The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1979: not regret!


Concrete thinking

It was a miniature version of Tang Wulin. When he was a child, he had big eyes and looked bright and full of energy, but he was a little disheveled at this time.

In the picture, Tang Wulin came running hurriedly.

His appearance at this time is really unflattering, his hair is disheveled, his face looks a little pale, and his breath looks very unstable.

"Where did you go, why are you here now?" Xie Xie, who was also in a reduced version, or the childish version, asked angrily.

Tang Wulin smiled wryly and said, "It's hard to say, let's talk about the competition first. Teacher Wu, I can play."

The Wuchangkong at that time was not much different from the frozen Wuchangkong. He looked at Tang Wulin expressionlessly, nodded, and then said to Long Hengxu, the teaching director at the time: " There are three people in our class."

Long Hengxu said: "Class 1, Grade 1, please also play three people."

"Students from both sides enter the arena."

Gu Yue approached Tang Wulin and asked in a low voice, "Are you alright? Are you okay?" She could see that something was wrong with Tang Wulin now, but the aura emanating from him made him feel uncomfortable again. She felt a little weird.

There is a huge difference between Gu Yue at that time and Gu Yuena now. Only those who are really familiar with them and know their past will know that this girl with delicate features but far from being beautiful is the Princess Yinlong at this moment. .

"I'm fine." Tang Wulin replied with a confident smile.

Gu Yue nodded, "Let's work hard together."

Tang Wulin was still walking in the center, Xie Xie and Gu Yue followed behind him, and the three of them walked onto the stage together.

On the other side, three students from Class 1, Grade 1 also came up.

"My name is Zhang Yangzi." The calm young man in the center said calmly.

"Wei Xiaofeng, we've known each other for a long time." Wei Xiaofeng stretched out his right hand, gave a thumbs up, and then slowly turned his wrist, thumbs down, making a provocative gesture.

"You!" Xie Xie was furious, and was about to rush forward impulsively, but Tang Wulin grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

Xie Xie glanced at him in surprise, this guy seems to have grown stronger!

"Wang Jinxi." The scrawny student from class one said calmly.

Tang Wulin said: "Class 5, Grade 1, Tang Wulin."

"Gu Yue."

"Xie Xie!"

The colorful lights and shadows subsided, and Tang Wulin's body was thrown out, but he stopped in front of the picture amidst the rippling water.

In the picture, the young Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, and Gu Yue were fighting against stronger opponents.

The silver light subsided, and Gu Yuena returned to her human body. Seeing the thinking in front of her become concrete, her eyes couldn't help but froze a little. However, she did not pause, and in the next moment, holding the Golden Dragon Spear, she charged at Tang Wulin again.

At this time, the Golden Dragon Moon Language Battle Armor on Tang Wulin's body was already covered with a faint colorful halo. The way he looked at Gu Yuena was extraordinarily gentle. Being able to concretize his thinking naturally means that his emotions at this moment are exactly the time he was immersed in at the beginning!

That was their childhood, their childhood before entering Shrek Academy. It was also at that time that they had already walked together, and their friendship gradually grew.

The golden dragon gun draws a circle, and the mysterious circle of the sky reappears, swinging away Gu Yuena's extremely powerful elemental attacks. Tang Wulin retreated, as if to dodge, but the visualization of his thinking behind him had changed again.

They seem to have grown up in the picture.

There are four people sitting in the room, there is no dance teacher, and there is a strange white-haired woman.

"You're finally awake." Xie Xie rushed over in one stride.

"Well, wake up in time."

Xie Xie said angrily: "What's in time? We are already late."

"Ah?" Tang Wulin was taken aback.

"Let's go." Shen Yi stood up, gave Tang Wulin a meaningful look, turned and walked out.

Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan also stood up, and Xu Xiaoyan smiled at Tang Wulin. Although Gu Yue was expressionless, she looked at him clearly as if asking how he was doing now.

Tang Wulin nodded to them, then asked Xie Xie in a low voice, "Who is this?"

Xie Xie said: "People from Shrek Academy. Teacher Wu's friend. Now we are more than three hours late, and Teacher Wu is at the academy to clear up the relationship for us. We have to go there quickly, and we should still be able to take the exam."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Xie Xie chuckled, "Why are you talking about this? When did we thank you when you stood in front of us before? How is your physical condition? Why are you meditating deeply at this time?"

Tang Wulin smiled wryly and said, "I don't know, I'm in pretty good shape." He really couldn't say anything about the seal. Except for hunger, he feels really good at this time. The body seems to be full of strength, and the soul power has also improved significantly. As for how much he has raised, he doesn't know, anyway, there is still a distance from the 30th level, so it should be 27th or 8th level. The last time he broke through the seal, he didn't increase his soul power too much, and this time it obviously won't be too exaggerated.

Hunger somewhat affected his judgment, but he felt that his overall strength had at least increased by more than one-third. Based on his previous base, increasing his strength by one-third was already remarkable.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Tang Wulin asked Xie Xie in a low voice.

Xie Xie shook his head blankly.

At this moment, Gu Yue, who was walking in front, handed a package of things back to Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin took it and squeezed it to know what was inside, steamed buns and meat. It’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing!

Three steamed buns and a pack of sauced meat.

Gu Yuena's attack had already started again, but when she just made a move, she happened to see this scene in the picture.

Of course she remembered when. That was when they were admitted to Shrek Academy together. At that time, Tang Wulin delayed the assessment because he broke through the second seal of the Golden Dragon King. Everyone is waiting for him, waiting for him to wake up.

Fortunately, he woke up in time, although a little late. But in the end he still passed the exam.

When the screen changed again, they in the screen had already arrived in front of Shrek Academy.

When seeing the Shrek City in that picture, seeing the former Shrek Academy, not only Gu Yuena was shocked, but also Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue couldn't help trembling. That was the former Shrek! Shrek Academy's 20,000-year glory is all in it!

"Enough!" Gu Yuena shouted suddenly, the silver dragon gun's light in her hand soared, and the seven-colored light brushed towards Tang Wulin like a rainbow.

And her loud shout seemed to wake Tang Wulin out of his thoughts, and the picture behind him disappeared into nothingness. His eyes also became bright again.

The good memories relieved the pain in his heart at this moment, and the golden dragon spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out, and his indomitable momentum burst out in an instant. Ban Pingfan, Dragon Emperor Chong!

The mighty Golden Dragon King's energy and blood collided with the seven-colored light, causing the halo to disperse and the world to change color.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer, and Tang Wulin's eyes with golden halos were staring at Gu Yuena without even a single evasion.

From his eyes, Gu Yuena seemed to see his questioning. Have you forgotten everything in the past

forgot? How could she forget

Those good times in Shrek Academy can be said to be the most unforgettable after she transformed into an adult!


The two finally collided together, and at this moment, the entire sky was distorted, changes occurred, and a more powerful concretization of thinking appeared.

The huge picture tens of kilometers in front of him seemed like a reflection, presenting the former Shrek Academy in everyone's sight.

The majestic Shrek City, the lush Shrek Academy, and the blue Sea God Lake are all so familiar, yet so far away.

But above this picture, the light is dark. Focus and zoom in. What was zoomed in was the blue Sea God Lake. With the embellishment of lights and the magnification of the overall picture, people can clearly see everything on the lake.

At this moment, there were two groups of people standing on the surface of Sea God Lake, one on each side.

This is…

This is the Sea God Fate Blind Date Conference! In the former Shrek Academy, the most eye-catching internal blind date meeting. It can be said that it is this Sea God Fated Blind Date Conference that has created countless gods and couples. Back then, the Ice Spirit Douluo Huo Yuhao and the Dragon Butterfly Douluo Tang Wutong walked together at this sea god fate blind date meeting. After that, Huo Yuhao founded the Spirit Pagoda.

But at this moment, the Sea God Fated Blind Date Meeting naturally belonged to the Golden Dragon Moon Yu and the Silver Dragon Wulin who were fighting in mid-air. This is their class. It is also the deepest memory in the depths of their memory.

When this huge picture scroll appeared on the sky, the two figures disappeared, as if they had completely merged into this memory.

"Love at second sight continues, the next one is..." Tang Yinmeng paused, and then her eyes fell on Tang Wulin, "No. 51. Please."

Tang Wulin's heart beat faster as the lotus leaves fluttered under his feet. It has been three years, more than three years, and more than a thousand days and nights of separation, and finally meet again.

She grew up, and she grew up too.

We are finally no longer children, we are adults.

More than a thousand days and nights, in every busy and boring day, I have already seen my heart clearly, more than a thousand days and nights, in your heart, have you ever remembered me.

Is it because you have forgotten me that you did not turn on the light for me? But even so, I will not give up, never give up!

On the opposite side, a pair of wonderful eyes stared at him, looking at the most handsome young man in the audience.

Number Eighteen was watching, and Number Seventeen unconsciously raised his head. Dai Yuner was so excited that he seemed to want to rush out of the lotus leaf at any time, and Yuanen Yehui and Ye Xinglan were all looking at his figure.

Everyone is looking forward to what he is going to say.

"Because of some reasons, I left for three years. For more than a thousand days and nights, I missed the college all the time. Because this place has been my home since my parents left suddenly. Today I came back, just in time, just in time Catch up with the Sea God Fate Blind Date Conference. I didn't hesitate, I came here directly. Because I was afraid of missing out, and I was even more afraid that you had already fallen in love with someone else."

"More than three years ago, I asked you if you approached me because of my blood. Later, during those boring days, I thought a lot, and I thought it was really silly to ask you this question. I I shouldn't have asked at all. You gave me an affirmative answer, which made me very sad, even more sad than when I knew that I was a waste martial soul and possessed a defective soul. However, I can't express Come out, because I'm the captain, I can't let everyone see my cowardly side."

"I have been holding back the pain in my heart to lead the team until we won the final victory. However, at that time, I still didn't know how to face you. Or face myself."

"More than three years have passed. During these more than a thousand days and nights, I have thought about many, many things. I have figured out many things that I didn't understand before. Why care too much about liking someone? Whether you are because of What met me, since I like you, I am willing to accept everything about you. If you like me too, we will be together. If you don’t like me, then I will try my best to make you like me, We are still together. So, no matter what, I will never give up on this relationship! From now on, I am yours, and you must be responsible to me. "

The picture is illusory and solidified again.

Tang Yinmeng said: "Sea God's Lake, Shanghai God's Fate, the blind date meeting is now halfway through. But what I have to say is that the real climax will start from this moment. All boys, you can pray Alright, the next fourth link will determine whether you have a chance to embrace the beauty."

Lan Muzi nodded, "Yes, what is about to start is the most exciting moment in the previous Sea God Fated Blind Date Conference, the fourth link, the fate of three lives. The final outcome will be decided in this link at least more than a hundred years ago. Seventy percent. Therefore, I would like to remind all sea god fairies that you must choose carefully, because once you choose, you cannot change it. Therefore, see your own heart clearly, and don't do things that you will regret in the future. "

The girls had different expressions, but their eyes became focused.

Lan Muzi looked at the girls No. 17 and No. 18 who hadn't taken off their hats, and said in a deep voice: "So far, only the veils of the two hats are still there, so the first thing you have to choose now is whether to take off your face If you do not take off the veil at this time, then you will not have the opportunity to take off the veil of the bamboo hat again. Therefore, please choose carefully. Because of your excellent protection of your own veil before, in this fourth link, after taking off the veil, you can proceed to the fourth link first. Now I will give you a minute to think about it."

"I'll pick it." A crisp and sweet voice that clearly spread across the entire surface of Sea God's Lake rang out. It was girl No. 18 who spoke.

As soon as she raised her hand, she took off the veil of the bamboo hat on her head, revealing a beautiful and delicate face.

Long silver hair hangs loose, a pair of amethyst version of the eyes are like amethyst, silver hair and purple eyes, even the light of the stars and the moon can't help being pale when she shows her original appearance.

On the surface of Sea God Lake, all the halos seemed to be her foil at this moment. All eyes fell on her instantly.

"Goddess of Dragon Spear!" I don't know who exclaimed first, and in an instant, there were already exclamations on the shore.

The Dragon Spear Goddess in the picture is not exactly what the Silver Dragon Princess looks like now, but for people who have never seen the scene, they feel a little puzzled. At this time, the Dragon Spear Goddess seems to be similar to the Silver Dragon Princess. Not quite the same. It was an indescribable feeling.

Of course it wasn't Gu Yuena, it was Na'er.

Lan Muzi said: "For the sake of being fair to other girls, since you already have a crush, Na'er junior sister, then, in the fourth link, it is better for you to choose your crush first. We all want it." I know who is the lucky one who can be seen by our Dragon Spear Goddess."

Na'er nodded, "Okay! Then I'll go first."

Lan Muzi made a gesture of invitation, "Okay, then, let's invite Junior Na'er, who is on the 18th, to go to the side of the person you like. I don't know if our boys feel the heartbeat speed up."

Na'er smiled slightly, but she didn't see how he was acting. There was a silver light flashing on his body, and the lotus leaves under his feet floated out lightly, drawing a line on the water, and heading straight for the boys' camp on the opposite side.

Tang Wulin could clearly hear the rapid breathing of the people around him, as well as the intense heartbeat. There is no doubt that the boys are in a state of extreme excitement at this time.

The lotus leaves are floating, getting closer and closer, Naer always has a faint smile on her pretty face, the closer the distance, the more shocking she can feel from her stunning beauty, even if the boys in the inner courtyard are extremely determined , At this time, they couldn't help being dazzled one by one. How can a husband ask for a wife like this!

Choose me, choose me! Almost everyone is screaming in their hearts.

Near, near!

One hundred meters, eighty meters, fifty meters, thirty meters!

The beauty was already close at hand, and everyone's breathing became more and more rapid. A boy couldn't help but released his martial spirit directly, circles of dazzling spirit rings rose from his feet, showing his own strength. Almost in the next instant, the soul rings on more than half of the boys lit up, and for a moment, the surface of Sea God Lake was reflected in colorful colors.

Ten meters! Just the last ten meters.

The boy closest to Na'er had his eyes widened in excitement. Watching that stunning beauty come towards him, this feeling is really exciting.

Tang Wulin's eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at the boy, his hands clenched into fists.

At this moment, the lotus leaf under Na'er's feet suddenly drew an arc on the water surface, and the beautiful arc quietly deflected, heading straight for Tang Wulin's direction.

No, to be precise, it should be in the direction of Long Yue.

Na'er was getting closer and closer to him. Even close at hand.

Tang Wulin's eyes widened. No, Na'er, you can't choose him! He is from the Star Luo Empire. he…

Tang Wulin could not wait to crush Long Yue to death.

On the shore, the disciples of the outer courtyard were also in an uproar, and many of them couldn't help shouting. If their Dragon Spear Goddess finally chose an exchange student from the Star Luo Empire as a partner, it would definitely be unacceptable to everyone.

The lotus leaves under Na'er's feet fluttered a little slower. She glanced at Tang Wulin, watched Tang Wulin clenched his fists, stared at herself with wide eyes, and then looked at the way Long Yue's eyes spewed fire. Couldn't help covering her lips lightly, and let out a "puchi" laugh.

With a slight flash of silver light, the lotus leaf sped up again. Seeing that it was only three meters away from Long Yue, it slid silently and brought a small arc again, floating towards Tang Wulin. The lotus leaf touched Tang Wulin's lotus leaf lightly, raised his head, and stuck out his tongue slyly at him.

Long Yue was stunned, the boys were stunned, and Tang Wulin himself was stunned.

At that time, he was still Na'er's brother!

Girl No. 17, who didn't take off her hat, trembled, but she quickly returned to normal. During the one minute of taking off her bamboo hat, she has not moved at all, and she is the only one who has not taken off her bamboo hat so far.

Seeing Na'er's sly smile, Tang Wulin couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed her head, "You girl."

"Hee hee." Na'er smiled sweetly and stuck out her tongue at him.

His eyes are full of doting, her smile is full of sweetness. For a moment, the sky and the earth were dark when the dog was abused! The light of the soul rings on the male students in the inner courtyard became obviously stronger. If it weren't for the presence of many elders on the ship in the distance, I'm afraid they couldn't help but stage a scene of snatching the marriage right now.

Tang Wulin said in a low voice, "It was intentional trouble."

Na'er pursed her red lips, "Why did I make trouble on purpose. Can't I choose brother? Or do you want me to choose someone else?"

Tang Wulin snorted, "I'll deal with you after this conference is over. You girl."

Tang Yinmeng smiled and said: "Okay, let's continue this session. Next, draw lots to choose. At the same time, before choosing, girls can ask a question or request to the boy they want to choose. Then choose according to the boy's answer." .Sister Naer, did you forget this point just now?"

But Na'er waved her hand, and said with a sweet smile, "I don't need it, I think, there is no one in this world who understands him better than me."

That's Na'er, that's a part of Gu Yuena, that was once Tang Wulin's younger sister, and the only disciple of Qingtian Douluo Yunming. Once the Dragon Spear Goddess of Shrek Academy.

"According to the rules, girls who have not taken off their hats can only be selected at the last moment in this link. Girl number 17, may I ask if you choose the boy you like."

Tang Wulin's eyes crossed the 100-meter lake and fell directly on the girl. Everyone's eyes were also focused on her, especially those who had already guessed who she was.

Under everyone's gaze, girl No. 17 was silent for a moment, then shook her head gently.

Her movements were very slight and looked very simple, but Tang Wulin, who was standing on the lotus leaf, fell into an ice cave.

She shook her head, she didn't choose, yes, she didn't choose herself. No one even chose, let alone took off the bamboo hat.

Undoubtedly, this means that she does not have a sweetheart, and has no intention of finding her partner at this blind date conference.

Tang Wulin felt as if his heart had been grabbed by something, and suddenly he couldn't breathe.

His eyes were a little hazy, and a touch of bitterness emerged from the corner of his mouth.

All kinds of things from the past flooded in my heart, why, you didn't choose me

All encounters are reunions after a long absence.

Being despised for being unintelligent, fighting with roommates at school, and being assigned to the last five classes are all due to fate.

He was also helpless and confused, no matter how strong his mind was, he was still just a child in the dark.

Somewhere, he waited for someone.

It was a sunny day, with only a few faint clouds in the sky, and a faint fragrance of flowers in the breeze.

On the sweaty playground, he met a pure white figure unexpectedly, with a handsome face, long black hair, and black eyes. There seemed to be a strange aura as he walked.

"Why are you wearing iron chains?"

"Exercise your body! The teacher should be more strict with me, you are really amazing."

During the meal, she seemed to notice his astonishing appetite, and handed him her own steamed stuffed bun.

"I can't eat mine, so I'll give it to you too."

One move shortened the distance between each other, everything was so smooth, just like the care of an old friend.

Her name is Gu Yue, like the deep pool of an ancient well, containing deep secrets; like the melting cold moon, clearing his eyes.

He is the humble Blue Silver Grass, and she is the darling favored by the elements. One goes upstream and the other goes downstream. In the rush of time, we meet again after a long absence.

No matter where you stand, I will hug you invisibly.

With the tacit understanding in the promotion competition and the assistance of Ascension to Lingtai, they became friends in the true sense.

When he came back smelling of barbecue, she could vigilantly notice that he had met other girls; when the crystallized him fell from mid-air, she caught him with her body without thinking to prevent him from being crushed.

Indifference to others, just showing a smile for you.

Faced with the choice of whether to join the Tang Sect, her answer was: no.

He was afraid, afraid that the people around him would leave one by one, just like his parents and sister back then.

"Who said I would leave."

"I just chose not to join the Tang Sect, and I didn't want to leave Class Zero. It doesn't matter what organization I join."

I won't leave, I will always be with you.

When I was young, there was a trickle of clear water and a warm snuggle.

On the soul guide bus, to the east is the sea, which is so blue that it is boundless, and the clear water and sky are the same color.

Looking at the beautiful scenery passing by outside the window, he softly called out his sister's name in a daze, and the silver figure flashed in his mind. When she opened her eyes again, she was surprised.

She smiled slightly, and handed over a water glass, which contained only clear water, the temperature was suitable, but it nourished his heart.

The sun shone on her face, as if her skin had become crystal clear, so she was so beautiful.

The slightly drunk sunlight made her gently lean on his shoulder, and her breathing gradually became peaceful.

He also closed his eyes unknowingly, his body felt warm, and his exhaustion quietly dissipated in the warmth of this moment.

Without too many words, this scene is like a black and white fragment of time.

For you, death is not sad.

In the Tianhai Alliance Grand Competition, she was attacked, but she had no time to react, so she could only bind her hands and wait for death.

Suddenly his body warmed up, he hugged her, and used his back to bear everything.

Bright red blood flowers bloomed in her eyes, but there was no sadness or regret on his face, only a faint smile.

How I wish I could walk the road ahead with you, but I will not forget my original intention. I really want to protect you like this forever, you who I value, but maybe this is the last time.

She panicked, and she did not hesitate to consume her own vitality to attract the purest light of life to repair his damaged body.

She doesn't care, she wants him to live well.

You said that there is no contract in this world that can surpass the friendship between life and death.

When you grow up, you are still you.

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle.

Three years have passed, and for some reason, her attitude towards him has changed. She is no longer as close as before, but a little distant.

They came to the highest hall for the assessment and succeeded, but she was unwilling.

"I don't want to."

"She hit you, I'm not happy."

She turned her head and looked directly into his eyes, without any hesitation or nostalgia, she just stated her reasons so plainly and without room.

Thank you, thank you for still being the one who is desperate for me, so nothing has changed.

I will come again when I have the ability to get fair.

When she was made things difficult, facing the majesty of the elder, he was not afraid at all, and stood by her side neither humble nor overbearing.

Because, the one who was making things difficult for her was the one he wanted to protect.

"Excuse me, Shrek Academy, is there fairness?"

The answer is decisive and contemptuous.

He felt powerless. In the face of absolute strength, could he really lose his partner

He holds his head up.

"Three elders, I give up my qualifications to enter Shrek Academy. One day, when I have the ability to get fair, I will come again."

For her, he had to give up his ideals.

Even if the world turns its back on you, I will walk by your side.

He didn't return all night, and she waited silently.

She leaned against a big tree, closed her eyes, and there were a few tiny drops of dew hanging on her long eyelashes. Under the light of dawn, she looked like a picture scroll.

He stared at her blankly, this scene was deeply imprinted in his heart.

"you're awake."

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"You didn't go back very late, I came out to find you, I didn't disturb you because you were still meditating."

She spoke very flatly, as if she had said something insignificant.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, for some reason, looking at the girl in front of him, he didn't want to say "thank you" to her.

Life may not require vigorous surprises, sometimes, plain comfort and tranquility are enough.

Even if we break up, I will follow you.

Their group was divided, and everyone else disagreed with his point of view.

There is spirit metal to make battle armor, for others, it is too far away and unconstrained.

But she believed it completely and stood by his side without hesitation.

"Forget it, I am indeed whimsical."

"No, I will use spirit metal to make my one-word combat armor!"

Seeing her stubbornness and determination, at this moment, his heart was filled with warmth.

With you here, why not make an enemy of the world

Martial soul fusion, there is me in you, and you in me.

Facing a powerful opponent, he still stood in front of her, knowing that he would lose, but he was not cowardly.

A person who tolerates her arrogance and willfulness for her sake.

A person who guards her and trades her life for her life.

Her eyes gradually became confused, and she just opened her arms and hugged him deeply from behind.

There is no hesitation, only whole-hearted trust, everything seems to return to the youth.

At that time, he was still a little boy who admired his senior, and she was still a quarrelsome little girl.

There seems to be a vast dome overhead, witnessing this great ceremony.

They won, but also fell into a coma. But her hands seemed to grow on his body, and they couldn't be separated no matter what. They embraced and won victory and glory.

When two people are on opposite paths, the fate may be cut off, but what will always exist must be the fetters of martial soul and soul. Are they not the fetters of each other

The huge picture in the sky began to become chaotic, and memory fragments kept flashing, making people dazzled, but for some reason, an indescribable sadness lingered in everyone's heart.

When the spiritual power reaches the level of consciousness, it is not only touched, but also infected. The powerful concretization of thinking itself has a strong appeal, infecting the emotions of everyone present.

The picture was obviously chaotic, but at this moment, Tang Wulin's past feelings flowed through everyone's hearts, following his sadness and sadness.

At this time, they all seemed to understand why they refused when they shook their heads slightly. The reason is to fear the arrival of a day like today! The reason is to be afraid of the moment when they obviously love each other deeply, but they have to be enemies.

"Then, for the last one, let's invite our Dragon Spear Goddess. Na'er, it's your turn."

As soon as Tang Yinmeng's voice fell, the entire Sea God Lake and the lakeside became quiet.

In the sky was the light of stars and moon, and under the starry sky was the sparkling light on the surface of Sea God Lake, reflecting her beautiful figure with silver hair and purple eyes, slowly approaching Dai Yun'er.

Her eyes are a little crazy, and her pupils are rippling.

The way she looked at him was no longer a younger sister looking at her brother.

Tang Wulin was slightly startled, he felt the difference in her eyes.

"Brother!" Na'er called softly.

"Na'er, you..." Tang Wulin frowned slightly.

Na'er smiled slightly, "Brother, do you know? I fell in love with you the moment you took me in when I was three years old. For me, you used your not-so-strong body to block those bad guys. You You are not only kind, you are also braver.”

"You are much stronger than the average peers. When you were six years old, your martial soul was awakened. It was the Blue Silver Grass. It is recognized as a waste martial soul. It is a blessing in misfortune. When your martial soul awakened, your soul appeared. Strength. Your ambition is to become a soul master, at that time you didn't dare to think of a battle armor master, so you said you wanted to control mechas."

Na'er looked at Tang Wulin tenderly. At this moment, he was the only one in her eyes, "But to become a soul master, you need a soul and you need to spend a lot of money. Our family is not rich, and my parents are really very rich. You worked hard. So, you chose to learn forging when you were only six years old. I remember very clearly that at the beginning, you couldn’t even make an expression when you came home from exhaustion. You collapsed on the bed, even You can't even hear me calling you."

"But you didn't give up, you still insisted on practicing. Whenever you get paid, save a part of it, and buy me candies for the rest. Those candies are so sweet."

"Remember? I asked you one day, would you miss me if I left?"

Tang Wulin listened blankly to what Na'er said, and his mind seemed to return to ten years ago, to the home he had at that time.

My ambition is, the sea of stars.

He is a young man with black hair, black eyes and fair skin. He set foot on Donghai City alone, and set foot on the unknown road ahead with a dream in mind.

The waste martial soul Blue Silver Grass, with a pitiful third-level innate soul power. In the huge city, he is ordinary, but even if he is as small as a grass seed floating around, he has always fulfilled his original intention.

When others were still bathed in the earnest teachings of their parents, he had no home.

That touch of warm bright silver also faded away in the eyes, and it was slightly cool in the palm.

"If one day I leave, will you miss me?"

"Of course I will, especially, especially."

The moist evening wind caressed his cheeks, and there was a warm feeling from the left atrium. He smiled, not bitter, but only nostalgic for the past.

In his heart, that silver-haired girl has never gone far, she still lives in a certain corner of memory, calling her brother sweetly in the setting sun.

I am Tang Wulin, and my ambition is the sea of stars.

When ordinary grass seeds germinate into lush grasslands, can I take your hand back to the sea of stars

"Brother, I like you, I love you. I would like to spend all my future time with you and by your side. Let me love you, okay? I'm serious." Na'er's expression was very serious, serious Even the Qingtian Douluo Yunming who Lou put on was a little shocked at this time.

Tang Wulin's originally lonely and desperate heart couldn't help but rippled at this moment. If there is one who is the most important among the women in his heart, then mother, Na'er and her all occupy an unshakable position.

But he never expected that she would say such a thing to him at this moment when everyone was watching, at this sea god fate blind date meeting.

"Na'er, you are my younger sister!"

"No, I'm not, I'm just your Na'er, we don't have any blood relationship, I'm just your Na'er, I don't want to be your sister anymore, I just want to be your Na'er." She said stubbornly.

Tang Wulin's body trembled slightly.

"The time is up, Na'er. To be fair, I can't let you go on." Tang Yinmeng said helplessly.

Tang Wulin once swore that he would never let Na'er cry again, but he never expected that the person in front of him who made Na'er cry was himself.

Na'er, why are you so stupid!

However, for some reason, there was an indescribable feeling deep in his heart. Just like Na'er said, after all, they are not brothers and sisters. Na'er is the younger sister he picked up, and the younger sister he cared for with all his heart.

Na'er suddenly raised her head and looked at Tang Wulin with burning eyes, "If I hadn't left back then, you would definitely have no one else in your heart."

"Junior Wulin, please choose." Lan Muzi urged in a low voice.

Tang Wulin took a deep breath, as if all the strength in his body had been mobilized at this moment.

He asked himself, and the answer was very clear. He didn't want to hurt Na'er, but he was even more unwilling to lie to her. What's more, all this is so complicated, and he doesn't want to give up this opportunity, even if it seems very slim.

"I'm sorry, Na'er. I choose girl No. 17!" Tang Wulin almost exhausted all his strength when he said these simple words.

The picture in the air exploded this time, just like the delicate and severely injured heart back then.

The figures of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena reappeared in midair, but at this moment, Gu Yuena was already in tears. Those tears did not belong to Gu Yue, but to Na'er, the Na'er who had always loved Tang Wulin deeply and tried everything to influence Gu Yue so that she could not hurt him!

"Na'er..." Tang Wulin's voice trembled a little. With his strength, when his thoughts visualized and recalled back to that moment. His heart also ached sharply.

How unwilling he was to hurt Na'er, but at that time, he couldn't go against his heart.

But the refusal at that moment still hurts him deeply in retrospect. If he knew that that rejection would make Na'er disappear completely, perhaps, he would rather suffer for the rest of his life than reject her.

The moment Tang Wulin said that, the blood faded from Na'er's pretty face, she subconsciously took a step back, stepped half of her foot into the water, and swayed her body before controlling her figure.

Lan Muzi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at girl No. 17, "According to the rules, you have to take off your hat and veil now. Then listen to his confession in a minute."

Girl No. 17 paused for a moment, then slowly raised her hands and took off the hat and veil on her head.

It was a pale pretty face with black hair and black eyes. Compared with Dai Yun'er and Na'er beside her, she was not outstanding, and was even completely overshadowed by the light of the two girls around her.

Her face was already full of tears, uncontrollable tears. She looked at him, her lips were trembling slightly.

Tang Wulin smiled. Looking at the tears on her face, he smiled. She was not heartless to him. Just seeing those tears, he suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

"You should choose her." Gu Yue turned her head away and looked in Na'er's direction.

Na'er didn't say anything.

Gu Yue said another inexplicable sentence, "I don't want to win."

But Na'er smiled. At this moment, her pale face was covered with a faint smile. She puffed up her chest, and suddenly looked at Gu Yue with a bit of arrogance, "There are some things that cannot be controlled by you."

Gu Yue closed her eyes, tears poured out again, "But do you know how much he will pay in this case? How difficult it will be for us in the future."

Na'er said firmly: "I don't care. I just hope that I can give him all of myself."

This memory belongs to Gu Yuena, and it is the concretization of Gu Yuena's thinking.

When that sentence: But do you know how much he will pay in this case? when it appears. Tang Wulin couldn't bear the pain and closed his eyes.

Yes, the price has finally come, and it's here today. This severe pain is attacking his body and mind, and this severe pain is making him go back to the abyss.

And it was at that moment that he truly felt Gu Yue's love for him.

"Wu Lin, it's your turn. You have a minute."

Tang Wulin shook his head, then looked at Gu Yue, "I don't need a minute, I just need to ask her a question."

"Gu Yue, in this world, I have only loved one girl, and that is you. Do you love me?"

He once wanted to say a thousand words to her, but when he really faced her, all he could say was this one sentence. Only this one sentence is enough. What he needs is an answer, an answer that can make him desperate, or an answer that allows him to enter another world.

He raised his right hand, turned his palm out, golden scales spread from the wrist exposed under the clothes to the entire palm, golden sharp claws appeared, five fingers clasped upside down, and the sharp claws pointed directly above his head.

An indescribably strong blood energy fluctuation suddenly burst out from his body. At the moment when the strong blood aura appeared, all the soul masters present with dragon-like martial souls groaned, their faces turned pale, even Long Yue couldn't help it. exception.

"Brother, don't!" Na'er screamed, but she didn't dare to move at all. She could clearly see the golden glow on the golden dragon's claws, and Tang Wulin only needed to lower his palm slightly to scratch his head.

"I just need to know the answer, the answer in your heart, the real answer. Don't lie to me, from your eyes, from your blood, I can feel whether you are telling the truth."

Gu Yue stared at him blankly, her tears stopped flowing.

Suddenly, her whole body seemed to have collapsed, she nodded her head vigorously, the tears that had just stopped pouring down, she couldn't help squatting down on the lotus leaf, she couldn't speak, just Nodding, just nodding vigorously.

Tang Wulin smiled, he smiled proudly, put down his right hand, stepped forward, and he was already in front of her.

He pulled her up from the lotus leaf and pulled her into his arms.

Tang Wulin never knew that after that moment of happiness, what he was going to bear would be the pain that he couldn't bear at this very moment. What he has to face is the person he loves the most.

In the face of this crisis for all mankind, he can only completely resolve the immediate crisis only by killing her.

However, how could he do that to the girl who once nodded her head desperately and loved him with all her strength!

Strong emotions affect everyone, not only humans, but also soul beasts.

Among the many fierce beasts, the emerald swan has already cried into tears. Even such a powerful and majestic spirit beast like Xiong Jun's body twitched at this time.

Beast God Ditian stared blankly at this scene. He knew the relationship between Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin, but he knew far less deeply. Back then, Shrek Academy had Qingtian Douluo in command, how could he Dare to go in? Until now, he didn't know that the Lord and Tang Wulin had such a deep relationship as early as the Sea God's Fate blind date meeting. And it was this feeling that made her unable to lay hands on him.

Tang Wulin's real pain may only have been five days, but for so many years, the master who has always known that she and him can't really be together, how intense the pain is in his heart!

Suddenly, Gu Yuena raised the silver dragon gun in her hand, just like that with tears streaming down her face.

"There are some things you should know."

The concretization of thinking appeared again, but this time, only Tang Wulin could see it.

Poseidon Lake in the early morning has a mysterious beauty, filled with mist and rippling blue waves.

She has been standing by the lake for a long time, and her shoulders have already been wet with dew, but she has no intention of brushing it off.

Silver hair rippling in the morning breeze, staring at the morning mist in the distance, like an elf.

The big purple eyes reflect the lake water, and there is always a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

The other she came quietly, walked up to her and stood still. With fluttering black hair, she looked radiant, with a slight blush on her pretty face.

But when the other she saw her, the smile on her face disappeared.

They stood side by side, also staring at the clear lake in front of them.

"You won!" Na'er said softly and easily.

"You seem to really want me to win." Gu Yue frowned.

Na'er chuckled, "Yeah! I really hope you win, and I guessed that you would win a long time ago. Because I know his character too well. Do you believe it? I only exist as an episode, I I think his courtship is just to find a suitable reason to leave."

"He will be sad if you leave." Gu Yue said.

Na'er shook her head mockingly, "I lost, can I not leave? But, I knew from the beginning that I would definitely lose, and I must lose, otherwise, he would really die, what I said ,Is it right?"

Gu Yue fell silent.

Na'er sighed softly, "Back then, when we made a bet, I resolutely chose to bet with you because, I know, you just wanted to find a pretense to kill him, but you didn't want to have a hole in your heart. I can't help it." Promise you, because if I don't promise you, at that time, even if you have a flaw in your heart, you will kill him without hesitation."

"Are you regretting it now?" Na'er asked.

Gu Yue was in a daze, "Do you regret it? I don't know." She really didn't know if she regretted it.

Na'er said: "If you didn't want all of this to happen, you shouldn't have formulated a way to integrate into the human world in the first place. Facts have proved that your approach is correct. Only when you understand human beings better can you truly find a way to destroy them. However, we But in fact, they all discovered that human beings are not useless, at least, the rich emotions of human beings are completely lacking in us. That's why I, you when you were young, had to be sealed in order to make yourself really like a human being Only then can we truly integrate into human society, and the part of the soul that belongs to human beings will be born."

"When you find that human emotions are a little uncontrollable, it becomes impossible to forcibly remove me. Because that will hurt you to a great extent. And all of this is related to my brother, because my brother The warmth and love it brought me made me understand what human emotion is."

"In desperation, you separated me from my body to form an independent individual, but no matter what, I am a part of you, and we are one after all. So you bet me whether my brother will like it You, will you give me up because of you? If you win, it will prove that human emotions are false, and I will naturally integrate back into you. If you lose, what you said at the time was, you lose and let me Become an individual forever. Right. Unfortunately, after all, I have your wisdom and human emotions. After a few years, I have understood that it is simply impossible. I have fully occupied 30% of your strength. If If I become independent in the end, then you will not be you anymore. Therefore, it is impossible for you to abandon me. The only difference is that there will be no next fusion back, and it will still be flawed. Therefore, if you lose, you will definitely Kill my brother and forcibly fuse me. Am I right?"

Gu Yue looked at Na'er, and listening to her talk, her pretty face turned slightly pale.

"Gu Yue, do you know? The reason why I'm willing to bet with you is because you don't understand human feelings at all. In your opinion, the relationship between me and my brother is what you think. In fact, you are wrong. We are more of family affection, maybe I am not completely to him, but at least he is to me. But he is not family affection to you, but love. "

"Love and family affection are completely different. Therefore, he never gave up on me, nor betrayed me. Although he chose you. Therefore, I lost, but you couldn't get the result you wanted. So, it’s really hard to say who lost.”

Gu Yue looked at her deeply, "Do you think I really don't know what you planned?"

Na'er smiled, "Of course you know, as smart as you, how could you not see it? When you tried to alienate my brother, it was because you already felt that your emotions were affected. Unfortunately, love is subtle. , when you realize something is wrong, it is already too late. Because he has already lived in your heart. So, you have been trying hard to get rid of, try to suppress. But the longer the time, the more he is in your heart Rooted in the heart."

"Gu Yue, have you noticed that whether it's a soul beast or a divine beast, our natures are too simple. But once we get in touch with human emotions, no matter how powerful your energy is or how vast your spiritual power is, you will never be able to see it." There is no way to stop the attack of that emotion. It is invisible and intangible, but it is real."

Gu Yue said bitterly: "Do you think that you won't be him anymore? Do you really think so?"

Na'er sighed softly, "At least this will allow him to live longer. And as long as time passes, when he has enough strength, as long as you can't hit him, I believe that no one will be able to kill him in the future. Gu Yue, face up to your own feelings. Hatred will only blind people."

Gu Yue suddenly said angrily: "You really look like a human being now."

Na'er smiled, "I am a human being! I have always thought so. Therefore, I am not willing to destroy human beings. What I would rather see is peaceful coexistence. I love my brother, and I love ours too. Mom and Dad, I like the human world. Human emotions. You won, but you also lost. But I really hope that you will have a good result in the future, no, you will have a good result."

Gu Yue's breathing became a little short, "Do you really think I can't kill him ruthlessly?"

Na'er shook her head, "Of course you can't. You couldn't in the first place. Even without me, you couldn't. Otherwise, you would have waited until now? When did you hesitate to kill Guojue like you? When you hesitated for the first time You may still have a chance, but after you have hesitated three times, you will never be able to attack him again. I know this, and you must know it in your heart. And when you fuse me back, you It’s me, I’m you, you’ll only be more affected. Instead of making up your mind. Love him well, my brother is really excellent, very excellent. Although we don’t know where his blood of the Golden Dragon King comes from Come, but I have to admit that in the human world, he is the only one who can match us."

Gu Yue's face was full of despair, "My worst decision was the bet I made with you back then, or in other words, I shouldn't have separated you at all. At least in that case, I can still influence you back subtly."

"You lost, and I lost too. You are right, I can't do it, I can't kill him. So I can only leave him, let time and distance fade our love for each other, maybe, Only in this way, one day I will kill him inadvertently. Or he grows fast enough to kill me one day. You understand, the contradiction between us is irreconcilable, this is the difference between human beings and spirit beasts The contradiction between them is also the contradiction between the gods and the beasts. Neither he nor I can resolve the contradiction."

Na'er was silent, she finally panicked, "But, I'm gone, and you are gone too, he will be sad."

Gu Yue's body trembled, "That's better than me being by his side, and my people can no longer control themselves and kill him actively. The current me is far from being completely out of the seal, The core has been awakened, but you know how powerful some of our subordinates are. There are even strong men who should have become beasts long ago. Even now, it is impossible for me to completely suppress them. Therefore, I am destined to Walk."

Na'er bit her lower lip lightly, "Maybe you're right. Gu Yue, you've really changed. You've become more considerate of others, especially for him. I understand, you're leaving to give him a better life." There is a lot of room for growth. You hope that one day in the future he will be so strong that you can’t kill him. But you know, that’s impossible, the God Realm no longer exists, and it’s never possible for him to reach your level. Boundary."

Gu Yue smiled, "You understand, but you don't understand. You don't know what kind of status he holds in my heart. You also don't understand how much of me now belongs to human beings. What you said That's right, I regret it, and I regret why I gave the order to integrate into the human world. However, I want to do my mission, but I don't want to hurt people who don't want to be hurt. So, such a contradiction, let me Come face it alone. I don't know what to do, but I have to move forward. Come back, Na'er. From today onwards, I am no longer Gu Yue, and my name can finally be complete. It's just that he doesn't know , my name is Gu Yuena!"

A little stream of light shone, and Gu Yue's body suddenly became transparent, silvery white, and the hexagram under his feet raised an invisible barrier, covering them inside.

If someone is nearby, they will find that in that silver-white world, there is no energy fluctuation overflowing.

Na'er's body also became transparent, silvery white, and she walked towards Gu Yue step by step, but tears were streaming down her face.

"I am somewhat reluctant to bear all this, the people around me, the teacher, and my brother!"

Gu Yue sighed, "But you should know that no matter how much you don't give up, you have no origin, and you are destined to come back. Otherwise, you will just disappear. As you said, when you return, you will be me, and I will be you .I will let go of everything. Now that the blemish has turned into a crack, let us accept this crack together. Perhaps, everything will be different."

The silver-white figures overlapped, and Na'er and Gu Yue opened their arms respectively. The two figures began to merge slowly, Gu Yue's black hair disappeared, and her black eyes turned purple. Na'er's childishness disappeared, and she was growing up slowly.

When the appearance of the two had become exactly the same, when they turned into the three-year-old Dragon Spear Goddess, a silver light suddenly flashed and disappeared by the silent Sea God Lake.

"Na'er..." Tang Wulin's eyes dimmed.

"If you hadn't forced me back then, maybe it wouldn't have been so painful. If you had let me go back then, maybe I would have been able to face it calmly now. Na'er wouldn't have left you either. I said back then that you should, choose her."

The light and shadow disappeared. On one side, there was still the Silver Dragon Princess holding the Silver Dragon Spear, while Tang Wulin, who was holding the Golden Dragon Spear, had long been blurred.

It turned out that everything used to be like this. In order to fulfill herself and Gu Yue, Na'er sacrificed herself.

In that bet, whoever wins is Tang Wulin's loser. He may be the only loser.

However, if he was given another chance to choose, what would he do

He didn't know, yes, not even himself.

However, perhaps it was this memory that evoked something deep in his heart, and he gradually calmed down instead.

"I don't regret it." Tang Wulin said softly.