The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1971: You are all my fake partners


Ban Qiankun, Dragon Emperor destroyed!

The Seagod Trident was swung out of thin air, and the huge golden light seemed to pierce the entire world with an incomparably silent aura. Wherever the light of extinction passed, everything around them collapsed. At this moment, no attack could affect Tang Wulin. When the fifth form of the Dragon Emperor's Forbidden Law is used, there is a great feeling of shattering everything.

If it was outside the big formation, the Six Shrek Monsters, including A Ruheng and Sima Jinchi, would have no chance to face this blow, and would be wiped out immediately. The combination of the super artifact Sea God Trident and the Dragon Emperor's Forbidden Law is really terrifying.

A crack appeared at the top of the formation, and a light appeared with it, which was obviously cut out by the Dragon Emperor Mie. Even if it is the overlap of multiple layers of domains, facing this kind of attack at the true god level, there is a feeling of helplessness.

How could Tang Wulin let go of such an opportunity? With the golden wings flapping behind him, the golden dragon flew, and at his explosive speed, he rushed out of the gap almost instantly.

Let's go out first.

It's just that Tang Wulin couldn't see Gu Yuena's expression outside the formation at this time, otherwise, he would definitely not feel optimistic because of his breaking the formation.

In Gu Yuena's line of sight, the big formation that trapped Tang Wulin was a huge sphere with continuously distorted light.

And when Tang Wulin broke out, yes, the big formation couldn't resist the power of Dragon Emperor Mie, but that big formation changed in an instant, from a sphere to a gourd shape. That is to say, another sphere was born above the original sphere array, and the two are closely connected.

Then Gu Yuena felt that Tang Wulin had cut through the original formation, but the next moment, he got into the sphere on the other side. The original sphere quickly merged upwards, covering it with the new sphere, and the large formation was still intact.

The change of this formation can be described as wonderful. Gu Yuena even had a feeling that Tang Wulin was probably the imaginary enemy when this formation was established

The fact is exactly the same, Tang Wulin is the one most familiar to the Shrek Six Monsters! Tang Wulin is now at the god level. When they were perfecting the formation, the first thing they thought of was to be able to trap Tang Wulin. Otherwise, what's the point of this formation

And when Tang Wulin got out, there were countless bright stars, the distortion of gravity, and the breath of evil dragons rushing towards him.


You are all my fake friends...

Tang Wulin couldn't help but wryly smiled and hurriedly resisted. Not being able to rush out was beyond his expectations. But he can also feel that this formation is not perfect. What is lacking is not the mystery of the formation, but the power of the formation itself.

Although at the attack level, domain integration has been completed to a certain extent, but integration is not fusion. The effect of sublimation cannot be achieved through fusion. At least, it still can't stop his Dragon Emperor's forbidden law.

I can't entangle with them any longer, otherwise, what will I do next

Thinking of this, Tang Wulin's eyes froze. The only thing he was grateful for now was that the formation of his partners hadn't been perfected yet. If they were given enough time, they might really be able to create a formation that could trap him. Law. Fortunately, they are his partners, and fortunately, he still has a hand.

"Come on!" Tang Wulin shouted, and the Seagod Trident in his right hand was suddenly handed over to his left hand, and at the same time he made a false grab.

A strange scene appeared, in the big formation, those evil dragons that were attacking him suddenly disintegrated. One by one collapsed in the violent twist. At the same time, these giant dragons merged quickly, turning into colorful halos, entangled and fused with each other in the formation.

And the entire formation became turbulent because of this change.

A surging golden-red light burst out, shooting at Tang Wulin from all directions, as if trying to interrupt him and make him stop.

Unfortunately, they came too late.

The Seagod Trident in Tang Wulin's left hand transformed into golden halos. The halos changed and moved towards the golden-red rays of light.

The big formation is still trying to struggle, illusory and twisted. Time and space changes. Trying to filter out the uncertain storm.

How could Tang Wulin let them succeed. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and all the distortions disappeared completely in an instant.

Time control is not limited to Xie Xiehui? As early as when Tang Wulin had his own spiritual realm, what he possessed was the reverse flow of time!

The golden-red light disappeared under the circles of golden halo, revealing a figure, isn't it the main body Douluo A Ruheng

And the colorful rays of light formed by the disintegration of the evil dragon before finally merged into one, turning into a huge nine-colored long knife.

Tang Wulin's right hand grasped falsely, and the long knife had already fallen into his hand. It is the Dragon Clan Dharma Saber!

The Dragon Clan Dharma Saber slashed out in vain, and a radiant sword glow shot out, without any fancy, but it was the fusion of him and Sima Jinchi.

There was a soft sound of "poof", there was a burst of shaking, and another gap appeared. But Tang Wulin didn't rush to break through this time, and swung the Seagod Trident lightly in his left hand.

Pieces of light and clouds rippled, making everything around them dreamlike. In the interweaving of time and space. A muffled hum sounded. The surrounding distortion disappeared, and Xie Xie's domain was broken. A clear starry sky was revealed.

The white clouds are empty for thousands of years!

"Ang—" Tang Wulin looked up to the sky and let out a dragon cry, and the purple-gold light in his eyes burst out. The Seagod Trident pointed at the air. In the next instant, a terrifying golden-red light exploded from his body!

The bright light seemed to make the world tremble and collapse. The starry sky above his head disintegrated inch by inch, and what was even more frightening was that everything turned into nothingness under the golden-red light.

Ban Huanyu, Long Huangyao!

Seventh Form of the Dragon Emperor's Forbidden Law!

This is not skill, but absolute strength. When Tang Wulin desperately unfolded his true strength. The large formation that has not yet fully formed can no longer bear it.


The formation exploded, seven figures flew away, and even the star chains collapsed at this moment. It turned into little stars and disappeared into the sky.

Except for Sima Jinchi, who had turned into a Dragon Clan Sword and was under Tang Wulin's control, the other seven fell out one after another and scattered in the air. Everyone is pale.

If Tang Wulin hadn't restrained Long Huangyao's power at the last moment, I'm afraid some of them would have been severely injured, and those with weaker defenses like Xu Xiaoyan might even be killed.

Tang Wulin held the Seagod Trident in one hand and the Dragon Clan Dharma Saber in the other. At this moment, he looked like a god descending from the sky. The golden dragon moon language battle armor was shining with golden light, the huge golden wings spread out on the back, and firmness and perseverance were revealed in the eyes.

Phantoms of vines emerged behind him, and in the next moment, the sky changed color again, and the blue-purple light instantly filled the entire space, covering all the seven people who were blown away.

The piercing roar of thunder shook the whole world. At this moment, even the satellite's capture of this space became distorted.

Lan Huang, Sen Luo Lei Prison!

The people who were knocked into the air by Long Huangyao's impact just now were all out of control. The next moment, Sen Luo Lei Prison covered them, and the four-character combat armor rippling on their own. Guardian.

It has to be said that the defense of the Four-Word Battle Armor is so amazing that even the Sen Luo Thunder Prison released by Tang Wulin cannot completely break through their defense.

However, this is not the end!

With a flash of light and shadow, Tang Wulin had already arrived at the body Douluo A Ruheng's side first. Ah Ruheng was completely unable to move at this time, and was surrounded by circles of golden halos. This is an indeterminate storm at the god level!