The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 136: Strip naked?


When Rob fights, he is absolutely fearless and fearless. His momentum is so strong that some people with higher cultivation level than him can't help but hide when they see him charging towards him. They panic when they see him. This kind of fearlessness The momentum is probably related to what he experienced when he was a child.

Of the more than 40 people, not one of them ran away. They were all beaten to the ground. Anyone who dared to get up would be beaten by Mi Xiaojing and Rob. Soon everyone understood that if you get up, you will be beaten, but if you stay down, you will not be beaten. It was a matter of fact, so they all lay down on the ground and waited for Mi Xiaojing to deal with it.

These people felt extremely regretful. They got carried away during the robbery and stopped before they saw the opportunity. Now they were really in trouble. If they were sent to the law enforcement hall, they would have to shed their skin even if they didn't die.

Mi Xiaojing said with a smile: "Take off the cloth from your face!"

These low-level cultivators were all frightened. They were about to settle a score. What should they do? You definitely can't beat him. He is a cultivator in the foundation building stage, and he is only in the Qi training stage. The natural gap and the level gap are all insurmountable. Everyone wants to cry but has no tears, so they can only take off the face mask obediently. black cloth.

Mu Xiaoyin looked at them in surprise. Many of them were acquaintances she knew, including low-level cultivators from Caorentang. They all looked at Mi Xiaojing in fear.

Mi Xiaojing encountered a robbery once, but he fought back. That time he also got a storage bag. This time he had the same idea.

He is unwilling to kill these people. As a cultivator, he has a strong concept of cause and effect. Unless the other party wants to kill him, if there is no such killing intention, he will not take the initiative to kill. This is different from his philosophy.

"Rob, go and search. Don't leave anything with them."

Rob immediately understood what Mi Xiaojing meant, and he was overjoyed and said, "I'm coming! I'm coming! Haha!" He was also a person who was afraid of poverty. If he had the opportunity to rob, of course he would not let it go.

"Do you want to take off your clothes?"

Many of these people were gorgeously dressed, which gave Rob the urge to strip off his clothes.

Mi Xiaojing actually had this idea, but as a senior in the foundation building stage, it was really impossible for him to do things like stripping off his clothes.

These low-level cultivators were immediately frightened out of their wits. If they were stripped naked, they would really be embarrassed to see others in the future. They were all wailing and begging for mercy.

Mi Xiaojing said: "Forget your clothes, take out the rest. Hum, if you don't take them out, then just strip them off! Put your things on the ground."

Needless to say, they collected all the spirit stones, as well as the storage bags, and then picked out what they needed. Mi Xiaojing collected some useful things, then Zhang Ke searched around, Robert searched around, and Wei Fu searched around. After a while, everyone else came up to search around, and there really wasn't much left.

Fortunately, Mi Xiaojing was not allowed to take off his clothes. Not to mention that Rob had the urge to take off his clothes. Zhang Ke also had the urge. He was responsible for the logistics of Huiquan Villa, so everything he saw was useful. Mi Xiaojing only chose himself. It can be used, but after Zhang Ke's hands, there is really nothing left.

These low-level cultivators suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They discovered that Mi Xiaojing was only robbing things, but had no intention of sending them to the Law Enforcement Hall. For this reason alone, they did not resent Mi Xiaojing in their hearts. Although they had lost a lot, they could only escape as long as they , can still be snatched back.

Mu Xiaoyin asked in a low voice: "How to deal with them? Send them to the Law Enforcement Hall?" In her concept, when encountering this kind of thing, sending them to the Law Enforcement Hall is the right choice.

This question made all the low-level cultivators break out in a cold sweat. They would really be doomed if they went to the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Senior, have mercy on us! We accept the punishment... don't send us to the law enforcement hall!"

Mi Xiaojing had no intention of sending them to the Law Enforcement Hall, but they found so many things. If they were sent to the Law Enforcement Hall, they probably wouldn't be able to keep these things.

One cultivator shouts "accept punishment", and everyone shouts "accept punishment".

Suddenly there was a cry.

"We accept the punishment..."

"Accept the punishment... don't send him to the law enforcement hall!"

Mi Xiaojing suddenly laughed and said, "Acknowledge punishment? How to admit it? How to punish it?" There was such a good thing, which made him feel better.

Among this group of people, Mi Xiaojing still recognized a few. Among them were Hong Qing's disciples, Chen Zhong and Chen Ergou, and Xiao Liu, who had fought with Rob. They all lay on the ground and shouted to accept punishment. .

Mi Xiaojing nodded and said: "That's okay. Since you ask me to punish you, then I will make the request. If you can't do it, go to the Law Enforcement Hall!"

"Senior said, we recognize it!"

This time it was very straightforward and everyone accepted the punishment.

In fact, these low-level cultivators don't have much money, and Mi Xiaojing can't offer a price they can't afford, which is just a few spiritual stones, more than ten yuan, or a few yuan less.

A low-level disciple, such as a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi training, may not be able to harvest a few spiritual stones in a year. No matter how much the punishment is, they will not be able to get it.

The spiritual stones given out by Mi Xiaojing were all what they could afford. Each person left their name, address and confession in exchange for the spiritual stones in the future. No one objected to this condition, and they earned an additional spiritual stone. stone.

Mi Xiaojing not only had no losses, but also gained a lot. He was in a good mood, and his attitude towards these low-level cultivators was much better. He said: "Okay, you can go, remember, bring back the spirit stones." Change your confession."

In fact, Mi Xiaojing was a little dumbfounded when he saw the confession. They even robbed Mo Yuer's manor. They were really bold. You must know that Mo Yuer is the daughter of the sect leader Mo Chentian. If they caught this, it would really be a shame. It will kill you.

With such a confession, Mi Xiaojing is not afraid that they will not come. This is a handle. With these people's handle, they dare not not come.

"By the way, that Chen Zhong...well, and Chen Ergou, stay, let the others go!"

Chen Zhong and Chen Ergou were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat. They used to want to take revenge on Mi Xiaojing, but since Mi Xiaojing advanced to the foundation building stage, they have completely given up. This time, they fell into the second half of the team. When they came in, they saw When they arrived at Mi Xiaojing, they were almost frightened to death. Mi Xiaojing didn't beat the two of them to the ground, but they lay on the ground consciously, and they were already frightened without having to hit them.

Unexpectedly, everyone else was let go by Mi Xiaojing, leaving only the two of them.

Chen Zhong's face turned pale and he was sweating profusely. He trembled and said to Chen Ergou: "It's over... It's over... I, we are going, going, going... to die..."

Chen Ergou had a sad face and a bald mouth: "What... what... what should I do? Do you want to... do you want to... do you want to lift, lift the master... master, come out..."

"Master, master... Even if the master comes... it doesn't work. They, they are all... they are all in the foundation building period, and they are of the same generation..."