The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11’s Princess Agent

Chapter 266


The scent of roses dissipated in the night wind, and there was no sound. She stood on the high city wall, her eyes passed through the layers of cold armor, and stopped on that person. The torrent of years passed by her ears, making a whining sound, like a hurricane in the wilderness, whistling like an eagle on a mountain top.

The pitch-black battle flag fluttered in the wind above Yan Xun's head, the pitch-black night was like a mass of thick ink, the sky was low-pressure, the stars and the moon were dark, thousands of torches were burning fiercely, reflected on the face of the person, as if cast a shadow. Layers of blood. Yan Xun stood on a chariot made of gold, wearing a black python robe, holding a golden bow in his hand, eyebrows like swords, flying obliquely into his temples, his eyes were long and narrow. He raised his head slightly, quietly watching the familiar figure in his memory.

There was a dead silence on the entire battlefield, and everyone held their breath. Only the sound of the war drum, like the heart of the earth, beat on the spine of a person, causing the blood in the blood to boil a little bit.

Time was so frozen, they looked at each other silently, their eyes intertwined, and they condensed in one place in mid-air.

The tide-like army rushed up, and a life-and-death battle finally began.

In an instant, the cavalry flashed their bows and arrows in unison. Amid the sharp whizzing sound of the wind, the arrows emptied and poured down on the soldiers' heads like raindrops. Countless people rushed up, and the battle showed horrific cruelty at the very beginning, sending chills down the spine.

Screams, groans, and orders mixed together,

The horses galloped wildly, the rolling stones were like thunder, the swords were sharp, and the dark clouds covered the cold moon. Even the heaven and the earth closed their eyes for this cruel battle.

After a day and night of fighting, the eastern city gate suddenly opened wide, and the Xiuli army who had fought hard all night rode out of the city while the Yanbei army was changing their formation. They rushed all the way to the bank of Tiexianhe River, where the roads were narrow and unbearable to be attacked by the army. The Yanbei army had to abandon their horses and rush over. Actually cross the river from the most turbulent part of the river.

"My lord, be careful!"

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Almost at the same time, Yan Xun and Chu Qiao raised their bows and crossbows, and the arrows pierced through the void and shot towards each other. Twice ding ding sounded at the same time, and the arrow did not shoot into the air, which attracted a burst of exclamation from the surrounding guards.

On the big river, Chu Qiao stood on the raft, looking at Yan Xun from afar.

She knew that this fight was just for show, Yan Xun couldn't really stop her.

Yan Xun and Princess Jing'an are allies and have to guard Hanshui for her, but once Princess Jing'an really invades Tangjing and allows the descendants of King Jing'an to ascend to the throne, his future will be cut off. So he can't win this battle, but he can't lose ugly either.

He still needs to delay the Bian-Tang civil war by himself, and leave the Tanghuguan gate for him.

Rows of torches spread across the river, and the darkness before dawn was like a ferocious devil, inserting its sharp claws into people's eyes, turning the sky and the earth into blood red, and the wind blew past, raising flames all over the sky.

Yan Xun sat on the horseback, and the horse stamped its hooves restlessly. His back was still straight, and his whole body was full of the majesty of an emperor, like a god in the dark world. His eyes were sharp and far away, across the wide river, and stopped at the thin but always strong figure on the opposite side. The night wind blew, raising her hair at the temples, and the blood-stained armor shone brightly under the firelight. She was riding on a war horse, looking at him silently across the raging river and raging fire.

At that moment, Yan Xun's memories of the ice suddenly cracked, he could even hear the slight sound, some messy pictures, just like that, popping out of the raging water.

how long ago? It's been too long, as if it happened in the previous life, so long that he can hardly remember it.

It was also the same night, the same dead silence after such a fight, and the same pair of eyes, looking at him quietly across the pulsating river. The fire in Zhenhuang City was raging, and the endless shouts of killing echoed freely on the wasteland. The young people turned their heads resolutely, headed in their own direction, and did what they thought was right.

Maybe, a long, long time ago, everything was doomed. They are like two meteors diverging from north to south. Even though there was a brief intertwining due to many reasons, they still have to embark on the road of separation, moving forward along their respective tracks, going further and further away.

Chu Qiao stood on the embankment with a knife, watching with her own eyes the last army crossing Hanshui. The vast river is like a moat, separating them on the east and west sides, and thousands of lives and souls sink into the river. The heaven and the earth are the melting pot, and all things are the firewood. What is calcined on the fire is the blood and hope of countless people, as well as their diametrically opposed beliefs. She looked at Yan Xun, and for a moment, thousands of thoughts were reduced to dust, and one hundred thousand armored soldiers disappeared from sight, leaving only the man in black robe standing proudly between the sky and the earth, his eyes were like wolves, as if Many years ago, he got up from the Jiuyou Terrace step by step with blood marks, even though there was no one behind him, he had the chilling aura that could destroy the world.

"My lord!" Ping An ran up with a mess and red eyes, raised his head and said, "We lost more than 6,000 brothers in this battle."

Chu Qiao lowered her head, and saw that the young man's face was still wet with blood. The child who had lived in a peaceful environment for many years had grown up. After experiencing the baptism of blood, his eyes were no longer pure.

"Peace, there is a price to be paid for the achievement of any goal." The general of the Xiuli Army sat on his horseback and silently watched the long dragon of burning torches. After a long time, he said in a low voice, "True peace , must always be obtained through war."

Pingan frowned with a vague understanding, and murmured, "True peace?"

"Yes, I can't see it, and maybe you can't see it either, but someone will see it after all."

Chu Qiao raised her head, and finally looked towards the side of Hanshui. The fire had been gradually extinguished, and there were layers of green smoke rolling on the surface of the river. In the far distance, there was a faint golden light. That person was wearing a black battle armor, and the cloak behind him was fluttering in the night wind. Although she couldn't see his eyebrows clearly, she could clearly imagine his expression and outline, just like the afternoon he was sitting in front of him many years ago. Immediately shoot an arrow at her. In this way, he saved her life, and she stayed with him for ten years.

She stretched out her hand to hold her right arm, where there was an arm guard made of black iron, which could not be pierced even by crossbow arrows.

It was a gift from Zhao Song to her, there was a pair, and she gave him one.

She turned her head resolutely, submerged into the rolling army, whipped her horse, and never looked at the way she came.

To the west of Hanshui, Yan Xun turned his horse's head, and the general of his subordinates ran up and asked, "Your Majesty, don't you want to chase?"

Without saying a word, Yan Xun walked past him, walked a long way before saying calmly, "Retreat."

The army receded like a tide, the sun rose on the horizon, and a ray of light quietly sprinkled on the earth. The two armies running in opposite directions eventually drifted away.

In the empty tent, the general in armor knelt on the ground, he had been kneeling here for a long time. The sun gradually set and night fell, and the inside of the big tent was pitch black, except for the faint light on the golden fur inlaid with oriental beads, which vaguely illuminated the outline of that person, like a mountain peak.

The man didn't speak all the time. After returning from the Iron Line River, he sat there all the time, as if he had forgotten everything around him. The green grass outside the tent swayed gently, exuding the smell of hope in the night wind. Biantang in May is already midsummer, and the crisp and melodious cicadas are constantly singing at night. The grass on the wasteland is as tall as half a person, and unknown insects are flying in midair, with faint phosphorescent lights on their wings, shining like stars. .

The big tent was very quiet, the general in armor didn't dare to move, he didn't even dare to breathe, he didn't even dare to light a lamp. He is not the original veteran of the Yanbei Army, let alone the old army of the Emperor Yan. In fact, there are not many old soldiers left who followed the Emperor Yan at the beginning. This group of people in the army are all fought back with one knife and one gun. . Although His Majesty is gloomy and unpredictable, but rewards and punishments are clear, and he has made great military achievements. As long as you dare to fight and kill, you are not afraid that you will not have a chance to succeed.

The general's surname is Mu, and his ancestors are also from a scholarly family. Although he has declined in his generation, he can be regarded as literate and has a little knowledge of the art of war. Relying on this insight, he was promoted step by step, and in just a few years, he has become the leading general in the Yanbei Army.

Unlike others, the general felt that His Majesty was not as violent as rumored. Yes, he once killed his teacher, killed his sister, and killed a group of people from the Great Peer Association who had assisted him for many years, but so what? Perhaps the people in it will feel that His Majesty is ungrateful, and will scold His Majesty for being ambitious. But ordinary people like them can see very clearly that the big peers do not understand military affairs, do not understand government affairs, and are deeply intertwined internally. They have occupied Yanbei for many years but have made no achievements. They are invaded by dog soldiers in the north and controlled by Daxia in the east. They are unable to protect the subjects of Yanbei, but they insist on dictating the government. For such people, if His Majesty does not deter and suppress them with thunderous means, he will only once again foster a Datong regime with chaotic factions in the land of Yanbei.

What is it to kill a few people for a big event

Since ancient times, in the struggle for power, which time did not flow like a river of blood

The difference between a successful emperor and ordinary people is that they look at problems from different angles. Are they looking at the overall situation or personal relationships

Therefore, General Mu really didn't have a good impression of the former beautiful general. According to his thinking, it is really difficult for women to achieve great things.

"Mu Lang." A deep voice suddenly sounded, and there was a faint echo at the end of the voice in the empty tent. Hearing this, Mu Lang straightened up quickly, and then the people above continued to say, "Send a letter to Cheng Yuan and ask him to divide up the Songyuan Ferry and guard it tightly. Since the Xiuli Army wants to go in so much, let them go in. The army is still waiting inside."


"In addition, tell him not to attack Zhao Yang's army, but to attack Zhao Che with all his strength. No matter how much it costs, he must destroy Zhao Che's grain storehouse."

"Yes." Mu Lang replied hastily, "This subordinate will send someone to Baizhi Pass to deliver a message."

Yan Xun shook his head, his face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, "No need, just go back tomorrow morning, don't worry."

Mu Lang was slightly taken aback, the military situation was on fire, how could he not be in a hurry? But when Yan Xun said this, he didn't dare to refute, he just knelt there quietly, not daring to speak.

"Come, have a drink with me." Yan Xun bowed his waist slightly, lowered his head and poured the wine, under the faint pearl light, he looked a bit slumped.

Mu Lang was overwhelmed by the flattery, quickly got up and walked forward with small steps, took the wine glass, but did not dare to sit down.

Yan Xun casually pointed to the seat beside him and said, "Sit down, don't poke there."

Mu Lang sat down cautiously, drank the wine in one gulp and said, "Thank you Your Majesty for giving me the wine."

Yan Xun also raised his head to drink. Mu Lang quickly poured wine for him, and he said with a faint smile: "It's been a long time since no one drank with me. In the past, it was forced by the environment and I couldn't drink. Now the environment is better, and you can drink with me." People are gone."

Mu Lang's wrist trembled slightly, he is a smart man, ever since Yan Xun ordered to stop chasing and killing the Xiuli army last night, he felt something was wrong. Hearing Yan Xun's words now, he felt more and more that he had heard something he shouldn't have heard.


Yan Xun said casually, and even lightly hit Mu Lang's wine glass with his wine glass. He didn't care about the mellow red wine pouring on his fingers. The fist-sized wine bottle has a large capacity, but he always drinks it in one gulp. After a while, most of the pot of wine was drunk.