The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 126: A hundred-year-old magic spider and a thousand-year-old soul beast


The Man-faced Demon Spider, known as the Soul Beast Killer, is a top-level powerful Soul Beast. A hundred-year-level soul beast can fight against ordinary thousand-year-level soul beasts.

Without any hesitation at all, Wang Jinxi rushed out like a lazy donkey. Even in good condition, it is impossible for him to beat the opponent, not to mention that his cultivation base is not enough now, and his physical strength has dropped significantly. Only by escaping can there be a chance of survival.

"Pfft!" His whole body tightened, Wang Jinxi only felt that his whole body was entangled by something, even though he was very strong, he couldn't break free after being entangled.

At this point, even if he wanted to shoot the distress signal, he couldn't do it.

The cold breath came along with the sound of "swishling", and the next moment, he suddenly felt severe pain in many parts of his body, and then the coldness, numbness, and trembling from the heart quickly spread throughout his body.

"Prepare for first aid." The staff of the Spirit Pagoda shouted anxiously.

The metal cabinet was opened, and Wang Jinxi's body was shaking violently in the cabinet. Even if the suction cups had been removed, it could not stop his body from trembling.

More than a dozen staff members dressed in white rushed in quickly, and one of them pierced a needle into Wang Jinxi's neck and pushed half of the liquid into it.

"Is it the Man Faced Demon Spider again?"

"Yeah! This thing is too fierce, even if it is too late to shoot the signal, this kid's luck is really bad."

A group of people in white got busy quickly, and Wu Zhangkong and Long Hengxu were also waiting around.

After more than ten minutes, the leader in white breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right, this kid has strong willpower, so it's okay. Let him sleep for a while, and he'll be fine when he wakes up later."

After saying this, the people in white came out in a file, as if nothing had ever happened.

Zhang Yangzi had been staring blankly from the sidelines for a long time. This... What the hell is going on

"Teacher Wu, Director Long, what happened to Jin Xi? Isn't Ascension to Lingtai virtual? How could he..." Zhang Yangzi looked at the pale Wang Jinxi, and a strong sense of fear instantly replaced the excitement in his heart.

The staff of the Spirit Pagoda said: "As I said, Ascension to Lingtai is virtual, but it is also reality to a certain extent. Inside, all your perceptions are exactly the same as in reality. Therefore, when you are hurt, your perception is also the same. For example , If you are dismembered by those big blue birds with wind blades, you will feel the feeling of being dismembered. That feeling is very real, and it will have a great impact on your spiritual will."

"To put it simply. If you cover a person's eyes and cut his wrist, let him feel his wrist dripping blood. Then simulate the sound of dripping blood next to him. When the wound closes on its own, it will stop bleeding When he heard the sound of dripping blood, his brain would tell himself that he was dead. Then, he would really die. The same problem will occur in Ascension to Lingtai. Especially for those of you For novices. After your mental power is strong enough, the impact will gradually become smaller. However, at that time, it is estimated that you will no longer be able to enter the elementary ascension to Lingtai, but will enter the intermediate ascension to Lingtai. That is another Feelings. Intermediate Ascension to Lingtai, hehe."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Yangzi's face suddenly became even uglier, and his fear remained undiminished. That is to say, this Ascension to Lingtai is really likely to lead to death!

Gu Yue walked in the dense forest, her eyes were a little dazed, the dense forest around her, and the fresh air all made her feel as if she had passed away.

It's really beautiful, I really like this feeling!

The Ascension to Lingtai created by the Spirit Pagoda is simply a miracle.

She walked all the way to the depths of the forest, and in the process of walking, she also encountered a few soul beasts, but these soul beasts were not strong. Killed by her powerful elemental mastery. The soul beasts after defeat will bring her some faint light and shadow fluctuations.

Every time she felt these lights and shadows, the surprise in Gu Yue's eyes increased.

She and Tang Wulin were the ones who knew the least about Ascension to Lingtai among the five.

As he was walking forward, suddenly, the bushes in front of him moved, and then, a tall figure appeared in Gu Yue's field of vision.

It was a tall giant bear, three meters high, covered with brown hair, with huge palms, and bright yellow eyes.

Seeing Gu Yue, it immediately let out a roar, and rushed towards it as if flying.

"Millennium, a thousand-year soul beast has appeared. Do you want to remind her to send it out?" The staff looked at Wuchangkong.

"Look again." Wuchangkong stared closely at the screen.

Millennium Crystal Bear. This is a very rare soul beast, even in ancient times, it rarely appeared.

The Millennium Crystal Bear and the Dreadclaw Bear are of the same species, which appeared after mutation. But it is a weakening mutation. After the mutation, its strength is not as good as that of the Dreadclaw Bear.

But it also has a special ability, all opponents attacked by it will crystallize their bodies, and after attacking again, they will be shattered directly.

Only strong soul power can resist crystallization, and quickly cut off the attacked place to avoid self damage.

However, crystal bears also have a weakness, that is, they can only fight in close combat, without any ability to attack from a distance.

Among the five, Gu Yue is the strongest in terms of individual strength. Although she is not yet a two-ringed person, her ability to control elements is very good, and she is also good at controlling space elements. In terms of evasion, even Xie Xie may not be able to match her. she.

The more under pressure, the easier it is for a soul master to grow. Wuchangkong had always believed in this, and he also wanted to see how far his only female student could go under the threat of this millennium crystal bear.

Just as Wuchangkong expected, facing the crystal bear's attack, Gu Yue didn't panic at all. The yellow soul ring under her feet flashed, and the aura on her body became stronger.

The first soul ring skill, Elemental Tide.

Immediately afterwards, a blue light flashed, and Gu Yue's body became lighter. The silver light flashed and disappeared in place. This is space teleportation.

The Millennium Crystal Bear jumped into the air and knocked down a big tree.

Gu Yue didn't face it head-on, she turned her back on the Millennium Crystal Bear and ran away. Waving his hands behind him, circles of cyan light formed a wind attribute tornado, which did not attack the crystal bear. With the defense of the millennium crystal bear, this level of tornado was not enough to cause any damage to it.

However, these winds are enough to deal with the leaves. Under the strong wind, a large number of leaves fell from the sky, blocking the crystal bear's sight. Gu Yue took the opportunity to shift another space, changed direction again, and ran wildly.

"Beautiful, she is really alert and quick to respond." Long Hengxu praised sincerely.

Wuchangkong also nodded slightly. He was more satisfied with Gu Yue's calm behavior. After encountering a threat, he judged whether the enemy's strength was something he could contend with, and chose the way to deal with it, the escape route and means of escape. These are easy to say, but how difficult it is to complete them in an instant. Gu Yue was not only calm, but also smart.

He turned his head to look at another screen. There were three light spots on the screen, representing the remaining three people in Ascension to Lingtai.

At this time, Gu Yue was running in the direction of Tang Wulin.

"Huh!" Wuchangkong let out a sigh, as if he had discovered something.

The bang, bang sound woke Xie Xie up, and he found that the sound was getting closer and closer, as if it was at a place he didn't want to.

Dare to make such a big commotion in the spirit beast forest, first of all, it means the other party's self-confidence. Not daring to be negligent, he quickly climbed up a big tree next to him, restraining his breath at the same time, waiting quietly.

At this time, it is better to stop quietly than to escape. Killing the long-tailed rat earlier cost him a lot.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared not far away, and was running towards this side quickly. Seeing it, Xie Xie couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, because this guy was running in his direction.

Standing on the ground with two feet, the body is more than four meters long, the whole body is covered with iron gray scales, and there is a unicorn in the middle of the forehead. This is a century-old unicorn. A very ferocious soul beast!