The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1981: Just kill me


"If I don't say I love you, will you really commit suicide?" Gu Yue gasped.

"Why did you commit suicide? I just want to scratch my hair with the golden dragon claws." Tang Wulin chuckled.

Gu Yue raised her head and looked at him, but he took advantage of the situation and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Liar!" Gu Yue said angrily.

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "If I can fool you, then I'd rather be a liar for the rest of my life. Gu Yue, I love you."

Gu Yue stagnated, and when the ardor in her heart completely erupted, she calmed down a little, and reason began to gain the upper hand again. She buried her head on his shoulder again, but there was a trace of bitterness on her pretty face, "You shouldn't be doing this, you know? You're making a fuss. I can't be with you, we're not the same way , we can't be together after all."

Tang Wulin said indifferently: "If this is destined to the end, then why should there be a past. Since there is a past, then everything is doomed. This is our destiny, no matter how many difficulties we face, no matter what we will face. I will By your side, with you to face together.”

"You don't understand." Gu Yue closed her eyes in pain.

"I understand!" Tang Wulin said firmly.

He didn't ask what Gu Yue was worried about, because he knew that if she wanted to say it, she would tell him sooner or later. And if she doesn't tell himself, then, no matter what it is, he is willing to face it with her.

Gu Yue grabbed his shoulders and left his embrace with some reluctance.

"Wu Lin." She looked at him seriously.

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it. I believe you already understand my intentions, and you should also know that I have always been a very persistent person."

There was a bit of bitterness at the corner of Gu Yue's mouth, "If one day, you find that I am the enemy you have to face, what will you do?"

Tang Wulin said: "If that day comes, and you are the enemy I have to face, then you can kill me. Let me live in your heart. That way we can never be separated." He said It was very calm, not sweet words, but it made Gu Yue's tears flow uncontrollably again.

Closer, closer and closer between them.

Seeing it, the nine-colored silver dragon gun was about to collide with the mysterious circle of the sky first.

But at this moment, the originally perfect arc suddenly stopped, and the halo that should have been like a full moon appeared in an instant.

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxing and waning. The mysterious circle of the sky was interrupted.

Long Huangyao slightly raised his angle. At this moment, all the condensedness and strength in Tang Wulin's eyes had long since disappeared, only gentleness. Tender gaze.

He never remembers what he said. If one day, they were enemies that he had to face, then he would rather let her kill him. He believed in her, and believed that she would not really destroy human beings after her death. Otherwise, there would not be the two previous battles that reduced his conditions. She knows best that he has enough strength to defeat those two opponents. This has already shown that she does not really want to destroy human beings. After all, she was once a human being, after all, she was not only Gu Yue, but also Na'er.

Since there is no way to resolve the irreconcilable conflict between the two major races. Then, only one side really occupies a strong position.

Could he really kill her? he can not.

At this moment, he even abandoned his ideal of protecting human beings, and bet everything on her.

What Ditian can think of, of course he can think of it too. These years, the most suffering is not him, but her.

In her heart, how much bitterness has she endured to finally come to this day

If he was with her, he was still happy. Well, she probably never really was happy. Even when she was with him, she still had that scruple in her heart.

Yes, she is not happy. And this unhappiness is all because of the love between them.

How could he harden his heart and hurt her

Long before today's decisive battle came, Tang Wulin had already given up everything in his heart. For this world, for Douluo Continent, he has shouldered too much, too much.

Perhaps, the only reluctance is his parents and sister who have never met. However, he has no choice.

He couldn't wait for them to come back. Under such circumstances, only the choice in front of him can make him truly free.

He really couldn't stand it anymore. Many times, living was even more painful than dying.

He wanted to fulfill his promise, and he turned all his love into this moment of calmness.

He just looked at her, stared at her, and he loved her so much.

The Golden Dragon Moon Language named after her quietly restrained at this moment, and only his body was presented in front of the Silver Dragon Spear.

Closer, closer. At such a close distance. He has no possibility of going back on his word at all, what's more, he won't go back on it at all.

The way Gu Yuena looked at him changed, but at this moment, her eyes suddenly became full of murderous intent.

The moment Tang Wulin thought he was about to be stabbed, the murderous intent suddenly passed by him, fell instantly, and went straight down.

What is she going to do

Gu Yuena's Silver Dragon Spear failed to stab Tang Wulin after all, but the killing intent exploded in an instant. As if to freeze the world.

The silver dragon gun carried her body, and the body and gun fell instantly. Under the shroud of killing intent. On the ground below, the Seagod Douluo Chen Xinjie, Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue, Passionate Douluo Zang Xin, and Heartless Douluo Cao Dezhi, who were looking forward to the four extreme powerhouses, felt that they were instantly plunged into a icy cold. The blood in his whole body seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't move at all.

According to the Silver Dragon Spear, the first target is the Amorous Douluo Zang Xin. The sharp gun light arrived in an instant, like a teleportation.

The difference in cultivation base and the locking of spiritual consciousness made Amorous Douluo even have no chance to release his Amorous Sword.

And at this moment, a figure stood in front of him in an instant, and it was the Heartless Douluo Cao Dezhi.

"No—" Tang Wulin, who had reacted, roared wildly in the air, and rushed towards the ground at his fastest speed. But, after all, he was half a beat too late! No matter how hard it is, it is impossible to completely catch up with Gu Yuena's ready-made figure.

His heart suddenly became cold, she wanted to kill Excessive Love Douluo and Heartless Douluo, no doubt she was afraid of their martial soul fusion skills moving God!

"Pfft—" Such a sharp silver dragon gun, how can the body be able to resist it? The extremely sharp gun light pierced Ruthless Douluo's chest in an instant, and then pierced Amorous Douluo's body. Pin them completely to the ground.

It can be clearly seen that the vitality of the two extreme douluo was swallowed by the silver dragon gun in an instant, and their bodies withered accordingly.

All this happened in an instant, beyond everyone's imagination and prediction. No one could have imagined that such a situation would happen. Gu Yuena would be so ruthless to kill Excessive Love Douluo and Heartless Douluo.

Even the ferocious beasts who have always been afraid of these two Limit Douluo were stunned when they saw this scene.

The light in Gu Yuena's eyes was cold, and the Silver Dragon Spear swallowed and retracted instantly. The gun light swept across, pointing directly at the Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue next to him.

Locked by her killing intent, the dragon chant sounded from Long Yeyue's body, and her martial spirit was released. Seagod Douluo Chen Xinjie pulled her body, pulling her behind him.