The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 185: The sect’s treasure house


"What do you mean?"

"This means... for a cultivator who can reach the height of the pill formation stage, no one will be willing to fight to the death, unless his life is threatened. Only by fighting to the death can he survive. Now... this is a joke, just shouting, don't expect it They really fought to the death, the sect is gone, but their lives are still there!"

"If the sect is still here, our life will be gone... Hey, don't you understand how to choose?"

"Cultivators cultivate for immortality, just to live. We are not mortals. Even if mortals don't work hard, they can only live a peaceful life for a hundred years at most. But cultivators... as long as they reach the pill formation stage, they can live for a long, long time. Once promoted, When you reach the Nascent Soul stage, you are almost immortal, and you can still live even if your physical body is destroyed!"

Mi Xiaojing was stunned, but when he thought about it, it was true. It might be possible for a cultivator to fight hard, but not to fight to the death. His pure heart was once again polluted by the old guy Wang Weijun.

"Then it's over!"

"Not necessarily, because the top management will work hard. If they lose the sect, the loss will be much heavier than others. Without the sect's resources, it is definitely not as cost-effective as keeping the sect to keep the sect. If you want to exchange it with your life, haha, that would be more difficult."

Mi Xiaojing gradually understood that in fact, no one would really fight for the sect. He asked: "But the Hanjin sect came to fight for the sect! Aren't they also cultivators?"

"Haha, you are so innocent and cute. Are you desperate? They are looking for a reason to destroy the sect. They just want to seize the sect's headquarters in the name of revenge. Once the Kenshin Sect is defeated, this place will be very dangerous. It will soon become the new Hanjin Sect! A sect occupies a lot of resources, and what they really want is not revenge, but these resources!"

Wang Weijun said to the point.

Mi Xiaojing was silent. He felt that the world of cultivation was really dirty.

Wang Weijun snickered proudly, he just wanted to mess up Mi Xiaojing's thinking and cognition, so that he would have no sense of right and wrong, so that would be the best.

"I still like Xiyan Sect, but I don't like Jianxin Sect!"

Wang Weijun rolled his eyes. This child was stubborn. Mi Xiaojing's words meant that he liked the peaceful life of Yanxiu, but did not like the cunning life of cultivators. Of course, Mi Xiaojing still liked cultivation itself.

Yongji noticed that Mi Xiaojing had kept his eyes closed and his head lowered. He didn't know if he had listened to the sect master's words, but then he thought about it. The sect would never let Mi Xiaojing go into battle. He was good at alchemy, and he had never been a fighting.

In fact, Yongji didn't know that Mi Xiaojing's fighting ability was not bad at all. He would never lose in a battle with a cultivator of the same level. Even if he challenged a higher-level Foundation-Building Dzogchen cultivator, Mi Xiaojing would not be afraid. , but he has never shown his fighting talent.

Of course, Mi Xiaojing would not be stupid enough to ask for a fight. He would not risk his life for the Jianxin Sect. He would not speak or express his position, which was what he was thinking now.

The leader of the sect, Mo Chentian, said: "This war is related to the life and death of the sect, and it is also related to everyone's vital interests. Once the sect is broken, even if you escape, you will still be a lost dog. At that time, there are no resources. If you don't have what you want, how can you still practice? How can you advance? Everyone, please think clearly, don't use some foolish thoughts, don't think that you can escape... We are all watching... "

"The tasks have been assigned. Let's take action separately. In addition, the sect will provide a large number of rewards this time. Once completed, there will be huge rewards!"

Fairy Biluo said: "I will also say a few words. The sect's warehouse is open, and some magic weapons and spiritual weapons are temporarily handed over to everyone... Remember, if you complete the task well, these treasures can be given to you as rewards."

Everyone's faces showed joy. Many of the treasures in the sect's warehouse were usually not taken out. I guess they saw the seriousness of the situation this time. Instead of losing the battle and having them taken away, it would be better to distribute them to everyone in advance to improve everyone's fighting skills. force.

Wang Weijun admired this very much. He believed that this move by the top leaders of Jianxin Sect was very wise, unlike some sects that were instigating to the extreme.

Yong Ji looked back at Mi Xiaojing and said, "I'll go to the warehouse later. You can follow me and choose a suitable treasure."

Mi Xiaojing pointed to her nose, her eyes full of surprise: "Do I have one too?"

Yongji smiled and said, "You are qualified to choose!"

Mi Xiaojing was overjoyed. He was curious as to what kind of treasures there were in the warehouse. Fairy Biluo had previously told everyone to choose. The joy on the faces of these Pill Formation Ancestors almost overflowed, and a few of them were even grinning.

Wang Weijun laughed. Mi Xiaojing had little knowledge, so he might not be able to pick good things, but with him it would be different. With this guy's knowledge, even the elders of the Jianxin Sect could not compare with him.

Those who go to the warehouse to select people can only be cultivators at the Dan-Jie stage. Those below the Dan-Jie stage are not eligible to select. Mi Xiaojing is a special case. Because he has made a great contribution, he is allowed to join it. This is also a benefit. .

This suggestion was made by Mu Hengyuan. He was seriously injured before. If it weren't for Mi Xiaojing's elixir, he would have been in big trouble. Now in the sect, the two great elders share the love of Mi Xiaojing. The injuries were all cured by the elixir refined by Mi Xiaojing.

The treasure house of Jianxin Sect is not very far from the main hall. It only takes about ten minutes to walk there. Of course, the treasure house is built underground and can be entered through the teleportation array. A maximum of eight people can enter at a time, accompanied by Fairy Biluo.

Mi Xiaojing and Yongji were both in the first batch, and this treatment made other Jiedan ancestors jealous.

Chen Shouyi was even more jealous. He knew that the earlier he entered the warehouse, the more room he would have to choose treasures. As long as he had a good eye, he could get good things first. Who wouldn't want to be the first to go in

But the first batch of people to enter, in addition to the cultivators of the Great Perfection of the Pill Formation, are also the direct disciples of several ancestors in the Nascent Soul stage. Among the people named by the elders of the sect, there is only one Mi Xiaojing.

In the jealous eyes of many Pill-forming ancestors, Mi Xiaojing stepped onto the teleportation array. He had seen this type of teleportation array behind the sect hall last time, but in comparison, the teleportation array here was much larger, because It's a short distance transmission, so it's not complicated.

Among the eight people, there are only three ancestors of Jiedan who really have the power of Dzogchen and need to fight. Others like Yongji, Mi Xiaojing, and two others are all related. Of course, these two people After all, he is still a cultivator in the Pill Formation Stage, and Mi Xiaojing is the only junior who is in the Foundation Formation Stage.

Fairy Biluo led the team and stood on the teleportation array together.

A group of pill-forming ancestors outside the teleportation array just watched helplessly. Everyone knew that the one who got in first would take advantage, but they didn't dare to object. This was the decision of the sect's great elder. At the level of Jianxin Sect, In the strict cultivation sect, only those with the highest strength have the right to speak and make decisions, and are also qualified to cheat.

For a moment, Mi Xiaojing seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and the surrounding suddenly became cold.