The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1977: god war


The content of the third article is that all human technology must be completely destroyed, especially all information about soul-guided weapons must be completely destroyed, and all soul-guided devices must be removed to return the human world to its original state. At the same time, destroy all items related to soul-guided technology and make human society go backwards.

It can be said that this one is the most important and core one among the five requirements that Gu Yuena put forward earlier. It also has the greatest impact on humans.

Soul destroying all soul-guided technology is the most ruthless means to make the human world go backwards. Canceling this article almost means that it is still impossible for soul beasts to suppress humans.

So, after saying this, Tang Wulin looked at Gu Yuena with burning eyes, waiting for her reaction.

Gu Yuena slowly flew out from the formation. The moment she flew out, the atmosphere on the entire battlefield suddenly became tense.

At this time, even ordinary people are very nervous.

Because everyone knows that Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin are the strongest in the world. They once fought side by side and defeated the abyss plane. At the same time, they are a couple.

Tang Wulin had defeated Qun Lun as early as in the Martial Arts Competition, and finally wooed Gu Yuena. But was rejected by Gu Yuena.

And just when the abyss plane was defeated, it seemed that the mainland had entered a period of thriving development. When Tang Wulin came to the Spirit Pagoda during the satellite live broadcast, and proposed to Gu Yuena with such a romantic everything. But she was rejected by her again, and a situation that could be regarded as a huge catastrophe for the whole continent appeared.

The relationship between them is so complicated, they obviously love each other and they were once lovers. But at this moment, he had to stand on the opposite side.

Some radical people were scolding Gu Yuena, but there were also some rational people analyzing the relationship between Dragon Emperor Douluo and Princess Yinlong.

They represent humans and soul beasts respectively. The moment Gu Yuena revealed her identity, it almost meant that it was impossible for them to get together.

Human beings' hatred for the destruction of soul beasts cannot be wiped away by the love between the two of them. In order to fight for enough living space for her people, Gu Yuena couldn't possibly compromise.

And for Tang Wulin, why not? He represents human beings, he is the son of the king of gods. He is the master of the Sea God Pavilion of Shrek Academy and the master of the Tang Sect. He shoulders a huge responsibility, and he is the strongest among human beings, the mainstay of human beings, and the god in the hearts of every Douluo Federation citizen.

Facing the army of millions of soul beasts, facing the controlled soul masters. If he retreats, then the entire human race will be destroyed!

They represent different interests, who is right and who is wrong

From their respective perspectives, there is no right or wrong.

It is the so-called good luck tricking people. They were supposed to be a happy couple, but because of their identities, they had to stand on opposite sides. How cruel this is!

The people of the Douluo Federation are really worried that their heroes will collapse in the face of such enormous pressure and pain.

However, Tang Wulin was still strong. Facing powerful opponents, he defeated the top 15 powerhouses in the entire continent for two consecutive games, and captured them all back intact, without hurting them at all.

He used his own strength to give confidence to all the people. It seems to be telling them that your guardian has never abandoned you. He has always been there. Will definitely stick to the end.

However, at this moment, when Jin Longyueyu really faced Yinlong Wulin. When this pair of lovers whose battle armor contains each other's name are really facing each other on this battlefield, and each other is their final opponent. No one can imagine what their mood will be at this time.

At this moment, no one or any soul beast around could change the situation in front of them. They can only wait, waiting for this to happen, and it will definitely be the arrival of the final battle.

"Okay. Article 3, cancel it." Gu Yuena said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, under normal circumstances, the beasts should have reacted. But at this moment, even the beast god Ditian was silent, not daring to make a sound.

All the beasts could feel that under Gu Yuena's calm appearance, there seemed to be an emotional volcano in her heart that could erupt at any time. And whoever dares to question at this time will undoubtedly trigger the eruption of the volcano in an instant.

There is only waiting, for them and for human beings, there is only waiting.

The outcome of this battle will determine the direction of the entire Douluo Continent.

The outcome of this battle will also determine the final outcome of their couple.

Perhaps, among them, only one can survive. And the living person is likely to suffer more than the dead one.

However, at this time, they had no possibility of retreating. They can only face this final battle, face each other!

"Thank you." Tang Wulin nodded to Gu Yuena with some difficulty. And in his eyes, something crystal clear has emerged.

Gu Yuena in front of him seemed to be shrinking gradually, shrinking to the initial moment. Narrowed down to those childhood sweethearts, when we met for the first time.

There was a little girl squatting on the side of the road, who looked smaller than Tang Wulin himself, but she had short silver hair, and the sun shone on her rare hair color, which naturally reflected light.

It seemed that there was something pulling each other somewhere, the little girl looked up at him, her face was dirty, and with the worn clothes, she looked like a little beggar no matter what. However, apart from her short silver hair, she also has a pair of distinctive eyes.

Her eyes are very big, and the pupils are like two clear amethysts. Even if there is some distance between them, Tang Wulin seems to be able to see his own reflection in her pupils. The long eyelashes curl up naturally.

Tang Wulin's own eyes are beautiful, and he will naturally have a good impression of his peers with big eyes. He subconsciously stopped. The four eyes met, the little girl did not avoid his gaze, there was only a bit of surprise in her beautiful big eyes.

At that time, she was still Na'er. At that time, she looked so helpless. Tang Wulin still clearly remembered how beautiful Na'er was back then. Silver hair, purple eyes. The first time was imprinted deep in his mind. From then on, she was his sister.

Gu Yuena was also looking at Tang Wulin. In her eyes, the hero representing the entire human world, Shrek Academy, Tang Sect, and the god representing all mankind were also shrinking.

What Tang Wulin didn't know was that the Gu Yuena in front of him was no longer Gu Yue and Na'er. Because, she rejected her marriage proposal on that day, but she, who never took the ring off her finger, had completely merged in just a few days.

She is Gu Yuena, the perfect fusion of Gu Yue and Na'er. In her heart, all the memories have completely melted into one. In her heart, he is her lover and brother!

"Little girl, where are your parents?" The flamboyant young man was also attracted by that silver hair, and moved closer to the little girl.

The little girl didn't look at them, and lowered her head again.

Several young people looked at each other, and one of them said: "This silver hair is really rare! Maybe it is a foreigner from two other continents. It is estimated that the underground black market will like her very much, and her eyes are purple. of."

Greedy eyes suddenly appeared in the eyes of the other young people, and they nodded to each other.

The young man who spoke before squatted down, "Hey, little sister. Where's your family?"

The little girl lowered her head, shook her head, but said nothing.

The young man smiled and said, "Are you hungry? Brother, how about taking you to eat delicious food?"

The little girl shook her head again, this time even harder.

The young man winked at his companion, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the little girl's arm and pulled her up from the ground, while the others surrounded him to block the view from the outside.

Amid the little girl's exclamation, the young man had already carried him on his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, a childish shout rang out, startling several young people.

When they looked back, they couldn't help showing embarrassment. The one who stood up to fight the injustice was actually a small one, a pretty little boy who was not as tall as their waist.

A young man behind had a look of sternness in his eyes, and kicked Tang Wulin with his foot, "Little brat, how dare you meddle in your own business."

Tang Wulin was kicked somersault by him, fell more than two meters, and immediately fell into disgrace.

"You villains!" He rolled on the ground, immediately got up again, and rushed to those young people, blocking their way.

The young man who was carrying the little girl showed a fierce look on his face. The movement here has already attracted the attention of some passers-by. After all, this place is on the street.

With a flick of the wrist, a dagger with a cold light was already in the palm of his hand, and he gestured to Tang Wulin, "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Tang Wulin looked at him stubbornly, and said angrily, "Bad people will never end well. I'm a soul master, so I'm not afraid of you. Let her go!"

While talking, he raised his right hand, a light blue halo flickered, the blue silver grass had already emerged from his palm, and a faint wave of energy also radiated out.

What can third-level soul power do? It's nothing more than a little stronger than their peers. Without the support of spirits and spirit rings, martial spirits are far from being able to play a fighting role. This is also the reason why you must cultivate to the tenth level of soul power to enter the realm of soul master from the lowest soul warrior.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and his companions pulled him.

If it was just an ordinary child, no matter what they did, as long as they were well covered, nothing would happen. However, a child with soul power is different. These children are specially recorded by the government, even registered in the Spirit Pagoda. If something happens to such a child, the federal government will definitely make great efforts to find out the reason, and it will be a big trouble. What's more, they have been seen by many people here.

"Unlucky!" The young man in the lead snorted angrily, put down the little girl on his shoulders, and ran away quickly with a few companions.

The little girl staggered and fell to the ground. Tang Wulin hurried over and squatted beside her, "Don't be afraid, I'm a man, and I will protect you!"

The little girl looked up at him, and when she got closer, her big purple eyes looked even more beautiful, and there seemed to be a layer of mist emerging from the pupils of her eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry. The bad guys have been chased away by me. My name is Tang Wulin, what's your name?"

The little girl was stunned, and finally said for the first time, "My name is Na'er."

At that time, he was still so weak, but he obviously only had third-level soul power, and he was obviously only the soul master of the crippled martial soul Blue Silver Grass, but he didn't make him cowardly, but still let him bravely stand in front of her. Shield her from the wind and rain.

The sweetest thing she had ever eaten in her life was probably at that time, the candy he bought for her with the meager income he earned every day to learn forging.

As Na'er, she always knew that he was never willing to eat. Sometimes when watching her eat, he was actually still swallowing his saliva.

He is a good brother.

It was also at that time that in order to integrate into the human world, she transformed into a little girl, but her memory was temporarily sealed due to the problem of physical endurance. She was Na'er, pure Na'er. Na'er, a little human girl.

The kind brother left an indelible figure in the heart of the innocent sister.

At that time, she learned a human ability called: liking.

In Tang Wulin's heart, the first time he felt pain was when Na'er left. Even though it was so hard to forge every day at that time, and his body was honed like that at a young age, all he felt at that time was hope.

Watching his savings gradually increase, that hope made him happy and happy, because at that time he could feel that he was one step closer to the world of soul masters.

Only that day...

"Linlin, Linlin!" Langyue called anxiously.

"Mom, I'm here." Tang Wulin hurried out of the small garden.

"It's not good, Na'er, Na'er, she..." Lang Yue was out of breath from running.

"What's wrong with Na'er?" Tang Wulin's heart tightened.

Langyue calmed down a little, and said anxiously: "She's gone, Na'er is gone."

"Ah?" Tang Wulin was taken aback, and hurried home with his mother.

Yes, Na'er left, and there was only a note left on her bed.

"Father, mother, brother, I am leaving. Thank you very much for your care over the past few years, but, I remembered who I am, and my family has come to pick me up. I can only go. The days with you, I am very happy, very happy. I am also reluctant to part with you. However, my gradually recovering memory tells me that I have to leave here, and I have so many things to do. Brother, I will always remember that you blocked me The way I was when I was a villain. I will always remember the taste of the delicious food you bought for me. ——Na'er."

Also on that day, she learned a human emotion called reluctance.

"How can it be, Na'er, how can you just leave like this? How can you? Even if you find your family, you can't just leave like this! You can't leave."

"Na'er—, Na'er—" The crying voice resounded through the small town, and Tang Wulin ran wildly and shouted. Looking for the little girl with silver hair and purple eyes.

Leaning against the wall, big drops of tears rolled down her face, and Na'er tightly hugged the old, rough-looking rag doll in her arms.

It was bought by Tang Wulin with his first month's wages. The doll's eyes were also purple, exactly like hers, and Tang Wulin's hair was dyed silver with a dye he bought himself.

In her mind, everything that belonged to him kept echoing.

Only when she was with him, he was always full of smiles and tried his best to make her happy.

When someone wants to bully her, he will always stand in front of her immediately. No matter how powerful the villain is, there is only stubbornness in his eyes.

"Brother, brother..." Na'er murmured, her tears falling to the ground like pearls with a broken string.

Maybe it's because they have the same thoughts, maybe it's because at this moment they all returned to their childhood, and tears flowed down from their eyes almost at the same time.

Also at the same time, they took a step towards each other at the same time.

Brilliant silver and brilliant golden light erupted at the same time. The final battle between Jinlong Yueyu Tang Wulin and Yinlong Wulin Gu Yuena has finally begun!

In the hands of Yinlong Wulin Gu Yuena was still her silver dragon gun, and at this time Tang Wulin had also taken back his Sea God Trident, only the golden dragon gun was in his hands.

Gold and silver two-color light intertwined in the air. A halo burst out.

With tears in Gu Yuena's eyes, the silver dragon spear pointed at Tang Wulin, and suddenly, the power of elements surged.