The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1983: Freeze forever! (season finale)


"But, can I really do that? I can't. The soul beasts are on the verge of extinction. If there is no me, then they will really cease to exist. You two, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape The reason why my father's close friends and even the soul beasts that once became gods are on my side is because they saw the same worries as me. If the soul beasts are not saved, they will perish forever. I can't just watch me The clansmen of the family are annihilated like this!"

"I also tried to escape. That amnesia was actually because I deliberately shook my brain to make myself lose my memory. At that time, I thought, you will always guard me, and I who have lost my memory, I can no longer do anything for the group, maybe I can be with you all the time. However, you found Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum for me, and healed the brain injury that I deliberately did not heal myself."

Gu Yuena's smile was a bit bitter, "Even so, I'm trying my best to pretend that I still have amnesia, and I even hope to deceive myself with this. However, facing the attack of the abyss sage, you are already in danger of life and death. How can I just sit back and watch? The only way I can do it is to perform the Dragon Transformation with you and save you."

"After that, I have thought of countless ways, and I have been wandering in struggle and pain. However, I still have no way, and I still can't do it. In the end, I was desperate."

Having said that, she closed her eyes in pain.

"Desperate, I have been silent for a long time. I tried to forget you again. During the Martial Arts Recruitment Conference, I even really thought about marrying Qiangu Zhangting, a man I don't like, so that I can truly forget you. You, or hurt you, keep you away from me. But you are here. And how can I forget you? Apart from you, even if it is a finger, I don’t want others to touch it. How can it be possible to really marry someone else? Only your ring can be worn on my hand. "

"After the contest to recruit relatives, I finally gave up. I know that I will not be able to defeat fate after all. Since this is the case, I can only go on according to fate. From then on, I have a plan in front of me."

Speaking of this, there was a gleam in her eyes again.

"I'm not as wise as your father. I can plan for thousands of years to turn the tide. However, I also came up with one, try not to hurt you, or even stop deepening hatred with humans, but also give my people a chance to prosper." plan of."

"The past is over. No matter how much we retaliate against humans, even if we kill all the current humans, we will no longer be able to resurrect the dead clansmen. When I became a human, it was to integrate into you , understand you, and subvert you.”

"If it weren't for me, how could the Spirit Pagoda research the ten thousand-year soul so easily. But in the ten thousand-year soul, my spiritual seeds have already been added, and because of this, it took me a long time to recover Strength. Later, I discovered the existence of the small world of Wanshoutai with the help of the Dragon God Core. The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python use another way to save the soul beast. They collect the soul beast seeds, and in that small world The world thrives. However, the Wanshoutai is too small after all, and they cannot really maintain it with their strength. For this reason, I discussed with them that the core of the Dragon God should be the core of the Wanshoutai, but I need their support to take revenge on mankind .This is how the Wanshou Terrace came into being.”

"Relying on the role of the ten thousand year soul and the ten thousand beast platform, we have controlled most of the high-level soul masters. From your human point of view, since then, our conspiracy has been fully launched. It is for today Today's counterattack."

"It's just that we didn't expect that the Holy Spirit Cult would cooperate with you on the plane of the abyss, and the holy king of the abyss would do everything possible to come and merge with you in order to devour the plane of Douluo mainland. But during that time, I didn't know No depression. Because we can fight side by side again. The final outcome of joining is that we lose, at least I can live and die with you justifiably, and be swallowed by the abyss plane Douluo Continent plane, whether it is for human beings, It was still destructive to us soul beasts. It was also the first time that we fought together with the enemy. What you didn't realize is that all our soul beasts that can incarnate in human form were thrown into that battle In the middle, it plays a role on the battlefield."

"When the abyss sage came, I felt that we were unable to resist. After all, he relied on the power of a plane. At that time, there was only one possibility, that is, I swallowed you, and we transformed into dragon gods, detached from the Douluo Continent Plane, it is possible to defeat it. However, I am not willing to do that, that is not what I want. I would rather fight to the death with you. I do not want to hurt you or betray you."

"Today, in front of all of you strong human beings, and in front of my colleagues, I can say that since I was reborn, I have never killed a human being who shouldn't be killed. So, Wu Lin, your wife is Pure, never half polluted."

Speaking of this, she smiled sweetly, but her eyes were already full of crystals.

"The appearance of the Sea God has changed the ending I originally thought. The plan that I thought would never be used had another chance. The Sea God left, the master of the plane fell asleep, and the tree of eternity evolved. All of this is for me. The original plan created an opportunity, and I simply couldn't refuse the urging of my subordinates, and my original plan has come to a time when it must be implemented."

"When you came to propose, you know, my heart was broken. I wanted to accept your ring so much that I wanted to yell 'I do' to you before you asked me to marry me But, I can't, I see everything you have done for me, but I can only cry in my heart. Even so, I still can't help but accept your ring, because only in this way can I truly think I'm your wife."

"I started this war not really to destroy human beings. Because that will not bring us benefits, just like you destroying us will cause ecological imbalance. If we destroy you, what will the result be different? What's more, I don't think we can really destroy you. It is still possible for the sleeping lord of the plane to wake up, and even if I can defeat him, it must be based on destroying the entire plane, so it is absolutely not advisable to kill him. "

"However, this disaster still needs to be felt by you, and it still needs to be activated. Because I want you to know that if you do something wrong, you will have to bear the consequences. I also want you to know that we soul beasts are capable of resisting."

Speaking of this, her voice gradually became high-pitched, and the majesty in her beautiful eyes showed, "Even if I die, the spiritual seeds I left behind will still exist. I will keep the core of the Dragon God in the Ten Thousand Beasts Terrace, as a The core of Wanshoutai can also control these spiritual seeds again. And these seeds I planted through the core of Dragon God, even if your human soul masters have descendants, they will always be passed on, unless you kill all the controlled ones. Soul master, otherwise, these seeds will always be there. As long as you try to destroy our soul beasts and try to hurt us, then, through the core of the dragon god, you can control you again, and once again let the war that can destroy you come. And this Control, it will take at least ten thousand years to disappear."

After saying this, her eyes fell on Tang Wulin's face again, and she became gentle again, "This is my plan, everything I have done is to make us soul beasts and you humans To be able to coexist peacefully. However, I did this, which also means that I have not really completed everything I have to do as the king of soul beasts, and I am standing on the opposite side of you after all. As a human hero and king of human beings, you, How can it be possible to marry me like this? Even if you finally compromise, we will go far away. And as me who can control the general situation, I will definitely become the existence you are most afraid of. Perhaps, you can abandon everything and come to me, but , there will be so many entanglements in your heart, you will never be happy. In fact, you can't be with me when I have this status, we can only be hostile."

"Our soul beasts have too much strength, which is also not what I want to see. Unbalanced means the emergence of ambition. Therefore, I also left restrictions on the core of the dragon god, not until the moment of life and death of the soul beasts. , this mental control will not appear.”

"This is my plan. Only when I die can the ambition of the spirit beast lineage be relieved, and only when this war occurs can you humans be alerted. Wu Lin, I just hope that after I die, you can restrain the spirit and beasts." Human beings, leave us the living space of the soul beasts. Fulfill our agreement and commitment, and leave us at least one Star Dou Forest. With Da Ming and Er Ming here, I believe they will also restrain the soul beasts and will not harm humans again .And you humans have already researched the ten-thousand-year soul, so there is no need to hunt and kill soul beasts, so let our two races coexist peacefully. Okay?"

The halo subsided, and the core of the dragon god that had anchored Tang Wulin earlier had already soared up and plunged into the Ten Thousand Beast Platform in the air. Tang Wulin regained his ability to act.

"Why? Why did you do this? Why didn't you tell me all this earlier. There must be another way, there must be another way!" Tang Wulin let go of the Golden Dragon Spear, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at Gu Yuena By his side, holding her in his arms.

At this time, Gu Yuena's vitality has become less and less, and her pretty face gradually turned pale, but her hands are still tightly grasping the Golden Dragon Spear, preventing Tang Wulin from pulling it out. The golden dragon gun devoured his own vitality.

As the Silver Dragon King, her own life energy was too strong, even the Golden Dragon Spear couldn't take her life for a while.

Gu Yuena looked at him tenderly, "This is the best result, the best relief. I'm so tired, let me go. You live well, and you still have to wait for your father and mother to come back to you .okay?"

"Not good, not good..." Tang Wulin had already burst into tears, he held Gu Yuena's hand tightly, trying to pull her hand away, but how could Gu Yuena's last strength be so easy? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take her hand away.

"Gu Yue, you know, I can't lose you. How could you be so cruel? How could you have the heart to leave me alone."

Gu Yuena shook her head lightly, "Between us, it represents humans and spirit beasts. Only one person can survive. I have already seen that you have made up your mind to be the one who leaves. But I How can you give up? You are still not as smart as me after all, you are just my fool after all."

Her life was about to come to an end, but at this moment, she was smiling very sweetly, as if she had no pain or regret at all.

"Say you love me." She said softly.

"I love you." Tang Wulin roared almost with all his strength.

"Husband, I love you too." Gu Yuena finally let go of her hands holding the Golden Dragon Spear, because at this moment, her entire person's look had become dim, irreversible.

Her slender palm, which had become bloodless, gently caressed his face, and her dim silver eyes were full of reluctance and nostalgia.

Suddenly, her eyes widened.


The other end of the Golden Dragon Spear pierced his chest. Almost in an instant, he had already hugged her body tightly into his arms, no longer separated from each other, and could no longer be so close because of the barrier of the spear. s contact.

"No..." Her voice was already extremely weak, but at this moment, it was impossible for her to stop everything he did.

The pain on Tang Wulin's face disappeared, and he looked at her with a smile, "It turns out that the feeling of being pierced in the heart is only a little cold, and it doesn't hurt very much. How can you leave me? You are mine Wife, as I said, I will be where you are, and if you want to leave, how can I stay alone."

She put her hands on his chest, trying to push him away from the Golden Dragon Spear, but at this moment, where did she have the strength

Tang Wulin hugged her tightly, and she couldn't break free at all.

"Wu Lin, you still have father and mother, you promised them, you have to wait for them to come back!"

Tang Wulin shook his head lightly, "Dad, Mom and sister are beside me. But you only have me."

"Wu Lin..." Gu Yuena's tears finally gushed out, she could no longer care about everything else, and with the last of her strength, she hugged him tightly. And her aura also began to pour out at this moment.

Tang Wulin exerted strength with his feet, and the two of them rose into the air after being pierced by the golden dragon spear. He hugged Gu Yuena with one arm, and waved the other hand in the air.

Suddenly, the previously frozen time and space shattered, and everyone became able to move.

"Wu Lin—" Countless mournful cries sounded from below. Everyone looked up at the couple in the sky who loved each other so much but ended up in tragedy.

Tang Wulin's eyes were very calm, "Actually, everything today may have ended long before the final battle. Originally, I wanted to use my life to wake her up and let her leave a glimmer of life for mankind." And I will not be able to suffer this pain after all. I never thought that she would plan like this. You have heard what she said just now. Humans and soul beasts, only peaceful coexistence can make our world of Douluo Continent continue. .I hope that our departure can wake you up and let you let go of the obsession in your heart."

"Since there were living beings on the mainland, humans and spirit beasts have lost too many lives because of each other. I hope that our death will put an end to all of this. This is my last request. Sister Mo Lan, Everyone from Shrek Academy and Tang Sect. I affirm you and push for this. Da Ming, Er Ming, two uncles. If my parents come back, please say for Wu Lin, forgive me for being unfilial. I can't wait for them to come back , I, really miss them. Say to them for me, 'Dad, Mom, sister, I'm sorry.'”

"Wu Lin!"

Both Da Ming and Er Ming's eyes were red, and they wanted to fly. However, there seems to be an invisible force imprisoning everything in the sky, and no one can fly.

Tang Wulin shook his head at them, "No one can stop us from being together. There is no more. All responsibilities and burdens, from this moment on, have nothing to do with us. We only belong to each other. Everything about me, They all belong to my wife, Gu Yuena."

While speaking, Tang Wulin raised his hand to touch his chest, and a crystal clear bead fell into his palm. At the same time, his eyes flashed. The silver dragon gun that fell on the ground before suddenly turned into light and flew towards the Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue.

"The soul beast lineage has the Dragon God's core to control the spiritual seeds, and this silver dragon gun is left to Shrek to sit in charge. Tang Wulin, Gu Yuena, goodbye."

While talking, he exerted force with his fingers, and the ice god bead shattered instantly, turning into a large piece of ice mist and spreading out. Devour his and Gu Yuena's bodies. A layer of frost obviously began to condense on them, and Gu Yuena's delicate body that had already begun to wither suddenly froze.

Tang Wulin looked up to the sky and screamed, "Golden Dragon Yueyu Tang Wulin, Silver Dragon Wulin Gu Yuena! Farewell, Douluo!"

In the next moment, they had turned into a cloud of ice mist and shot out, disappearing in midair in an instant. Fly away to the north.

Everyone present stared blankly at this scene in the sky, whether it was a spirit beast or a human being, it seemed that there was a mountain suppressing them in their hearts.

Silver Dragon Princess Gu Yuena, dead!

Dragon Emperor Douluo Tang Wulin committed suicide!

The land of the extreme north!

A crystal clear light descended from the sky. It was a huge ice cube, in which the gold and silver colors complemented each other.

Finally, it landed at the core circle of the extreme north, and with a roar, it burrowed into the ground and left. Take the two who have left an indelible brilliance in the history of humans and spirit beasts, go deep into the ground, and freeze forever!

After Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena left, all the strong human beings controlled by the spiritual seeds recovered their memories one by one as if they had just woken up from a big dream. Although they were controlled, they clearly remembered everything that happened.

The soul beast temporarily withdrew to the Ten Thousand Beast Terrace to recuperate, and the two sides dispersed.

Mo Lan, the chairman of the Douluo Federation, endured the grief, and held a joint continental conference with top human beings, including Shrek Academy, Tangmen, Temple of War, and Spirit Pagoda, to discuss issues between humans and spirit beasts.

after one month.

The Douluo Federation, the Star Luo Empire and the Dou Ling Empire announced the legalization of the existence of soul beasts. We will jointly promote the bill to give soul beasts living space.

In Douluo Continent, the original scope of the Star Dou Forest in the ancient times was given to the soul beasts, and the Star Dou Forest was rebuilt with the great ominous land as the core.

Humans and spirit beasts signed a non-aggression agreement. At the same time, give the soul beast identity authentication. All soul beasts with identity verification are equivalent to human beings, and have the legal right to live just like human beings.

If the soul beast leaves the Star Dou Great Forest, it needs to be approved and reviewed by the relevant department.

Soul beasts commit the same crimes as humans. Uncivilized and ignorant spirit beasts are forbidden to leave the Star Dou Forest. Once left, humans have the right to hunt and kill.

Outside the rebuilt Star Dou Forest, a gold and silver double dragon was used as a symbol to establish a quarantine area for soul beasts and human activities. At the same time, the bronze statues of Dragon Emperor Douluo Tang Wulin and Yinlong Princess Gu Yuena were erected to commemorate these two generations of geniuses who sacrificed their lives for the peaceful coexistence of human beings and spirit beasts.

Ten years later, the Eternal Sky City was preliminarily completed, and the Shrek Academy reappeared at its peak, and the number one academy in the mainland deserved its name. Eternal Sky City has also become a holy place for all soul masters, replacing the Sea God Pavilion that once existed.

Shrek Academy established a Hall of Fame in the Eternal Sky City, and in the Hall of Fame, only three statues entered. They are the first generation of the Shrek Seven Monsters, who also established the Tang Sect, almost turned the world around with his own power, and destroyed the conspiracy of the Spirit Hall, Tang San!

Build the Spirit Pagoda to fight against the sun and moon empire, relying on its own powerful strength to prevent the sun and moon empire from dominating the mainland, leaving a foundation for the inheritance of the ancient Douluo continent, Huo Yuhao, the spiritual ice fighter.

And the last one, who encountered a catastrophe in Shrek Academy and Shrek City was blown up, went through hardships and cooperated with the sea god Tang San's ten-thousand-year plan to defeat the abyss plane, make the Douluo Continent glow again, and use his body Sacrifice, solve the threat of soul beasts. Dragon Emperor Douluo and Jinlongyueyu Tang Wulin, who allow humans and spirit beasts to coexist peacefully.

They are all the most important figures in different eras in the history of Shrek Academy.

And in the middle of the Eternal Sky City, there is a statue honored as the first-generation city lord of the Eternal Sky City. It was Dragon Emperor Douluo Tang Wulin who used the Golden Dragon Spear to devour the life energy of the abyss plane and help the ancient tree of life evolve into an ancient tree of eternity.

Douluo Continent's limitless Douluo is accompanied by the subtle evolution of the plane, and the energy level of the entire Douluo Star is improved.

Seagod Douluo Chen Xinjie, Light and Dark Douluo Long Yeyue, Heartless Douluo Cao Dezhi, and Passionate Douluo Zang Xin have broken through the 100th level successively and are respected as true god level powerhouses.

The history of soul masters has leapt so far, and level 100 is no longer the highest limit for soul masters. As for what level it can reach, the Limit Douluo who broke through is not clear. They are also searching.

The people who have broken through the hundredth level, because they do not have the position of gods, will not live forever in the end, but the life expectancy will also increase to three hundred years.

Douluo Continent is still evolving, what is the end of the soul master, at least until the evolution is complete, no one can know.

The land of the extreme north, the abyss of 10,000 meters.

Under the huge ice layer, two bodies hug each other tightly.

Strange nine-color light, faintly visible in the abdomen of a person, reflects their figures, and also reflects the golden spear that runs through their bodies!

(End of the book)


After writing a novel of more than five million words, I really have a lot, a lot of things I want to say to everyone. I believe that each of you will feel sore when you see such an ending. But in fact, I am the one who is most reluctant and bitter in my heart. So, if you have free time, you might as well read this postscript.

In fact, in the past two years or so, there have been many things I want to tell you, but I am afraid that it will affect your reading experience, so I have accumulated until now, and let Xiaotang express it, which can be regarded as doing for the Dragon King. A settlement, to find a hope for the future.

I was born in 1981. I often call myself Xiao Tang for the sake of self-effacing, but Xiao Tang is really not young. This year, I am thirty-seven years old. It's just that I never thought that my midlife crisis would come so early.

If you read books online, you will find that our daily update volume has been reduced from 6,000 words per day to 5,000 words per day. Not even the three shifts that were supposed to be every Monday. There are many book friends who blame me, scold me, and mock me, and I actually know it all.

I didn't explain it, because no matter what the reason is, it is actually an objective reason for you. It does reduce updates, I accept all the responsibilities, and I bear them silently.

It has been fourteen years since I wrote the book in 2004. For fourteen years, I have updated it every day and never stopped. I once thought that in the years of continuous improvement in the future, I may encounter various difficulties. I also think that I am strong enough to face everything, even what capable people cannot, and I just keep improving. In the literary circle, I, Xiao Tang, rely on the word "reliability"!

However, I didn't expect that I would encounter such a difficult thing in my life.

If I remember correctly, Dragon King started at the beginning of 2016. At that time, in fact, I had just been resurrected. Because, in 2015, two things happened around me that had a huge impact on me. In October, my grandma suffered from pulmonary embolism and cerebral infarction. From a shrewd old lady, she suddenly lost consciousness and the ability to speak overnight, lying on the hospital bed with hemiplegia. At the end of November, my beloved wife, Muzi in "Children of Light" and Muzi Li in "For You, I Will Love the Whole World", was diagnosed with breast cancer, which is the most serious type of triple-negative breast cancer.

For me, it's a landslide. I tried my best so that I could face it bravely. Grandma's hemiplegia is irreversible, but in my impression, breast cancer can be cured. With my wife, I had the operation immediately at the best hospital in Beijing. The tumor was removed.

During that time, my life was very dark, and I lost a pound every day for two consecutive weeks. From eighty-five kilograms to seventy-eight kilograms.

Until one day, when my hands were on the keyboard and I was immersed in the world of the story, I could temporarily escape the pain. It was also at that time that I realized that I love writing so much. Fourteen years of persistence is all because of this love.

The operation was a success, and after that, my wife underwent four rounds of chemotherapy. Everything seems to have passed, and I also feel that I seem to be able to live happily ever after. At the beginning of 2016, the legend of the Dragon King finally began.

At that time, in fact, I had already thought about the ending you saw today.

Whether it's the final perpetual freeze, or the introduction of Douluo Dalu IV that will be frozen after 10,000 years, they were all conceived and completed at that time.

A writer's story will definitely be affected by life, and so am I. That's why my second urban novel "Embrace Lies Embrace You" and the tragic ending of the Dragon King.

However, I believe that there will be a rainbow after the storm, so when my tragedy ends, I will always have hope, and I will eventually bring this hope back. That's why there will be a future Douluo Si with the sister chapter "Embrace Lies and Embrace You" that will be published this year.

However, at that time, I really never imagined that my ordeal was just the beginning. It's not over yet.

Frankly speaking, when I write here, I suddenly don't want to write any more, because I really don't want to recall everything I have experienced in the past two years. However, after a long pause, I decided to write it out. Because I want to tell you that I have reduced my writing volume not because I am lazy, but because it is too bitter, and my heart is too bitter. At the same time, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. If it weren’t for thinking about you, let alone writing a book, I might have jumped off the roof as early as the most painful time. It is you who gave me the courage to survive and continue to write. It is you who gave me the courage to move forward even when encountering difficulties. Just like what Mo Lan said to Tang Wulin, be brave!

brave! What a simple two words! However, I didn't really understand the meaning of these two words until I was thirty-seven years old, and what kind of powerful power they contained.

In 2016, I gradually recovered. The Dragon King achieved outstanding results and got everyone's support. The glory waved to me again, just like the rebuilt Shrek New City.

The sharpness in my heart was sharpened again, and I was full of confidence and worked hard to move forward. I am high-spirited, not only want to be a writer, but even ambitious to become the boss of a listed company.

Over the past year, we have overcome obstacles and forged ahead bravely. All is well.

Until December, until that day.

Muzi's second review after surgery.

Multiple lymphatic metastases, sternal metastases, and liver metastases.

I asked the doctor, can liver metastasis be cured

The doctor said that for triple-negative breast cancer, there is no targeted drug, only chemotherapy, and liver metastasis, on average, one and a half years...

a year and a half... a year and a half...

The sky is falling!

I realized what it means to lie on the bed with tears streaming down my face.

I am a Capricorn, a Capricorn who is not strong inside, the strong appearance is to cover up the fragility of the heart.

I am a sentimental writer, I am good at association and conception, creation and thinking.

However, at this moment, all of these became my flaws, because at that moment, at that moment, what I thought in my heart was what would happen to me if she left. I found that if she left, I would be without myself.

She was my girlfriend when she was sixteen, and I was eighteen at that time. Along the way, twenty years. I know that it is impossible for me to fall in love with any woman like I love her, because I can't live again. It is impossible for anyone else to accompany me through my youth, youth, and middle age like her, the most important twenty years in my life.

She is a bit stupid, a bit silly, has no skills, and even has poor living ability. Without me, I don't think she can survive in society.

But I just love her. Just like Tang Wulin could give his life for Gu Yuena, so can I! If I could trade my life for her, I would!

But, can God give me such an opportunity? After all, we live in the real world, not fantasy novels. After all, I don't have Yali's healing skills, and I don't have the ability to resurrect.

what do I do? At that time, I asked myself, what should I do. A year and a half, what is left for me is probably only a year and a half.

At that time, Tangtang was seven and a half years old, and Linlin was only four and a half years old.

I once wrote in a chapter of the Dragon King's network update, for me, this period of time is really too difficult. But I didn't say why, because I don't want to bring pain to you. What I want to convey to you through novels is happiness rather than pain.

At that time, what can I do? All I can do is to grit my teeth and find a way to save her! As long as I can save her, I am willing even if I lose everything. To this end, I do not even use the extreme.

From then on, I began to donate money to Tibetan monasteries every day, trying to do the four words of "doing a good deed every day".

From then on, I started to be a vegetarian on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and released 20,000 lives every month on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar.

I donated ten ambulances to poor mountainous areas.

For the impoverished mountainous area, I donated two schools.

As long as I see someone who needs help in the circle of friends, I will donate money and materials immediately.

I asked the living Buddha to pray for her. I asked my master to make a fire offering to save her grievance creditors.

I didn't bother to ask her treatment hospital. She was in such a serious high-risk situation that she was reexamined only once every six months. The cancer hospital would reexamine every three months, so that the metastasis to the liver was so serious. She doesn't know anything about it.

At that time, I just hoped to find a way to save her.

At that time, my heart was already in a mess. I immediately contacted agencies in the United States and Japan, trying to find the best hospital in the world to treat her. However, after asking around, her type, even in the United States and Japan, has no better medicine, only chemotherapy.

Japan is closer, I took her there. The Japanese doctor told me that in this condition, she can live an average of three years in Japan.

Three years is more than one and a half years, one and a half years more. Such simple mathematics was a surprise to me at that time. Even if it is an extra day, I am willing to work tirelessly!

So, in January of 2017, I took her across the ocean to Japan and started treatment in a hospital in Tokyo.

It was also from that time that I realized that the greatest pain in life is parting.

Twenty days in Japan, ten days back home. This has been the state of our lives for most of the last year.

However, in this state, every time you leave, you have to say goodbye to your parents, and you have to say goodbye to your children!

Every time before leaving, my mother-in-law hugged us sobbing, how could I not be heartbroken

Linlin is still young and not very sensible. Ke Tangtang is already a little older and understands a little bit.

I still clearly remember that once, on the eve of our departure to Japan, Tangtang refused to sleep no matter what. I was even a little angry and asked her why she refused to sleep

Tangtang’s words at that time still make me burst into tears when I think about it. She told me that she was afraid that she would not be able to see her mother when she woke up the next morning.

That night, my wife and I hugged each other and cried.

We promised Tangtang that we would wake her up the next morning before an early flight. And that time, at half past five.

And the next morning, Tangtang's eyes were red and swollen, and she woke up at 4:30, crying and sending us away.

This is the separation, and we have experienced such separation for ten months and countless times.

And for me like this, I can continue to let the Dragon King continue to change, I don't even know how I got here...

Chemotherapy, paclitaxel, three months, the first review. The lesion on the liver has been reduced by three-fifths, which is great news. I was overjoyed. I took my wife to travel in Europe. At that time, I just wanted to leave no regrets. As long as her physical condition allowed, I would take her to those places she had never been to and give her everything the best.

Chemotherapy, paclitaxel, six months, drug resistance. The number of lesions on the liver changed from one to five. Standing on the thirty-eighth floor balcony of my rented apartment in Japan, I wanted to jump off for the first time.

Lang Yongchun said to me, brother, we are not afraid of trouble when we encounter trouble. This sentence gave me great courage. But at that moment, all I could think of was relief. It was the video call from Tangtang that made me grit my teeth and walk back.

In August, I changed to Eribulin, which is very expensive and not available in China. After two months of reexamination, most of the lesions disappeared again, I was overjoyed. I took my wife, Tangtang and Linlin to the Maldives. At that time, I didn't know what the future would be like, I just wanted to take her to have fun.

In October, Eribulin was re-examined for the second time. Drug resistance, diffuse lesions on the liver covered a large area, and transaminases were ten times higher. The swollen liver pressed against her stomach, making her uncomfortable.

The second time I stood on the rooftop of the 38th floor, what I felt at that time was despair!

Japanese doctors told us that in Japan, it is impossible to use experimental drugs for us. Go ahead, probably only with a placebo. Several drugs are no longer available. It is suggested that we go back to our country for treatment.

Japan is a strict country, and it can be said to be rigid. We are only foreigners after all, and second-class citizens after all. No, we are not even citizens. Just outsiders who can afford to pay cash.

The two roller coasters left me physically and mentally exhausted. When I wanted to jump off the rooftop for the first time, I had a lipoma on my arm. During the second time, the physical examination revealed multiple gallbladder polyps, and there was a larger one, which was said to be a suspected tumor. It was not until CT was done later that it should not be.

After returning to China, I started to contact the United States and took the whole family to apply for a visa to the United States. Unlike Japan, the United States has the most advanced technology, but it also has the farthest distance.

I had no idea at the time if we would have come back alive if we had gone to America.

However, time waits for no one.

And at this time, in November, the grandma who had been on the sick bed for two years and could only make a living with nasal tubes, left.

As the eldest grandson, how can I not send grandma away? On the day of the funeral, I wanted to pray to my grandma. Grandma, you have suffered, and as a grandson, I have less visits to you because I took my wife abroad to see a doctor. I am sorry for you. However, for your great-grandson and great-granddaughter, please bless your granddaughter-in-law, a child cannot live without a mother.

On the same day, I received temporary good news that the new chemotherapy drug capecitabine was effective, and my wife's condition was temporarily stabilized, and the liver transaminase index dropped a little. Gave us time.

And it was at that time that I met the noble person in my life, Dr. Y.

He is an American scientist who used to be the R&D Director of Asia in the largest pharmaceutical company in the United States. He is the person I know with the most degrees. He is the first in China to publish a paper in a world authoritative medical journal.

A good friend introduced him to me. Dr. Y returned to China many years ago for cancer research in our country. When I came back, I was doing research while working as a professor in the medical school and leading graduate students. A cancer vaccine he researched is the most advanced tumor treatment direction in the world today, immune therapy.

At that time, I was already in a hurry to go to the doctor. As long as it was possible to be effective, I wanted to take my wife to try it.

So we found him, and after asking about the situation, he told me that his research was experimental. According to the most advanced concept in the world, immunotherapy still has a chance.

However, there are no approved immune drugs for my wife's type.

Dr. Y helped me analyze some experimental drug treatment methods in the United States. After combining his opinions and the opinions given by the American intermediary, we finally decided to stay in China for treatment. Because even if you go to the United States, there is no better treatment. While staying in China, we can also use some medicines purchased from the United States. And, at least there is no need to separate.

We chose a private hospital, and tried immunotherapy while Dr. C was treating him as the attending doctor.

After two months of reexamination, the lesion was reduced by 90%.

At that time, even Dr. C, the attending physician in the private hospital, found this result inconceivable, and so did we.

However, after riding too many roller coasters, we can no longer believe all this, lest the next review will repeat the same mistakes.

Another two months. The lesions were reduced by 5% again, and the overall figure was only 5% of what it was when I returned from Japan. However, there is no possibility of cure as Dr. Y said.

Two more months, which is May of this year. Third review. All the lesions on the liver disappeared...

At that moment, I couldn't help but rushed forward, hugged my mother-in-law tightly, and cried.

It took exactly one and a half years from the relapse to the disappearance of all lesions on the liver, which was the average survival time according to the attending doctor.

Although it was later found out that there might still be lesions in the thoracic spine, at least the lesions on the liver disappeared. It means she can live longer.

For us, every extra day my wife lives is worth it. She is so brave, even when the Japanese attending doctor told her that I might not see you today next year, she was still not timid. The only time she shed tears is when the child is mentioned.

I simplified a lot of what happened over the past year and a half. In the past year and a half, I have traveled to and from Japan ten times, stood on the rooftop twice, and accompanied her to Japan, France, Switzerland, Maldives, Phuket, Hong Kong, and Macau.

It was also in this year and a half that I became one of the four national talents selected by the Central Propaganda Department, a member of the Presidium of the Chinese Writers Association, and the first member of the CPPCC National Committee of the Internet writer.

It was in this year and a half that I finished the Legend of the Dragon King. All, twenty-eight books.

At the moment of finishing the draft, the first thing I want to say to you is that I am brave. Really, I can finally say that I am a brave man.

Although, over the past year and a half, my temples have been covered with gray hair.

I grew up and I got old. But I can proudly say that the third young master of the Tang family still hasn't stopped changing.

After enduring so many mid-life crises and pulling my wife back from death, at least temporarily, I haven't stopped updating.

Just brave? No! More importantly because of you.

My wife is my family, and so are you. At that time, in the most difficult moment, the motivation to support me to write was because I would think that I could not give up the whole family for the sake of one family.

So, I carried it over. I firmly believe that as long as our Tang Sect has me, we will have glory and glory. We are the most powerful, we are the number one in the entire network literature world!

As long as I am still writing, no one can surpass us!

Because you are with me, because you love me, I will write it down. Therefore, even if it is frozen forever, it can't stop Douluo's continuation!

I wrote so much without realizing it. Your little Tang and your third brother have really experienced too much, too much.

It's really difficult!

Just like Gu Yuena's pain, like Tang Wulin's pain.

You see their suffering, it all comes from my heart.

I just hope that there will really be some kind of happiness. All sorrow and pain will leave. All that is left to us is beauty.

Finally, let me talk about the upcoming major events in our Tang Sect.

First, the first season of Douluo Dalu animation will be broadcast on Tencent Video until the end of July, and the second season will be broadcast on December 1st. We strive to achieve this, and we will continue to broadcast it from the beginning of the second season. One episode a week until the end. Never do a lifetime series...

Second, the Douluo Dalu live-action TV series will start filming this year, and we will choose a super handsome Tang San!

Third, the TV series "For You, I Will Love the Whole World" has already met with you on iQiyi. This story is about the relationship between Muzi and me, and about my own experience. Luo Jin plays me and Zheng Shuang plays Muzi. I like them a lot.

Fourth, after the Dragon King, the new book that I will meet with you soon will be "Douluo Dalu Biography Tangmen Heroes", and there will be the protagonists of my twelve works, which will make you hot! Blood! boil! Teng!

Fifth, the urban emotion series, the paper book "Once Jiang Nan is Now" which is a sister chapter of "Embracing Lies and Embracing You" will meet you around October.

Sixth, my newly created super world view, the Falan World mentioned in Dragon King will be launched, and finally named "Shenlan Qiyu". This series will continue to be written after Douluo Dalu IV , will be a larger series than Douluo. The first creation will be seven novella works, which are the Seven God Beads series of Shenlan Qiyu. The first one, which will meet with you this year, is called "Shenlan Qiyu Wushuangzhu". do you remember? I promised you on Weibo that I would write a novel with two male protagonists for you, and that's it. Wushuang has a pair and the same natal Wushuang beads. The six unpredictable domains, the magnificent seven-color sea, and the thirteen major races will bring you infinite splendor and splendor. All three volumes are expected!

Seventh, and finally, "Douluo Continent Four Ultimate Douluo" will meet you as soon as the end of this year. Let me take a moment to calm down my thoughts. This will also be the last of our Douluo series! Write at least thirty more books for everyone! Make up a hundred volumes of our Douluo Continent series! I hope that even if it can be surpassed in the future, only my own "Shenlan Qiyu" series can surpass it. So, I would like to remind everyone again, don't miss "Shenlan Qiyu Wushuangzhu", it will be my all-out work, the first of a large series, absolutely wonderful!

After the postscript is written here, it should be the end, but I still feel a little bit reluctant, because the Dragon King is over. This is the most difficult work I have ever written, and it is also the longest work.

But everything must end after all, and the end means a new beginning. Pray for the arrival of that blessing.

"The Great Turtle Master" is indeed a physical book that has already been published, and the Internet is later than the physical book, I admit. However, I really can't help it recently, because Muzi relapsed again, and it was more serious than the last relapse, with most of the lesions on the liver. I just found a clinical trial drug from the United States and used it for her. Watching the indicators on the test sheet soar every day, I am deeply stimulated every day. I've been in worse shape lately than ever. I can only pray now that this experimental drug will work and give me another chance to be born again.

The Great Turtle Master plans to serialize for more than three months, then serialize the Legend of Heroes of Tangmen on the Internet, and then Douluo Si. I don't know if Douluo IV can be opened smoothly, because I don't know what my Muzi was like at that time. Next Monday, Muzi will review the effect of the new medicine. Today, I will release 100,000 lives to pray for her. Please give me some time, it's really difficult, I really had a bad time in the past two years. But I really want to continue writing, and write the last Ultimate Douluo in our Douluo Dalu series in the best state. If possible, please pray for Muzi. I just ask her to stay with me for a few more years. Thank you on your knees, brothers and sisters of the Tang Sect.

Finally, at the end, I would like to thank you again for your unremitting support over the past two years, and thank you for your great love for Xiao Tang. I also love you deeply. It is this love that allows me to persevere. Please pray for me and my wife, I will try my best to write for you for a few more years, if possible, I hope it will be a lifetime.

The last, the last, the last, repeat, Douluo Continent Four Ultimate Douluo Introduction: Ten thousand years later, the ice melted. One more thing, the protagonist will change! Replace it with one, the egg-born child! And now, please support "The Great Turtle Master". Preparations for the TV series of the Great Turtle Master have already begun, and we will meet you soon.

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