The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11’s Princess Agent

Chapter 287


I don't know why, Yan Xun was a little nervous, he sat down next to Nalan Hongye, but he was a little embarrassed to avoid it, he frowned and said, "Don't tie me."

Nalan Hongye raised her eyebrows, "People who have been on the battlefield, are they still afraid of this little embroidery needle?"

Yan Xun obviously couldn't trust her skills, he frowned and didn't speak. But soon, I saw that she threaded the needle very skillfully, her fingers were slender, and the needle and thread seemed to come alive in her hands.

She is so thin, from Yan Xun's point of view, only a beautiful and white neck can be seen. The sun shines on her body, with a calm and serene atmosphere, the air has a light scent of medicine, the sand in the hourglass slides down, and it is so quiet that you can almost hear the rustling of needles and threads passing through the clothes.

Suddenly, Nalan Hongye shook her hand and coughed softly.

At first, she was still trying to control, but gradually, she became more and more uncontrollable, and her voice became louder and louder. Yan Xun frowned, stretched out his other hand, and patted her on the back lightly, calling while patting, "Bring water, hurry up."

Wen Yuan hurried up, Yan Xun took the tea and gave her a sip. Her breathing gradually stabilized, but her cheeks were flushed and her eyes became more and more tired.

"It's all right, do you need to call the imperial doctor?"

Nalan Hongye shook her head weakly, "No need, it's an old problem, just rest for a while."

"Don't mend this clothes today, wait until you feel better."

Nalan Hongye was also really tired, so she nodded.

Yan Xun took off his coat, handed it to Wen Yuan, and said, "I'll make it up when your mother is in good spirits, don't give it to her for a few days."

Wen Yuan nodded happily, and said in her heart: It's been five years, God has finally opened his eyes, and the emperor knows that he loves his wife.

Yan Xun put on the big fur and said to Nalan Hongye, "I'm going first, you should rest well."

Nalan Hongye nodded, Yan Xun turned around and walked out, the curtains of the main hall were lifted layer by layer, gradually disappearing his figure. For some reason, Nalan Hongye suddenly felt so flustered, as if her heart was full of weeds, and suddenly called out: "Your Majesty?"

Yan Xun was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head from afar.

The palace is deep, they are so far away, just looking at each other like this, time passes between them, one year, two years, three years, five years, and those he doesn't know, ten years, eight years, Many, many years.

"Tonight, my concubine ordered the kitchen to cook more delicious dishes. Your Majesty, are you still here?"

Yan Xun stood in the center of the hall, far away, looking at the woman sitting on the bed.

That was his wife, a wife whom he had never faced face to face, but who had really helped him a lot in a practical sense.

He stood there, just looking at her like that, trying to recall her previous appearance in his mind, but apart from the jewels and emeralds, the splendid gold and jade, there was only a blank space left in his mind. But now, she is dressed in soft white single clothes, with no head decoration in her hair, no makeup, white face and blue lips, emaciated, like a candle in the wind, I don't know how long it can burn.

Forget it... Yan Xun sighed silently in his heart.

Even though she seized Xuan Mo's military power, even though she might be aware of her relationship with Xuan Mo, and privately destroy the last letter Xuan Mo wrote to herself...

That's all.

In the distance, Yan Xun nodded and said, "You should rest well, I will come to see you at night."

The door is open and a fresh breeze blows in.

Nalan Hongye was sitting on the couch, silently looking at his receding back, with a gentle face and eyes as peaceful as clouds in the sky.

"Your Majesty—" Wen Yuan smiled happily, as if she didn't know what to say, she finally rushed out and shouted, "Your maidservant, go get ready."

Nalan Hongye took a deep breath and leaned against the soft quilt. Suddenly remembered that evening many years ago, he rode a horse, caught up with her from afar, and finally stood at the head of the bridge facing her, who was traveling far away, and shouted loudly: "I buried good wine under the pear tree, you will come back next year." Are you still coming?"

Are you coming next year

Are you coming next year

Are you still coming

For many years, as long as she closed her eyes, she could hear this voice. It seems that it was just yesterday, right next to my ears.

"Come on! Wait for me!" Sitting on the carriage, she poked her head out and shouted loudly at him who had turned into a little black spot.

Come! You wait for me!

However, she couldn't go back after all.

Her father died, and she was left alone to deal with the sick mother, idiotic brother, and the imperial family and power ministers who were full of wolfish ambitions. The country, family, and country all fell on her frail and immature shoulders.

As for him, his family was ruined, his family was destroyed, and he was homeless. The former proud son of heaven suddenly became a prisoner.

After ten years of life and death, they finally returned to the place where they met in the past. It's a pity that the mountains and rivers have been broken, things are different, and even though they are facing each other, they no longer know each other.

She slowly closed her eyes, pulled the corners of her mouth lightly, and brought out a shallow smile.

Before it was dark, Wen Yuan was busy, matching clothes for her, dressing her up, and the servants in the kitchen knew that the emperor was coming for dinner, so they worked hard to prepare. Although she didn't want to do this, it was rare to see them so happy, so she didn't object.

However, the sky was getting darker and darker, and it was already past dinner time, and he still didn't come.

All the servants were secretly anxious, Wen Yuan sent her capable servants out to inquire about the news, while she comforted Nalan Hongye over and over again.

Nalan Hongye gradually understood, but she didn't feel sad, but felt a little empty. Yushu is right, the southeast hall is too big and always looks deserted.

After a while, the little eunuch next to Yan Xun came to spread the word, saying that there was an urgent military situation from Beilin Pass in the Northwest, and the emperor was discussing politics with several adults at the military council tonight, so he would not come over.

At that moment, Nalan Hongye could almost clearly hear the sighs coming from the whole hall. She calmly answered the eunuch who sent the message, and rewarded her. Said to Wenyuan: "Okay, let's set the meal."

Wen Yuan was taken aback, "Huh?"

Nalan Hongye laughed and said: "Dinner, the emperor won't come, so don't I need to eat?"

Only then did Wenyuan come to her senses, and she hurriedly took the servants who had lost their souls to pass on the meal.

Nalan Hongye ate more than twenty dishes by herself. Her appetite and energy seemed to be particularly good today. After eating for a long time, she asked her servants to serve the soup.

For the next three days, Yan Xun was busy with the military. Princess Jing'an Zhao Chun'er retreated to southern Xinjiang after she was defeated in the war. Even though she was besieged several times by Zhuge Yue, she still escaped by luck. And Zhuge Yue hindered Zhao Che's affection, seeing that she would not attack Bian Tang again, he did not kill her completely. But recently, news came from the Northwest that Princess Jing'an's troops and the Quanrong people outside the pass were moving around frequently, and there might be changes.

All of a sudden, all kinds of information quickly spread to the capital, and the Great Yan court suddenly became tense.

In the past three days, Nalan Hongye's condition has been repeated several times, and the southeast hall is gloomy and desolate.

That night, Nalan Hongye, who hadn't stayed at the hotel for three days, suddenly sat up and asked Wenyuan to bring her brocade box from the cabinet.

Wen Yuan originally wanted to persuade her not to worry about it, but seeing her determined expression, she dared not say anything more.

A sandalwood-colored brocade box, which looked very old, was not heavy, and it was light in the hand. It was unknown what precious things were inside, but three locks were locked side by side.

Wen Yuan dusted off the dust on the surface of the box with a handkerchief, and coughed uncontrollably. She saw that the dust had accumulated very thickly, and she didn't know how long it had been there.

Nalan Hongye took the box, looked at it silently for a while, then picked up three keys from under the pillow, and opened the box.

Wen Yuan stretched her neck, and saw that the box contained a thick stack of letters, many of which were yellowed and looked very old. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and frowned in wonder.

"Wenyuan, go get a brazier and come in."

"Ma'am, what do you want the brazier for?"

Nalan Hongye pointed to those letters and said, "Burn these."

"Ah? Burned?" Wen Yuan was taken aback, although she didn't know who wrote these letters, but just looking at the place where the queen put them, she knew that they must be very important, and asked quickly, "Why, ma'am? Why? Burn it?"

Nalan Hongye was thoughtful, and said softly: "If you don't burn it, will you leave it to others to feel sad and guilty?"

Wen Yuan obviously didn't understand, but walked out obediently, and after a while, a brazier was brought in, and the charcoal fire crackled and warmed.

"Wenyuan, you go out first."

Wen Yuan nodded, "Yes, if you have something to do, you can call me a slave."

The hall door was closed, and the hall became quiet again. Nalan Hongye picked up the thick stack of letters, her pale fingers caressed the letter papers she had read countless times, her eyes gradually softened.

Yes, my aunt was right, she was a coward.

The dignity of the eldest princess, the national style of Huai Song Dynasty, and Nalan's surname are all fake, all are self-deception. She was just afraid, she just didn't have the guts, she just didn't dare to take that step.

He doesn't know everything, so when she sees that he misses Xuanmo and takes good care of Yushu and Yong'er, she will feel sweet, and she will feel that he still values her righteous brother, and she will know that she is with him There is still a place in my heart.

But once he knew everything, but didn't fall in love with her, how could he be so embarrassing

She was afraid, she didn't have the courage, and she was afraid that after everything was revealed, he would only be slightly shocked, but unable to respond to the emotion she expected. She was afraid that after putting all her eggs in one basket, she would still not be able to compete with the person in his heart. She was afraid that after the truth was presented, she would still be the one doomed to fail, but she didn't even have the right to continue to fantasize and dream. At least, now she could lie to herself that she was as important as that person.

Look, she is such a cowardly person, knowing that she is deceiving herself, but still stubbornly persists.

But what can I do? Her love is a fruitless tree. She is afraid of the moment when autumn comes, so she stubbornly stays in spring and summer, so that she doesn't have to face the bleak ending.

She picked up a piece of yellowed letter paper, dripping with ink, raised her hand high, her fingertips were pale and slender. The letter paper has been placed for a long time, and it is already thin and brittle, making a crisp sound. Suddenly, Nalan Hongye opened her hand lightly, the letter slipped, and the flames in the brazier suddenly rose, engulfing the letter that she had cherished for many, many years, and turned it into fly ashes in an instant.