The League of Legends’s Most Ambiguous

Chapter 91: Over ten thousand combat power!


"Don't worry, don't worry! Take all your badges back. The source of the rage is limited, so I won't sell them!" Seeing there are too many people, An Yang shouted and warned.

The scene becomes chaotic as soon as there are more people, and An Yang is really worried that the source of this violent rage will be robbed or something, it is really not worth it.

When I heard An Yang said that he would not sell it, the big guys were honest, all surrounded An Yang, staring at An Yang with kind eyes, until An Yang shuddered all over his body, "I can't sell it, don't you? Look at me, it's wicked."

Oh, I have to sell it! What kind of society is this! who! An Yang thought incomparably wronged in his heart, but quickly divided the source of the violent into countless small light groups in his hand.

This month, An Yang has been running in with the source of violent violence for so long, and if he touched it again or whatever, he wouldn't have the same feeling that his internal organs were all shocked by electric shock the last time.

That kind of taste, An Yang really doesn't want to try again in this life.

"Since everyone wants this source of rage, let's do a bidding. The starting price is 100 combat power." An Yang took out a light group the size of a thumb.

This is at most only a few tenths of the source of the rage, but even if it is a few tenths, the power contained in it is extremely overbearing. It is not bad to be a life-saving trump card by your side, so this one hundred No one was unhappy when the fighting power shouted out.

"110 combat power!" Immediately, someone said.

"120 combat power!" He was quickly suppressed by another voice.

An Yang estimated in his heart that the source of this small group of rage is probably worth between 150-200 combat power. After all, it is not a permanent increase in strength, but only temporarily, compared to the fifth and sixth level of the spirit. , It must be the latter that is more cost-effective.

But the good thing about this source of rage is that it can increase the strength very high in a short time, even if you are just a level 1 hero, after refining the source of rage, it will be a source of rage the size of a thumb. You can be comparable to the fifth and sixth level heroes, and this is the benefit it brings.

But since it's an auction, it shows one thing.

The value of the item will always be lower than the price at which it was sold.

It was originally the source of the violent force of 200 combat power, but it rose to 300 combat power in a scream.

"310." A tall and thin man faintly shouted out with his hair covering his face.

Some students gave him a surprised look, after all, there was no one in the crowd asking for a price.

The combat power of 310 is indeed the limit of this kind of thing. You have to know how many people in the academy can’t graduate because of not enough 100 combat power in a year. Spending 310 to buy such a group is just temporarily making you feel like an explosion. Everyone knows that things like stimulants are not worth it.

Regardless of this, An Yang happily spread one hand and hammered the other.

"make a deal!"

After that, An Yang handed the thumb-sized source of rage to the thin and tall boy. The boy pointed to his combat power badge and then to the martial arts school. The meaning was obvious-go in and trade.

Soon, when the two people came out of the martial arts school again, An Yang’s chest combat power badge became 338 points, but the boy’s combat power An Yang couldn’t see it. One of this badge can automatically block the combat power. The features that other people can’t see, of course, depends on whether you like to be pretentious or low-key.

"Next, continue to shoot the source of rage." An Yang flipped over with one hand, and another thumb-sized light floated above his palm, and he put the rest of the source of rage into the cloth bag.

Since An Yang's source of rage is more than one copy, this second copy and the third copy, and even the following copies, all stop with 310 combat power.

Because most people have the idea of having the next one anyway, and feel that it is not good to call the price too high at the beginning, so if they can, they will wait for the next one.

However, as the number of sources of rage slowly decreased, the subsequent prices were slowly raised.

"Okay, this is the last source of rage in my hand." An Yang shouted and took out a bunch of sources of rage that was brighter than other sources of rage.

"Is it the last one?" Many people's faces began to be filled with hot expressions.

"500!" Someone directly offered a high price as soon as he opened his mouth.

But how can those who have waited so long make him happy.

"550!" When it comes to the back, the people who bid for the price are basically rich.

Spending more than 500 combat power to exchange something that temporarily enhances strength is not something poor people do.


Seeing that their yells were higher than their yells, and their yells were more passionate than the other, An Yang secretly glanced at his chest again, and had a total of 9,000 combat power!

After having fun secretly, An Yang quickly erased the badge, so as not to cause others to be jealous. As the saying goes, he is not afraid of stealing or thinking about it.

Just when An Yang was stunned, that violent power had already been fired to the high price of 900 combat power!

900 combat power! It's enough to buy a lot of good things in the store, but once people get red eyes, they don't care about anything, just grab the ones in front of them and talk about them.

"One time with 900 combat power, two times with 900 combat power, three times with 900 combat power! Success—" An Yang interrupted An Yang with a soft drink before he shouted the word "Jiao".

"Hold on, 1000 combat power." The man said calmly.

Hiss—Everyone took a deep breath.

This thousand combat power is really enough for many people to walk sideways in the academy, and the whole day of feasting and drinking spicy food will not end for a year.

Even the sophisticated equipment in the shop, like the giant belt, only needs 800 combat power.

"Success, deal!" An Yang couldn't close his excited mouth. After the deal, he took the man's arm and rushed into the martial arts school happily. When he came out again, An Yang officially became a ten-thousand yuan household.

After seeing that there was no excitement, some of the students who were present shook their heads and left to do their own affairs.

An Yang was still standing at the gate of the martial arts school, looking at the sky with a smirk.

"Boss, are Timothy considered local tyrants?" Timothy asked An Yang.

An Yang just smiled, where would he care about Timo.

In fact, An Yang is indeed a local tyrant.

1w of combat power, even if it is converted into gold coins, there are 100w gold coins. According to the expenditure of the average residents of Valoran mainland, the income of a middle-and-a-half family is only a few gold coins a day. What is the concept of 100w gold coins

Moreover, this is only the Valoran Continent. If it were to be replaced by the consumption standard of the outside world, this million gold coins would be -100 million currency!

"Oh, if I can have one hundred million in that world, I am afraid that my girlfriend will not run away, and other friends will not leave me. In the final analysis, money is important." An Yang laughed for a while before neck It's a little sour, and when I lower my head, my eyes are a little sour.

Indeed, society is too realistic, and money can help you achieve many things.

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Timo obviously didn't understand.

"Uh, no, nothing, let's go shopping today!" An Yang patted his badge, and now it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the student with the highest combat effectiveness in the entire academy. After all, although the weapon Shuguang is strong, But An Yang is not as good as Anyang in doing business.

Came to the academy’s shop, An Yang patted Timo’s head and said, “Don’t be polite to Brother, you take what you fancy, Brother is rich, don’t you know? Very awesome-wait for you to come back! You take that 15 Let me put down the class-class Jingpoku Rock.

There is only one piece of the Level 15 Jingpaku Stone in the entire store, and even the entire academy. However, the price is only worth looking up to.

2w combat power.

However, the further you go, the more difficult it is for your hero's level to rise. If you think this kind of soul stone is simply not to be too luxurious, it is estimated that there are millions of gold coins out there to be mad.

Looking at the shelves, An Yang stopped for a moment when passing by one of the dazzling arrays of equipment.

It was a guard arm, full of light blue light.

"Explorer's armguards!" Timo's eyes brightened as soon as he saw it, and he hugged An Yang's thigh and rubbed it back and forth, which was self-evident.

Explorer's armguards.

Attributes: increase a certain legal system damage, increase a certain amount of armor.

Passive: Kill a unit to gain additional minor legal damage and armor bonuses.

"But it's a bit expensive—1000 combat power." An Yang frowned.

"Boss~" Timo circled An Yang's feet.

"Don't call me the boss." An Yang put on a face, and said very energeticly, "Please call me Tyrant Yang!"


In the end, under Timo's soft and hard foam, An Yang finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and bought him for Timo.

In this way, although Teemo is only a fifth-level hero, the explorer's armguards and bursting staff are in his hands, and his strength has soared by a notch. Now even if he is singled out with a seventh-level hero, he can escape safely if he fails to fight. .

"Timo, these days I will find cards to blend in between the two people. I will give you 2000 combat power. You want to buy some essence stones for supplements, or go to the wild animal garden to kill some beasts to improve your strength. Don’t forcefully absorb the Jingposhi that can’t be absorbed.” An Yang exhorted him again, but seeing Timon’s joyous appearance, it’s probably not in his heart.

Thinking that Leopard Girl has been with herself for so long, and she didn't give her a decent gift. She was too incompetent as a summoner, so I chose a bursting staff for Leopard Girl. This kind of equipment can only It's excellent, but it's not superb, so the college has many items in stock.

Regarding Master Yi's words, An Yang scanned the shelves and found a weapon that was more suitable for him.

Fanatic (commonly known as the yellow cross)

Attribute: increase the hero's attack speed

Attribute: Increase the hero's weak point damage (critical strike)

Attribute: Increase hero movement speed

"Well, just choose this one." An Yang took a look at the price with a micro probe, which was similar to the explorer's arm guard.

In this way, only the card equipment is left.

[Here is a little explanation, because this book is a game in another world, so the skills of some heroes will be different from those in the game. I said this before, but I'm afraid you will forget. Also, the attributes of the equipment will also be modified. After all, the game In another world, it is impossible to come up with a few percent, it is not pleasing to the eye. 】

【Four days of cold, dizziness and weakness, today is a little better, let's see how much I can make up for. 】