for about a month. A good-for-nothing person would be gone, and no one felt uncomfortable.

"I don't know the specifics, so I hurried over as soon as I remembered it." Master Yi said without neglect at the moment, "Take me to see Miss Su Su."

The Leopard Girl nodded and brought Master Yi to Su Su's room, watching Su Su still sitting on the side of the window stupidly, her eyes looking out the window without any fluctuations.

"Miss Su Su?" Master Yi screamed tentatively. Su Su didn't seem to hear it, and ignored Master Yi.

"She's been like this since a week ago." The Leopard Girl also explained afterwards.

"Miss Su Su?" Master Yi called again, but Su Su still ignored him.

"That's it. If there is a way to revive An Yang, I don't know if you will do it?" As soon as Master Yi said this, Su Su's eyes almost burst with golden light.

"What are you talking about?!" Su Su almost rushed to Master Yi, clutching his mage robe and screamed.

Seeing that Susu, who has been an expression for so long, seems to have been stepped on a cat’s tail. The Leopard girl is also secretly worried. If An Yang can really be saved, then everyone will be happy. If he can’t be saved, is the girl in front of him? Do you want to die because you miss it

"Ahem, Miss Su Su, don't be impulsive, let me go first." Master Yi said with a flushed face, Su Su tugged at the collar of his robe, almost making him out of breath.

"Say! Is there any way to save An An!" Su Su urged impatiently.

"Say it!" Timo echoed at Susu's feet.

"Miss Susu, do you remember one of your crystal ball skills?" As soon as Su Su let go of Master Yi, he took two steps back and kept a safe distance from Su Su. The woman who went crazy just didn't want it. so horrible.

"You mean—" Su Su tilted his head and groaned for a while, his eyes lit up, "You mean rebirth!"

"Yes, it is indeed a rebirth, but I don't know exactly how to resurrect. I just thought of this. I'm afraid you will not remember it for a while, so I came to remind you."

"Who, who is heartbroken, what is it for me if he is dead, what's the matter!" Su Su immediately became clear when he heard that An Yang had hope of resurrection. When Master Yi said so, his pretty face blushed.

Indeed, in the past few days, her performance was a bit too extreme. If she had no feelings for An Yang at all, the Leopard Girl would not believe it when she cut off her head.

But now is not the time to discuss these, "I am afraid you still have to ask the vagrant principal for the specific method of rebirth. He founded this academy at that time, and he must know more about it."

Su Su glanced at Leopard Girl, then at Master Yi, and said eagerly, "Then what are we waiting for, hurry up!"

Along the way, Susu and the Leopard Girl were almost run by Susula, and finally came to the wandering mage's office.

"What? Do you want to resurrect An Yang?" The wandering mage shook his hand and almost threw out the teacup in his hand. An Yang has been dead for a week, and the body has been kept in his own place, ready to find a chance to cremate it.

"Yeah." Su Su nodded softly, "To be honest, I am an auxiliary summoner with the ability to regenerate."

"Rebirth?" The wandering mage gave Su Su a surprised look, frowned and thought for a long time, "Rebirth, isn't that a skill used to revive heroes?"

Seeing that Su Su was heartbroken and almost fainted after listening to Wandering's words, Wandering hurriedly said, "But it can't be used on other people. I have read a book in the early years. Auxiliary Summoner's rebirth. Skills, in addition to heroes, can also be used on other people, but the cost of using them on other people—" said the wandering mage, I won’t go on here, looking at Susu who has a beautiful and pretty face, to be honest. Yes, he didn't want Susu to do that.

"Say it! What's the price!" Su Su also urged anxiously when he saw the wandering mage buying a pass at an important moment.

"Oh, since you want to know so much, then I will tell you. The so-called rebirth, once used on other people, it is better to say that it is a life transfer."

"Life transfer?" When Su Su heard this word, he understood what it meant.

"Dead him, live you, if you have to use rebirth to resurrect him, you are likely to die because of this. It's all one life, one life for one life, is it really worth it?" The wandering mage said lightly.

Su Su gave a faint smile, "You are not me, you don't know what I think in my heart, how I hope he can live, even if I die—"

"This—" The wandering mage glanced at the Leopard Girl and Master Yi behind her, both of them shook their heads helplessly. If they could persuade them, they would have been persuaded long ago, but Su Su is usually reasonable, once An Yang is involved. She is like a child, self-willed, and doesn't tell you any truth, as long as her An Yang is fine, everything else is easy to say.

"Don't say it, I'm determined, take out An An's body." Su Su was stunned, and then his face was determined.

When the wandering mage saw this, he couldn't say anything else. He informed his subordinates. After a while, he pushed a small bed over. Because the wandering mage used special magic, An Yang's body was kept intact.

The moment Su Su saw An Yang, tears fell uncontrollably.

A week ago, he was smiling so brilliantly, but a week later, he could only lie here coldly.

"You must be very lonely, don't be afraid, I am here to save you." Su Su reached out and gently brushed An Yang's very pale face, took out his own crystal ball, and a tear fell on the crystal ball. The ball began to emit a huge light.

"If my life can really save your life, then I am willing to be born again." Su Su drank lightly, the crystal ball exuded a green light, the light became more and more bright, and soon So he wrapped Su Su's whole body.

"After rebirth, she herself—" The Leopard Girl glanced at Su Su with some worry, and asked the Wandering Mage.

"No way, everything in the world is conserved. There are good things and bad things. Since she wants to save An Yang's life, then she has to give her own life." The wandering mage said indifferently.

"Hey." Leopard girl sighed softly.

Is it really worth it

However, Su Su is usually indifferent to the water, but at this juncture, he can't persuade how to persuade her. In this case, she has to let her go.

As Su Su's crystal ball became more and more radiant, Su Su's entire body was also wrapped in light, the whole body was green, and it looked a little holy.

"Tell An Yang, in fact, I—I have always liked him." Su Su said lightly, smiling in tears.

When the voice fell, everyone's eyes widened. Looking at An Yang who was lying on the bed, they slowly opened their eyes!

But in the next moment, Su Su planted one head to the ground unconsciously. Fortunately, the female leopard was holding her hand quickly, but at this time, looking at her face, there was no trace of blood anymore. Eyes closed tightly, lips pressed lightly, with a quiet smile on his face. Like a sleeping beauty.

"Me, what's the matter with me? Huh? Everyone? I'm not dead?" An Yang sat up from the bed and looked at his hands. When he raised his head, he saw a group of people around him. Hold him.

"Actually, you are already dead." Master Yi said.

"Already dead?" An Yang frowned.

"Well, it's Su Su, who saved your life with rebirth, but she—" Master Yi turned his face away and looked at Su Su who was lying in the arms of the leopard girl. At this time, she had no breath.

"Su Su—Rebirth—" An Yang seemed to understand something, his breathing began to increase, and he got off the bed and walked to the leopard girl.

Leopard Girl also took two steps back consciously and pushed Su Su to An Yang.

An Yang took Su Su and held it in his arms, looking at her who was a little pale, an inexplicable emotion spread in her heart.

No tears, no sadness, An Yang didn't even know why he was so indifferent. He stretched out his hand and slowly touched Su Su's flawless face, just like Su Su touched his face just now.

"Why are you so stupid? I once said, I want to take you back. Then, would you not be able to go back? You can't go back—" An Yang leaned down and kissed Su Su's forehead, and then Hold her very close.

Even if she can't feel it anymore.

[Oh, the end is shy and hard to speak, first stretched out your face to let everyone have a meal, please start lightly, originally said yesterday, but in the afternoon it seemed to have a fever, I went to the hospital to hang up four bottles of water , I feel weak, I lie down on the bed and don’t want to move when I come back. I got a little better today, but I still feel dizzy and don’t want the forced hydrology, so today there is only one watch. When I get better, I will make up for it. This is what I owe you. Will definitely make it up. 】