The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 31: Superb special effects


At first glance, this pair of thousand-refined sinking silver hammers was inconspicuous, dusty, like ordinary forging hammers. But if you get closer and look carefully, you will find that the wave-like dark lines are all over every corner of the hammer body and handle. It seems that infinite power is bred in the dark lines.

The spiral pattern on the handle of the hammer extends downwards, and the end is spherical and narrows downwards until it becomes a sharp tail.

For three days, it was forged little by little. During the forging process, the feeling of blood connection was twice the result with half the effort. Even so, it took so long to actually complete it.

"Try it, and see what its special effects of Thousand Refinements are." Mang Tian said to Tang Wulin, in the eyes of this master craftsman-level blacksmith, there was an expression of anticipation.

"Yeah." Tang Wulin nodded, holding two Thousand Forging Heavy Silver Hammers with both hands.

After forging, a series of measurements have been carried out. The left hammer weighs 152 kilograms, and the right hammer weighs 166 kilograms. Despite the small size of this pair of small hammers, the weight can definitely be described as amazing.

Holding the handle of the hammer with spiral pattern, Tang Wulin immediately felt the soul power bursting out of his body, and instantly communicated with him and the pair of heavy hammers.

Although Tang Wulin's strength had improved a lot, it was still not enough if he wanted to use this pair of forging hammers to forge with his own strength. He is only nine years old, and his natural power is also limited.

However, when the feeling of being connected by blood came, the pair of heavy hammers became significantly lighter, and coupled with the injection of his soul power, he picked them up steadily.

A long-prepared piece of metal rises from the forge. Tang Wulin's eyes froze and he became focused in an instant. Habitually tap that piece of metal with a hammer with your left hand.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Three crisp sounds sounded.

Tang Wulin froze, but Mang Tian's pupils shrank instantly.

"Try again." Mang Tian said almost eagerly.

Tang Wulin tapped again with the hammer with his left hand.

"Ding, ding, ding" are still three crisp sounds. But he clearly only touched that piece of metal lightly with his left hammer once.

"Hit!" Mang Tian shouted in a deep voice.

Tang Wulin swung the hammer in his right hand almost one after another, hitting the piece of metal heavily.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" Three crisp sounds sounded almost instantly. This time, because of the large range, both Tang Wulin and Mang Tian could clearly see that the moment the hammer fell, two afterimages were drawn from behind the Thousand Forging Heavy Silver Hammer, and the two roars behind it were they caused.

"This is..." Tang Wulin looked blankly at Mang Tian beside him.

Mang Tian was also stunned, and lost his voice: "The stacking hammer effect."

"Teacher, what is a stacking hammer?"

Mangtian looked at him, his eyes became strange, "You are such a little monster! Even I have never forged a forging hammer with the special effect of stacking hammers."

He took a few short breaths to calm down his turbulent mood. Although Mangtian had already faintly felt that Tang Wulin's first thousand exercises might have good special effects, he never expected that it would be such a superb one. special effects.

"The reason why the first Thousand Refinement work completed by the blacksmith requires a blood sacrifice is mainly because the first work often has good special effects. The blood sacrifice will connect the metal with the blacksmith's blood, thus pushing the special effects to the extreme. Therefore , the first thousand forging works of most blacksmiths will be their own forging hammers, and they will accompany them for a lifetime."

Tang Wulin was a smart child, and he immediately understood that when the teacher took out the heavy silver, he was already planning to give it to him. He didn't know how much Chen Yin was worth, but it was definitely worth a lot. Especially such a large piece of complete heavy silver after purification.

Mangtian continued: "Among the special effects of Thousand Refinements, there are some special special effects. But the best special effects can only be perfectly displayed in a suitable form. I have told you that only the first time the Thousand Refinement Metal It is in the best state when it is shaped, but once it is re-forged into other forms, the internal structure will be destroyed, thereby affecting its quality. Therefore, thousands of forged products that are shaped for the first time and have the best special effects become extremely rare."

Tang Wulin already understood the teacher's meaning, "You mean, the special effect of the stacking hammer of my heavy silver hammer is the best special effect? And it is especially suitable for the heavy silver hammer?"

Mang Tian nodded, and said with a smile, "I'm a little jealous of you. The super special effects, after the blood sacrifice, you can only use them yourself."

"The so-called stacking hammer means that after one hammering, the metal itself will resonate to produce the effect of two or even three hammerings. You are a three-time stacking hammer, and it is also the strongest stacking hammer. Simply put, when you hit the metal When performing hundred forging purification, the three-stage stacking hammer can save you at least half of the time. The power of the two stacking hammers is 70% and 50% of your initial strength respectively. Once you control the effect of the stacking hammer, then, in the In your future forging, no matter what you forge, you can get twice the result with half the effort."

Tang Wulin said: "Is the special effect of the hammer stack easy to control?"

Mang Tian said: "It's not easy to control, but your pair of thousand-forged sinking silver hammers are blood sacrifices. The biggest characteristic of blood connection is that they melt into one body. It's not difficult to control them."

Blood sacrifice can have a wonderful blood connection between people and metal, and this metal can only be forged by himself. Therefore, in a sense, blood sacrifice thousand forging is almost exclusive to blacksmiths. Even if it is forging metal for others, let their blood sacrifice. The opponent also needs to have the ability to forge finished products.

Therefore, blood sacrifice is not widely used in the forging world. The blacksmith himself doesn't often use the method of blood sacrifice.

Tang Wulin's poor luck in Wuhun and Soul seems to have been found in forging. The Thousand Refinement Heavy Silver Hammer with the special effect of stacking hammer thousand forging will undoubtedly make his future as a blacksmith smoother.

"You have to practice hard and control the stacking hammer as soon as possible." Mang Tian said in a deep voice, "Also, try not to use this pair of forging hammers for forging in front of people. The world of blacksmiths is also highly competitive, so the best blood sacrifice forging hammer is in your hands. Before you are not strong enough to protect yourself, don't leak it easily, understand?"

Tang Wulin nodded half-understood. He only knew that what the teacher said was for his own good.

"I'll give this to you." Mang Tian raised his hand, and there were two metal rings in his palm. These two metal rings also looked dusty, but they were also made of thousand-forged immersion silver.