The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 106: Sect plan


Zhang Ke is Mi Xiaojing's big housekeeper, while Zhang Liben is in charge of outside affairs. The two of them are responsible for everyone's food, clothing, and taking care of all trivial matters.

Mi Xiaojing told Zhang Ke to take the two children to take a shower and change clothes, and then make some delicious food for the two of them to settle down.

Mao Tou seemed more cheerful and soon started joking with Wei Fu, while Dazhu was a little more honest. He just smiled and stood aside to watch.

There were two more children. Mi Xiaojing inquired again and got a very bad result. Except for a few tenant farmers on the outside of the sect, the people in the sect were dead or alive. There were no other people from the Xiyan Sect, only Mi Xiaojing, Zhang Ke, Wei Fu and the two new children were left.

The others were all dead. Mi Xiaojing was heartbroken, but it didn't show on his face. When he first came here, there were many long-term workers from Xiyanmen. These people couldn't adapt to the life here and basically all died.

Mi Xiaojing silently recited the mantra according to the rules of Xiyan Sect, and then raised his head after a moment.

The dead are gone, but the living still have to work hard to survive.

Mi Xiaojing has seen the cruelty of the world of cultivation.

With the sect as his backing for the time being, no matter what, as long as there are no foreign enemies, he will have time and energy to slowly develop and strengthen himself and his group. This is an opportunity, a good opportunity.

As for the Hanjin Sect's attack, the sect was able to resist it, so he basically didn't need to worry about it. Of course, even if he worried about it, it would be of no use. He just had to be himself.

Living in Huiquan Villa, all supplies are provided by the sect, including clothes, food and daily necessities. Mi Xiaojing does not have to worry about it at all. This is the benefit, this is power, as long as Mi Xiaojing can provide Nascent Soul With the elixir that the ancestor needs, he no longer has to worry about food and clothing.

A few days later, a large amount of materials were gathered, including some alchemy materials collected by Yuanying ancestors themselves. They were all excellent things. In order to allow Mi Xiaojing to refine good elixirs, several Yuanying ancestors also Fight.

Yu Hong sat in the main hall and said: "The Hanjin Sect only attacked once. I estimate that the next attack will come soon. What do you think we should do?"

Mu Hengyuan said calmly: "We had scruples before, but now we are not afraid of them. We rely on the sect's sword formation. If they come again, we must let them know that our Jianxin Sect is not someone to be trifled with. This time we will leave room for them." Teach a profound lesson!”

Mo Chentian said: "We and the Hanjin sect are actually about the same strength. Even if they come to fight, they are still the same. It is not difficult to repel them, but it is too difficult to eliminate them..."

Yu Hong said gloomily: "That's not the problem. If they come again, they must have calculated our strength and are sure to overwhelm us before they take action."

Fairy Biluo said: "They should invite foreign aid!"

When several people heard this, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Fairy Biluo said: "I hope senior brother will invite experts to help us."

Yu Hong nodded and said: "I want to invite people here. Haha, luckily our sect has a genius for alchemy. We don't need anything else. As long as we have some spiritual elixirs for the Nascent Soul stage, they will definitely be willing to come!"

Mo Chentian slapped his thigh and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I am still worried about what price it will cost to invite a few masters! Haha, the elixir of the Nascent Soul stage is a very popular one, I think I can’t even buy it, so that’s it!”

Several Nascent Soul bosses suddenly felt comfortable. If there was no spiritual elixir refined by Mi Xiaojing, then the price the sect would have to pay would be high. In addition to a large number of spiritual stones, some treasures are also needed. Now only a few are needed. With the magic pill, you can invite some good masters.

Yu Hong said: "Okay, after the little guy refines a batch of elixirs, I will go and ask for help. In addition, no matter what materials or treasures the little guy wants, give them to him!"

Mu Hengyuan said: "I have already given the order. There are dedicated people who are ready to listen to the little guy's instructions at any time."

Mo Chentian said: "No problem, we have already prepared it."

Yu Hong said: "This time, I am going to destroy the Hanjin Sect. Since they have become enemies, they will not be able to survive!"

Mi Xiaojing's recent task has been quite heavy. He currently occupies Chen Shouyi's alchemy furnace, which is the best alchemy hall in the Jianxin Sect. Originally, Chen Shouyi wanted to watch Mi Xiaojing make alchemy, but was rejected by Mu Hengyuan. .

Mu Hengyuan knew very well that judging from Mi Xiaojing's success rate in alchemy, he must have some kind of powerful inheritance, and he definitely didn't want others to see it. If Chen Shouyi stayed, it would be difficult for Mi Xiaojing to catch up. People leave, but he can definitely cut corners and refine a high-grade elixir. Once there is resistance, the possibility of refining a low-grade elixir is extremely high.

It was impossible for Mu Hengyuan to make this kind of mistake. He set up a forbidden formation directly outside the alchemy hall. Except for a few Nascent Soul Ancestors from the Jianxin Sect, no one else could enter at all.

Mi Xiaojing knows that this is the price. Since he has received so many benefits from the Jianxin Sect, he must pay an equal or even higher price. The world of cultivation is not so compassionate. Only valuable and useful people can You are the target of the sect's wooing. You have no ability or strength. It's troublesome for the sect to even take a second look at you. Who will care about you

Therefore, it is necessary to refine elixirs, and to refine good elixirs. Mi Xiaojing understands this very clearly. Even though he still hates Jianxin Sect in his heart, he knows in his heart that if he wants to use Jianxin Sect to grow stronger, he must You must have your own value and have talents recognized by the sect.

Sweating like rain, Mi Xiaojing was working hard to refine the elixir. This large elixir cauldron was exclusively used by Chen Shouyi and was forcibly given to Mi Xiaojing by the sect. Chen Shouyi was helpless. He never expected that the little elixir boy he had accepted at the beginning would... He was actually able to steal his own alchemy cauldron.

Since he had enough materials, Mi Xiaojing not only refined the Yunying Dan, but also the Bai Ze Dan and the Pei Yuan Dan. He refined a large amount of them, and as long as the materials were enough, he would not stop.

With the integration of inherited experience and the increase in alchemy time, Mi Xiaojing became more and more proficient, and the rate of elixir formation and the rate of high-grade elixirs increased. If his cultivation skills were not insufficient, the effect of his alchemy would be better.

In this way, Mi Xiaojing also got a lot of spiritual pills, most of which were taken away, and he kept a small part for himself. Among them, four middle-grade pills were left for the Yunying Pill, and the only two high-grade pills were taken away by Mu Hengyuan. After taking away the Bai Ze Dan, he also refined a lot of Bai Ze Dan. He could only keep three pills, but one of these three was a top-grade Bai Ze Dan.