The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 2: vitality


The origin of Yanxiu is very mysterious. Thousands of years ago, there was a Buddhist sect in the world of cultivation. There was a huge conflict between the Buddhist sect and the cultivators. After an earth-shattering battle in the wilderness, the Buddhist sect was completely destroyed. Disappeared, and after hundreds of years, Yanxiu appeared in the world of cultivation.

The practices of Yanxiu and Buddhism are similar in many places. The cultivators are hostile to Buddhism, and Yanxiu is also implicated. The two often conflict, so letting Luo Mei's children go to Yanxiu is really unbearable for the couple. .

Moreover, the single method of cultivation is to rely on the power of mantra to practice. Compared with the cultivators, it is far behind, which makes the arrogant couple even more intolerable.

What makes Luo Mei most helpless is that many Yanxiu cultivators are hard cultivators. They are not aloof cultivators. They like to establish their sects in places where mortals live. Their food and clothing are extremely simple. In the world of cultivation, Yanxiu has The nickname of Huamen, this Huamen is actually the Beggar Gate.

Of course, this is a disparagement of Yanxiu by cultivators, and Yanxiu is actually not that unbearable.

When the eight demon spirits and one hundred and eight fierce ghosts were all consumed, the couple looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Although there was a bitter smile on Luo Mei's face, there were tears in her eyes.

"I, I... my son goes to Yanmen, to Yanxiu? I..."

Mi Youran was unwilling to give in and rubbed his hands vigorously.

"I'll deduce it again!"

Luo Mei shook her head and cried. She had already approved Mi Youran's deduction in her heart.

"Don't forget it... Wuwu, I really don't want to give in! Maybe I can save my son's life, even if I leave... I, I will admit it!"

Mi Youran felt miserable. In fact, he knew in his heart that when he snatched the Yanbao, although he did not kill anyone, he also injured countless Yanjie masters. One of them was even a Yanjie super master with the Yanlong position. They were also killed by the couple. Wounded.

The Yan Realm is the most important about cause and effect, so the son has to bear all the consequences. According to deduction, if the son cultivates, the chance of survival is really slim. Regardless of whether the couple is around or not, if he enters the Yan Sect By practicing, you can find a chance to survive.

The husband and wife are both profound people in Taoism. How could they not understand this truth? It was only Luo Mei who loved her son so much that made them so confused. Once they had a little sense, they understood that their son must take this road, and it would not work if he did not take it.

It was really hard to give up. Yi Luo Mei had cultivated to the Mahayana stage, and his qualifications were very high in the world of cultivation. But once his only son was involved, everything went wrong. Everything about his sense and intelligence was gone. .

Mi Youran was different after all. He was more concerned about his son's future.

"As long as my son can survive, any price is worth paying!"

Luo Mei lost his mind in an instant, raised his hand to hit, and roared: "That's my son, I just don't want him to suffer, I just don't want him to leave... I would rather I pay the price than my son pay the price!"

Mi Youran could only let his wife beat her up. Fortunately, although Luo Mei was furious, she also knew that she couldn't use her cultivation skills to fight. But even if she didn't use her skills to fight, she would still hit Mi Youran with a black nose and purple eyes, because Mi Youran Wanting his wife to calm down her anger, he did not use his cultivation skills to defend himself.

After a violent beating, Luo Mei regained his senses, and immediately regretted it. He pulled Mi Youran's sleeve: "Idiot, why don't you hide away!"

Mi Youran reached out and hugged Luo Mei.

"I understand, don't worry, I'm here." Although he was clumsy and tongue-tied, and he didn't know how to comfort people, Luo Mei still followed his example.

Luo Mei wanted to cry but had no tears. The key was that she had to send the child out within two years. The sooner the better. She was not allowed to have any contact with the couple, otherwise it would harm the child. This was difficult for her to accept. , especially once she let him go, she couldn't even look at the child, which made her extremely crazy.

Mi Youran has been calculating all the time. He wants to find the best position to ensure that his son is adopted and that his son will not be in danger. This kind of deduction can be said to be a brain-burning behavior. Even his cultivation in the integration period cannot bear it. , I have to rely on my wife’s help.

Needless to say, Luo Mei also tried her best. She just wanted to find the best plan, so her husband's deduction was extremely important, just like in the past, her husband would make deductions once she took action. The reason why the couple was able to reach such a level of cultivation and navigate the world of cultivation was due to Mi Youran's proficiency in the Zhouyi Bagua.

Finally, Mi Youran raised her head.

"Yes! I found the right place!"

The bleak autumn wind swept over the mountains, and the earth was dyed with gorgeous colors, golden yellow, dark brown, bright red, mixed with mottled residual green, layer by layer, and the forest land seemed to be put on colorful new clothes.

Wherever the wind blows, red, yellow, and brown fallen leaves flutter down, leaving a thick golden color on the forest floor.

The sun shines through the branches and falls on the ground, with spots and a faint golden color, revealing a hint of warmth.

The mountain wind swept over the treetops, making bursts of rustling noises, startling a group of ravens, squawking and circling into the sky.

In the evening, dusk drums came faintly from the Xiyan Gate in the distance, and the sound of chanting mantras was faintly audible. The tinkling sound of the drums also floated back and forth in the valley, curling up. Smoke rises in the sect.

This is a quiet and peaceful autumn.

Behind Xiyan Gate is the famous Xishan Mountain. At the foot of the mountain is an endless maple forest. In autumn, the maple forest is a fiery red. Under the irradiation of the setting sun, the maple leaves are like jumping flames, which appear unusually bright and eye-catching.

A young man in white walked out of the picturesque maple forest.

The picture is very beautiful, but when you get closer, you will find that this young man is a little embarrassed, and his hair is a little scattered. The white clothes on his body are actually Bai Nie clothes, the kind with patches on top of each other. All the patches are made of coarse cloth. It was washed gray and the original color was no longer visible clearly. Just like this, the bainai clothes had many tears, leaving traces of tearing.

The young man in white is Yan Xiu Mi Xiaojing from the Xiyan Sect. He has lingering fear in his eyes, as the scene on the mountain just now flashes through his mind.

This was the first time Mi Xiaojing met a lone wolf when he was thirteen years old. Even if he was a Yan Xiu, he was scared to death.

There are wolves in the Western Mountains. This is not a new thing. In the past, winter was the time when wolves were active. Because there was not much food to eat at that time, wolves would search and attack everywhere. In autumn, there were very few Wolves attack people because there is always plenty of food in autumn. Wolves are always very smart and will not attack people unless absolutely necessary.

It's just that this time Mi Xiaojing met a lone wolf, a hungry lone wolf, so he had to face it alone. The wolf was so hungry that he didn't care about anything and ate the little wolf in front of him. Fresh meat became the only thought of the lone wolf.