The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 173: Current situation


Zhang Ke smiled and said: "It's okay, everyone is practicing very seriously."

Mi Xiaojing said: "You are the most lax one!"

Zhang Ke suddenly became silent. Of course he knew that he had spent three days fishing and two days drying nets. Among this group of people, he was indeed the most lax. He laughed awkwardly and took two steps back. To be honest, Yes, he was still a little afraid of Mi Xiaojing, mainly because he didn't want to disappoint the little guy.

"Hehe, hehehe, I...I will practice hard...hehe..."

Rob snorted and laughed: "Uncle Fatty is still afraid of Brother Xiaomi."

Zhang Ke raised his hand and patted him gently and said: "Uncle, it's not that I'm afraid, it's that I'm embarrassed. You dare to laugh at your uncle! I'll give you less for the next meal!"

Robert was also scared. He was extremely delicious and had a huge appetite. Less than half of the food Zhang Ke cooked every day fell into Robert's mouth. So as long as Zhang Ke said "eat less", Robert would be hit. Because of his weakness, he didn't dare to resist.

"Uncle Fatty, I'm afraid of you. Haha, I'm afraid you can't do it..."

Mi Xiaojing also laughed. He had known for a long time that Robert was a foodie. This guy really ate anything, raw or cold. As long as it was food, he dared to eat it. Fat, thin, meat and vegetables, wild fruits and vegetables, he even ate insects. Eat them all.

After practicing, Rob can eat better. Once he practices, his body will become extremely strong. Unlike before, if he eats bad food, he will get diarrhea and so on. After cultivating, he can basically digest whatever he eats. Even slightly poisonous food can be digested, so he eats really unscrupulously.

Robert muttered: "My hobby is eating, uncle, you can't ignore me..." He only has two hobbies, one is practicing and the other is eating.

Mi Xiaojing chatted with everyone for a while, and then said, "I'm going to Luliuzhuang. Let's continue practicing."

Everyone agreed, Mi Xiaojing flew into the sky with his sword, and then Yong Ji also flew out of the window of the house.

Mi Xiaojing didn't care if Yong Ji followed him, since he didn't need to hide his current actions from anyone anyway.

He flew directly above Luliuzhuang. This time he did not go through the courtyard gate, but landed in the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, Yongji also fell down, but Yongji did not come forward to talk to Mi Xiaojing, but stood not far away and watched.

When the two fell, the servants and low-level cultivators in the courtyard immediately saluted. Everyone knew that cultivators who could fall from the sky had a high status in the sect.

A man ran out in a panic. Mi Xiaojing couldn't help but smile when he saw him. He had beaten this guy before, and he was very familiar with it: "Qian Youwei... the big housekeeper!"

Qian Youwei almost knelt down. He said repeatedly: "Master... Hello, Uncle Master... Hello, Senior..." He didn't know Yong Ji, so he could only say "Senior".

"I'm looking for your village owner."

"Yes, yes, please come with me..."

Mi Xiaojing glanced at Yong Ji, who didn't say anything and just nodded.

Following Qian Youwei, he walked towards the back of Zhuangzi and soon came to a bamboo pavilion. The bamboo pavilion was very large and there were many people sitting inside. Lu Yu looked up and saw Mi Xiaojing, immediately stood up and said loudly: " Senior brother, you are here... what a rare visitor!" Then he saw Yong Ji. Low-level cultivators may not know about Yong Ji, but Lu Yu knew about it and couldn't help but be shocked.

The elder of Jianxintang, the ancestor of Jiedan, hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "I have met Master Yong!"

Yongji said calmly: "You are busy, don't worry about me...just do what you want." He ignored the other people in the bamboo pavilion, walked to the corner of the bamboo pavilion, and sat down cross-legged.

With such a great god around, no one else dared to stay. One by one, they stepped forward to salute Yongji, then nodded to Mi Xiaojing, and immediately dispersed and ran away.

Lu Yu looked at Mi Xiaojing helplessly. He didn't expect that the others would run so fast and ask someone to bring them spiritual fruit tea. The two sat down and Lu Yu said, "I want spiritual elixirs lately, so... I There are more people here.”

Mi Xiaojing noticed that most of these people were cultivators in the Qi training stage, and they were all cultivators in the late stage of Qi training and Dzogchen. No wonder they ran away when they saw him and Yong Ji. The status of the sect was determined, and they did not dare to stay. Down.

Lu Yu took a sip of tea and said, "Senior brother, come here, is there something..."

When the words came to his mouth, Lu Yu suddenly woke up and turned to look at Yong Ji. He did not dare to say the following words. You must know that the spiritual pill was first given to the sect. It was a private transaction. Although it was not explicitly prohibited, it was only a private transaction. , now that there is a senior sitting next to him, he does not dare to be unscrupulous.

Mi Xiaojing shook his head and said, "No, not yet."

Lu Yu nodded knowingly. He looked at Mi Xiaojing with a trace of doubt in his eyes. You are not here to trade elixirs. What are you doing here

Only then did Mi Xiaojing realize that with Yong Ji nearby, it was really inconvenient to communicate, and it was really hard for him to ask some questions.

"How's the mountain-protecting formation going?"

Mi Xiaojing was curious. He knew that the quality of the mountain-protecting formation was directly related to his own safety. This news must be verified.

Lu Yu hesitated for a moment and said: "It seems... there seems to be rumors..." As he said that, he glanced at Yong Ji and saw that he didn't speak, but just closed his eyes to practice, so he became a little bolder.

"It said it couldn't be repaired..."

Lu Yu knew he couldn't hide it from Yong Ji, but he still lowered his voice.

Yongji suddenly interjected: "It can be repaired. Some functions have been restored, but the core part cannot be restored yet. We are trying to figure out a way."

Lu Yu was startled, and Mi Xiaojing asked: "Is it difficult to repair?"

Yongji stood up and came to the two of them, pulled a futon and sat down, saying, "Just ask whatever you want to know. I know more than him."

Mi Xiaojing said: "There is indeed a problem. Because I have been refining alchemy, I don't know much about outside things. What I want to ask is, what is going on in this battle?" He had already learned from Lu Yu that the attack The one who belongs to the mountain gate is a sect called Hanjin Sect, but he doesn’t know the cause and effect at all.

As his status and cultivation improved, Mi Xiaojing began to care, not for the Sword Heart Sect, but for the safety of the entire family.

It turned out that Mi Xiaojing was not strong enough, even if he had the will, he would not be able to do it. Now he has some strength, and the top leaders of Jianxin Sect have asked him for help, so he has occupied a more advantageous position. At this time, if he knows some situations, he can do something Make some preparations to avoid facing a crisis and not knowing what to do.

Yongji is one of the few people in the Jianxin Sect who knows the inside story. He is the direct disciple of Elder Yu Hongda. He is very clear about the causes and consequences. He also knows how powerful the enemy is. The opponent attacked the sect twice, and each time the sect was in a panic. , this time the core of the mountain guarding formation was damaged. Although the enemy has retreated, they may come back at any time.