The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11’s Princess Agent

Chapter 284


He just sat on the bed like that, wearing a clean and refreshing gown. When he saw her, he was still the same as before, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, pointed to the chair beside him, and said, "Sit."

She sat down in a daze, looking at him with her eyes, tears rolling in her eyes, but she didn't dare to cry, she just bit her lips blindly, controlling herself, not letting herself cry out.

"Yushu, I will work hard for you from now on." He looked at her and said this sentence very calmly, very slowly but clearly. On the tray of the little table, there were two old ginseng, most of which were gone. He took a slight breath, looked at Yong'er lovingly, and said softly: "I am not a qualified father."

Yushu was too scared. She had never been so scared in her life. She suddenly and boldly grabbed her husband's arm, and said foolishly: "My lord, no, it can't be like this."

Xuan Mo smiled, his face was pale, his eye sockets were sunken, and he was already so thin that he lost his appearance.

"My lord, you can't do this." This simple woman didn't know what else to say, she just shook her head vigorously, grabbed her husband's wrist, and said over and over again, "No, you can't do this."

The night wind opened the window little by little, and the cold candlelight was almost blown out by the wind several times. The air outside was so cold, blowing from the north, faintly carrying the fragrance of autumn chrysanthemums.

She vaguely remembered joking and playing with her sisters when she was young, and the few sisters fantasized about their future husband-in-law together. Some people say that they want a top scholar who is excellent in poetry and prose, some say that they want a general with extraordinary martial arts skills, and some say that they want a son from a noble family. Only she, after thinking for a long time, was finally forced to be helpless by her sisters, and said hesitantly: "As long as, as long as you are nice to me, that's fine."

Just be nice to me.

She has always been such a humble person, even her own sister disliked her for her lack of ambition, but so what, at least, she will not be greedy, unhappy, or complain about others. Her wish is simple, but it is also easy to realize. Her life is monotonous, but she is more peaceful and happy.

But at this moment, she suddenly didn't even want the last bit.

She grabbed Xuan Mo's hand and said tremblingly: "My lord, the old lord is gone, you should divorce me. I know that the lord doesn't like me, and the lord has someone else in his heart. I don't want anything now, as long as the lord lives, as long as the lord lives You're alive, and it doesn't matter if you divorce me."

At that moment, all the wind and rain seemed to stop suddenly, and the general who had returned from all battles was stunned by the persistent eyes of this simple woman. A trace of sadness emerged from the bottom of his heart, and years of stubbornness and persistence turned into ashes at this moment. The years were like a turbulent river, drowning all his obsessions for so many years, and the ocean of guilt covered him. At the last moment of his life, condensed It became a sigh.

After many years of marriage, he finally stretched out his arms to embrace his wife for the first time, and sighed apologetically: "Yushu, I failed you."

Yushu leaned against this strange embrace, and was stunned for a moment.

With so much forbearance, so much self-control, so much self-consolation, so much self-deception, she always thought that she was virtuous enough, always thought that she was extremely virtuous, and always thought that she was not sad or sad.

However, everything, after all, completely collapsed in such a simple sentence, in such a simple hug.

It is not that there is no grievance, it is not that there is no disappointment, it is not that there is no extravagance and fantasy.

It's just that she has been suppressing all this so deeply.

She suddenly burst into tears, heart-piercing, sobbing choked up.

This was the first and last time in her life that Yushu cried bitterly in her husband's arms.

After saying that sentence, Xuan Mo passed away, walking peacefully and peacefully, like a painting of ink.

On the second day, after learning the news of Prince Xuan's death, Emperor Yan, who was about to leave the city, temporarily changed his course and went straight to Prince Xuan's mansion. The young and stern emperor was dressed in a black robe and stood in front of Xuanmo's spirit for a long time. All the people around who came to pay homage were too scared to make a sound. Only he, like a stone statue, did not leave for a long time.

After that, there was a series of canonizations, a series of honors. But, after all, it has nothing to do with her, this heart is dead, let the world be full of purples and reds, and in her eyes, it will be a blank land after all. The carriage walked slowly on the official road, passed through the bustling market, past the bustling crowd, exited the Zhenhuang city gate, and headed southeast. The noisy sound gradually faded away, the green hills were covered with snow, the weeds swayed, and the sky was gray. Occasionally, a stray wild goose flew past, wailing sadly, and passing over the sky quietly.

Yong'er leaned against Yushu's arms, drowsy, the carriage was warm and cozy, and the cotton curtains were thick, blocking the cold air outside. Yushu hugged the child, patted him on the back, and hummed the nursery rhymes he had heard in his childhood unconsciously. Time passed very slowly, but the road under his feet was extremely long.

"Princess, there is a tea shop in front, do you want to come down and rest your feet?" Jiang Wu followed the carriage with the guards of Prince Xuan's residence, wearing a low-key gray mink fur jacket, and asked while rubbing his hands.

The curtain moved slightly, and the cold wind rushed towards his face. Yushu frowned, looked up at the sky, and said, "Hurry up, I think it's going to snow today, don't be blocked on the road."

"Yes." Jiang Wu agreed, and then said, "The place in Hongchuan is cold. If we were in Huai Song Dynasty, the lotus would not have bloomed at this time."

"Mother Concubine?" Yong'er rubbed his eyes, his face was flushed, he became more energetic after being blown by the wind, and wrinkled his little nose and asked, "Are you here?"

Yushu glanced outside, then nodded and said, "We'll be there soon."

Yushu has not been to many places in his life. The first time he left home was from Huai Song Dynasty to Zhenhuang. Along the way, he followed tens of thousands of Huai Song royal family and nobles, leaving their hometowns and coming to this cold and beautiful land. strange land.

The situation at that time, to put it nicely, was that Huai Song obeyed the destiny, surrendered to Dayan, and became a vassal of Dayan. However, everyone knows that apart from the eldest princess Nalan Hongye, there are only a few daughters left by the former emperor and a dying little emperor left in the Nalan clan of Huaisong. This so-called prince is nothing more than a decoration. A hundred years after the eldest princess, Huai Song would inevitably be named "Yan" after all.

However, it may be good to get such a result. Among the Three Kingdoms, Huai Song had the smallest land area, even less than one-tenth of Da Xia. Although it is close to the coast and has developed commerce, it lacks necessary military equipment such as iron ore and war horses, and its force has always been at the bottom of the three kingdoms. Because of the checks and balances between Bian Tang and Daxia, Huai Song was able to stand in the cracks for a hundred years. Once the regime of Da Xia or Bian Tang collapsed, the first thing the winner had to do was to take Huai Song to the knife.

In the troubled times of the year, the internal regime of the Huai Song Dynasty was unstable, the territory of the Bian and Tang Dynasties was divided into two, the state institutions collapsed, the Great Xia was torn apart, civil wars continued, and the Yanbei Iron Cavalry went out and swept the Central Plains. Huai Song had no ability to maintain the three kingdoms, no army to seize the opportunity to occupy the territory of other countries, and no stable local government. Under the circumstances at that time, there was basically no other way to go except to rely on Yanbei. Facts have also proved that the strategy of the eldest princess is indeed wise. Even though the country was reduced to a subsidiary, the people and officials of the Song State were hardly affected by the war, and the royal family and the court did not suffer any losses. The status is far from that of the Great Xia survivors, who are at the last level of the empire.

People don't care who is the emperor, as long as they have clothes to wear, food to eat, and land to grow, no one will care whether their heavenly king Lao Tzu is surnamed Yan or Nalan. However, there are still some people who cannot accept it. Yushu still remembers the day when he left Huai Song Dynasty, many scholars ran to the imperial convoy to stop them. After being scolded by the soldiers, some even poured fuel on themselves and died of suicide.

To this day, Yushu still clearly remembers that scene, the fire was burning, and the man screamed and called King Xuan's name. Others also fell to the ground and cried loudly, saying that if Lord Xuan was still there, they would never let Jiangshan be given away by ignorant women and children.

In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and now under the governance of Dayan, such voices have gradually subsided, and the man who was once regarded as the savior by the people of Song Dynasty is less and less mentioned. Even on the anniversary of his death, they are the only orphans and widows who leave the city early in the morning and travel dozens of miles to worship.

After driving for half a day, I finally arrived at Yanxi Mountain. The mountain here is so steep that the carriage cannot go up. Wearing a white fur cape, Yushu pulled Yong'er out of the car, and the servants carried the soft sedan chair, she sat on it, the sedan chair wobbled up, and climbed up the stone steps step by step.

Because of the thick snow, the servants walked very slowly. Yong'er regained his energy now, lifted the car curtain and looked out curiously from time to time.

There is a temple on the mountainside, which looks very dilapidated. Yushu used to rest here before going up the mountain. There are only a dozen or so monks inside, most of them are old, because the location is remote and there are few pilgrims, they always look deserted, the door is full of snow, and no one cleans it.

She looked out the window, only to see the scales of pines, lush and green, and her heart was slightly sad.

One year passed again.

"Princess, we're here. The road ahead is narrow, and the sedan chair can't pass."

Yushu nodded, took Yong'er out of the car, and told the other guards to wait here, and only brought Jiang Wu with him, carrying paper money and joss sticks, and pulled Yong'er up the mountain.

The wind gets stronger the higher you go up the mountain, and it hurts a little when it blows on your face. She protected Yong'er behind her, and walked up step by step. Suddenly, a strong wind blew by my ear, and a black shadow came out of the nearby forest like lightning. Jiang Wu immediately drew his sword and stood in front of Yushu, but before his sword was drawn out of its scabbard, there were already two precious swords across his neck.

"Who?" The other party shouted in a low voice.

Yushu turned pale, and hurriedly covered Yonger's eyes. But I didn't think that Yong'er would be very bold, pulled down his mother's hand, and shouted confidently: "I am the eldest son of Xuanwang's mansion, this is my mother's concubine, we come to worship my father and king. Who are you? You are robbers." Are you not afraid of beheading?"

The child's voice was as crisp as pearls falling from a jade plate, echoing in the forest with the whistling wind. Yushu was so frightened that she pulled Yong'er back and hugged her tightly.

Unexpectedly, those robbers glanced at each other, drew their swords one by one, the leader took a step forward, bowed his head very politely and said: "So it's Princess Xuan and His Royal Highness, I'm sorry, please wait here for a while. "

After all, a few ups and downs will go a long way.

After a while, the man came back and said, "Princess, please."

Yushu looked at them suspiciously, but Jiang Wu seemed to have understood something, so he didn't dare to say more, but nodded to Yushu, signaling her not to be afraid.

The floor paved with white marble is so smooth that it looks like a huge and clean mirror from a distance. The sky is so close, it seems that the clouds can be reached with one hand, the wind blows from all directions, and the hem of the clothes is lifted from below. The sky is full of flying heavy snow, whistling and spinning, and at a glance, it looks like a thick fog like milk.

Yushu half-closed his eyes and looked forward, only to see a figure standing in the wind and snow, wearing a black cloak, with the hood raised up, covering his head and face. The mountain wind blew past, making a humming sound. Heavy snow circled around him, isolating him from the whole world, and he saw a lonely figure, like a towering pine tree, so tall and straight that it seemed to be able to prop up the whole world.

Even though she couldn't see her face clearly, Yushu immediately knelt down, pulled Yong'er beside her, and said in her low voice: "See Your Majesty."

Yan Xun turned his head, his ice-like gaze loosened slightly after seeing her. He smiled faintly, and the smile was a little stiff, and he didn't know if it was because the weather was too cold, or because he had forgotten how to smile for too long. He nodded quietly and said, "You are here."

Yan Xun didn't get up, Yushu didn't dare to move, his heart was pounding, and he replied nervously: "Yes."

"Get up, in front of Xuan Mo, don't let him think that I am bullying his wife."

He spoke very casually, but Yushu's legs felt weak when he heard it. She nodded dumbly, stood up, pulled Yong'er forward, and stood ten steps behind Yan Xun. I saw the candles burning high in front of Xuan Mo's coffin, the spiritual incense hovering, and the black paper money fluttering with the wind, like a bunch of dark butterflies.

Yan Xun didn't speak, just retreated casually, leaving the open space in front of the mausoleum. Yushu took the child and walked forward tremblingly, lighting incense, tree streamers, and burning paper. The white paper was engulfed by the flames little by little, turning into black paper ashes. Slowly being warmed, but still maintaining a stiff posture, little by little, all the paper money was poured into the raging fire.

"Father, Yong'er has come to see you." Yong'er knelt on the ground obediently, kowtowed three times, and then said with a serious face, "My homework is very good this year, Mr. Lu has already praised me I have done it three times, and I have learned a lot of characters and learned to ride a horse. Uncle Jiang gave me a black pony with a strand of white hair on its nose, which is very pretty." The child chattered, There was a child's innocence in his words, his voice was soft, but he pretended to be serious, and he frowned a pair of small eyebrows, very cute, "Father, it's cold, you have to remember to wear more clothes, mother and I Remember to wear the cotton padded clothes that the concubine gave you. You are here alone, and you have to learn to take care of yourself so as not to get sick. I will take care of the concubine for you, so don't worry."