The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 110: Apologize


This low-level fight actually gave those watching a tragic feeling. They all felt that this little guy was a monster, a lunatic, and mentally ill.

Wu Tianchu staggered forward a few steps, but before he could turn around, he was pressed against his waist again, and finally kicked back. However, this posture was ugly and cruel, like a dog kicking back to urinate.

Rob was caught off guard and was kicked away by the kick. He was so angry that he screamed.

"You little bastard! You little bastard! You little bastard who eats for free... Why don't you die!"

Everyone understands the first two sentences, but what is this little bastard who eats for free? When did Wu Tianchu eat for free

But Mi Xiaojing understood. When Rob was beaten at home, he must have been scolded like this. Rob probably thought this was the most powerful curse word.

Mo Yuer burst into laughter. This was the first time she heard someone curse like this. She was really surprised.

Others saw Mo Yuer smiling and laughed too, although they didn't know what Mo Yuer was laughing about.

Wu Tianchu already regretted it in his heart. It would be disgraceful to win with such a child, and it would be even more embarrassing to lose. It would be better not to fight. He seemed not to have heard Robert's scolding and said: "That's enough, you are so stupid." It's not a fight, you're trying your best! This is not a good habit."

Although Rob did not win, he was elated. This was his first time fighting, and this time he fought, he completely fell in love with this feeling. Fighting, or fighting with all his strength, was really fun, good, and exciting.

"Of course you have to fight hard, you coward... fight again!"

Rob was not satisfied and wanted to do it again. When he saw Wu Tianchu didn't respond, he said again: "Who is coming? Come on! Fight me!"

None of those low-level cultivators were willing to come up and teach him a lesson. They were actually frightened by the little guy's crazy energy. It was really not cost-effective to fight a lunatic.

Mi Xiaojing stepped forward and grabbed Rob, saying, "Why are you fighting?"

Rob pointed at a wretched guy hiding in the crowd and said, "He scolded Ah Fu..."

Mi Xiaojing said: "Why are you scolding Ah Fu... Hey, come here!" He pointed at the man and waved.

When the man saw Mi Xiaojing, he knew something was wrong. Judging from the clothing, it was worn by cultivators in the foundation-building period of the sect, so as to avoid offending the disciples.

The man looked at Mo Yuer asking for help.

Mo Yuer looked indifferent and said, "What do you think I'm going to do? Go!" After she guessed Mi Xiaojing's identity, her mind had already changed. No matter what, she could have a good relationship with an alchemist. It was a very honorable thing, but she knew that many cultivators in the foundation-building and elixir-forming stages wanted to know Mi Xiaojing.

The man was immediately dumbfounded.

Mi Xiaojing stared at him and said in a somewhat impatient tone: "What? Can't you please move?"

The man slowly walked up to Mi Xiaojing. Mi Xiaojing didn't even think about bullying him, but just asked: "Why are you scolding?"

"me… "

He couldn't explain clearly. Do you need a reason to curse? I scolded them when I didn't like them. Who knew that these people were supported by a foundation-building master? They didn't expect that even after scolding them for a few times, the other party would come over to fight, refusing to take any losses.

Mi Xiaojing frowned. He was not a brave person. After thinking about it, he couldn't find a suitable solution. Should he be beaten, or more seriously, kill him? This is something he can't do at all.

"This matter ends here, but the first condition is that you apologize!"

That guy was also a shameless person. When he heard this solution, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and apologized? It's too easy. Just touch your lips and apologize without losing a hair.

"Ah, little junior brother, I'm sorry, I'm a bastard, don't mind..."

Everyone was completely speechless, even that person and his group had shameless faces. This guy was so unscrupulous!

Although Mo Yuer was not with them, she found it boring and turned around to leave. If Mi Xiaojing hadn't been someone valued by the sect, she wouldn't have minded suppressing him, but it wouldn't be worth it now.

Out of sight, out of mind, Mo Yuer had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Seeing Mo Yu'er leaving, these sycophants also chased after her. Mi Xiaojing was amused. Is this the end of the matter? However, this experience also made him realize that in the world of cultivation, strength really speaks for itself.

Mi Xiaojing touched Rob's head and said, "Don't fight so hard, you won't win."

Rob knew that Brother Xiaomi cared about him, and he said: "I like this..."

Mi Xiaojing was speechless, but he didn't want to force it too much, he just said: "Be more prepared, even if you go all out, you still have to be a little sure."

Rob nodded vigorously. In fact, when it came to fighting, he didn't care so much. Fighting was his excitement. This time, he was a little addicted.

This feeling really made Rob obsessed. He didn't know why, but once he started playing, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Mi Xiaojing said: "Go home!"

Zhang Ke smiled bitterly and said: "Uncle Junior, I can't stop him..."

Mi Xiaojing shook his head and said: "It's okay, go home." He had long regarded these people as his own family members. No matter what his family members did, he would not do anything wrong. Besides, this matter was not Rob's fault, even if Rob If you make a mistake, then continue to make a mistake. Mi Xiaojing is very clear about this.

In other words, Mi Xiaojing is a person who is extremely protective of his shortcomings. He knows very well that in the world of cultivation, if he wants to protect his shortcomings, it is not only his strength but also his strength. He is not qualified to protect his shortcomings now, and his strength is not enough.

If a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage bullies Rob, Mi Xiaojing can still fight. If it is a cultivator in the Pill Formation stage or even the Nascent Soul stage, it will be difficult for him to save his own life, let alone a fight.

"When you go back, you all should practice seriously for me... and advance as soon as possible!"

Mi Xiaojing also thought that if the strength of everyone increased, then they would not be a burden, but a help.

Back at Huiquan Villa, Mao Tou ran over with a bead and said, "Brother Xiaomi, I picked up a bead in the backyard... Leng Bingbing, what is this?"

Rob said with a smile: "Maotou, what beads... Hey, it's really cold!" He stretched out his hand to touch it, and immediately retracted his hand. The stinging chill made him shiver: "Maotou, aren't you afraid? chilly?"

Mao Tou held the beads as if nothing had happened. He said disapprovingly: "It just feels a bit cold, but I don't feel how cold it is."

Mi Xiaojing reached out to pick up the bead, and a bone-deep chill pierced the palm of her hand. It was a kind of yin cold, a cold with ghostly meaning. Mi Xiaojing immediately became vigilant.

Ghost beads!