The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11’s Princess Agent

Chapter 272


I want to be a clam, and use time and flesh and blood to take care of my own pearls.

In the middle of the night, it suddenly snowed heavily, and there was no wind, and the snowflakes fell all over the sky like cotton wool. The plum trees in the garden were in full bloom overnight, pink like blood, standing delicately on the branches.

Mei Xiang came into the hall at night to add charcoal, and suddenly saw her sitting on the couch, she couldn't help being startled, walked forward slowly, and called softly: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Qiao was wearing a white cotton nightgown, and her hair was as long as black satin. She seemed a little absent-minded, her face was also pale, she shook her head slightly, and said, "It's just a little flustered."

When Mei Xiang heard this, there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and she teased her: "The fourth young master has just left for two days, and the lady is so lovesick that she can't sleep at night?"

Although Zhuge Yue occupies Qinghai, he is still in power as a vassal of the Great Xia, respecting Zhao Che from the North as the main one. So in terms of honor, he is still the vassal king, while Chu Qiao is the princess. Mei Xiang has followed them for a long time, and has never changed her mind.

Chu Qiao scolded her with a smile, and Mei Xiang withdrew.

The curtains were lightly curled, and the shadows of the lamps were deep. Without him, the room suddenly seemed empty.

She thought of the dream she had just had. In the dream, the back of the woman was blurred, slender, pale, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was soft and demure. Dressed in white, she stood quietly in the courtyard with blue bricks and red tiles, watching her quietly, while the snow-white pear blossoms bloomed behind her, and pieces fell with the wind.

It was cold and quiet in the middle of the night, and at some point, a wind suddenly blew up outside, and the wind and snow rolled plum blossoms and slapped on the window lattice, making a rustling sound.

She looked out of the window quietly, and slowly felt an inexplicable soreness in her heart, for some reason or for whom.

On that day, it was the fourth day of December, Zhuge Yue went to Gong Yue to deal with military affairs, and he had just left for two days. In the Qianhua Hall of Xingyue Palace, Chu Qiao had a dream, dreaming that a strange woman stood outside her window, stood silently for a long time before leaving.

Half a month later, Zhuge Yue came back from Gong Yue, galloping all the way, full of dust.

Zhuge Yunzhou frowned, and complained to his mother before he got out of the carriage, and said aggrievedly: "Zhou'er should never go out with father and king again, always rushing to hurry, it's not fun at all."

Li Qingrong is already eight years old this year, he looks very similar to his father, You Xiyan's clothes are colorful, and his gestures are all the demeanor of the old man. I saw him lazily leaning on the stone pillar in front of the palace gate, yawning constantly, his peach blossom eyes raised slightly, and muttered: "I told you a long time ago, but you didn't believe it, so you just wanted to follow me!" .”

Chu Qiao ignored them, walked over directly, brushed off the dust from Zhuge Yue's clothes with a smile, and asked, "Is the journey hard?"

Zhuge Yue hugged her and kissed her lightly on the cheek, "It's okay."

"Alas!" Zhuge Yunzhou sighed helplessly. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he could only move his arms and legs and jumped out of the carriage. It's too different."

Li Qingrong made a look that he couldn't bear to look directly at him, covering his eyes with one hand, and groping with the other to go back to the palace.

That night, Xingyue Palace held a grand banquet. The delicacies are presented like flowing water, the songs and dances are graceful, and the music is melodious. The palace people wear flowers and brush the willows, and the trusted officials bring their families. However, all this is not as good as a look from him by his side. Heavy snow piled up outside the door, the plum trees swayed, the wind blew, and the snowflakes fluttered and fluttered, like the water sleeves of a fairy in a fairyland.

He drank some wine and was in a good mood. He was jokingly told by his subordinates that he was on the road all night at Wai Xin Xie's house, but he just stared stubbornly like a child, with the appearance of "the king will definitely settle accounts with you afterwards".

That night, the banquet was over, the palace gates were closed, and in the lightly flying curtains, the skin was scorching hot, lingering to death. After the clouds gathered and the rain rested, he kissed her earlobe lightly, and whispered in her ear: "Xing'er, Empress Nalan of Zhenhuang City has gone."

went? where to go For a moment, Chu Qiao's mind was still in a trance, and her always exquisite heart hadn't come out of the extreme warmth. Leaning in his arms, she thought in a daze: Empress Nalan? Which Empress Nalan

"It is said that you died of a sudden illness, and it has been less than half a month. I was very scared when I found out. When I remembered how sick you were, I couldn't wait to come back."

Zhuge Yue said softly, wrapping his arms around her from behind, his chest pressed tightly against her smooth back. He hugged her so tightly that it was almost hard to breathe.

Chu Qiao's body gradually froze, and cold air emerged from her fingertips, creeping upwards, like well water in winter on the Yanbei plateau, which can freeze a person's nerves to death. The wind blowing outside the window made a whining sound, and the branches of a plum tree swayed in front of the window, curling gracefully, like a woman's slender waist and cloud-like temple hair.

She suddenly remembered the night half a month ago, when she woke up in her sleep, her body was covered with cool sweat, sticky to her body. After so many days, she had already forgotten, the man's eyebrows, the man's face, and the cloud patterns on the man's clothes. However, she still remembered those eyes, which were calm and indifferent, like clouds in the nine heavens, falling lightly on her body, but seemed to see far, far through her.

The wind blew up the corners of her clothes, and pear blossoms fell on top of her head, scattering the ground pale.

They have never met before, and the only intersection in this life seems to be that unintentional glance.

The ink is messy, the flowers are lightly fragrant, and the poems are messy, only the sad tears of the woman, falling drop by drop, soaking the back of the paper, blurring the thick ink, and turning into a shallow tear stain.

By accident, no one saw her pain, only she, when she raised her eyes inadvertently, saw a scar that a high-ranking woman never showed.

There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees, and the heart is pleasing to the king, and the king does not know...

With a whoosh, a black figure passed by the window, and she was suddenly startled, and even her fingers became stiff.

Zhuge Yue sensed something wrong with her, hugged her in his arms, half propped up his body, and raised his voice, "What is it?"

The servant's hurried footsteps could be heard outside the hall, and someone responded with a high-pitched voice: "My lord, it's a crow that flies at night."

"Order the Jianjiying to shoot all the flat-haired beasts nearby."

"Yes, the servant will do it now."

The night wind was still blowing, Zhuge Yue hugged her and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's just a bird."

Her eye sockets suddenly felt hot, she turned around and hugged his waist tightly.

He put one arm around her and patted her on the back with the other, and after a little observation, he asked in a low voice: "Xing'er, what's wrong with you?"

She buried her head in his warm embrace and said quietly, "I just feel that life is impermanent."

He said softly: "Life is impermanent, but it's not about you and me."

Chu Qiao raised her head, her pair of pitch-black eyes looked confused in the dark night, she frowned slightly, and said: "There are some things that manpower cannot do, and God's will is unpredictable."

"I never believed in any gods and Buddhas."

He smiled lightly, his eyes were full of brilliance, he leaned forward, kissed the corner of her mouth lightly, and murmured: "I will never do anything that I regret."

Her heart seemed to have suddenly fallen into a scalding hot spring, and her limbs became limp. She hugged him, responding delicately between her lips and teeth, her skin was like satin, rubbed lightly little by little, her fingers were like butterfly wings, slid across his broad shoulders, pressed against his hard chest, her ears were pressed against his, and through the palms, she also Can hear the steady and powerful heartbeat.

Her tears fell drop by drop, there was no reason, and she didn't want to stop it.

It was snowing heavily outside the window, and she was leaning on her husband's arms in the warm bedroom of her own home. In the bedroom opposite, her son was asleep. The world is so vast, but her world is tightly held in her hands. No matter the storms in this world come in waves, she also has the courage to face all twists and turns and ups and downs.

Winter in Qinghai is very short and passes quickly.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, and as thin as shattered ox hair. This day was an auspicious day for spring plowing, Zhuge Yue took Manchu Wenwu to Shennongtan, Ping An was now following Zhuge Yue's servant, Jingjing was too idle to panic, so she begged Chu Qiao to come out of the palace to breathe.

Chu Qiao was tired these days and didn't like to move very much, but Jingjing couldn't hold her back, so she had to take Yunzhou and Rong'er out of the palace together. Li Qingrong was very young, but he was extremely lethargic, and hadn't woken up after leaving the palace, Chu Qiao had no choice but to prepare a carriage for him alone, and she took Yunzhou and Jingjing to ride on horseback.

When they got up the mountain, everyone had to abandon their horses and walk. Li Qingrong followed behind with a sigh, and kept saying that he came to Qinghai to hide and relax, but he didn't expect to be so busy.

Jingjing was so angry that she quarreled with him, but lost without saying a word, so she had to ask Chu Qiao for help.

Chu Qiao asked with a smile, did Emperor Tang force him to study political affairs all day long

He nodded hastily, and sighed helplessly: "Brother Huang said, when I am a few years older, I can pick him up for a few years and let him breathe."

Chu Qiao knew that their brothers had a very good relationship, so she was not surprised at the moment, and said with a smile: "It's rare that your brother has such a heart."

Li Qingrong curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "The emperor is the most difficult job in the world. He wants to deceive me, but he has no way."

When everyone climbed to the top of the mountain, it happened that the sky had just cleared up, the sun pierced through the clouds, and a big rainbow fell down, like a ribbon on the horizon.

Jingjing danced happily, while Zhuge Yunzhou frowned at her and asked, "Mother, when will my aunt get married?"

Jingjing turned her head sensitively, and said fiercely: "Want you to worry?!"

Zhuge Yunzhou curled his lips, "Who is worried about you? I just want to keep my ears clean."

The two were arguing, Chu Qiao turned her head, and saw Li Qingrong wearing a bright red light gown with a soft belt and a crown, with fluttering sleeves, leaning against a green pine, even though he was young, his facial features were exactly the same as Li Ce's. His slender eyes were like a fox, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw her looking, he suddenly smiled and said, "When will my aunt give birth to a little sister? When Rong'er grows up, marry Rong'er as his wife."

Chu Qiao was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a broken smile, "Why did you suddenly think of this at such a young age?"

"I didn't think of it all of a sudden." Li Qingrong raised his eyebrows, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He was obviously still a child, but his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, making it impossible to see through.

"I've had this idea since I was a child, and I think Rong'er was born for this purpose."

The breeze came slowly, blowing Li Qingrong's hair on the temples. He looked into the distance and said calmly: "Auntie, there are too many grievances in this world. For example, my father and mother, the emperor's grandfather and the emperor's grandma all hate each other all their lives. They are like aunt and Wang. Too little."

Suddenly, the mountain wind blew up, Li Qingrong saw that Chu Qiao's clothes were thin, so he hurriedly took a cloak and ran over, although he was small, he put the cloak on her calmly.

The young man said with a smile, "Auntie, I want a younger sister to be my wife, so you and Wang have to work hard."

Seeing that such a small child also came to make fun of her, Chu Qiao was a little embarrassed, and gave him a few words without pain, but he still smiled and looked tired.

The drizzle stopped, the rainbow meandered, the sun pierced through the clouds and mist, and sprinkled the ground golden.

Half a month later, the imperial medical office handed in a happy form when asking for pulse, and Princess Qinghai was pregnant.

At the end of the same year, Xingyue Palace added another daughter, named Zhuge Yunsheng, with a small character of Pearl, also known as Pearl Princess.

Bian Tang's relative, Wenpin, passed through Cuiwei Pass in the second month. Li Qingrong rode his horse and stopped halfway, and drove the envoy who sent Wenpin's marriage contract back to Bian Tang.

Emperor Li Xiuyi of the Tang Dynasty wrote to him and scolded him for losing his mind, but he hummed lightly and replied, "Pearls in oysters, why do you care?"

Another child lived in the dormitory of the Qianhua Palace. The poor King of Qinghai, after half a year of abstinence, was about to start the difficult road of taking his wife again.

The wind blows from the pass, with the fragrance of green grass. After one year, it will come again. In the East China Sea of the Huai Song Dynasty, fishermen caught this year's new mussels. Some mussels had bright pearls, but some mussels lost their pearls.

Originally, it was a grain of sand, and it became precious only when it was loved by others.

Years of polishing will eventually become pearls.