The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 122: East China Sea Spirit Pagoda


"So, the college is doing a great job this time!" Xie Xie said in admiration, "It is not easy to get a place. Many places are determined by big families or powerful forces. It seems that our college It really has a lot of background. I guess, if Wei Xiaofeng knew that we were able to enter the Ascension to Lingtai to practice, he would be so regretful."

Zhang Yangzi turned his head and glared at Xie Xie, "Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Xie Xie snorted coldly, "Aren't you convinced? You can fight casually in Ascension to Lingtai, and you can try it when the time comes."

Zhang Yangzi's eyes flickered coldly, and he wanted to say something more, but Wang Jinxi held his shoulder. Zhang Yangzi looked up at him, and Wang Jinxi shook his head at him.

what happened to him? Zhang Yangzi was a little puzzled. Wang Jinxi had been a little distracted for the past few days. He vaguely knew that it must be related to Tang Wulin's suppression of his martial spirit. However, it has been so long. Could it be that he still Can't you recover

The Spirit Pagoda of East Sea City is far from being able to compare with the Aolai City where Tang Wulin was originally. As one of the eighteen sub-pagodas organized by the Spirit Pagoda, these eighteen large-scale Spirit Pagodas are also known as the Eighteen Heavenly Pillars.

This Spirit Transferring Pagoda can be seen from a long distance. It has hundreds of floors and over 400 meters in height. It is a landmark building even in Donghai City, which is full of tall buildings.

The base of the Spirit Pagoda is octagonal, covering a very wide area. Every ten floors up, it will narrow inward until it reaches the top spire.

Just from the outside, you can feel its magnificent momentum.

The sub-towers are already like this, how huge will the headquarters of the Spirit Pagoda, the place known as the Heavenly Spirit Pagoda be

Tang Wulin heard people say that the headquarters of the Spirit Pagoda is located in Shrek City in the core area of the mainland, and Shrek City is one of the core cities of the entire Federation. Mingcheng, the federal headquarters to the west, is the only giant city on the mainland.

The academy had obviously made arrangements long ago. When they walked up the steps to the gate, the dean, Long Hengxu, was already waiting there.

Seeing Wuchangkong bringing them over, Long Hengxu hurried to meet him, "Teacher Wu."

"Director Long." He greeted simply, but Wuchangkong remained expressionless.

Long Hengxu said: "Come with me."

Walking into the first floor of the Spirit Pagoda, you are first shocked by the magnificent interior decoration. The ground is paved with dark golden stone, with dazzling natural textures on it. Huge stone pillars support a dome that is tens of meters high. What is even more admirable is the magnificent colorful murals on these stone pillars and the dome.

These murals are resplendent and magnificent, with scenery and figures on them, which seem to record a story.

Wu Changkong said: "The murals record the story of how the first generation of the pagoda master, the legendary soul master, and the inventor of the soul, how Lingbingdouluo led the human soul masters to fight against the tide of soul beasts. The murals here are only a part of it. The eight sub-towers of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda can complete the story. The strokes in the headquarters of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda record the scene of Lingbingdouluo fighting the strongest soul beast god Ditian. It was after that battle that Lingbingdouluo began to fight Disappeared and never appeared again. However, according to legend, it was Lingbing Douluo who won in the end, because after that, the beast god Golden Eyed Black Dragon King Ditian also did not appear again."

Although he only listened to Wuchangkong's narration, Tang Wulin still felt dazzled. He could clearly feel the magnificence shown in the murals. In the beast tide, those huge soul beasts had extremely terrifying auras, and what stood in front of them was a huge city.

In the sky above the city, there is a figure floating, his eyes are particularly bright, around his body, there are several figures floating, there is a stunning woman in white, a woman in green, and there is a flower like ice flower on his shoulder, There was also a giant bear and a huge white bug. Under their guard, the young man was surrounded by strange and brilliant spirit rings.

This is Ling Bingdouluo!

When he was very young, Tang Wulin had heard of his legend, Lingbing Douluo Huo Yuhao, and there was also a legend that he was originally the son of the White Tiger Duke of the Star Luo Empire at that time, so his name should actually be Dai Yuhao.

He is a leader of the generation ten thousand years ago, from an ordinary boy, he joined the legendary Shrek Academy, step by step to become a top powerhouse, Megatron Continent. According to legend, he most likely broke through the boundaries of human beings, went to the God Realm, and finally became a god.

Because, after he disappeared, his wife also disappeared.

Tang Wulin's eyes naturally looked towards Lingbing Douluo in the mural, and immediately noticed another radiant figure at a glance.

A pair of huge butterfly wings are spread out behind, exuding a strong and bright brilliance, the beautiful face is right beside Lingbingdouluo, even though you have other partners beside them, everyone's eyes will be different Consciously attracted to both of them.

"Dragon Butterfly Douluo Tang Wutong, Lingbingdouluo Huo Yuhao's wife. Wulin, look, Lingbingdouluo's wife is so beautiful! It is said that she is also extremely powerful, and Lingbingdouluo has a powerful martial soul fusion skill , can be melted into one body and turned into a super existence. In that era, it was the most powerful." Xie Xie looked at the mural with admiration.

"Tang Wutong's name is quite similar to Wulin's." Gu Yue's voice was a bit strange, "Also, have you noticed that Wulin seems to look a bit like that Tang Wutong! Especially Eye."

Xie Xie said: "It doesn't look like it? Dragon Butterfly Douluo's eyes and hair are pink blue, but Wu Lin is black. Is there any similarity?"

Listening to their conversation, Tang Wulin also had some strange feelings in his heart. Looking at Dragon Butterfly Douluo Tang Wulin, he really felt a little close to him.

Shaking his head self-deprecatingly, what is he compared to Longdie Douluo? It should be because the names are a bit similar, so I feel this way.

"Okay, let's go." Long Hengxu's voice woke up the five students, and he said with a smile: "When I first came to the eighteen pillars, I also had the same sense of curiosity as you, and later came more, This feeling has faded away. However, each mural of the Eighteen Columns is particularly worth admiring."

Wu Changkong said: "Concentrate your mind and enter the Ascension to Lingtai later. The only thing you can rely on is yourself."

Tang Wulin asked in surprise, "Teacher, won't you come in with us?"

Wu Changkong said: "The low-level Ascension to Lingtai, only soul masters below the fourth ring can enter it."

Long Hengxu nodded and said: "But don't worry, we will monitor your situation outside. If you are in danger, you have to evacuate yourself and come back. I will explain the precautions to you later."

Led by Long Hengxu and Wu Changkong, everyone walked into an elevator. The elevator did not go up, but down.

The faint sense of weightlessness told them that they were constantly going deep into the ground, and it was impossible to judge how deep the ground was.

The Spirit Pagoda is indeed the number one organization in the mainland, with the strongest strength and financial resources. The cost of such a project is absolutely astronomical.

There was no number in the elevator, but it took three full minutes before it stopped.

Stepping out of the elevator, there is a wide hall outside, with more than a dozen staff members in the hall. Behind it is a channel of metal structure.

Long Hengxu took out a card with a strange style and handed it to one of the staff. The staff didn't say anything, just made a gesture of please, and led them towards one of the corridors.

Go forward tens of meters in the corridor, and then enter an elevator. Continue to go down, this time only ten seconds, the elevator stopped. When they appeared again, they found that they were already in a circular room.

The room is still full of metal structures, but there is a huge soul guide screen hanging on the wall, and various images flash on the screen. It looks like a green world, like a jungle.

The staff turned around and said, "There are five places to enter the Junior Ascension to Lingtai, and the time is not limited. When you can't bear the danger, press your own distress signaler and you will come back here. Let me tell you about the precautions. "