The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 129: Win over


Mi Xiaojing fell to the ground and didn't say anything. He just looked at Mo Yuer quietly. He was not pretending, but he didn't know what to say.

When Mo Yuer saw Mi Xiaojing falling, she immediately felt that she was very proud. Mo Yuer never hesitated to smile to those who gave her face. She smiled like a flower and came up to greet him: "Where are you going, junior brother?"

In the sect, seniority is generally determined by cultivation, but there are special cases. Mo Yuer is a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building. The most important thing is that she is the daughter of the sect leader Mo Chentian, and she reached the foundation building stage earlier than Mi Xiaojing. , only then did he dare to call Junior Brother Mi Xiaojing.

Mi Xiaojing himself didn't even know where he was going. He was a gentle person. When others talked to him with a smile, he would not speak harshly and said, "I have something to do when I go out."

Mo Yuer said: "Come, let me introduce you to some sect leaders."

Mi Xiaojing didn't want to know any sect leaders at all, he just wanted to know about the sect's recent situation.

He cupped his hands and said, "Hello everyone."

There were seven or eight people in this group. Seeing that Mi Xiaojing was no longer cold and cold, they immediately became happy and each one of them returned the greeting: "Hello, Uncle Master..."

These people all look older than Mi Xiaojing, but Mi Xiaojing is a cultivator in the foundation-building stage, and they are only in the Qi-training stage. Even if they are much older than Mi Xiaojing, they must still be called Master Uncle in a proper manner.

It is not allowed in the sect to commit the following offenses. Of course, if you really commit the following offenses, you will have to bear the consequences of being beaten or even killed by others.

However, if you can resist, like Mi Xiaojing who killed Hong Qing, it is also true. Judging superiority by cultivation means this, that is, force comes first.

At Mo Yu'er's invitation, Mi Xiaojing came to a garden with blooming flowers. There was also a pond here, with a large wooden platform at the water's edge extending into the pond, and there was also a spirit gathering array here.

The whole garden is full of spiritual energy, and all kinds of flowers and plants are nourished by the spiritual energy, and they are full of vivid colors. It has been carefully arranged and cleaned very cleanly.

Mi Xiaojing has a good impression of particularly clean places. He is a person who loves cleanliness, and is even a bit of a germophobe. When he was in Xiyanmen, no matter how poor and miserable he was, he always liked to keep his clothes clean. , patch upon patch, he also washed it extremely clean.

There are several luxurious round tables on the wooden platform. The so-called luxury means that they are inlaid with exquisite mother-of-pearl and gold wire flowers, which sparkle under the sunlight. There are white fine porcelain plates on the table, and various fruits are placed on them. There are many spiritual fruits among them.

Seven or eight beautifully made round stools were scattered on the platform. A waiter arranged the tables and stools neatly, and Mo Yuer smiled and asked everyone to sit down.

Mi Xiaojing was placed in the chairman's seat. Of course, he had no idea how a child from the countryside could understand these things.

Mo Yu'er was very proud. Most of the people who came to her were disciples at the Qi training stage. There were very few cultivators above the Foundation Establishment stage who could cultivate to the Foundation Establishment stage. Generally, they would not come to flatter her, because in the sect, The most important thing is the cultivators who are in the foundation building stage and above. Various resources will be tilted. They are often busy with their own affairs and do not have much time to chat outside.

Because he was a stranger, Mi Xiaojing kept silent. He just listened.

Someone is complaining: "Uncle Master, when will the sect's security be lifted this time! You have to go through three passes to get here... It's so troublesome."

Mo Yuer said: "It's impossible to lift it, it's just a little inconvenient. If you find it annoying, just live in the manor. Anyway, it's a big place and there's no shortage of things for you to stutter about, hehe."

"I don't know when to close the formation... I don't know why to open the formation..."

This guy simply doesn't know anything. He doesn't even know who is attacking. The sect will not tell low-level cultivators and mortals about external matters. These people have no other effect except panic.

"Idiot, if the sect's formation is activated, there must be an enemy attacking you. Can't you even think of this?"

"What enemy?"

"How did I know that only my uncle knows about this kind of thing!"

Mo Yu'er didn't say much, she just said calmly: "The adults make the decision regarding the sect, so don't worry about it."

"Yes, yes, my uncle is right, these things are not something we can worry about."

Someone asked Mi Xiaojing, "Uncle Master, don't you need to go to the sword formation to take charge?"

Mo Yuer knew about this, just like she didn't have to go, Mi Xiaojing had certain privileges.

"I don't need to go, I am an alchemist, and my task is to make alchemy."

Mi Xiaojing explained something and then kept silent. However, this sentence also made a group of low-level disciples marvel. At such a young age, he is a cultivator in the foundation building stage. Not to mention, he is still an alchemist. This is too much. Terrible.

Mo Yuer's purpose is very clear, to get to know this magical alchemist and build a good relationship between the two parties, because Mi Xiaojing's potential has been unanimously praised by the four Nascent Soul stage executives. Of course, he must win over such a person. .

Get to know each other first, then gradually contact each other, and then form some kind of relationship of interest. Mo Yuer's calculations are crackling. She also has her own resources, and she believes that her status is enough to date Mi Xiaojing. She is I didn't mean to look down on Mi Xiaojing, even though Mi Xiaojing almost became her servant when he first came here.

In this world where strength speaks for itself, if you have strength and ability, you will naturally have status. Mo Yuer understands this better than Mi Xiaojing.

Mi Xiaojing seemed very silent. He would only give a few simple answers when the other party asked. He listened more to what they were discussing and saying, and got the information he needed.

After sitting for a while, listening to the non-stop chatter of several people, Mi Xiaojing soon realized that they said he was not interested. He stood up and said: "I have something else to do, senior sister, I will leave first."

Mo Yu'er didn't try to persuade him to stay, but said, "Junior brother, just go and do your work. Come and sit here when you have time."

Mi Xiaojing nodded, and there was no missing point here to get some information.

When Mi Xiaojing left, everyone started talking about him.

"Uncle Master, is he really the powerful alchemist from Caorentang?"

"Hey, he looks so young. Is he really the prisoner of Yanmen captured last time? Why is he so powerful? He was promoted to the foundation building stage all of a sudden. It's incredible!"

"I didn't dare to say it just now. In fact, I saw him at the beginning. He had a child with him... Originally it was Master Uncle who wanted it, but then Master Uncle Guan came and took it away to Caorentang."

Suddenly there was an exclamation of exclamation. The others did not know that Mi Xiaojing was from the Yan clan and was a prisoner. There was a look of surprise on his face. This man was so amazing. From Yan cultivation to cultivation, he soared into the sky and surpassed them all. All the people who have been cultivating since childhood have been compared with each other.

One of the cultivators left quietly, and then ran outside until he reached the outside of the manor. Then he released a paper owl and conveyed the news that Mi Xiaojing was out!