The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 49: grade


In the third furnace of elixir condensation, a strong fragrance hit his nostrils. Mi Xiaojing suddenly became energetic. This furnace only condensed one elixir, a pill as big as a thumb, with elixir patterns appearing on it. It was a top grade elixir. Dan, I counted carefully, there are seven Dan lines in total.

Mi Xiaojing knew that if there were ten pill lines, then this pill would be the best pill.

For middle-grade elixirs, there will be at most one to five elixir patterns, and most of them are blurry and cannot be seen without looking carefully. Unlike top-grade elixirs, the elixir patterns are clearly discernible and the medicinal fragrance is rich.

Wang Weijun was also surprised. The first time he made alchemy, he produced a high-grade elixir. This talent and qualification are great, right? He didn't know that Mi Xiaojing liked meticulous control when he was practicing alchemy, and alchemy was a process that required the most control.

Mi Xiaojing looked at the elixir in his hand with satisfaction. He still had one day to go out. He knew that once he went out, everything would have to be checked. This high-grade elixir would be discovered. The consequences would not be good, and it would not be possible. Easy to explain.

Opening his mouth and raising his hand, Mi Xiaojing put the high-grade elixir into his mouth.

He began to practice. Originally, the progress of practicing Xing Gang Qian Yuan Jue was extremely slow. When the Qi Training Pill turned into liquid and slid into his throat, a huge spiritual energy spread.

The spiritual energy and medicinal power released by elixirs with elixir patterns will disperse with practice, and the speed of release can be adjusted according to the progress of practice. This is an effect that mid-grade and low-grade elixirs do not have.

Any spiritual elixir, once it reaches the top grade, whether it is a low-level elixir or an intermediate elixir, is a treasure that cannot be exchanged for a lot of money.

Although middle-grade elixirs are also very good, there are still transactions between cultivators. As for low-grade elixirs, which are the most common and used by cultivators the most, even low-grade elixirs are regarded as treasures by low-level cultivators, even more precious than spiritual stones.

The Xing Gang Qian Yuan Jue requires a huge amount of spiritual energy to support it. When the elixir entered his stomach, Mi Xiaojing immediately noticed the difference. The difficult technique became extremely easy to advance. Then he found that his true energy seemed to be brought with him. some attribute.

It took half a day to consume this high-grade Qi training pill.

There was still half a day left, and Mi Xiaojing still had seven middle-grade Qi training pills in his hand. He couldn't take them out. Then he was like eating fried beans. He took one pill to practice for a while, took another pill for a while, and seven A middle-grade Qi-training pill was completely consumed in less than half a day.

It is far worse than the high-grade pills. One high-grade pill is definitely better than a dozen middle-grade pills. As for the low-grade pills, the gap is even further.

There were only three lower-grade pills left among the Qi-training pills. Even so, Mi Xiaojing did not intend to keep three pills, but threw one into his mouth casually, always wanting to taste the taste of the lower-grade pills.

"Well, the low-grade elixir is really not that good. The spiritual energy is mixed and the medicinal power is poor... Forget it, don't take this kind of elixir unless absolutely necessary."

If these words were heard by the cultivators of the Kenshin Sect, they would probably have the intention to kill people. Although the quality of low-grade pills is not good, many cultivators treasure them even if they are low-grade pills. They hide them and tuck them away until a certain time. It is only possible to take one when there is a bottleneck. If there is any way, it will not be attacked with elixirs. It is really rare.

As for Foundation Establishment Pills, they are even rarer. Every time Jianxin Sect refines Foundation Establishment Pills or goes to the market to buy Foundation Establishment Pills, it is a huge event in the sect.

If a cultivator is in the Dzogchen realm during the Qi training period, as long as his qualifications are not too bad, usually a high-grade foundation-building pill can successfully build the foundation and step into the door of a true cultivator. This level stops too many people.

The Foundation Establishment Pill is also a low-level pill, but among the low-level pills, it is considered a top-level pill. Among the low-level pills, the Foundation Establishment Pill is the most rare and difficult to refine. It’s not that the materials cannot be found, but that the refining efficiency is too low. .

Even if the refining is successful, most of them can only get some low-grade pills. At least two low-grade pills are needed to have a small chance of successful foundation building. If the person cannot successfully build the foundation after taking the third low-grade pill, then this person will Foundation building is never possible. If you are lucky and get a middle-grade elixir, your chances of building a foundation will be greatly increased. As for top-grade elixirs, they are even rarer.

In the entire Jianxin Sect, among the foundation-building pills refined in a year, there will be no more than six to ten high-grade pills. These must be refined by Chen Shouyi, a master-level expert. Other alchemists, if they are lucky, may get one. One or two pills often consume a lot of materials, which is very uneconomical.

Refining elixirs, there are three levels of upper, middle and lower grades, as well as top-grade pills. Anyone who can refine top-grade pills is a master, and anyone who can refine top-grade pills is a grandmaster. In the entire Jianxin Sect, only Chen Shouyi has a relatively high probability of refining pills. He produced high-grade elixirs, so he had a high status within the Jianxin Sect, even if he was only a cultivator in the early stages of elixir formation.

According to the success rate of Mi Xiaojing's first alchemy, if the Jianxin Sect knew about it, it would be a great event. However, the process was too scary, so Mi Xiaojing did not intend to expose it. It would be best to make a fortune quietly. Choice, especially since he has no sense of identification with the Jianxin Sect and is still an enemy of the sect, there is no need to let them know his level of alchemy.

Three days passed quickly, and Mi Xiaojing still had two low-grade pills left in his hand. He had completed the task of practicing Qi Pills.

The door of the alchemy room opened, and Mi Xiaojing came to the lobby of Caorentang. He noticed that the other six alchemy apprentices seemed to have bad expressions on their faces.

Chen Shouyi, Hong Qing, and Guan Shangli were present.

Guan Shangli said: "Okay, each of you will hand over the Qi Training Pill you refined to me."

Seeing that no one was moving, Mi Xiaojing thought for a while and took out two Qi Training Pills and said, "I have successfully made two Qi Training Pills."

Suddenly the eyes of the six people were like sharp swords, staring at Mi Xiaojing, with surprise and anger on their faces. If all seven people failed to complete the exam, Caorentang would have to use other methods to assess again, and not all of them could fail. no? But with Mi Xiaojing's success, their hopes have plummeted.

Guan Shangli glanced at Mi Xiaojing in surprise. He didn't expect Mi Xiaojing to be able to refine the elixir. Although it was the most basic Qi training elixir, this elixir was the easiest to succeed, but it would take more than a dozen Only after dozens of repeated attempts can success be possible.

"I'm lucky, I actually have two low-grade Qi training pills, haha."

With these two low-grade Qi-training pills, the cost consumed this time has been fully recovered, and there is still profit. This is why the alchemist is rich. As long as he succeeds, he can obtain a lot of resources.

This is also the reason why Chen Shouyi and others want to control Caorentang. They don't care about training any disciples. Now they have one, and the others are not qualified. The three of them have a tacit understanding. Even Hong Qing and Chen Shouyi are two people who can't deal with them. Didn't speak either.