The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11’s Princess Agent

Chapter 281


As soon as Yushu left, Nalan started coughing, and several officers on duty from the Imperial Hospital hurried into the Zhaoyang Hall to take the pulse and make medicine, and they were busy for more than two hours.

The main hall was filled with a strong smell of soup and medicine, Nalan Hongye was lying on the bed, panting continuously. After half a day of tossing, her face became even more pale.

"Empress, I heard that the emperor will be staying in the Qinglu Hall tonight, and there is no master to serve him."

Nalan covered his chest with his hands, his breath was a little weak, and he asked, "Isn't Concubine Cheng in Qinglu Palace?"

"Not here, the concubine Cheng's menstruation is coming, and she is avoiding the red square."

Nalan nodded, meditated for a moment, and said, "The weather is getting colder and colder, you go and tell Cao Qiu to make their servants be careful, and be careful not to let His Majesty catch a cold."


Just as Wenyuan was leaving, Nalan suddenly shouted, "Forget it, I don't need to go." After finishing speaking, she turned around and lay down inside, and her voice came over very softly, "There is no need to call for dinner, Ben Gong Go to sleep."

"Yes, ma'am."

It has been five years since Yan Xun established the dynasty. Like many emperors in the past dynasties, the harem has gradually become lively. Countless young and beautiful women rushed into the palace like flowing water. Some of them are delicate, some are glamorous, some are full of poetry and books, and some are cute and cute. It seems that all the flowers in this world are here overnight. Blooming in the deep palace, full of flowers all day long, a piece of prosperity.

It's a pity that even though she has been in the palace for four years, Nalan Hongye still failed to give birth to a son and a half daughter. , has almost approached her, the queen who has escaped from the world due to illness.

And he has not set foot in Zhaoyang Palace for a long time.

If Yushu hadn't brought Yong'er here today, I'm afraid he wouldn't have come.

The sun gradually set, the moon climbed up the treetops, and a pair of red candles were lit high, shining brightly. Nalan Hongye is very thin now, huddled in the brocade quilt, like a thin bird, coughing in a low voice from time to time.

Perhaps, already do not want to.

On the day when the alliance was closed six years ago, the news of the birth of the young son in Qinghai spread throughout the Simon continent. Xiaoshizi was in poor health due to the wind, cold and bumps in the mother's womb, and almost died when he was born. Princess Qinghai was weak after giving birth, and she was also in danger. King Qinghai attaches great importance to his wife and children and is well-known in the world. Back then, he was able to give up the good opportunity to compete with Yan Xun for his wife, let alone today.

Qinghai immediately issued a notice, offering a reward of ten thousand gold, to seek a famous doctor in the world. He heard that Mr. Qingzhu in Maoling had excellent medical skills, but he was old and old-fashioned. He regarded Qinghai as a barbaric place and refused to move. Back then, the King of Qinghai dared to lead only three thousand elites out of Cuiwei Pass at the time of the alliance between Yanbei and Huai Song Dynasty. life.

The day when the news came, it was the day of her engagement with Yan Xun. Shu and Jin Tie, the red mandarin ducks, everything fulfilled her wish for many years.

She opened the golden post, and on the top were the two names written in his own handwriting.

Yan Xun Nalan Hongye

Just lined up side by side, one stroke at a time, one horizontal fold at a time, seemed to outline her long half life. Her fingers slid across the bald-headed phoenix, double-red gold posts, and bronzing seal characters, and stopped on the eight joyful handwriting:

Keep watch and stay together forever.

Even though it was the simplest eight words, it made her eyes moist.

That evening, the two of them were sitting in the Hall of Hehuan for a double wedding banquet. Outside the court, an apricot tree was in full bloom, like clouds on fire.

He sat in front of him with a calm face, full of diplomatic rhetoric, few words, but tight, neither rude nor overly intimate.

Nalan Hongye wanted to say something about her past that she had hidden for a long time several times, but was blocked by his indifferent expression. Seeing that it was getting late and he was about to leave, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and was about to speak when his bodyguard suddenly said that there was an urgent military report.

King Qinghai was about to approach Maoling, and these people reported this important news.

Yan Xun has always been calm and indifferent, but at that moment his expression changed, and he ordered the troops near Maoling to gather on the spot, and at any cost, they must keep King Qinghai inside the pass for a day.

But before the guard went out, he called out to stop the guard. The evening sun shone on his face with an ignorant light. His hands were half outstretched, maintaining a posture, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. In the courtyard, apricot blossoms fluttered and fell down, scattering all over the ground.

"Forget it." He lowered his hands and regained his usual calmness.

"Forget it?" The guard was slightly taken aback, and asked back unconsciously.

Yan Xun slightly raised his brows when he heard the words, he didn't speak, but his eyes turned around the guard's face, like a puddle of cold water.

The guard was so frightened that he knelt on the ground with a plop and retreated.

As the sky gradually darkened, Yan Xun turned his head, smiled at Nalan Hongye naturally, picked up a piece of green bamboo shoots for her, and said, "Eat more bamboo shoots, it's good for your health."

Nalan Hongye has been in the ups and downs of the officialdom for half her life, and she has already practiced the art of nourishing Qi with a high degree of proficiency.

She also nodded with a smile, "Thank you, His Royal Highness Yanhuang."

This was just a very small episode, all the servants who accompanied her forgot this insignificant matter in an instant, but she was the only one who remembered it vividly.

That evening, in the afterglow of the setting sun, she seemed to realize something clearly in a trance, but she had been refusing to admit it for so many years.

There was a muffled coughing sound from the sleeping hall, Wen Yuan, who was accompanying the outer hall, grabbed a handful of su and incense and put them in the incense burner, frowning slightly.

The moonlight outside the window is graceful, the shadows of the trees are swaying, and the really brilliant winter is coming again.

Yushu slept during the day, but was sleepy at night.

She wore a silver fox-trimmed cloak, held a lantern, and went to Yong'er's room. Yong'er was very obedient, didn't kick the quilt, slept soundly, pouted, as if eating something in a dream.

Yushu sat down beside his bed, the night wind was so quiet, the tranquilizing incense in the corner circled straight up, circle and circle, like smoke from the countryside. Yushu stretched out his hand to touch his son's face, but he was afraid that his body would be covered with cold air, so he just made a gesture on his forehead, then raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly.

Unknowingly, the watch drum of the third watch came from far away, and the voice of the watchman was long and distant. Yushu was full of peace at this moment, even the sound of the careful fire candle sounded extraordinarily peaceful.

She stood up and went out, closed the door for the child, and was about to turn around and go back to the room, but she saw the candlelight in that room when she turned her head.

For a moment, she was so stunned.

Like thousands of times in these years, she stood there fixedly, just staring quietly.

It has been five years, the stone statue in the East China Sea is covered with dust, and the gossip officials in the ruling and opposition parties have forgotten that name. Even the coastal people who used to pray for him day and night may have removed his requiem tablet and replaced it with a My own parents and relatives.

Everyone gradually forgot about that person, forgot his achievements, forgot his devotion, forgot his voice and smile, and forgot what a high price he once paid for this country and this land.

However, only she, this silly woman, never forgets to light a candle for him in his study every day when night falls.

She didn't dare to approach him, just like him before he was alive, even if he made the soup with his own hands, he could only ask the servant girl to deliver it to him.

She believed him when he said that he had government affairs to attend to and that he would not allow others to disturb him.

He said that he had an urgent military situation and that no one else could approach him, so she believed him.

He said that he would be busy until late tonight, so he would live in the study, and told her not to wait, so she believed it.

She is such a goofy woman who believes whatever her man says. But sometimes, she also wants to say something, just a few simple words, for example, she is just like a servant, and she will come out as soon as she delivers a bowl of soup, so she will not disturb him; for example, she is his wife, maybe she is not an idler, etc. ; For example, she actually sleeps very late every night, so no matter how late he is busy, he doesn't have to worry about waking her up.

But she still didn't dare to say it, maybe, she just felt a little shy and couldn't say it.

So, she lay on the window lattice day and night, looking at the lights in the study, until the lights went out, she could climb into bed and close her eyes with peace of mind.

Sometimes she also thinks, in this way, does it count as co-sleeping

But as soon as such a thought occurred to her, she was already blushing with embarrassment.

Every time I go back to my mother's house, my sister will whisper to her, does your prince have a heart. Every time she hears it, she will be very angry, what kind of person is the prince, how can they use such thoughts to slander him

But her eloquence is really not good, and she argued several times, but she couldn't speak to her sisters. Gradually, she even went back to her natal home less often.

She knew that she had the best husband in the world, he was upright, kind, and talented, his paintings were praised all over the court, his calligraphy was unique in Beijing, his poems were widely circulated, he never drank alcohol at home, Even when he was out for entertainment sometimes, he never got drunk, he never took concubines, and never got involved in the wind and dust. He was the famous King Xuanxian in the court and the most prestigious general in the army.

Although he sometimes neglected her because of his busy government affairs, so what? Compared to her mother, her sisters, and those noble ladies who fight for favor all day long, she is already too lucky.

He is her husband, her heaven, and her whole world.

Isn't she supposed to trust him, take care of him, wait for him

How can there be doubts, suspicions, slanders, and grievances that hurt the spring and autumn

What's more, even if he is gone, she still enjoys the merits he left behind during his lifetime, and also has the most precious child he left to her.

There is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

She smiled slightly, her smile was clear and pure. She tugged at the collar of the cloak, and said silently: "Tomorrow, I'm going to buy window paper. It's getting cold. It's time to change the window paper in the study."