The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 124: Unlucky Zhang Yangzi


Tang Wulin gave Wuchangkong a strange feeling, like a piece of rough jade. It seemed that his cultivation speed was not very fast, but Wu Zhangkong could clearly feel that this child's growth speed was the fastest among the five.

When he first entered school, the gap between him and others was at the chasm level, but in just a few months, he has already become an existence whose combat power is not inferior to others. Especially his tenacious character, excellent understanding, and spiritual power are all things that can be made. If his mysterious blood power can be continuously stimulated and continuously grown, then perhaps among these five children, he will be the best in the future.

Zhang Yangzi's whole body was shocked, and he kept his feet on the ground. He looked at everything around him in surprise.

This is, the forest

Surrounded by a dense forest, the chirping of insects and birds is particularly obvious. The feeling full of life is not very comfortable for him, a soul master with a dark attribute martial soul, but a bit out of place.

However, under the stimulation of this breath of life, he found that his soul power was obviously stronger than usual.

Always be ready to fight.

Almost without hesitation, Zhang Yangzi released his martial spirit. A pair of black wings spread out from behind.

His martial soul is the Dark Phantom Eagle, a very powerful existence. Therefore, in fact, his and Wang Jinxi's martial soul fusion skills should be called the Dark Eagle Dragon. However, their cultivation bases are too weak to allow the martial soul fusion skills to be truly completed. Quickly crushed.

In this regard, Zhang Yangzi was actually very unconvinced. He never thought that he would be weaker than Tang Wulin. In that promotion match, he felt that he lost without showing his due strength. I couldn't be more aggrieved.

snort! Don't let me run into any of the three of you.

While thinking about it, Zhang Yangzi flapped the eagle wings behind his back, and his body immediately climbed up several meters. He grabbed the tree trunk with both hands, and climbed up quickly. In his opinion, it is the best choice to occupy the commanding heights first and observe the surrounding situation.

In particular, it would be great if Wang Jinxi could be found. When he was with Wang Jinxi, the strength of both of them would increase because of each other.

Eagle claws sprouted from the fronts of his hands, and he led his body to the top of the tree very quickly. Looking down from this huge tree that is tens of meters high, one can indeed see far away.

The big tree he chose was the tallest one before. When he looked into the distance from the top of the tree, he was shocked by everything in front of him.

It was an endless green ocean, rolling up and down, with no end in sight. The sky is clear and the clouds are light, the green is endless, and the huge tree canopy gives people an indescribable sense of life. It seems that in this world, there is endless life.

This is really, so realistic!

He also knew about Ascension to Lingtai before, but because his own strength was not too strong and he was young, even though his family conditions could support him, he still hadn't been there.

"Hey, what's that?" Zhang Yangzi looked towards the sky.

A big blue bird soared in the air, then suddenly retracted its wings and flew towards him.

Very beautiful big bird! Zhang Yangzi's heart moved, and at the same time, a trace of pride rose in his heart. The opportunity for actual combat came so soon. Then try how strong the soul beasts here are.

Two circles of soul rings rose under his feet at the same time, and his soul, the Dark Eagle, also appeared on his shoulders. Zhang Yangzi kicked hard on the tree trunk with both feet, and lifted into the air with the help of the rebound force from the tree trunk. A pair of eagle wings spread out behind him, and at the same time the second soul ring shone brightly.

The second soul skill, Eagle Strikes the Sky.

What he directly activated was his strongest soul skill. He didn't have time to use this soul skill in the promotion competition. In order to cooperate with Wang Jinxi and be able to control the entire team, he didn't fully utilize his own strength. One can imagine the aggrieved heart these days.

Entering the Ascension to Lingtai now, the first thing he wanted to do was to vent.

A powerful black light radiated from his whole body, his whole figure became unreal, the wings on his back suddenly grew bigger, his speed also increased by more than three times in an instant, and the dark magic eagle on his shoulder quickly turned into a shadow and merged into his body, In an instant, Zhang Yangzi burst out with an extremely powerful aura, like a black arrow, rushing towards the big blue bird.

The loud eagle's cry also resounded through the entire sky.

Eagle Strikes the Sky, relying on the improvement of his own speed and strength, transforms all his abilities into a single attack, and the attack power is very powerful. It is an impact-type sacrifice skill. Zhang Yangzi has always believed that at the same level, this soul skill of his is invincible. One attack would consume more than 50% of his own soul power.

Of course, this judgment has faded a lot after seeing Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon Claw. After all, the power displayed by the Golden Dragon Claw is really terrifying, and he is attacking in close quarters, so he will naturally be greatly affected.

Seeing, the two sides are getting closer.

The big blue bird seemed to have been taken aback by Zhang Yangzi's sudden appearance. The originally restrained wings reopened, and both wings waved at the same time. Two huge cyan wind blades fanned out immediately, shooting towards Zhang Yangzi alternately.

At the same time, the big blue bird let out a sharp cry, as if it was a demonstration.

"Boom!" Black and cyan collided in the air, and the two cyan wind blades were defeated at the same time, but Zhang Yangzi's momentum also slowed down, he spread his wings, and reappeared in midair.

not good! Zhang Yangzi screamed inwardly. His ability is not enough to support two-wing flight, he can only fly for a short time when the eagle strikes the sky, and now the opponent's blow is resolved, and he suddenly falls into a passive position in the air.

Spreading his wings, he glides down quickly. He is very smart. The big blue bird has a wingspan of more than five meters. In his opinion, as long as he gets into the woods, it will be difficult for the opponent to chase him down.

However, at the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

Cyan figures emerged from the nearby tree crowns, spread their wings, and cyan wind blades the size of wheels shot towards him from all directions. The same big blue birds also appeared around him.

how so? This was Zhang Yangzi's first reaction before he tapped the distress signal on the back of his hand. At this moment, he suddenly understood why the staff member of the Spirit Pagoda looked at them with a deep meaning in his eyes.

It was dark, and the surroundings fell into silence. All the attacks disappeared, and then, he felt a chill all over his body, and the light reappeared.

"Get up." Long Hengxu's angry voice sounded.

Zhang Yangzi sat up in a daze, only to realize that he had returned to the room in the Ascension to Lingtai of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The big screen in the room was changing images one after another, Zhang Yangzi suddenly realized that he was the first to come out, and his face flushed immediately. Climbing out of the metal cabinet with some embarrassment.

Wuchangkong didn't say anything, and pointed to the chair next to him, signaling him to sit down.

Zhang Yangzi took a deep breath and calmed down his mind. His brain was a little dizzy, which should be the sequelae of entering the Ascension to Lingtai. Everything that happened before has also returned to memory.

His eyes moved suddenly, and he happened to see a scene of big blue birds soaring in the air on the screen. They seemed to be looking for something. Isn't this where he was before

On the screen, there are no less than a hundred big blue birds, covering the sky with clouds and the sun, and amidst the loud and clear chirping, there are more big blue birds appearing in the distance.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Zhang Yangzi suddenly realized that these big blue birds were looking for him! If this is not an illusion, but the real world, I am afraid that even if there are ten of them, they would have died.

Long Hengxu just glared at him, then continued to look at other screens, and Wuchangkong didn't say a word of reproach.

The actual combat experience always needs to be experienced by oneself to remember the most deeply.

Zhang Yangzi quickly fell into deep thought. Apart from embarrassment, there was even more excitement in his eyes. He found that he already liked the feeling of entering the Ascension to Lingtai, where it was so real. Next time, I must be able to survive in it for a long time.